The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 28

(Chapter song ‘The Heart Wants What It Wants' by Selena Gomez)


I flip the pancake I made in the frying pan then pour Sophie’s coffee I made for the lazy Sunday morning I plan to have with the love of my life.

Later, I plan on pinning Claudia down in private. I got a bad vibe off her and she’s been quiet for the last few days. I need to know what’s up with her. I don’t like this feeling. I suspect I know what it is and if I’m right, someone’s losing his head.

One thing I can’t stand is bad mother fuckers messing with good women. I won’t stand for either one of my girls under my roof being hurt. I just need to find out how much pain I need to deliver.

Bacon sizzles and eggs crack as I make breakfast. The sounds of cooking are interrupted by soft giggles coming from upstairs.

I turn and smile as my Sophie comes down the stairs in a t shirt and a tiny pair of shorts. I lick my lips at the sight of her long legs taking each step.

“Good morning, beautiful.” I purr as she rounds the island and stands on her toes to give me a kiss.

“Mmm…morning.” She says as I hand her the cup.

“I hope there’s more?”

I look up and my heart stops. Claudia comes down in a little white sundress. I’ve never seen her in a short, flowy dress like that before. Her legs also look totally edible as they walk her down the stairs. She has her hair pulled up and I try to hide my shock as I search for a cup. “Uh…yep. There’s plenty.”

“Good. I can use all the caffeine I can get.” She says as I set the cup down in front her. She takes the stool beside Sophie who’s nursing her coffee at her lips.

“I hear that. I’m exhausted this morning.” Sophie grins at me and I wink.

I look to Claudia. “Up late?”

“Yeah. Just couldn’t sleep. Lots of things going on in the noggin.” She says as she taps her temple.

“Yeah, about that…” I start.

“You know…” Sophie turns to her. “Rey’s been trying to get me to go to this yoga mediation thing. She says it’ll relax me. Maybe we should try it.”

I tick my head. “That sounds like…”

“Yeah. I mean, I’m not really into all that hippy stuff, but if you come with me, it might be fun.” Claudia grins.

“That's nice, eh…”

“We can go to that coffee shop by the hockey rink.” Sophie says.

“The one with the roses out front?” Claudia’s eyes light up.

My head is bouncing between the two women and I feel like one of my fans.

“Yeah. My treat. Anything you want.” Sophie drinks her cup.

Claudia leans to her. “Anything?”

“No…” Sophie chuckles. “Not anything. You know what I mean.”

“HOLD UP!” I raise my hands as I eye them both.

They both turn to me and their lips fall.

“What’s going on with you two?” I cross my arms and look at them with deep suspicion.

“What do you mean?” Sophie asks as she lifts her cup.

I lean my hands on the island and flick my head between the two women. “It’s 10 am and not a single ragey outburst has happened and passive aggression is at an all time low.”

“Do you want us to?” Claudia says.

My eyes meet Dias. “No. It’s just weird.”

“Are you saying we can’t be grown adults and learn to get along.” Sophie shrugs as she smirks.

“Yeah. What she said.” Claudia thumbs to Sophie.

I dish out breakfast to the women and squint my eyes at Sophie. “No, smart ass. Nice trap.”

She chuckles, places a piece of bacon in her mouth and chews with a snarky smile.

I stand and cross my arms. “No. Something’s going on between you guys and I want in.”

“There’s nothing going on, Marcus. We just see no point in fighting while living together.” Sophie says.

I lock with her big blue eyes and chew my lip. I shake my head. “Uh, uh. I ain’t buying it. I won’t be shut out. Tell me. Right now.”

Claudia sighs. “Ok. I’ll tell you.”

“Don’t.” Sophie says.

“It’s ok.” Claudia says. “Sophie’s been helping me through some really painful stuff lately and I appreciate it.”

I lean my arms on the island and look at Dia with concern. “What stuff? Can I help?”

I watch her carefully. My wolf spins in my chest and I make sure I’m emotionally available for whatever she has to say.

She lowers her eyes. “Usual stuff.” She glances at Sophie then looks up at me. “Cramps, bloating, hormones….”

“Water weight.” Sophie adds.

“Right.” She points at her. “Horrible acne. Swollen ankles.”

I bite my lip as I smirk. I stand up, cross my arms and side eye her as they break into a giggle fit. “Ok. I get it.” I nod before leaning on the counter and staring them down. “Keep your secrets. I’ll find them out.” I scrunch my nose at them. “Mark my words. I’ll get in.” I narrow my eyes as I point to both of them.

They break out in laughter as I set my plate down, pick up a piece of bacon and bite a piece off.

They go back to talking about the yoga class and planning a day of it.

I eat my breakfast and I suddenly realize what I’m enjoying the most was the smiles. I don’t know what’s going on, but I love it. It’s like someone flipped a switch and boom, they’re friends.

I stare at the brightness of their grins. They were authentic. As they connected, I could feel it. The energy in the room rose. In turn, it made me smile, too. I wasn’t engaged with them, I just basked in the light of their faces knowing that in some way, I did that.

I’m glad Sophie has a friend now. Claudia can talk to her about all the girl stuff I can’t. She can help her get through her stuff and make her whole again. Sophie can confide in Claudia and maybe open up more to completely heal. I feel like I inadvertently gave Sophie a gift. I would give Sophie the world if I could, but if Claudia makes Sophie’s world better, that’s just as good.

And Claudia…

Maybe Sophie can show her a more healthy life than the one with her family. That’s what I think I want to show her the most while she’s with me. That family is not always the best option. Sometimes you need to leave your old family and find a knew one. Now that she’s getting along with Sophie, she might find one in us. Just like I did. I had Jax to lean on. Claudia can lean on Sophie.

As for me…

I slow my thoughts and my excitement drops. I watch Sophie laugh as Claudia tells a joke. I watch Claudia cross her legs and fix her dress as Sophie compliments it. They both have flush cheeks and pouty lips.


I pick up my dishes and take them to the sink. As I listen to them behind me, I spin them in my head. Each one is so different, yet they give me the exact same feeling.

I was instantly attracted when I saw their eyes. Both are absolutely amazing in bed. They both have strong, caring hearts.

I love Sophie to death and nothing’s changing that, but as the days go on, I feel drawn to Claudia.

I turn around and dry my hands. I lean my palms on the counter edge as I watch the two, completely gorgeous, glowing ladies in front of me.

What the fuck am I going to do?

“You ok?”

I blink and smile. “Yeah.” I walk over to Sophie and give her a kiss. “I’m cool. I’m going for a shower.”

“Ok.” She says.

I turn and smile. “Later, Dia.”

“See ya, slugger.” She smiles back and it warms my heart.

In the shower, the women stayed in my head. They’re both under my skin and being with them rose in my head. It was so prominent, I ended up with a raging boner.

I had to take care of it and thought a good dose of Sophie in my fantasy mind would do it, but it changed.

In the heat of my deepest desires, I fantasized about the two hottest bodies laying in front of me. All mine. They waved and moaned my name as I took them in so many positions.

I know it would never happen, but that didn’t stop me from beating my meat raw to the hottest fantasy I ever had.

It was a mess of sexy legs and kissable lips. I thought my heart would explode. The heat. The skin. The scents. The sounds. All of it flooded my mind as my hand stroked me out.

I lean on the shower wall, panting breaths as I fist out the last drop I had for my girls. I ran the water over the back of my head as I try to calm down.

The shocking problem I have now is, I don’t feel an ounce of guilt for it. It almost felt natural. I didn’t get that hook up feeling guys get when they bed two women at the same time. There was something more intense there.

I’m fucking insane.

I gotta be, right? What guy wants two women? Ok. What guy, who’s not a player, wants two women actually with him.

That’s not normal, right? That’s not how this is supposed to work.

Is there something wrong with me?

Maybe I should ignore it. Just be happy with Sophie. I can do that. I love her. She’s more than enough. I don’t need Claudia.

I don’t need her beauty. Her humor. Her eyes.

I don’t need the feeling I get when we’re in the same room.

Sophie gives me all that.

Don’t be stupid, Marcus. Wanting Claudia will only screw up the good thing you have.

I chuckle to myself as I fix my hair and walk down the hallway.

Claudia’s door is open a crack and I happen to hear Skylar’s name and stop in my tracks.

She’s talking with Sophie and I shouldn’t listen but I wanted to talk to her about him anyway. Might as well find out what I’m getting into.

“Did you?”


“How did he take it?”

“Not good. I’m just glad it was over the phone and not in person.”

“You did the right thing, Dia. Skylar was bad for you.”

I twist my lips as I listen. She broke up with Skylar? I glance at the door as I perk up. My fantasy slammed my head as I listen more.

“I know. You’re right. Thank you for talking sense to me.”

“Any time. We should get ready to go.”

My brows shoot up and I silently book it for the stairs. I jump down the flight of steps and run to the common room. I leap over a couch, pulling out my phone at the same time and lean on the arm as I pretend to surf while twirling my hair.

“Ready to go?”

I turn and look at my phone. “About time. I was about to send up a rescue crew.” I chuckle as I stand.

“Ha, ha.” Sophie says and gives me a kiss.

I point to them both. “I’m dropping you off at the yoga place?”

“Yes.” They say at the same time and smile.

I motion to the door. “Ladies first.”

They walk ahead of me as I watch their sexy asses swing. I bite my lip and try to control my wolf. I try to stop it, but their sweet bodies are making me fucking thirsty. Thank God I have batting practice.

I feel the heat rise under my collar and my dick twitches. Everything is worse now that I know Dia is single.

I take a long, deep breath as I try think about how much trouble I’m going be in if I don’t reign this in.

One step at a time, Marc. One agonizing step at a time, I think as I close the door behind us.

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