The Chosen One

Chapter 14

Blakes POV

I waited next to Ashley’s locker trying to catch her before lunch. Almost seemed like she was avoiding me. After standing there for about ten minutes I finally saw her turn the corner. She looked ready to turn around and run. I smiled at her.

“Hey, I didn’t see you after class.” I told her not trying to sound clingy. I haven’t talked to her since the hospital and I wanted to make sure she was ok.

“Sorry, I had to stop by the library.” She said. I was about to reply when I heard someone call her name. I looked up spotting a guy I’ve never seen before. Must be the new guy the girls were talking about in first period, and every other period. How does she know him? I decided to voice my thoughts.

“How does the new boy know your name?” I asked her. I didn’t like this new guy knowing her. He could be someone from her old life, an ex maybe?

“Uh he’s my neighbor?” She said it more like a question. I knew that was a lie because I know everyone in her neighborhood, since they’re all from my pack. Why was she lying to me? That didn’t settle well with me. I raised an eyebrow at her. Before I could question her more he walked up.

“Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He said to her. My wolf growled at that. Why was he looking for her? And how does he know her? Before she could respond I did.

“Why?” I asked him. Ashley glared at me, but I didn’t care. Why was he looking for my mate?

“Uh I believe I was talking to the lady.” He snapped. My wolf growled at being disrespected. I sniffed the air trying to see what he was, and if he was a threat to my mate. He smelled normal to me, which made me frown. Ashley is hanging out with a human?

“And I believe I was asking you a question.” I told him, trying to control my wolf. But couldn’t stop myself from taking a step closer. He looked over at my mate, confusion on his face, which made me more mad for some reason. That’s when I should have realized that my wolf was taking over.

“Blake, he did nothing back off!” Ashley placed her hand on my chest. Why was she defending him? I looked at her then back at him. Her touch calmed me down a bit but not a lot.

“What’s going on here?” I asked.

“I told you already.” She said rolling her eyes. She’s hiding something, but I’ll get it out of her later when he isn’t around.

“Whatever.” I mumbled, leaning back against the locker. I took deep breaths to try and get control of my wolf, before he ripped this human apart.

“Did you need anything?” She asked him.

“Yeah, do you mind if I sit with you at lunch?” The nerve of this guy, once again my wolf rose to the surface.

“No.” I said just as I heard Ashley say yes. I looked over at her. What is she doing?

“Excuse me?” She asked with an edge to her voice, that neither I nor my wolf liked.

“I said no, you’re sitting with me and he’s not invited.” I told her in my Alpha voice. Any other wolf would have submitted, but of course not my mate.

“I’m sure she can make her own decisions.” The new guy said. I’ve had about enough with this guy. I made a move to hit him, but then I heard Ashley speak.

“Yeah Blake I can, and I’m not sitting with you, now come on Jacob.” She grabbed his hand and started pulling him away. At that moment I lost it. My mate is picking another male over me!? My wolf wanted out. Not only was I mad but hurt. She’s supposed to be by my side no matter what. She’s meant to be my other half, and she’s choosing a human over me?

“Take one more step with him and you’ll regret it.” I warned with a growl. My wolf had completely taken over. She stopped and turned around.

“Oh yeah, and what are you going to do?” My wolf didn’t like her tone, he growled. She turned back and started walking away again still holding his hand. I felt my wolf smirk.

“I Blake Ryder reject you.” He snarled. Inside my head I was screaming. She stopped and slowly turned around, tears forming in her eyes. My wolf realized his mistake and let me take over, but it was too late. The damage was already done. She turned around and ran. I was about to chase her when the new guy blocked me.

“I think you’ve done enough.” He glared at me. I was about to hit him for stopping me, but when I raised my fist it wouldn’t go towards him. Like an invisible force was stopping it. What the heck? I looked towards the guy to see him staring intently at me.

“Get the hell out of my way!” I roared.

“Relax dude she needs some time alone. Now isn’t an appropriate time to go after her.” I knew he was right and hated how much he knew my mate.

“This is all your fault.” I growled at him.

“I’m not the one that rejected her.” He raised an eyebrow at me. How does he even know what it means to reject someone? He wasn’t even a werewolf. But he was right, I had no one to blame but myself. I leaned against a nearby locker sliding down grabbing a fist full of my hair. For the first time in years I felt a tear slide down my cheek. What have I done?

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