The Chosen One

Chapter 27

I clenched my fist glaring at the girl across from me as she shot flirtatious looks at Dylan. Jake’s date was a first-class slut! Some blonde bimbo that went to our school whose name I didn’t care to learn. She was the first one we picked up and I’ve thought about pushing her out the limo more than once already.

Dylan shifted throwing an arm around my shoulders. “Jealous are we?” He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

A low growl left my lips making the girl eyes snap to me. I glared at her. “Not even.” I told him calmly.

He chuckled. “Could’ve fooled me babe.” I turned my glare on him, but he just laughed. “Don’t worry I only got eyes for you.” He nipped my ear before pulling away. I shivered at the feelings I got. He always nipped my ear when I was upset for some reason. He must have an ear fetish or something. I giggled.

The next stop was at Dylan’s school where we dropped Amanda off. I was sad to see her leave, I was hoping she’d change her mind and come to our prom. Jacob being the secretive weirdo he is, decided to just meet us at the school.

“Let’s take some shots!” The bimbo said. I’d like to take a shot at her face. She reached over grabbing the whisky and five shots glasses passing them out. When she went to give Dylan his my arm shot out taking it from her with a glare. She glared back at me. I handed the glass to Dylan, who was currently staring at me with amusement in his eyes. “Definitely not jealous.” He commented.

“On the count of three.” Lizzy started, “One...Two...Three!” I downed my shot, wincing at the horrible acid taste as it made its way down my throat. “Cheers to a good night.”

I was more than happy when we finally pulled up to the school. Dylan got out first, holding his hand out for me. I smiled at him as I exited the limo. We walked to the front where they were taking pictures. Dylan walked us over standing in front of the black background, before pulling me in front of him wrapping his arms around my waist. We both smiled at the camera as the guy snapped the picture. We moved letting the next couple go, walking into the building.

The inside was dark with a disco ball in the middle of the dance floor, and twinkling lights all around. There was a table to the far left filled with food and drinks. More tables spread out around it for people to sit and eat. I dragged Dylan towards the table full of food as my stomach growled. I grabbed a plate filling it with two sandwiches some cookies and a zebra cake.

“Eat much?” He smirked next to me.

“Sorry my date didn’t think to feed me before bringing me here.” I smiled innocently at him. His smirk slipped off his face as he glared at me. It really wasn’t his fault, he offered to get food first but I refused wanting to just get this night over with. We made our way to the table Lizzy and Jacob were sitting at. Dylan pulled a chair out for me, before taking one next to me.

“Fancy seeing you here.” Jacob grinned at me. He was dressed in a black shirt with dark blue jeans, not even bothering to dress up. Who knows how many proms he’s already been to. I was glad for all the space he has been giving me lately. The more I learned to control my powers the more space he gave me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “You do know this is a prom, right?

“I told him he should’ve dressed up, but he refused to listen to me. ” Lizzy said shaking her head.

“Why would I waste money to dress up for one night that I’ll forget in a couple years?” He asked. I couldn’t really disagree with him seeing as how I didn’t want to come in the first place.

I scoffed at him. “As if you don’t have money to waste.” He smirked at me. I stuffed a few cookies in my mouth after finishing my sandwiches, ignoring Dylan as he made pig sounds.

“Want to dance my little piggy?” He asked once I cleared my plate. I glared at him before nodding. I slipped my hand into his as we made our way to the dancefloor. Dylan dragged me out to the center as people moved out of the way for us. Lots of girls were checking Dylan out, with him being hot and not many people knowing who he was since he didn’t go to our school. The werewolves weren’t so happy, but they couldn’t do anything about it with humans around.

‘Come get her’ by Rae Sremmurd was playing and I smirked at Dylan. He raised an eyebrow at me. I turned around swaying my hips against him.

Somebody come get her, she’s dancing like a stripper,

Somebody come get her, she’s dancing like a stripper

Somebody come tip her, she’s drinking all the liquor

I felt him suck in a breath as I slide down his body, before sliding back up popping my butt out against his crotch. My cheeks were hot as I danced. I turned around smirking at him before I threw my arms up dancing wildly.

“I think I liked the other dancing better.” He said huskily, grabbing my hips. I laughed as I continued dancing. After a few minutes the music switched to a much slower song. I wrapped my arms around Dylan neck swaying to the song.

When your legs don’t work like they used to before

And I can’t sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

I grinned at Dylan as Ed Sheeran began to sing. I’ve watched this video so much that I knew the dance, and I was going to make Dylan do it with me. Without warning I pulled away from him, to my surprised he pulled me back smirking. My eyes narrowed at him.

And, darling, I will be loving you ’til we’re 70

And Baby, My heart could still fall as hard at 23

I placed my hand on his heart, before doing a twirl pulling away from him, leaving one hand in his. I grinned as I slowly walked back towards him before twirling to his other side, pausing before twirling back making sure to flip my hair. I placed my hands on either side of his face swaying my hips.

And I’m thinking ’bout how people fall in love in

Mysterious way

Maybe just the touch of a hand

Well, me I fall in love with you every single day

And I just want to tell you I am

Dylan sang softly to the music as we danced, and I felt my heart rate pick up. It felt like it was just him and I on the dancefloor, people even made room for us to finish dancing.

So, honey now

I stared into his eyes as he looked back at me.

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

I’m thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

We both turned going back to back finally breaking eye contact as we continued dancing. I was still shocked that he knew the whole dance. Hours of practicing this song paid off as I copied the girl moves from the video, throwing my legs up.

When my hairs all but gone and my memory fades

And the crowds don’t remember my name

When my hands don’t play the strings the same way

I know you will still love me the same

I giggled as we both laid down on the dirty floor not caring about our clothes. I felt my breath leave as Dylan pulled me up next to him on the floor, staring into to my eyes before breaking eye contact again. Tingles spread threw my body as he lifted my leg playing it like a guitar, giving me a heart stopping smile. I thought I might have died right then and there.

Cause, honey, your soul could never grow old, its


And, baby, your smile’s forever in my mind and memory

I’m thinking ’bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe it’s all part of a plan

Well, I’ll just keep on making the same mistakes

By now everyone had cleared the dancefloor giving us room to dance. I blushed as I spotted Lizzy grinning at me from the side line, with Jacob smirking next to her.

Hoping that you’ll understand

That, baby now

Take me into your loving arms

I slide between his legs, before kicking them up moving them side to side, then tightly securing them around his waist as he slowly pulled me up. Once again making eye contact with him, he smiled as he stared into my eyes.

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Place your head on my beating heart

Thinking out loud

Maybe we found love right where we are

I laughed as Dylan tossed my head from side to side and playfully nipped my neck.

So, baby, now

Once again my skin tingled as Dylan ran his hands up my legs

Take me into your loving arms

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart

I’m thinking out loud

But maybe we found love right where we are

Oh, baby, we found love right where we are

And we found love right where we are

My breathing was heavy as I lay with Dylan on the floor. He was staring at me intently before leaning in. His lips pressed into mine for a soft kiss before pulling away.

“Let me guess,” I said trying to catch my breath. “Amanda made you watch the video?”

“Did you guys really just do that whole dance? Y’all are the talk of prom right now!” Lizzy exclaimed when we arrived at the table.

After Dylan and I finally got off the floor people actually cheered for us. I blushed from all the attention, but Dylan embraced it. Now we’re currently back at the table talking with Jacob and Lizzy, with Lizzy going on about how we were the highlight of prom.

“You guys are going to be legends!” She cried happily.

“Lizzy calm down, we were just having fun.” I told her, blushing again. While we were dancing I didn’t care about all the other people around us, now I realized a LOT of people saw us and will indeed remember this.

“Having fun? It was like you two planned that.” I shrugged. It’s true we were so in sync with each other it did look like we planned that. I opened my mouth to reply when the last person I wanted to hear spoke.

“What was that pathetic stunt you just pulled? You’re such an attention whore!” Jessica stood next to me. I looked up at her and glared.

“Go away Jessica.” I growled. Way to ruin a good moment.

“You’re dancing around in some slutty dress with this guy nobody knows! What would your mother think?” She sneered. Slutty dress? I looked her up and down. If anyone was in a slutty dress it was her. It barely covered her butt.

“I don’t know Jessica, why don’t you go ask her and get out of my face.” I stated calmly.

“Why are you even bothering to argue with this reject? Her own mate didn’t want her, so of course she’s going to jump on the next guy she sees.” Zoey walked up joining the conversation. I flinched at her words, it’s true my mate did reject me. Clearly she didn’t know that I had more than one. How dare she try to embarrass me? I felt my body start shaking in anger. I hopped up from my chair making them both jump back.

“Calm down Ashley.” Jacob called from across the table.

“Wow another guy? You really do get around huh?” She spat.

“Nope that position is filled by me only, and I suggest you walk away before you get hurt.” Dylan also stood up, taking a stance in front of me.

“Are you threatening me? Do you know who I am?” She glared at him. She walked up to stand right in front of him. I felt my hackles rise with her being that close.

“You’re some walking STD that doesn’t know when to shut up.” Dylan shrugged. Zoey’s eyes flashed with rage before she reached out and smacked him. Everything went silent as the slap echoed within me.

“Did she really just slap our mate?” My wolf growled in my head. This is the first time I ever heard her talk. Lizzy told me her wolf spoke to her all the time. To my surprise I also felt my angel rise within me.

“Oh now you’ve done it.” I heard Jacob chuckle. I felt myself move in front of Dylan. He quickly wrapped an arm around my waist to stop me from going further.

“You guys are-“Before Zoey could finish that sentence my fist flew out towards her face, connecting with her left jaw. She screamed as she fell to the floor withering in pain. But I wasn’t done with her yet, I’ll teach her to keep her hands to herself. I pounced on her, Dylan didn’t have time to stop me as I repeatedly slammed my fist into her face. He wrapped his arm around my waist lifting me up and off her, just as a couple of teachers ran over to see what was going on.

“You two get out now! We will not tolerate violence here!” Mr. Cram yelled at Dylan and I, I should deck her in the face too. Dylan sighed as he grabbed my hand leading me towards the door. I looked back as he pulled us through the crowd seeing people help Zoey up. Her eyes connected with mine and I finally saw the damage I done. Across her face were burn marks in the shape of claws. I smirked as we disappeared out the door.


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