The Chosen One

Chapter 25

It’s been three days since Dylan and I made it official. I’ve been extremely happy these last few days, even Lizzy noticed. She cornered me after school one day making me tell her why, which I did. She squealed for ten minutes straight. We got out of school early today and decided we’d go and surprise Dylan by picking him up. Well Lizzy will be picking him up since I didn’t have a car, I was just along for the ride. “Do you even know how to get to his school?” I asked as she was driving. I didn’t even know she had a car, I never see her use it.

“There’s only one other school in town.” She turned on her left blinker.

“How do we know it’s his? Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” I’m so used to Dylan picking me up I don’t know how he’d feel about it being the other way around. Would he be upset? Happy? Technically I’ll still have to ride with him anyways since I have no car.

“Relax Ashley he’s your boyfriend now, and if I know Dylan he’s going to love seeing you either way.” She pulled into a school lot, I instantly spotted Dylan’s blue Range Rover, standing out from the other cars. He was actually here. I didn’t know if he truly ever went to school after dropping me off because he was always late.

Lizzy pulled up next to some red car, she turned the car off getting out. I quickly got out following behind her. “Where are you going? I thought we were going to wait!” I hissed as I followed her to the front doors.

“Change of plans.” She said casually. To my surprise we walked in without a problem, no one stopped us. I know kids are in class, but didn’t they have security or something?

“Do you even know where you’re going? We shouldn’t be in here.” I smelt him before I saw him. He was walking down the hall with two other guys, they seemed to be in deep conversation. I blushed as I stumbled. Why does he have to be so hot? And to think he’s all mine. Dylan looked up with confusion on his face and I realized he must’ve smelt me too. He grinned when his eyes landed on me, before jogging towards us.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, pulling me into a hug.

“Lizzy wanted to come!” I answered, a little too quickly. Lizzy rolled her eyes at my outburst.

“Oh, so you didn’t want to see me?” He pulled away looking down at me. I never noticed how tall he was, or I was just short.

I blushed. “Yes, I did.” I wanted to kiss him, but there was way too many people around us. I wasn’t a huge fan of PDA.

“Hey Dylan, who is this?” One of his friends asked. I looked around Dylan to see Ryan and some other boy standing there.

“Hey Ashley.” Ryan waved.


“This is my mate Ashley.” He told the guy. The guy looked at me in shock, then held his hand out to me.

“I’m Zach.” He said to me. Before I could respond Dylan turned me back around to face him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked again.

“I thought I’d surprise you.” I told him smiling.

“Well this is the best surprise I’ve gotten in a while.” He admitted. I blushed under his intense gaze. “We were about to ditch anyways and go to my house. You guys want to tag along?” He asked. He was just going to ditch school? I wonder if he did that often.

“Yeah we’re not doing anything.” I looked over at Lizzy to confirm she was ok with that, she nodded.

We all started making our way to the double doors, and once again no one stopped us. The security here was bad. Once we made it outside I started heading towards Dylan car.

“You guys mind riding with Lizzy? If she doesn’t mind of course.” Dylan asked.

“I don’t mind.” Zach said, both guys started walking away while Ryan mumbled something about bros before hoes. I laughed as Dylan rolled his eyes. I jumped in the passenger seat buckling up. Dylan slide in a few seconds later and started the car up, I frowned.

“Put your seatbelt on.” I ordered him. He raised an eyebrow at me with an amused look on his face.

“Ok mom.” He told me jokingly.

“Did you have fun at school today?” I asked him. I really did sound like his mother.

“Are you really asking me about school?” He laughed at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Just making conversation.” I pouted.

“What are you wearing to prom?” Nice of him to change the subject.

“I have no idea.” I told him truthfully.

“Get something red.” He said.

“Why?” I looked over at him.

“Because I’m taking you to prom and that’s what I’ll be wearing.” He shrugged. I felt my heart melt. He wanted to take me? I mean I know we’re dating but.

“What about your own prom?” I asked him.

“Anywhere you are is my prom.” I blushed at his words.

“O-oh,” He smirked at me. “You didn’t ask me though.” I stated.

“It automatically comes with the boyfriend package.” I rolled my eyes.

“Says who?”

“Says me and nobody can change that.”

“Well I’m not going with you unless you ask.” I told him smugly, crossing my arms. He looked over at me. “Eyes on the road!”

He chuckled. “Ok I’ll ask.” I waited for him to continue.

“Well?” I probed him after a few seconds.

“I never said when.” He smirked.

“You mean I have to wait?” I frowned, I didn’t like waiting. I wasn’t a very patient person.

“Yup.” He said popping the ‘p’. I growled crossing my arms over my chest.

Today was the day, that day being prom. I was actually nervous about going. Lizzy had taken me to get a red dress the day before, I still didn’t understand why Dylan wanted to wear red. It was a knee length dress that flared out at the bottom and had a belt around the middle. It was very cute, I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I decided to pair it with plain silver heels. Dylan also asked me to be his date that day too. I smiled at the memory, he made such a big deal out of it embarrassing me in front of half the school.


I was waiting outside for Dylan to pick me up, it has become a normal routine for us. Lizzy was sitting next to me going over the plans of us shopping later. I tuned her out after she said we’d be going to more than five stores. I really didn’t want to be at the mall all day. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that Dylan still hadn’t asked me out. Maybe he changed his mind and didn’t want to go? Or maybe he was having second thoughts about dating me? I was too busy having a mini panic attack in my head that I hadn’t notice Lizzy was trying to get my attention.

“What?” I asked her.

“There’s your lover boy.” She pointed at something behind me. I looked to where she was pointing, my eyes widened in shock. There, coming down the school lot was Dylan, on a pure white horse. Cars were blowing at him as he slowly made his way to me. I looked up at him seeing the huge smirk on his face. Suddenly the horse picked up speed and within seconds he was in front of me.

“Ashley, the fairest lady in the land! Would you do this poor old servant a favor and accompany me to prom?” He said in this weird Shakespeare voice holding his hand out to me. I felt my face heat up as people around me started staring waiting for me to answer. I felt one stare in particular, I looked over to see Blake glaring at Dylan and I with hatred in his eyes. I looked back at Dylan as he waited for my answer, as if he didn’t already know it.

“Oh Romeo!” I started off dramatically standing up, “What would father think? I mustn’t run off on this beast with you into the sunset, for I am not the fairest in the land. I believe I have lied to you.” I finished placing the back of my hand against my forehead.

He looked at me in confusion as I tried not to laugh. “Juliet?” He asked stupidly. I couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, he glared. Once I finally stopped laughing I reached out and grabbed his hand. He easily lifted me onto the horse, placing me in front of him. I looked down waving bye to Lizzy as Dylan commanded the horse to start moving.

“You know you kind of messed up my proposal back there.” He told me we made our way out the school parking lot. I had no idea where we were possibly going on a horse, but I was hoping it was McDonald’s since I was hungry.

“I’m sorry?” I giggled a little bit. “Where did you even get this horse? I hope you aren’t planning to take me to prom on this.”

“Duh I’m not, I only rented this horse for three hours, I have to take it back soon.” He told me seriously, before cracking a smile over his shoulder.

Flashback over

We rode the horse around for two hours, even going through McDonalds drive thru, imagine the look on their faces when they saw a horse come up to the window.

It was now 5:00 and prom started at 8:00, I had nothing but free time. I thought about calling Dylan over but decided against it, I’ll just watch movies until Lizzy come to get ready.

I walked down to my living room picking out two movies, then went to the kitchen to make popcorn. Jake and Ben were in there when I walked in.

“Hey guys.” I greeted them. I wasn’t too kin on talking to Ben knowing he also knew about me being adopted. I hadn’t had the time to talk to my mom because of everything else that’s been going on.

“Hey, shouldn’t you be getting ready?” Jake asked me.

“Ready for what?”

“Prom, doesn’t it usually take you girls hours to get ready?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“I don’t think I need three hours to shower and put on simple make-up.” I rolled my eyes. Jake and I are back on speaking terms, I’ve forgiven him about not telling me. I couldn’t stay mad at him for long.

“I just texted my date and she said she was getting ready.” He told me shrugging.

“Must be some bimbo then.” I grabbed my finished popcorn making my way out the kitchen.


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