The Chosen One

Chapter 11

The next day I was released from the hospital. I hadn’t seen or spoken to both Dylan or Blake since. My mom came and picked me up. I was wondering why my family didn’t visit me or check on me, it was because Blake wouldn’t allow them to visit. Which I didn’t understand.


Right now, I’m at my house waiting for Lizzy to pick me up so we can go to her house for my welcome back party. I didn’t see the point of one, since I was only in the hospital for two days. She really just wanted an excuse to throw a party. I’ve been waiting for about thirty minutes when the doorbell finally rung. I rushed down the steps to open the door. To my surprise a girl I have never seen before was standing there. She was wearing all purple and looked beautiful. “Can I help you?” I asked trying not to stare at her perfect face.

“Yes you can, I’m looking for Ashley.” She told me.

“Oh, I’m her.” I was trying to figure out if I knew this girl. But I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I would remember her face for sure.

“Well I need you to come with me.” She held out her hand as if I would just take it and go with her.

“Um why?” She looked at me like I had two heads or something. If I was a guy I would have went with her willingly.

“The master would like to speak to you, so come with me.” She held out her hand again.

“Who is your master?” I asked her confused.

“It does not matter I was ordered to come get you, so you will come with me.” I swear I saw her eyes flash red.

“Um, no I’m not.” I took a step back getting ready to shut the door in her face. She put her foot between the door and threshold, making the door stop half way.

“You either come with me willingly or I’ll take you by force.” I was sure she’d do just that.

“Look I don’t know who your “master” Is, but you need to back off lady.” Wrong choice of words, I realized too late. She grabbed hold of my arm and yanked me out the house, before slinging me over her shoulder. My wolf did not like being man handled. I started to shift and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to hurt the lady holding me, even if she was kidnapping me. Turns out I didn’t need to worry about that though. She pulled out a needle and injected me with it.

“Calm down little girl.” She said in a teasing voice. My eyes started feeling heavy, so I knew she drugged me. The last thing I remembered was her jumping in the sky. Something no human can do.

I came to when I felt someone grabbing me. I started swinging wildly, or at least I thought I was, but my arms felt too heavy to move.

“Calm down princess we’re almost there.” I faintly heard a voice say. I wanted to scream but my voice felt raw and unused. It didn’t matter because I blacked out again seconds later. God what did she drug me with?

The next time I came to my phone was ringing. I opened my eyes and realized I was in a room. Not just any room, this room had a clear view of a nearby ocean from the glass windows. Also it was big with a king size bed, which I’m on. Overall, this looked like my dream room.

“Do you like it?” I sat up as I saw a boy about my age standing in the door way. He was handsome. His hair was like a golden blonde and shone in the light. His eyes were light blue, very pretty. He also looked very familiar.

“It’s nice but, where am I? And who are you?” I asked.

“Well you’re in my home.” He smiled at me as if everything was alright, and I didn’t get brought here against my will.

“Ok that’s cool now where’s the door for me to leave?” He looked offended by my question.

“What do you mean leave?”

“I mean as in go home.” I said pointing out the window. Even though I had no idea where home was. I don’t remember anyone mentioning an ocean was close by.

“You can’t leave.” He said.

“Why not? Why am I here?” My voice started to rise due to my panicking. Why did he bring me here? Was he planning to kill me?

“You’re here because I’m meant to protect you.” He smiled. Does this guy ever stop smiling?

“Protect me from what?” The only thing I’m seeing as a threat right now was him. My wolf was still on edge from being drugged and kidnapped.

“There are many people looking for.” He took a seat on the bed next to me. I let out a warning growl, moving away from him.

“Listen man, I don’t know what kind of drugs you’re on but there’s no one after me.”

“You don’t understand, I will explain it to you,” He sighed. “To start off, I’m an angel.” I laughed in his face.

“You expect me to believe that you’re an angel?” I asked trying to hold in my laughter. “Because angels just go around kidnapping people, right?”

“I can show you.” He told me while standing up. He removed his shirt and stretched his muscles. I tried not to stare at his six pack. What? He’s the one putting it on display. Suddenly black glossy wings appeared from behind him. I was shocked, he really is an angel.

“Why are they black? May I touch them?” He nodded, I walked over and ran my fingers along them. They were silky smooth.

“Because I am a fallen angel.” He answered sadly.

“Why? What happened?” I asked, taking a step back. Although I didn’t trust him I was still curious about what happened.

“I fell in love with you.” He answered staring at me. Fell in love with me? I never met this guy in my life.

After ten minutes of me awkwardly staring at him, he decided to break the silence. “I’ll try to explain everything,” He looked deep in thought for a moment. “To start off you’re adopted...” He said letting it drag waiting for my reaction.

I jumped off the bed “No way! you’re crazy I’m not adopted!”

“Are you going to let me explain?” He was starting to get impatient. I sat back down.

“You are adopted, your parents were both archangels. Your mother was the only female archangel to ever exist. Making you the first archangel born in centuries. Making you the strongest creature to ever exist next to god. Which Is why I’m your protector.” I sat with my mouth opened wide. As strong as god? Now I really know he’s crazy. I can’t even run down the steps without getting tired.

“That’s not possible, I’m a werewolf!” I objected.

“That’s part of the story that I would like to explain.” He said, rolling his eyes. I pretended to zip my lips shut and he smiled. “Ok moving on, you were born in heaven.”

“Then why am I on earth?” I interrupted again. So much for keeping my mouth shut.

“You’re on earth because your mom wanted you to have a normal life. It’s forbidden for an angel to give birth in heaven, otherwise we’d be overpopulated. If you were to get pregnant the parents and the baby are automatically sentenced to death.” There was nothing but sadness in his voice. I don’t even know my mother, but I love her already, she saved my life. Who knew heaven could be so ruthless?

“Wait a minute.” I called out getting his attention. “If angels aren’t allowed to have babies how are you here?”

“Ahh yes that’s a good question, to answer that I was once human.” I just stared at him. This guy must be crazier than I thought. “I died at an early age, around the time you were born. I was just a baby as well. I made it to heaven thank god, and my mom adopted me. Raised me as her own. I grew up in heaven earned my wings and had a great life, until I was exiled. Back to the story though, your mom and dad disappeared for three months. When they came back they had you.”

“Where are my parents now then?”

“They’re dead.” What was I supposed to say to that? I never got the chance to meet my real parents and now I never will. They died so I could live.

“How did they die?”

“I’ll explain that in the story,” I nodded telling him to proceed. “My mother, who was your moms best friend at the time, was shocked she had the baby and terrified so she went to the council. She informed them your mother had a baby. She never wanted your mother to get hurt just wanted the baby gone. She was hoping they’d spare their lives and just take you instead.” I stared at him wide eyed. Her own best friend got her killed.

“After the council got this information they came to your parents looking for you. But what they didn’t know and neither did my mother, was that your mom had already placed you on earth the day before. Knowing my mother would tell and that they would come for you.” Inside my head I was cheering, my mom was smart. “As you guessed she gave you to the family you have now.” He said

“Did she know they were werewolves? And if I’m an angel how did I become a wolf?” I asked

“Being the first-born archangel you have unique powers, powers no one knows about. As a baby you adapted to your surroundings, meaning your angel allowed you to shift into a wolf to protect yourself.” That’s why my parents never thought I’d shift, my angel must have taken a while to adapt.

“So you’re telling me I’m not really a werewolf?” This was all so confusing, I could deal with finding out I’m a werewolf. But an archangel? That’s just too much.

“No you are, only because your angel allowed it since you had been living with werewolves for so long. Your wolf has bonded with your angel.”

“If I’m an angel then why haven’t it like, showed itself?” I asked confused. Did I have black wings like him tucked inside me somewhere?

“It needed something to trigger it, angels get their powers by being around other angels. Now that you’ve met me your angel has been awakened.” He said smiling again.

“How exactly did my parents die?” I asked. I realized he never mentioned that part.

“After the whole ordeal with you already being placed here. The council ordered another angel to execute them.” He told me. Somewhere inside me I felt like crying but I didn’t know why. I realized I hated the council.


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