The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 3

(Chapter song ‘Miracle’ by Bad Omens)


I take a deep breath as I create the programs that will trigger a network of secondary barriers around the island.

We had automatic defense walls installed around the islands shores with pure electric connections between each panel to stop enemies from swimming onto the shore.

After the rogue attacks four years ago, it was needed.

Since Alistair is being cheeky and hacking the system, I’ve developed my own system and it’s perfect. A fifteen foot wide, electrified ring around the islands edge that sits just under the surface. It's set to activate should anyone get passed the walls. It’s independent of all control from the main hub and lives on its own remote server. Alistair can’t touch it. So far, I’m the only one with the codes for it. Ok, well, maybe that guy has the codes since he has my feckin’ brain.

Number 2, as I’ve come to call him, leans over my shoulder, reading what I type.

He points to the screen. “That’s wrong.”

“No, it’s not.” I grit. He’s been picking apart my work for over an hour now and I’m about to shove his face in my screen.

How can he be so irritating?! He’s supposed to be me!

“It is. You keep that, it’ll cancel out that and all will be bollixed.” He glances at me.

I shove him away from me and turn my chair. He’s green eyes stare at me as he crosses his thick arms. “What would you know about it, ya? Yer a photocopy.” I cross my arms and smirk.

“Have you forgotten, I’m perfect? Like you.” He tilts his head.

“Aye. I’m good. Better than good. Certainly better than you. Now, jump off my arse and leave me be.” I growl and turn my chair.

He points to the computer. “You enact that and the whole things goes to the shits.”

I lower my head and raise a balled fist. “I know what I’m doing.”

“So do I.” He taps his temple and points to me.

I take a few deep, cleansing breaths and turn my chair back to him. I slowly stand, biting my top lip. He stares at me as I meet my eyes.

“I will say this once more. I don’t need you riding me back. Go away before I hurt you.” I say low.

“Please. We both know yer a shite at throwing down. Besides, my head’s just as good as yours. I wouldn’t be your doppelganger if I wasn’t.” He says snidely. “Ye know I’m right. Yer just too much of a donkeys arse to admit it.”

I raise my head and slightly nod. He's right…and wrong.

I slam a solid right to his nose and he goes down. He screams and holds his nose. I lean down to him as my office carpet fills with blood. I grab the back of his shirt and pull him up to me. My face meets his and he stares at me with my anger in his eyes. “I said leave me be and I meant it. Go. Away.”

He shoves me off and stands as I sit back down. He wipes the blood of his nose with his shirt as he tries not to look my way. A little humility never hurt, I think as I type.

The smell of apples hits my nose and my brows shoot up. I practically break my neck, turning to the door.

“Aye! It’s Ivy.” Number 2 smiles and points to the door.

“Shut up!” I clench and kick his shin.

“Feckin hell!”

He drops under my desk and shove him with my knee. I look down at him and glare. “Stay down!” I growl.


I shove him again as Ivy walks into my office.


I raise my chin and chew my lip. “Dr. White.”

She gives a little smile and adjust her glasses. She drops her brief case on my desk and tucks the tip of her black bangs behind her ear. Her ebony hair is up in a ponytail and her bangs are swooped to the side and pinned with a small, sparkling red rose pin.

“I have the latest results on the quake.” She says as she flips the flap of her case open.

“So. Email them.” I say sternly.

“I figured since we were working together, I should deliver them personally so we can go over them together.” She smiles again and pulls out the files.

She leans across the desk and places them in front of me. My eyes drop to the low hanging V of her sleeveless, white blouse and I flick them back up quick.


“Thanks. I don’t need you here. I think I can understand basic seismology.” I utter as I pick up the file and toss it aside.

“There’s some things in there that you might not understand since it’s not your field.” She explains.

I smirk. “Highly doubtful.”

She crosses her arms and her blue eyes narrow just a bit. “Right. You know everything.”

“Aye, I do. Now, be a good lass and leave me to work.” I rest my finger tips on my desk.

Number 2 hits my leg and I try to shove him nonchalantly.

“Fine.” She grabs her case. “I also wanted to know how you were.”

“I’m grand, lass.” I give a cool smile.

She nods and looks down. “Good.” She raises her eyes to me. “The news said the accident you had was pretty serious. Having a water main explode under you is extremely dangerous.”

He hits my leg and I grit my teeth behind a smile and kick him again.

“The news be telling tall tales. I’m excellent. I’m perfect.” I shrug and tick my head with a smirk.

She looks me over as I fight with Number 2 under the desk.

“That’s…good.” She says suspiciously. “I’ll be in my office if you have any questions.”

“I’m positive I won’t.” I say.

Her eyes flick over me before she turns and leaves my office.

Once out, I blow out a breath, round my desk and rush to the door. I close it, lock it and shutter the blinds.

Number 2 stands up. “That was dirty.” He sniffs and rub his nose with his sleeve.

I point to him as I rush the desk. “I couldn’t give a rats arse. You are not to be seen. A lass that simple wouldn’t understand.” I grind as I point to the door.

“You barely understand it.” He lifts a hand to me.

“That’s beside the point.” I grumble, walk around my desk and sit back in my chair.

I grab Ivy’s file and open it. I sigh as I lean back and read the reports. I grab a paper, turn it sideways and turn it back. I flip to another page and scratch my temple. I flip to another, read for a bit then rub my eyes with my fingertips.

I feel a presence beside my head. “You got no idea, do ye?”

I slam the file closed and drop it on the desk. “No. It’s drier than a camels arse. I could write a 10 times better report than that.” I point to it then type on my computer. “Bin it.”

He picks up the file and flips through the pages. “Or…you could do yer job and call the lass.” He flips a page and raises his chin.

“Give me that.” I grab it from him and point to the couch. “Sit!”

“I ain’t no pup, mate.” He defies.

I rise to my feet. “Sit down, before I have a go on yer cranium again.” I lean a hand on my desk and arch a brow at him.

He faces me and looks me over. “Ye might be wise to understand I’m you. In everything that’s godly. You can’t fight me. Ye be only fighting yourself. This push back is ye being threatened. Nothing more. Aye, it’s a right folly mess, but why not make the best and let me help. Two Griffins have to be better than one, Aye?”

I lean my hip on the edge of the desk and fold my arms. I chew my lip as his words run through my mind. “Aye, ye may have a shot there.” I take a deep sigh. “It's bollix, but I can’t deny my brain doubled would help this go faster.”

“Grand.” He slaps my arm and picks up my phone. “So let’s ring the good Doctor on the horn and see if…”

“No!” I snatch the phone. “We don’t be needing the likes of her.” I pocket my phone.

“But…” He points to my pocket.

I hold up my phone. “I said what I said! I don’t want the lass around me!”

“But I do.” He scowls.

“I don’t care! She has no business being up in mine. If I wanted a floosy hanging around, I’d hit the pub. No!” I slam myself in the seat.

“She’s not a floosy, Griff.” He leans on the desk.

“Ok. That was harsh. No. Distraction for the weak minded.” I tap the side of my head and wag a finger at him.

“You’re afraid?” He leans on his elbows.

“Ha! Naw, lad. I’m not afraid of women.” I smirk as I type.

“Not of women, just Ivy. Why?” He asks.

“You’re me. Why ya think?” I don’t look at him as lines of code run past my eyes.

“I don’t know. Short term events are not easily cloned, I guess.” I looks to his hands as he picks at his fingers.

“Well, there’s no reason. I just don’t want her dancing her toes on mine. I’ve enough to do around here. I need to find the answers.” I say.

“You want to be right.” He says.

I side eye him. “No.”

He nods. “You need to be right. Losing to a woman is not in the cards of Griffins game, Aye?”

I stop typing. “Not women, mate.”

He turns and leans his arse on my desk edge. “Losing to anyone. Even me.”

I hit my desk then push out my chair. “Alright. Aye. I can’t lose. There’s no room for it. It has to be perfect and there’s only one way it can be done. Too many cooks spoil the broth.”

“I get that, but it’s clear there’s areas where we’re losing. Would you pull yer striker if you thought you could play better?” He eyes me.

“No.” I mumble.

“Naw. Ye wouldn’t. Ye be dumber than a box of bricks if ye did that. Clearly, the lass knows more. We need her.” He says.

I pick up Ivy’s file and open it. I study the terms and figures on the paper. My insides boil because there’s stuff here that’s causing more questions than answers and I hate it.

“I know ye think we're perfect…” He starts.

“I am perfect. I just didn’t waste my time on this stuff.” I place the file down.

He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Aye. Alright. At least, call for help.”

I glance at the file and at Number 2. “Fine.” I grumble.

I pull out my phone and hit Ivy’s number. “You’ll see this is a huge waste of time.”

“I’m on my way.”

My eyes widen as Ivy’s voice comes through the phone.

“Uh…” I look up at Number 2.

“I tried to tell you I hit call before you stuck the thing in yer pocket.” He smirks. “Ya ran yer yapper.” He shakes his head.

“Ivy. I'm…”

“I’ll help you, Griffin.” My door opens and she walks in. “After you tell me why there’s two of you.”

She stops in the middle of my office, hangs up the phone and looks us over as we glance at each other and turn back to her.

I hang up and drop my head.


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