The Chosen One

Chapter 22

I snuggled more into the person next to me as I was slowly waking up. Their arm tightened around me even though I knew they were still sleep. I sighed in content. I knew having them next to me would help me sleep. Soon as I called and asked him to come over he arrived minutes later sneaking into my window, no questions asked. One of the things I liked about him.

“How long are you planning to lay there thinking about me?” He asked, eyes still closed. I blushed at being caught. He didn’t really know what I was thinking right? Had to be a lucky guess.

“How long were you going to lay there fake sleeping?” I shot back, he laughed.

“However long I could.” He answered honestly, I rolled my eyes. Rolling out of his arms I looked over at the clock. Jumping out of bed I ran over to my closet looking for something to wear. “Where’s the fire?” He asked.

“Do you see that time?” I pointed towards the clock on my bedside table.

“Yeah, and?”

“We have thirty minutes before school starts.” I grabbed some cheetah print skinny jeans and a black shirt. Dylan sighed. “And you need to go home and get dressed.”

“Ah, use me and kick me out, that hurts you know.” He cried, grabbing his chest faking a hurt look. I rolled my eyes walking over to my bed, I gave him a peck on the cheek. His eyes lit up. “I’d feel even better if you left one right here too.” He pointed to his lips. I laughed walking into the bathroom.

“You better be gone by the time I’m out!”

Ten minutes later I walked downstairs greeting Jake as he sat at the kitchen table eating.

“So... mind explaining why I just seen Dylan walk out the house looking like he just won the lottery?” That idiot used the front door? Wish I could smack him. I gave Jake the most innocent smile I could.

“He stayed the night that’s all, nothing happened.” I told him sitting at the table after making my bowl of cereal.

“Do we need to have ‘the’ talk?” He asked raising an eyebrow. I choked on my cereal.

“NO!” He laughed, I glared at him.

“I’m picking up some guys from school so there won’t be any room left for you to ride with me.” He casually explained to me, like he didn’t know he was my way to school. I frowned.

“How will I get to school then?”

“I believe as Dylan was walking out earlier he said, “I’ll be back” so I’m assuming it’s to pick you up.” Just then my phone went off alerting me of a text. It was from Dylan saying he’s outside.

“Fine.” I finished the rest of my cereal before grabbing a granola bar and my backpack walking out the door. Walking down my path I saw Dylan’s car parked out front. I hopped in slamming the door.

“What did my door ever do to you?” He asked.

“Sorry didn’t mean to do that, guess I’m stronger than I thought.” I started flexing my arm.

He chuckled. “In your dreams SpongeBob.” I sighed before handing him the granola bar. Haters gonna hate.

“I’m assuming you didn’t eat breakfast.” He looked so grateful for it that I laughed. I studied him as he drove the car eating the granola bar. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and dark blue jeans.

“How far is your school from mine?” I asked.

“Only a couple minutes away, why?” He glanced over at me.

“Do you like being late or something?” He laughed.

“Well when you’re Alpha of the cat shifters you tend to not worry about silly tardies.” He replied smugly.

I gasped. “You’re an Alpha?”

“Of course, I thought you knew that.” He looked over at me surprised.

“No.” We were quiet as I processed this. He’s so chill and carefree that I wouldn’t have even guessed he was an Alpha. I felt pride swell in me at this information.

We pulled into the school parking lot, I saw Lizzy and Derek sitting outside like always with the gang. Dylan parked I watched him unbuckling his seatbelt as if he was going to get out.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Getting out the car?” He asked.

“No, you’re not hanging out today. Alpha or not you’re not being late to school for no reason.” He rolled his eyes.

“Ashley its fine.” He sighed, trying to convince me to change my mind.

“No, you’re staying.” I opened my door to get out. Before I could get all the way out though, Dylan grabbed my arm pulling me back. Crashing his lips to mine. This brings back memories, I instantly responded kissing him back. I reached up to tug on his hair and he let out a soft growl. I pulled away remembering anyone could see us right now.

“Bye.” I told him getting out the car not giving him a chance to respond. If I stayed any longer I was going to jump his bones in the parking lot. Bad Ashley! Don’t think like that. I sighed, maybe Jake did need to have the talk with me after all. I walked over to my friends as I heard Dylan start up his car to leave. “Hey guys.” I grinned at them.

I sighed as I sat in math class. Ms. Cram was currently grading last night’s homework and I was super nervous. I looked over at Lizzy to see her texting away on her phone. At least one of us is confident about their grade. Finally, the teacher cleared her throat to get the class attention as she started passing out the paper. I couldn’t make eye contact as she laid my paper face down on my desk. I flipped it over, giving a quiet whoop. B+ yes!

“Some of you have really improved over the last week, I’d like to think I had something to do with that.” She said. As if she did anything to help us. Lizzy shot me a look and I giggled.

Once class ended I made my way to lunch as Lizzy stopped to go to the restroom. Pushing the doors open I inhaled the fresh smell of pizza. I don’t know why people complained about lunch food, some of it is better than what my mom cooks.

I made my way to the lunch line and spotted Jacob halfway up front. Quickly grabbing a lunch tray, I ran forward jumping in front of him.

“Excuse you?” He asked. I looked back smiling innocently at him.

“Oh my gosh Jacob I didn’t see you there!” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“So, you’re telling me you just randomly jump in front of strangers all the time?” He asked. I rolled my eyes.

“Stop complaining not like you actually eat the lunch food.” I reached out to grab a cheeseburger.

“Can’t deny that.” He shrugged. I paid for my food and started walking towards my table.

“Are we practicing today?” He asked catching up to me.

“If you have time.” I told him.

“Yeah I’m free, meet me in the woods later same spot.” I nodded as he walked to his table. I looked over at his table to catch Blake staring at me. Not knowing what to do I just gave him a small wave, before going to my table.


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