The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 4

(Chapter song ‘Get Ready For This' by 2Unlimited)

FINN-Present Day

“Trezner! Shift change!”

The call from my coach snaps me out of my memory.

I slap my helmet on, grab my stick and throw my legs over the boards just as Justice leaps up over to go to the bench. My skates hit the ice and I bolt out into the play.

The crowd erupts as I find the puck. The Mohawk player plays the puck past the center and he’s hit by my winger. Their winger hits them and they dig like mad. The blades slap as the puck barely moves.

I position myself and watch like a hawk.

The puck pops out and I attack. Snatching it, I spin around, quickly check for Hammer skates over the blue and travel into the offensive zone.

My forwards line up and I pass to Casey. He passes to Rich and I take center. I see the goalie ready his gloves.

Rich rides the boards to the face off circle on the right and hits the puck.

I see it coming and pick it up. The Mohawk defensemen tries for it and I deke left. I skate the turn and come around the net.

With a flick of my wrist, I roof the shot into the net as I wrap around the goal from the back.

The score ties 2-2 in the third period and my team screams along with the fans.

I skate up to the center face off circle and lean forward. I ready myself for the puck drop.

My face is steaming from sweat and my eyes find the Mohawks center.

“Nice goal.” He smirks.

My eyes widen. “Wright?” I look around then back at him. “Does your coach know your on the ice?” I chirp.

He narrows his eyes. “Haha.” He sneers.

“No, seriously. Is he really throwing the game?” I ask in a concerned tone.

“Next hit is on your ass.” He sneers.

“I don’t think your wife would like you hitting on me.” I smirk.

“Oh, you’re dead.” He grits.

I make an air kiss to him just as the puck drops. Like lighting, I lift my stick and scoop the puck to my left winger.

We back skate and he passes to me. Once everyone is behind, I push off and make the dash to attacking zone.

I look right. “Casey! Back off!” I yell, but it was too late. He skates across the blue line and the ref blows the whistle.


“Fuck!” I pass the puck and skate back to our zone.

I slide up to Casey. “What the fuck?! Pay attention!” I growl.

“Sorry!” He growls.

I shake my head and skate to our neutral zone faceoff spot.

I face the center and ready my stick.

“Still waiting for that hit, Wright.” I smirk.

“I only hit real players.” He snips.

My brows go up. “Good one! Did ya hurt yourself thinking that up?”

The puck drops and Wright gets the snatch. He hits it to his right and then they pass back as we position for defense. My left defense hangs around the net as his wingers eye the goal.

They cross pass a few times before entering the zone. Wright plays the puck and Rich intercepts. The Mohawk winger tries for it and he shoots a pass my way and I run with it. Before the blue line, Wright takes me out.


I grit and dig my skates in. He’s running down the ice.

“CLOSE IT!” I yell.

My defensemen squeeze the wall and Wright passes to his left. His winger shoots on net and Addly drops his pads. He gloves the puck and the whistle blows.

I blow out a breath as I skate in a circle, trying to calm myself.

I look at the clock. 20 seconds left.

Wright looks at me. “Hope you don’t have plans. I’m taking this to overtime.”

I smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll have you home to mother before that.”

He narrows his eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. You're too easy.” I smirk.

The puck drops again and I snatch it. I pass to Casey and he carries it across the line. He passes to Rich on the way down. The Mohawks desperately try to intercept as Casey passes it back to Rich.

I come in like a bullet down the center.


I meet their goalies eyes as Rich passes. The world stops. The only sound is my beating heart and panting breath.

The puck glides across the ice right to wear I need it be. I pull back my stick, slow my skates and drive all my power into the pain I’m about to deliver.

My stick comes down and the blade connects with the hard rubber.

I watch it fly across the ice as their goalie drops. I hold my breath as I see his hand raise and the puck clip his glove, slamming itself in the top left corner.

The world comes back to life as the siren sounds and the people roar.

Rich and Casey jump on me and Dylan gives me a glove bump. My other defensemen slaps my back. Addly’s dancing for the crowd.

We line up for a good game slap and I grab Wright’s hand. “Say hi to Mama for me.”

He arches a brow with a smile. “Next time, I won’t go so easy on you.”

He slaps my shoulder and continues the line as I shake my head.

This win now gives us a solid playoff spot. Something that comes easy for the Axelridge Hammers.

The Axelridge Wolverines, on the other hand. If it wasn’t for a stunning, preppy cheerleader, I probably wouldn’t be here right now.

She helped me with so much. I don’t even think she knows all of it.


“You are the Captain. You don’t get to blame anyone for the failings of this team, but yourself.”

“But, dad…” I try to defend myself against the lost we suffered. This is the third one in a row and he’s not having it. Of course, he has to punch me down for it all. “Corson can’t skate…We don’t have the support on the right side…”

“You make it work, Finley! If Corson sucks, it’s because you suck! No one else. A team is only as good as its leader.” He glares at me as his face gets redder.

“If we just move him…” I suggest.


He always knows exactly where to hit to make me crumple.

I look to the ice as my teammates try not to look at me. I watch them shift on their skates uncomfortably.

“Now, get out there and run practice. I expect results, Finley. We're winning the next game or it’s your ass.” He points in my face and leaves the ice, pulling out his phone for a council conference call.

I gather myself and skate to the guys. I swallow my humiliation and look them over. “Drills. 1 hour.” I mumble.

“Why don’t you tell him to fuck off, man?” Pete says as he skates to my side.

I glare at him. “Leave it.” I grit. “Drills.” I bark and skate off.

“YOU HEARD THE CAP! CENTER LINE!” Pete yells to the 20 kids in my charge.

I spin around. “Corson!”

He pops out of the group and skates to me. “Yeah, Cap.”

“Listen, Saturday, I want you on defense.” I instruct.

“But I like winger.” He says.

“I know you do, you just don’t have the skill for it. I’m sorry, but we have to win here or we drop out of the standings. The next game is a must win. Tell my dad you want defense. Trade with Rogers.” I rub my wet, sweat soaked hair. I know I’m making him feel bad, but I have to do what I got to do to win…or it’s my ass.

“Yeah, OK.” He grumbles.

I grab his shoulder. “Hockey players don’t pout, alright. Stop it. You want to win?”

“Yeah.” He eyes me.

“Then I need everyone to cooperate with me and do as they are told. Got it?” I tilt my head and pierce his eyes.

“Got it. Still sucks.” He says.

“If you want wingman, work for it.” I push him back. “Learn to skate.” I push off and put my helmet back on.

I spin back around. “If coach asks, it was your idea.” He salutes me and I turn back around.

I may have been hard on him, but if it keeps my dad off my back, I’ll do what it takes.

Being a captain may seem like celebrity stardom, but people don’t realize how much shit we actually take. I may get more than my fair share, but I have to believe my dad doesn’t truly hate me. He gave me life. It’s not like I’m just any kid, either. Having Fated parents, I have to think there’s got to be love in there somewhere, I’m just having trouble seeing it.

When practice is over and my friends are long gone, I like to have the rink to myself. In the half lighting, I skate around with a stick and a puck. I just take shots on the open net and think.

I think about what would happen if I told my dad to fuck off. What if I threw my helmet and broke my stick. What if I told him, no more.

I take a shot and it hits the back.

I slowly skate to the goal and collect the puck.

I take a bucket and dump it. Pucks spill out across the blue line.

I skate around, pick up a puck and run with it. I raise my stick and slapshot it. It’s good, but not perfect. It has to be perfect. Everything has to be perfect.

My father’s words invade my head as I come in off the right. I shoot and it hits the top left.

Shot after shot makes me even more pissed as they get worse.

Loser…You’re nobody…You suck…

The words pound on me as I force myself to do this one single shot.

I fire another and it hits the goal post.

I lower my head in defeat. My dad’s in my head and I can’t get him out. I skate around the rink and my ears pick up…cheering?

I skid to a stop, throwing snow…I search and see her.

She’s hopping like a rabbit at the boards. A smile creeps across my face and my dad seems to fade to the back of my mind.

She stops and smiles back. I can see her soft cheeks redden in the cold air or maybe she’s blushing.

The rink was quiet and I hear her clear her throat.

“Ready? OK!” She lifts her arms as she yells. Her voices reverberates off the boards.

“Don’t be mean!

Just be nice!

Finn's so hot,

He melts the ice!”

She woos and jumps in the air like an audience was applauding.

All I can do is laugh loud. I double over and fall on my back, sprawling my arms and legs out.

I hear laughter and raise my head. She’s balancing herself to me on her runners.

She stops over me and tucks her hair behind her ear. She squats down and I rest my head back down with an ear to ear grin.

“Hi.” I say as I admire the tip of her nose turning pink.

“Hi. Sorry. I just thought…” She starts.

“It’s OK. It’s just me here.” I say.

“I…um…I came earlier, but you were busy.” Her smiles fades.

I look at my navy blue sweater and wipe the snow flakes off it. “You heard.”

“Finn…I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be…He’s not your dad.” I mumble and chew my lip.

“Still. He has no right to talk to you…”

“So what are you doing here?” I interrupt. I don’t want to talk about my father.

“Practice finished early and I wanted to know if you wanted to walk me home?” She gives a half smile and her big, brown eyes lock with mine.

“I’d love to. Help me up.” I reach out for her hand.

She stands and grabs my hand. I pull and her runners slip. She falls on me with yelp and I groan under her body weight.

She laughs a beautiful belly laugh and I hold her, laughing too.

She lifts her head to me. She’s so close, I feel the back of my shirt get wet from melting ice.

We just stare at each other as our faces soften.

I lick my lips and move in for a kiss, but she blocks my shot.

“I have to be home in 20 minutes.” She whispers.

“Oh…OK.” I wiggle out from her and get to my blades. I hold out my hands and help her up. I turn around and tap my back. “Hop on.”

“What? No.” She laughs.

“It’s OK.” I grin over my shoulder.

She hops on and I adjust her with my arms under her knees.

“Whoa!” I fake losing my balance.

“Ah! FINN!”

I turn my head. “Just kidding.” I stabilize and smile.

She hits my head. “Not funny!”

I laugh. “Hold on.” I push off and skate the boards. I make the turns and she’s laughing so hard as the wind blows her hair.

I see her eyes sparkle. Her bright, white smile. The warmth of her body on mine. She’s not heavy, she’s…perfect.

I’m in pure heaven. Just having fun with her. It’s like nothing else matters. It’s just me, her and the ice. My two favorite things in the entire world right here with me.

As I make my final laps, I think…Please God, make this last forever.

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