The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 32

Blaine’s POV

We lay in Xavier’s bed in silence, neither of us wanting to break the little bubble that had formed around us since we first lay down. I still felt awful about how I had reacted to him calling me by his sisters name, but we had cleared the air and things no long felt uncomfortable or awkward between us.

I was currently lying on Xaviers chest with his arms wrapped securely around me. It was as if he didn’t want to let go in fear that I would disappear, just like his family. Just like my family. We were both so broken in our own way, yet with each other at our sides we were slowly but surely starting to heal.

“Xavier?” I whispered into the darkness of the room, looking up at him slightly even though I couldn’t see anything.

“If you apologise to me one more time I’m seriously going to tickle you to death” he chuckled as he shifted his arm to my rib cage slightly. I knew he wouldn’t because I was still slightly tender there but it didn’t stop me from twitching ever so slightly at the threat.

“No” I laughed as I settled back down on his chest. “I wanted to ask you about something, about something to do with our mate bond” I muttered quietly. It was a conversation that had popped up more and more in my head over the last few days and I knew that eventually it would have to be addressed. I could not ignore it any longer.

“What about it?” Xavier asked. He tried to sound casual, but I could still hear the slight edge that was making its way into his voice.

“Well I was just wondering... I mean I just wanted to make sure that you knew about...” I stuttered but thankfully Xavier helped me out.

“Yeah I know” he interrupted me, “I’ve known since the day that I shifted” he explained. “My mum had a load of these really old books and I always found myself reading them when I was younger. For some reason I found them so fascinating, all about the wolf’s history and what we can do” he shrugged. “I came across a particular entry when I was reading up on mate bonds, it pretty much explained everything for me”.

I nodded as I listened to him. If I was being honest I was a little envious of his knowledge of our bond so early on. Being a rogue I didn’t have access to all the fancy old pack books dating back to god knows when, I had to find out through word of mouth. “I found out about a year or two after I shifted. I couldn’t understand why I was craving contact so much with another wolf, I mean my older brother never felt like that when he had shifted so I just thought I was being a wimp about not having my mate, you, by my side” I explained with a sigh.

“Just because I knew why I was feeling the way I did doesn’t mean it was any easier” He shrugged. “I had to watch so many people find their mates before me, it made me angry that I didn’t have mine”.

“Bet you had the shock of your life when I suddenly turned up” I chuckled.

He laughed along with me as I felt him nod his head. “Yeah you were a surprise, to be honest I thought you were some form of cruel joke the Goddess played on me. After hunting down and killing so many rouges for what happened to my family I was suddenly stuck with one”.

“Stuck with me hu?” I teased him as I poked his side slightly.

“You know what I mean, seeing as we couldn’t reject each other because of the type of bond we shared, I had two options. I either had to get over myself and my hatred for rogues or live the rest of my life mateless” he shrugged. “I’m glad I chose the first option” he whispered as he looked down at me.

I smiled slightly into the darkness at his confession, “I’m glad I got over myself too” I nodded. “I had sworn from a very young age, all three of us siblings had, that we would never get involved with a pack. After hearing about my parents past and having to live with the consequences I had vowed never to put myself through that. If our mate was pack we said we could do one of two things, we would either leave them forever or welcome our mate into the life of a rogue” I explained.

“After meeting you and figuring out that you were a Beta I knew you’d never leave your pack, not for anything. That’s why I ran that day, when we first met”.

He stayed silent for a moment and I was just about to believe that he had fallen asleep when he quietly muttered “I’m glad we caught you and Anna made you stay”.

“I’m glad she did too” I smiled. “At least we now know why we were given a blood bond, we literally had everything stacked against us” I laughed.

He laughed along with me but otherwise didn’t comment, instead he just wrapped both his arms around me and held on tight. I could hear his heart beating wildly in his chest and I smiled slightly at the effect I was having on him, the same effect he always had on me.

“Blaine? There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about before we head off and find your family” Xavier mumbled hesitantly.

I tried to look up at him but his hold on me was firm and I only managed to move my head a few inches before I gave up. “What’s that?” I asked. If he’s planning on telling me to stay behind whilst he goes and finds them he’s out of his mind.

“Well... seeing as we’re going into unknown territory and performing a rescue mission that is quite possibly life threatening... I was wondering if... umm... you would... I wanted to...”

“Spit it out Xavier” I laughed as I listened to his stuttering.

“I think we should mark each other” he rushed out as he looked down at me. “I’ve been wanting to bring it up for a few days now but after hearing what Anna had to say, it only solidified my opinion further. We don’t have to if you think it’s to soon but just so you know I’m suggesting it because I want to and not just because I feel like we have to. Even if everything was fine and dandy, I’d still ask you because I think we’re good together and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that”.

I stayed silent for a bit after he’d finished his rambling speech, in complete shock. He wanted to mark me? I know it shouldn’t come as a shock to me, we were mates and it was going to happen eventually but still, hearing the word coming out of his mouth shocked me more than anything.

“So...? What do you say?” He asked, obviously slightly nervous at my ongoing silence.

“I say... yes” I whispered as I looked up at him, finally able to as he’d released his grip on me slightly.

“W-what” he stuttered, almost not believing what I had just said.

“Yes” I repeated as I nodded my head slowly, “why... did you think I’d say no or something?” I chuckled.

“Honestly? A little part of me did yeah” he laughed. “With the timing and everything I thought you’d say it was to soon or you wanted to wait until we got your family back or something” he laughed.

I laughed along with him before getting up slightly so that I was resting on my elbow. “I’ve been thinking about it too” I admitted as I smiled down at him.

“Really?” He asked, sounding slightly excited at the idea of me thinking about marking him.

“Yeah” I laughed again. This was actually happening, I was going to mark him and get marked in return. I had been wondering about this day for years now, about whether it would happen for me and now here we are. I was sort of nervous.

“Blaine?” Xavier whispered, closer to me then I had originally thought. “I love you” he whispered into the darkness and that was it for me, before I knew it I was kissing him.

It started off harsh, like we were both so hungry for each other we just couldn’t get enough, but when Xavier’s tongue touched mine I melted. I sunk into the soft pillows beneath me as Xavier hovered over me, making sure all of his weight was on his elbows so that he wouldn’t crush me.

His lips felt like velvet against mine and when he moved from my lips to my chin I almost groaned in frustration, not liking the fact that I couldn’t kiss him. My frustration was short lived though because I soon felt his lips trail down the side of my neck, leaving light kisses in their wake.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, desperate to have him as close to me as was humanly possible and when I felt the first scratch of his extended canine teeth against my skin I groaned in pleasure. I was sure my eyes were swirling bright gold as my wolf emerged to the surface, I didn’t push her down though, this experience was as much for her as it was for me.

“Are you ready baby?” Xavier growled against my skin and I couldn’t help the tingles that ran up my spine as my skin hummed with his presence.

I don’t think I could form a coherent word right now so instead of trying to talk I just nodded my head and ran my fingers through his hair, hoping my actions were confirmation enough for him. They must have been because before I knew it I felt his four sharp canine teeth pierce through my skin. It only hurt for a second or two before the sheer bliss of the forming bond weave it’s way through my mind. I had never felt anything like it, it was magical.

He held onto me for a second before slowly retracting his teeth and licking the wounds to make sure they were clean.

“You okay?” He asked husky, a slight lisp to his voice because of his still extended teeth.

I nodded my head with a small “uh hu”, I was more than okay.

“Your turn” he grinned as he easily flipped us over so that I was now on top of him, obviously eager to feel my mark on him. The bond wouldn’t fully form until both of us had marked the other and so before I wasted another second I leant down and positioned myself right in the crook of his neck, where his shoulder met his neck.

“Xavier?” I growled as I inhaled his scent. He didn’t respond, probably like I was he was to caught up in the moment to be able to say anything. “I love you” I whispered against his skin right before I bit down hard on my target.

I had felt nothing like it, the feeling of pure belonging that I felt when I had fully sunk my canines into his skin. I stayed there for a second, wanting to make sure the bond had enough time to fully form, before I slowly started to retract my teeth, not wanting to hurt him in any way.

I collapsed onto his chest after I was sure his mark was clean and sighed at how amazing I felt. My parents had spoken to me about marking briefly in the past, to prepare me for when I would eventually meet my mate, but I don’t think anything could prepare me for what I felt right now. I felt complete. Whole.

We both drifted off to sleep shortly after we had finished marking each other, it always took a lot out of our body and mind to form a bond and so it was always expected to pass out right after the marking had been completed.

All I knew was that I slept with the biggest grin on my face.


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