The Axelridge Series Book 1 Finn's Slapshot

Chapter 25

(Chapter song ‘Beautiful Mistakes' by Maroon 5)


“Congratulation Class of 2008! May the future be bright for all of you!”

I slow clap with the audience and look at the empty seat beside me.

I don’t know why I thought this time would be any different. I guess after four years of separation and doing our own thing, I thought this time would be better.

The last two years of trying life with Finn again, just proved I was right in the first place. Me and the game can’t share Finn.

The audience files out and I just sit there in my disappointment wondering why the most important person in my life wouldn’t show up for my teachers college graduation.

I look at the unanswered messages on my phone as a tear falls. My heart breaks and I just stare off at the stage.

When everyone is long gone and the auditorium is quiet, I hear shoes run down the aisle and stop behind me. I don’t even have to turn around.

“I’m sorry.”

I press my lips together and try to suppress my anger. “This was the most important moment in my life.” I grit quietly.

He slides into the chair behind me. “April, I know. The interviews and signings. I tried so hard to get here in time.”

I nod. “Obviously, not hard enough.” I stand and walk up the aisle way.

“April, wait!”

“Leave me alone, Finn! We're done!” I growl as I throw my cap on the floor and throw open the door.

For the next week, he blew up my phone with apologies. I read them as I sit on my couch wallowing in self pity, thinking how stupid I was to think we could work.

I was just getting into a movie when my doorbell rings.

I look at my phone and it’s so late, it can only be one person. I get up and walk to the door.

I open it and he’s standing on the other side with his hands in his pockets.

I sigh and go to shut the door.

“April!” He stops it with his hand.

“What do you want, Finn?” I kick out a leg and cross my arms.

“I want to talk.” He mumbles.

“There’s nothing to talk about.” I grind as I turn and walk into my house.

He follows me and closes the door. “I’m so sorry, April…I know I fucked up large and I can’t take back the past, but I can fix the future. I swear I can. April!” He grabs my and turns me around. “I can prove to you that I’m committed to us. Please, just give me a chance.”

“Finn…You say this every time. You break it and say you’ll fix it, but then break it again. I can’t keep doing this.” I shake my head and sigh.

He grabs my cheeks. “I love you. I’m so in love with you. Look, the playoffs are over. We won so, now it’s just you, me and that big beautiful blue moon, ok. Come with me, please. I’ll prove to you that you are the most important thing in my life. You’ll be my Luna and we'll have an absolutely wonderful night.”

I study his face. “No more hockey?”

He shakes his head. “No more hockey. Just us and the moon.” He smiles. “I’ll fix us. I promise. Everything will be different.”

He leans in and kisses me passionately and I let him in. I feel in his kiss that he means it.

Last year we missed the moon because he got called away. Hopefully, he’s telling the truth this time because as far as I’m concerned, this will be his last chance ever again.



“Wow! The decorators went all out!” I say as I hold Aprils arm.

The stadium is full of pack members and the roof is open to the night sky. The moon is approaching its peak, spreading its deep blue color over all of Axelridge on the most magical night of our lives.

I feel it. I know April is my Fated. We've been through so much together and always find our way back to each other.

“This is so great, Finn!” She laughs over the thumping music. The decorations are the Hammers red, white and black colors and people are dancing, laughing waiting to fill their Mate bonds.

I grab a drink for my beautiful bunny and guide her through the crowd to the stage. I dance with her in front of it as I wait for the time to start my Alpha speech.

I dip her and she giggles. I pull her up to my lips as we kiss with my pack dancing around us.

I was really getting into the party when a hand taps my shoulder. I turn to Freddy standing behind me. He leans to my ear. “The press is outside! They want a statement about the cup win!”

“Now?” I scrunch my brow.

“Just go and say a few words. You got time.’ He responds.

I sigh. I lean April. “Baby, I gotta do a thing outside. I’ll be back. Hang with Freddy!”

“Now? It’s almost time!” She yells back.

“Five minutes!” I hold up five fingers and back into the crowd.

I push my way through and out to the front of the stadium.

I was bombarded by the press and the questions about the cup changed to the recent attack by the Vinellis which resulted in the deaths of three of my men. I answered as best I could as Alpha and the moon crept into its peak above my head.

I hear rising cheers coming from the stadium and I turn around.

My eyes widen. “Shit!”

I rush back in and push my way back to the stage. “April!”

I pop out to where I left her and spin around. She's not here.

I look over the crowd and see Freddy a few groups over. I push through and grab his arm. “Where’s April?”

He points to the door. “She went that way!”

I look to people coming in and out. “April!” I shove, duck and weave through the couples celebrating their fate bonds.

I get back outside and look for her. Not seeing any sign, I turn back and my phone dings. I open it and it’s a one word message.


YOU: April, please come back. It’s not over yet! There’s time.

APRIL: No, Finn. It really is over.

YOU: April, don’t do this, please!

APRIL: I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I drop my phone and look up at the moon that’s past its peak now. I drop my head and think what a colossal fuck up that was. Freddy’s a dead man.

After tearing Freddy a new one, I went home broken hearted and worried that I won’t be able to repair this. How do you justify walking out on the most important night of a shifters life?

I drank myself into a stupor on my couch, drowning my fuck up in booze.

I woke with a snort. My phone was vibrating on my table. I stunk and my head was pounding. I grab my phone and pull it up to my head on the couch. I can barely read the words, but April wants to meet and talk about last night.

I type back to give me 15 minutes and she types where to meet her.

Later, I sat in the coffee shop down from the Security Complex. My fingers nervously tap my coffee in front of me as I watch out the window.

A big smile crosses my face as I see her cross the street and head my way.

She walks through the shop door and sees me. I lower my lips as I see the disturbed look on her face. I know I shouldn’t be happy about this, but I’m just glad she wants to talk about it.

I stand as she approaches.

“April.” I breathe. “I’m so sorry…I told Freddy off as soon as I realized I missed the moon and…”

She raises her hand to me. “I’m not here to talk about that.”

I lean my hip on the table edge and tilt my head. “OK. What?”

She fiddles with her jacket. “There’s no easy way to tell you this…”

I furrow my brow. “Just say it.”

Her eyes meet mine. “His name is Kyle. Kyle Warren.”

I lean a bit toward her. “Excuse me?”

She chews her cheek. “I met my Fated, Finn.” She ticks her head as she drops a huge fucking bomb.

I chuckle in disbelief. “What? No…Bunny, we were fixing things…You…No…” I hold my hand out to the side as I look at her with confusion. She can’t do this to me.

She lets out a breath, takes her jacket off and pulls her shirt back off her shoulder. “We marked it last night.”

I huff a few breaths as I fumble into my seat. My eyes wildly look her over.

Her words were like a wrecking ball to my heart. In one night, we are truly over forever and she didn’t think twice.

I lean my elbows on the table and scrub my hair.

“I’m sorry, Finn. Truly. I hope you have a good life. I don’t hate you and…I hope, after all this, we can still be friends.” She says quietly.

I raise my head to her and tick my jaw. I stand and get in her space. My grief now turning to anger. “You blow my heart to fucking pieces and you want to be friends? Screw you. Enjoy your mate.” I spit, push past her and leave the shop.

I could have said a lot more, but I know it wouldn’t do any good. She didn’t even hesitate before fucking another guy and marking with him. Fuck her.

I don’t need her. This is good. Now I can get the hell over her and move on.


Present Day

I slowly walk down the stairs and I hear her in the kitchen. I walk to the entryway and she’s at the counter with a bottle and glass.

I silently walk up, wrap my arms around her and lean my chin on her shoulder.

Grabbing the cap and the bottle, I put the cap back on and push the bottle away.

I hug her tight and bury my head in her neck.

“I’m retiring from the team.” I whisper in her ear.

She covers her mouth with her hand and turns around. She wraps her arms around my neck and cries on my chest.

I hold her for as long as she needs me to.

I realize now that the thing that ruined my life was the game. It wasn’t just a sport to me. Like that bottle, it was an addiction and I didn’t care who I hurt for it. My father taught me that. It was the only thing he ever taught me. Life was only the game. Everything else was just in the way. April showed me the damage that mentality causes. If I really want to fix us this is what I have to do.

“When I find Ben, I’m fixing all of us.” I pull her head back and wipe her eyes. “I love you and Ben so much. I don’t want to lose you again. I can’t survive it. If quitting the game fixes things, then I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you want. You’ll never be alone anymore. I’m here, bunny. I’m home for good.”

“Just bring my baby home.” She hitches.

I nod. “I will. I’ll find the asshole that has him and I’ll make that fucker pay for hurting my family.”

She nods and hugs me again. I kiss her hair and rest my head on hers.

“I know I’ve said a lot of empty promises, but I mean it, bunny. I’m dead serious. No more games. My dad and all his fucking shit ends now. I’m changing even if it kills me, ok?”

“OK.” She chokes.

I push her back, cup her cheeks and kiss her gently. I pour all my love into the kiss.

I break away and rest my forehead on hers. “You get some sleep. I’ll go get our son back ok?”

“Please hurry.” She squeaks.

“As fast as I can.” I separate, reach around her and grab the bottle. “I’m taking this. You shouldn’t even have it here.” I wag a finger at her.

She let’s out a little chuckle. “Sorry.”

“See…looking out for you.” I nod to her.

“Go. Be safe.” She holds herself and leans on the counter.

“OK. Get some sleep. I’ll text you with updates on the hour.”

“Thank you, Finn.”

“Don’t thank me for doing my job.” I wave. “I love you!”

“I love you too!” She yells back.

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