The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 25

(Chapter song ‘Diamonds' by Josef Salvat, ‘Family Affair' by Mary J. Blige)


I slowly open my eye and the light in the room fills my vision. It focuses and I smile at Marcus' sleeping eyes. He looks like a dream. He is a dream. One that seems to be coming true for me.

He said he can’t live without me, well, I know I can’t live without him. There’s something inside him that I connect with. I don’t know what it is. Like he’s meant to be with me. I don’t think I deserve it at all, but he says I do so, I guess I can trust at least that. The other stuff…

He stirs and I let out a little sigh.

His eye opens. “Good morning.” He whispers in a low, sexy voice.

“Good morning.” I whisper back.

“How long have you been staring at me?” He grins.

“Not long.” I admit. “I can’t help it. I’m trying hard to believe it.”

He slides over and lays on my chest as I roll to my back. “Believe what?”

“This. That you actually want me.” I run my fingers across his cut jawline.

“Ya better believe it, baby. I want you in the worst way.” He leans close to my lips. “Even if you act like a Dupree sometimes.” He chuckles.

I giggle and give him a small kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

His lips land on mine and they part. His tongue glides past them and I hold his cheeks as he deepens the kiss.

He raises his chest, slides his legs between mine and presses his solid length against my core.

“Let me show you how much.” He mumbles on my lips. He kisses me again and I moan as he rubs his hardness in my slit. I feel my wetness coat him and my arousal rises.

My knees raise to his chest and his strong chest hovers over me. He slides his stone erection down my core, finds my entrance and his grits fills me.

My nails gently score his back as I gasp a moan on his lips. He softly growls as he slowly pulls out and pushes back in.

He breaks the kiss, licking and nipping at my neck.

I run my fingers into his hair and kiss his neck as my legs wrap around him.

“…So amazing…I love you so much…” He breathes as he kisses up to my lips.

His hips thrust a little harder and faster.

“I love you, too…” I pant into his shoulder.

His fingers thread into my hair and pulls my head back. He runs his lips over my chest and cups my breast.

“Yes, Marc…”

I arch back as his strokes increase.

My body is fills with electric ecstasy as he pushes my thighs up and goes deeper.

I feel my heart race and the heat fuels my climax. His length fills me and he feels so good.

“Yes…there…God, yes…”

He nips my nipple and licks his way back up to my lips. His slit eyes lock with mine as his hips rock and his dick feels even harder.

“I want my angel on top.” He purrs on my lips.

I kiss him passionately as he gently rolls us over without pulling out.

I rise to straddle him and lift myself up and down on his shaft.

“So fucking beautiful.” He smiles as he rubs his hands softly down my sides to my hips.

“Marc, Yes!” I lean a hand back on his thigh and increase my hip strokes. He’s so hard and driving my orgasm to the edge.

He slides a hand down my stomach and finds my clit with my thumb.

His thumb runs circles around it. “That’s it, angel. Damn….feels so good.”

He rubs my pussy harder and I arch back. My hair hangs down my back as I move my hips harder and faster.


He sits up leaning on his hand. He grabs my hip. “Yes, Soph…My beautiful princess…Ride me.” He growls as he bucks his hips.

He hits harder and I match his speed.

“OH, FUCKK!!” I scream as my orgasm crashes. My pussy clenches and waves of electric passion run up my spine.

I fall forward, planting my hand on his shoulders. He grabs the back of my head and kisses me hard. His thrusts increase with mine and his dick swells. “Damn, Angel…I’m coming…”

He sits up and wraps his arms around me. He holds my ass as he pushes it down on his dick. His body tenses and his strokes were deliberate as he growls out his release on my lips.

I’m whining and moaning as I hold his head.

He slows down and stops as his kisses became soft and loving. He moves my hair and looks into my eyes.

“I promise you right now. There will never be a day where I won’t love to make love you.” He says quietly.

“Really?” I almost choke up.

“Really.” He smiles. “You’re mine. I know it.”

That hit me. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like something turned on inside. “You think so?”

He nods. “Ain’t no one telling me different.”

I smile and play my fingers around his bottom lip. “I think you’re mine, too.”

He grins. “No one’s telling you different?”

I giggle. “No. Not a chance.”

“Good girl.” He laughs and bruises my lips.

I know that this whole time I’ve been selfish. Whining about my problems and looking to everyone else to blame for them. If I want this as much as Marcus does, there’s only one person I can blame and if I was on the business end of my mace, I’d want to knock some sense in me.

He's right. He does need to fix me, but in the way he thinks. I need to fix myself for him. I need to push away all that Rey did and try to find the person I was supposed to be before Vinnie took it away from me.

I need to seriously try.

Marcus deserves no less.

I pull back from the kiss. “When’s my next appointment?” I mumble.

He pushes me off and grabs his phone. “Um…4. But I want to do something with you before we go.”


“It’s a surprise.” He grins as he pulls off the sheets.

“Ok.” I get out of bed with him.

He grabs a white, silk robe off his chair and holds it up so, I can slip into it.

He wraps it around me, pulls my hair out the back and kisses my neck.

I turn in his arms. “I’ll make breakfast.” I smile.

His brows go up. “Food? Pancakes?”

I scrunch my nose. “I don’t know how.”

“Oh…That’s OK. Whatever you can make. I’m sure I’ll love it.” He pulls clothes out and walks to the bathroom.

I hold my hand up and walk to the door. “No. You want pancakes, I’m…gonna…figure it out…I hope.”

He chuckles. “OK. I’ll be in the shower.”

I blow out a breath as I think of defeating the enemy: the kitchen.

I hop down the steps and my ears fill with music.

My nose is filled with eggs, bacon and maple syrup.

I hit the first floor and my jaw goes slack.

She’s in little black shorts, a tiny, white tank top and her chocolate brown hair is pulled into a messy bun. She shaking her ass around the kitchen to Mary J. Blige and I fold my arms.

The kitchen area is filled with steam and smoke. She’s cooking my breakfast and looking cute doing it.

That bitch!

Even through the smells, I smell her which burns my ass even more. How dare she steal my idea.

I watch her hips swing and her bare feet twist on the floor as she grabs plates and lays them on the counter.

Her body sways and spins to the fridge and she grabs the orange juice. She bounces and I see the hem of her shirt lifts a little. Her perfect skin is really pissing me off now.

She pours two glasses and caps the bottle. Dancing it back to the fridge, she glances and sees me.

“Oh, good morning, princess.” She smirks and goes to the frying pans.

I walk up to the island and narrow my eyes. I throw her my perfect Jax look of annoyance. “What are you doing?”

She dishes out two plates. “Oh, just making breakfast for Marcus. I figured he could use it after the quake. I found food really relaxes him in stressful situations.” She spins and places the plates of pancakes on the counter.

My heart dropped. “I was going to…”

She stops with a piece of bacon in front of her lips. “Oh…I’m sorry. I guess I beat ya to it.” She smiles then bites the bacon.

I narrow my eyes further. “You did this on purpose.” I snarl.

“Maybe.” She says playfully.

I lean my hands on the counter. “You can try all you want, you won’t get him.”

She mirrors my position. Our noses are inches apart and her scent surrounds me, fueling my irritation even more. “Honey. I already had him.” She says snidely and I take in a huge, anger filled breath as she smiles.

I try not freak out just as Marcus comes down stairs.

“Oh my God, that smells good. See, I knew you could cook. How did you do it so fast?” He walks to my side.

Without breaking the lock I have on Claudia, my lip threatens to curl. “She made it.”

He slides into a seat. “Oh…OK, well, that’s nice. Come on. Let’s eat.”

He taps my arm and my brow furrows. “I’m not hungry.” I growl and head to the stairs.

“Sophie!” I turn and Claudia places the two plates in front of Marcus. “Come. Eat. I have to see Skylar anyway. Enjoy!”

Marcus waves me over with a mouthful. “Come on. You’ll need it for today.”

“What’s today?” Claudia asks.

“A surprise.” Marcus smiles and bounces his brow.

“A surprise date.” I correct with a smirk as I slide onto the stool and pull a plate over.

I see her shoulders drop and I bite a piece of bacon with a grin. Shot fired right back.

He jabs my arm and picks up a fork indicating to chow down.

She gives a nonchalant wave at us. “Oh, ok. You two have fun. I’m sure Skylar has loads planned for us.” She snubs her nose, slips her heels on and grabs her purse. “Chow!” She wiggles her tiny ass down the hall, leaves and the door almost slams behind her.

“She is a piece of work. I almost killed her. When’s the pack house done?” I ask as I cut up and eat her amazing pancakes. She’s right. They are relaxing. I fucking hate it!

He shakes his head as he chews. “Not for a few weeks. Your wolf did a number on my floors. They all have to be replaced.”

I scrunch my face and slump. “I’m sorry.” I whine.

“It’s ok, baby. I know you were mad. It was my fault. Don’t blame yourself.” He grabs my head and kisses my cheek before getting back to his food.

“I know, but I need more self control. I can’t let that happen again.” I say as I pick at my food.

“You’re learning. Soph. I don’t expect you to be perfect. I just want you to try.” He turns to me and cups my cheek.

“I will. For you.” I give him a little half smile.

He leans to me. “For you.” He corrects.

I nod and blush as I finish my breakfast. “This really is good." I mumble.

“I know. Dia really is a good cook.” He side eyes me.

“I hate her.” I grumble.

“I know, princess.” He chuckles. “I know.”



He takes his hands off my eyes and I look around.

I spin around and arch a brow. “The ball field? This is the surprise date?”

I was expecting a fancy picnic or dancing or something romantic.

“I never said date. You did, but…I think this is a perfect date. Come on.” He waves me to the Silver Bullets dug out.

I look around at all the baseball stuff. It is kind of cool being this close to the bench of professional ball players.

“Here.” I turn and he places a ball helmet on my head.

I chuckle as I adjust it. “Oh, this is cute.”

He leans to my lips. “Adorable.” He kisses my lips and turns away.

“Choose your weapon!” He shouts as he pulls out a bat holding area.

I walk over and choose a bat. “I’ve never hit a ball before.”

He swings and I watch his form. It has me drooling already. “Don’t worry. It’s just like knocking a skull, but smaller.”

I laugh and we walk out to the diamond.

At the pitchers mound, a machine is set up. It’s a medium size, but there’s a canister on the back of it that looks like it’s full of balls. “What’s that?”

“That’s your pitcher. Watch him like a hawk. You won’t know what he’s throwing at ya. Keep your eye on the ball.” He places me at home plate and walks to the machine.

He clicks the ball thrower on and stands to the side.

I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I’ll go for it. I take my stance and hear the machine wind up. The ball hits the launcher and flies at me.

It came out so fast, it scared me. I yelp and spin out of the way. The ball hits the net behind me and Marcus breaks out on laughter.

I turn back, push up my helmet and jut my chin out. I point the bat at him with a scowl. “Don’t laugh at me.”

He calms down and places his hands on his hips. “Ok, first. Put your brother away. Second. You’re supposed to be having fun. Relax. The ball won’t hit you.”

I grumble under my breath and shake my head.

“No, Jax!”

“Just pitch the damn ball!” I growl.

He grins and shakes his head. He turns it back on and I prepare myself.

I concentrate and imagine a lycan in front of me. He's growling, snarling and ready to strike.

The ball launches and in my eye, it’s open jaws. I wait and when he’s close enough, I swing with everything I got.

A loud growl escapes my lips as the crack of the bat sends the ball out to left field.

“Holy shit!” Marcus watches the ball bounce in the grass, roll and hit the back wall.

“Was that good?” I pant as I hang the bat to my side.

He faces me, his brows shoot up. “Do it again.” He grins menacingly.

Ball after ball flew at me and I sent all my anger through the wood in my hand. The balls hit infield, outfield and a couple made it over the back wall. Each strike was lycans, Vamps, bad guys, Jax, my failed life and even Claudia.

Each time a ball flew away from me, it felt like a tiny bit of frustration went with it. This was way better than drinking or beating heads in.

I hit the last one with an ear to ear grin on my face.

Marcus adjusts his ball cap. “Look at you, my little slugger.” He says as he holds his arms out and walks up to me.

“Please, don’t call me that.” I shake my head. I don’t need reminders of Claudia right now.

“Sorry. My little angelic princess.” He cups my cheeks and kisses my lips. “How do you feel?”

I search inside myself. “I feel…OK.” I look up at him.

“So, I had the right idea?” He says.

“What do you mean?”

“Well…” He grabs my hand and we walk to the outfield. He grabs a ball and tosses it to me. I catch it and throw it back. “When I was first starting out, I struggled with adjusting to the life Jax wanted for me. The gangster wanna be was strong and almost had me. When I got to that plate though, I imagined smacking the shit out of everything that vexed me, ya know?”

I throw the ball to him and he catches it. “Nice.” He says and throws it back.

“I can see that. That’s how it feels. You can just let it go into the bat and it takes care of it for you.” I toss it up, he ducks under it and catches. He throws it back low and I dip to catch it.

“Good catch." He points to me as he walks back to his spot.

“Thanks.” I smile.

He waves me to him and sits on the grass. I sit beside him and he picks at the grass. “I think that’s why I love you. We both come from fucked up places and I think, together, we can leave that shit behind us.” He rolls an eye to me and I recognize the look. I’ve never seen it on him before, but I’ve seen it in the mirror more times than I can count.

“You think?” I say as I hug his leg that he’s pulled up. I lean my cheek on it and lock his eyes.

He pets my hair. “I do. I already see an improvement. You could have lost it on Dia, but ya didn’t.”

“I wanted to, but I knew you wouldn’t like it. I know she’s not real or whatever, but I realize this whole situation is my fault and wolfing out won’t make it better.” I mutter.

“No. It won’t. I like that you’re thinking before doing. Just like hitting those balls. Keep your eye on the prize and everything will work out.

I get close. “Are you the prize?” I smirk on his lips.

“Well…ya know…as far as prizes go…” He says coolly.

I laugh as I smash his lips. He breaks the kiss and growls in my neck as I scream out a laughter.

He pushes me to my back in the grass and pretends to bite my neck as I break out on hysterics, kicking my legs and trying to fight off his attack.

He lifts his head and kisses me deep in center field.

As far as dates go, this really was the best.

We talked more about family stuff. It wasn’t the words though. It was the connection. I really think I found the perfect outlet. Thanks to Marcus, I think I finally found a road I can travel on that’s safe and allows me to filter my bullshit. It may not be a candle lit dinner, but it was perfect.

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