The Axelridge Series Book 4 Griff's Red Card

Chapter 12

(Chapter song ‘Lady Of Worlds' by Miracle Of Sound)


The chopper flies over Lake Ontario as I look down to the water below. The soft waves pass by quick as the sounds of the helicopters blades thump in my chest. Axelridge sits just in the horizon and I’m not holding hope.

I’m flying out so I can survey the hole with the Security Complex’s science team. Phoenix and Falcon Ridge are already there setting up on surrounding buildings. It’s been days since it happened and we are trying to figure out why the waters not receding.

Though this is an important task, my mind keeps wandering to Griffin. He kissed me and I wanted to kiss him. I won’t lie about that.

I keep thinking, though, what if the demon attacks again? Do I really want Griffin around when it happens? I know it’s coming. Abraxas was a sign. I should run again, but I can’t when Axelridge is hurting. People need my help. I know it’s my life, but I feel like I'd be selfish if I left now.

Still, it’s been quiet for six years since I ran to my brother’s. Now, it seems that my fears are coming back again.

I wish I knew why they wanted me dead. I’m a nobody in this world. It can’t be because I’m a CEO or environmentalist. I don’t even make half the waves my mother did. I don’t have any enemies that I can recall.

My personal life has enough hate from my grandmother, I don’t need any more. I’d list her as a prime suspect, but I know she’d never. She wouldn’t risk her freedom by killing me. I’m not worth that much to her.


The pilot brings me out of my thoughts as I look out the window.

My heart hurts as I see what’s become of the city.

In the center, the dark blue hole keeps pushing water up and the island is still covered. Water spills over all the edges and it's streets are all submerged. There’s visible damage from the earthquake and the water. It looks apocalyptic.

As the helicopter circles the city for us, my eyes stare at the water flowing non-stop out of the hole. I can only think, we try to tame the earth, doing what ever we want, and it never fails to bite us back. If we would only realize that.

It comes back around and flies through the skyscrapers. Just ahead, the Alpha towers, which all just missed getting blow up in the geyser, come into view. They actually surround the hole, towering over it like gate keepers. It makes my chest tight to think Griffin lost something so dear to him in the center of that circle.

The helicopter tilts up and flies into the sky. It turns and flies to Finns tower where the main group is.

On the roof, a whole science camp is set up. I’m to meet a man named Declan and a Luna named Ricky. Apparently she flew here as soon as she heard. She said she needed to see the new ‘Atlas’, whatever that means. She’s the Luna of all wolves so, I won’t question her.

My science team consists of science majors, environmental engineers and my dive exploration team. Richard, Lenard and Eugene also came along to offer their knowledge in cellular reproduction.

The helicopter lands and we all grab our gear before running away from the wind of the spinning blades.

“What do we know about these people?” Richard asks as we take big strides to the tents and tables that are set up.

People are at the edge of the building taking pictures and helping people over the edge. Some sit at computers and type vigorously.

“Um, not much. I've read Luna Kilian’s papers or at least tried to. She’s…unique.” I side eye him as we enter the camp.

“What do you mean?” Richard arches a brow.

“You'll see.” I grin.

“Well, hey! Welcome to Geek tower!”

We stop as we’re approached by an auburn haired lady wearing ripped, black jeans, a, black, rocker t shirt of some band named Queen. Don’t ask me, I’ve never heard of them.

She looks beautiful, but she certainly doesn’t look like a Queen. I have to giggle to myself thinking how? I must get her to tell me how she came to mate a King.

She stops and reaches out her hand. “You must be Dr. White.”

“Yes…uh…Your majesty.” I do a little courtesy as she starts to laugh.

“Please, don’t. My mates Royal Ego needs bows. I’m not like that.” She smirks.

“Is he here?” I ask.

She scratches her hair. “No. Something happened in Wales and he’s dealing with that so, I’m flying solo this trip.”

“Luna Killian…” I start.

“Please. Call me Ricky.” She waves me off.

“Ricky.” I grab my bag and throw the strap over my shoulder. “Where do you want us?”

“We have the lab tent set up over there. We’re sending down teams to collect water samples. This is all so strange.” She folds her arms and kicks out a leg.

“I know. Everything I know about lake systems and water movement seem to be thrown right out the window with this.” I rub my nape and look out to the city.

She walks to me and throws an arm around my shoulder. “Well, let’s see if we can figure this out.”

We are led to a tent and are in awe of all the high tech equipment. Phoenix and Falcon Ridge spared no expense. Everything is here and we're told that if we needed anything, just ask. I don’t know why Griffin and the Alphas have such a problem with these people. Everyone is so friendly.

Teams of six scaled the tower to grab containers of the water as it flowed by the building.

I leaned on the edge of roof and watch the hole pulse out wave after wave like a heart beat.

“What are you thinking?” I glance and Richard leans on the wall with me.

“I keep thinking, what about the lake? Is it just lake water rushing out in circles or is it something different.” I turn to Richard. “I think we need to set up monitors to watch the lake levels.”

He looks out to the hole and chews his cheek. “Are you suggesting the lake is being flooded by somewhere else?”

“I think so.” I turn and lean on the edge. “Geysers are created when water is forced to the surface at a high rate of speed. Usually, when ground water is pressurized and heated. Though, on rare occasions, you get this. A cold water geyser. The water is propelled by Carbon Dioxide gas rather than heat. There’s none on the planet this large though. Another question is, why here?”

“What if the water has nowhere to go?” He asks.

I look out to the lake. “I guess it would push up, but what’s feeding it? It can’t be the lake. The crack we saw is a symptom, not the cause.”

He leans his back on the edge and crosses his arms. “It has to be underground then. Something is flowing into the hole and fast. Maybe it would be wise to search for any droughts somewhere then you’ll have your answer.”

“That’s extremely rare, Richard. Groundwater doesn’t move like that.” I counter.

“Well, maybe this is one of those rare times.” He motions a hand to me then thumbs over his shoulder to the city.

“Hmm…Maybe, you’re right. Come on.” I wave him to follow me back to the tent.

We scoured the internet, and after a few hours, we came up empty. Wherever this is coming from, no one’s talking about it.

I blow out a breath and lean back in my chair. “There’s no recent reports of anything.”

Richard closes his tabs. “I was so sure.”

“We may have to actually go down there and see what’s happening.” I sit up and lean on the table.

“I think I agree on that, but that’s a hard dive with the water moving like that.” He says.

“True. We'll need to take all the precautions.”

We get up and head to the door and see a bunch of scientists running to the Phoenix tent. They calling out to others as they run.

“What’s going on?” Richard asks.

“Don’t know. Let’s go.”

We run a few tents down from ours and stop at a crowded door.

We push through and Ricky is looking at a computer with a bunch of people.

“Ricky? What’s going on?” I ask her back.

She turns her stool and smiles. “Want to know where your water is coming from?”

“Yes!” I say with enthusiasm.

She motions to the hole. “Right there.”

“What?” I cross my arms as confusion fills my face.

She leans her elbows on the table and crosses her legs. “That hole…creates water.”

I raise my brow, pull my head back and my lips shrink. “Excuse me?”

She stands and motions to the hole. “You are looking at the first water cloning lake.” She laughs.

“That’s impossible.” Both Richard and I say.

“You’re both new here. That word? Not a thing around us. See for yourself.” Ricky turns to her computer and invites us to look.

We lean down to her computer screen and she has water from the lake magnified to the molecular level. The molecules of water are splitting in two over and over.

“We have quite the mess in the magnifier. We had to set up drains to keep it from spilling out all over the equipment, but that’s the culprit. The water molecules are being split exponentially, creating new water.” Ricky informs.

“How?” I ask.

“That’s a question for the experts. I’m not in the field of weird.” She closes her laptop and stands. As she heads for the door, she grabs her assistant, Declan. He’s kind of nerdy in that cute sort of way, but definitely awkward. “Get the Alphas together. Tell them I found something.”

“Rick, you’re not actually going to tell them the water is cloning itself.” Declan arches a brow.

“It's not the weirdest thing I’ve told them. You should see their faces when I tell them what’s going on in London.” She smirks, bumps his elbow and pushes him out the door.

“Ok, but you’re telling them. My emotions can’t take them today.” He shakes his head as we follow them.


“I think the London fog got your brain, Rick.” Luke stands with a cocky stance.

We took the helicopter back to the mainland and the Alphas of all three cities were gathered in the Comms tent.

“I don’t believe it.” Jake shakes his head.

“Dude. You have two wolves in your head and one of them is the son of a God. This is hard to believe?” Marcus stands and throws his hand out to the lake as he raises his brow to Jake.

“Water isn’t made. It’s just changed. How is this possible?” Bastian says.

“You’re wizards practicing where they shouldn’t be?” Finn looks over the Head Alphas.

“Finn. We didn’t do this.” Owen says.

“Why don’t I believe that?” Finn narrows his eyes. “You two have been trying to get me to join you for years. Now, I conveniently have a disaster of biblical proportions just when you’ve both started vetting packs.” He eyes both Owen and Bastian as they glance at each other.

Bastian raises his hand. “It’s a coincidence, Finn. We respect that you don’t want to join the Alliance, but…” He ticks his head to the city. “It’s clear that you do need our help and an Alliance agreement would open up more resources.”

“Of course…bribery.” Finn snarls.

“Finn…” Adam steps in front of him and leans to his ear. “Remember what I told you. You can’t live like you’ll be free from the world. Allies are needed. Especially, now.”

Jax leans to him. “As much as I hate to admit it, an Alliance agreement would help with our medical needs. There’s also trade agreements. We can’t segregate ourselves forever. Apparently, the outside world doesn’t want to leave us alone.”

Finn lowers his head like he’s thinking. He raises it to the others. “Solve this, then we'll talk.”

“Fair enough.” Owen smiles.

“Ok. If the testosterone can be lowered to a manageable level, please, I have a theory.” Ricky says as she eyes the Alphas with a cocky attitude.

“What’s your theory?” Bastian asks.

She turns to her laptop and opens it. “Talk to this guy.” She clicks some buttons and a video call pops up.

“Don’t any of you pick up the damn phone!!”

The head Alphas surround the computer.

“Titus?” Jake gets a look of confused surprise on his face. “What the hell? You look like…like…”

“A royal zombie.”

We turn to Luke.

“What? He does. Look at him!” Luke points to the laptop.

Titus, the once regal 25 year old King of the Sea wolves, is in a wheelchair. His hair went from black to white and his once strong physique, is frail. He does look like he’s dying.

Titus snarls his lip. “If I get out of this damn chair…”

“Titus, what’s going on? Why are you aging?” Bastian asks.

“WHY DO YOU FUCKING THINK? YOU ASSHOLES ARE FUCKING WITH THE HEART…AGAIN!!” He leans close to the camera and yells. He pulls back and coughs.

“I contacted Titus after I got a call from Phoenix. The pool is overflowing so that means that the pool and this hole are connected.” Ricky says.

“The feckin' pipes are backing up?” Griffin’s brows raise.

“Yes. Apparently, what were seeing is only a part of what’s going on.” Rick goes to another computer. “We discovered years ago that the Heart of Atlas and the Lazarus pool were connected through a single water vein underground. Apparently, Titus tried to repeat the experiment, but fell into a snag.”

“Your pool buried my extremely expensive ROV!!” Titus interrupts.

“Hang on.” Finn faces Titus with a scowl on his face. “Who gave you permission to send a ROV under my city?”

“KING!!” Titus glares into the camera and barks loudly.


“Ok, calm down. Titus didn’t do it on purpose.” Ricky holds her hand up to Finn.

Finn grumbles and steps back. Noah whispers something into his ear and he nods.

“Control your wolves, Your Highness or I will.” Titus growls.

“No offense, Titus, but you can barely control your drool.” Jake smirks.

Titus nonchalantly wipes his chin and throws out an angry look.

“Guys!” Ricky says to the air. “Can we get on with this please?”

“Months ago, the Heart started to act up. It wasn’t until recently, that we discovered why.” Titus informs.

“Go on.” Finn crosses his arms.

“The lagoon it sits in is dropping. Apparently, the tree needs a certain level of water to function. Any roots that are exposed, shrivel, turn grey and die. With that, the sap isn’t being transferred properly. Our magic is gone.” Titus leans back in his wheelchair and scrubs his white wrinkled face. He adjusts his royal blue robes.

“So, what are you saying?” Finn twist his head and eyes Titus.

Ricky leans her hip on the table and folds her arms. “My theory…Axelridge feeds the Heart.”

“Wait…” Jax interrupts. “You’re saying we’re all connected to some weird water triangle?”

Ricky lifts the corner of her lip. “That’s exactly what I’m saying, big guy. That tree needs Axelridge and whatever’s underneath it.”

“Ok.” Finn scratches his head. “So that must mean there’s a tunnel.”

“We found one. The entry to the pool from Brynja Mountain. The video we had before the earthquake, shows there may be two or three spots that may be tunnels, but they’re covered in rock.” Titus grumbles.

“Cave ins.” Bastian suggests then looks at Finn.

“Excuse me, Alphas?” I interrupt. I feel my nerves hit an all time high as all eyes turn to me. “The degradation of the walls in the pool tell us that there’s something in the water that is strong enough to eat rock. It’s my opinion that there’s something else going on. At the rate I’ve calculated, any tunnel caved in should’ve been opened by now.”

“We need to go down again.” Griffin suggests.

“That’s what I think, too, except we don’t know if we'll be cloned the minute we go into it.” I turn to him.

“You need a canary.”

We all turn to Titus.

“A what?” Finn asks.

“A canary. Something you can test the water with.” Titus explains.

“Ok, but who would be dumb enough to do that?” Finn asks.

Five hands go up.

“No! Marcus put your hand down!” Jax growls.

“Luke, Darcy. You, too.” Ricky eyes them both.

“Awe, come on!!” They both say at the same time.

“If I can’t, you can’t either.” Luke backhands Brody's chest and he sulks as he puts his hand down.

Griffin turns to me, crosses his arms and leans to me. “Not a chance, love.”

“Griffin, it’s for science.” I plead.

“No. I don’t want ya cloned, Miss.” He warns.

“Excuse me. You don’t get to…” I start.

“I’ll do it!”

We turn to Noah.

He looks around the group and shrugs. “I don’t get to do anything cool. Besides, if I do get cloned, I’ll have a friend for a bit.”

Finn approaches him. “It's a risk.”

“I don’t care, Finn. You guys take risks all the time. I can do this.” Noah says.


“If he gets cloned, I’m next.” Luke thumps a finger into his chest.

“NO!!” Several people yell and I look to Griffin who shakes his head saying don’t ask.

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