The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf: Book One of The Alpha Series

The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf: Chapter 11

We’re in an underground car park. I follow Zenith to an elevator, step in and stand beside Zenith at the back; John stands in front of us. I feel a bit under-dressed wearing a hoodie and jeans while they wear expensive suits. After a few minutes, the elevator stops and the doors open with a ding. I step into a large, clean, classy foyer. I follow Zenith to a large door.

‘This is the waiting room,’ he says.

The large room is filled with luxurious couches and recliners, designer coffee tables, fancy vases and fresh flowers. A long u-shaped desk adorns a wall, and a large water feature another wall.

‘This will be your desk. You will greet the clients and offer them drinks. There is a kitchen with a coffee machine and a fridge behind you. Give my clients whatever they want,’ he says; I nod.

‘This room behind your desk is my office. Don’t let anyone in until you have told me that they are here, via call. I will tell you when I’m ready for them.’

‘What if they refuse to wait and enter your office?’ I ask.

‘Use your common sense; do what you must, just don’t let them in,’ he says.

‘Okay,’ I say, exhaling and visualising all sorts of possible scenarios in my mind.

‘If you need to call a client, this screen has all client details. This screen here is your diary, to book clients in. I have access to it on my laptop,’ he explains.

‘Brooke is my assistant downstairs. If you need anything, call her; her number is there on the desk,’ he says.


‘I’ll get her to bring you up a skirt-suit, blouse, pantyhose, and court shoes. There is a staff bathroom down the hall, to the right. Have a shower, get changed, and put some make up on,’ he says, smiling before leaving.

‘Okay,’ I say, smiling at his hospitality. Ten minutes later, Brooke comes upstairs with a cream blouse, navy skirt-suit, black pantyhose, and black court shoes, in my size.

‘Hello, I believe these are for you,’ she says, smiling. ‘I’m Brooke.’

‘Brooke, nice to meet you. I’m Astrid. Thank you,’ I say, taking the outfit from her. Brooke is slim, petite, and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a navy skirt suit too.

‘I have to go now, but if you need anything, feel free to call me,’ she says, smiling, and going downstairs. I go into the bathroom, shower, and admire the gorgeous corporate attire, hanging it up on a hook. The hot water stings parts of my skin, but feels glorious, nonetheless; after an exhausting morning, it is exactly what I need. I push my feet into the black pantyhose and pull them up over my hips, letting the black elasticated waistband rest on my stomach; they’re not too tight and they fit perfectly. I step into the navy skirt and zip it; it too fits me perfectly; like a glove. The cream blouse is silk; I tuck it into the top of the waist-high skirt, and revel in the way it feels against my skin. I push my arms into the structured sleeves of the gorgeous navy blazer, and step into the court shoes, which are my size. I find a brush and a bag of cosmetics under the bathroom basin; I brush my hair and scoop it up into a scrunched bun before applying some foundation, eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. I look at myself in the mirror; I feel and look a million dollars; I’m ready to play Miss Corporate Barbie. I leave my old clothes, socks and shoes in the vanity. With one final coat of red lipstick to my lips, I stuff the gold-encased lipstick into my blazer pocket, and push the bathroom door open.

I’m just about to take a seat at the desk when a man enters. I know him straight away to be James, John’s twin brother; he looks me up and down like I’m a snack, and whistles.

‘You accepted Dad’s job offer, I see,’ he says with a grin.

‘I did. It’s a pleasure to meet you, James,’ I say, in a most polite manner.

‘The pleasure is all mine,’ he says, taking my hand and placing a kiss on it; like father, like son. He winks at me and walks to the office to the right of Zenith’s, before stopping and turning to look at me.

‘In case you haven’t been told, this is my office. The one on the other side of Dad’s is John’s. We work together sometimes in Dad’s office,’ he says, smiling.

Nodding, I smile. The phone rings, and I answer it in my best, professional voice.

‘Zenith Creations. Astrid speaking. How may I help you?’ I say.

‘It’s Dom Hayes. I need to see Zenith as soon as possible.’

‘Okay sir. Please hold on a moment,’ I open the diary screen, and find a free spot tomorrow.

‘Mr. Hayes, I can book you in for 2pm tomorrow,’ I offer.

‘Okay, I’ll see him tomorrow,’ Mr Hayes says, ending the call before I can say goodbye. I spend the day answering calls from clients, booking appointments, and passing on messages. Half way through the day, I look up to see John and James leaning over my desk looking right at me with coy expressions.

‘Is there something I can help you with?’ I ask them.

‘Actually, Astrid, there is something you can help me with. If you could follow me into my office,’ John says. James elbows him playfully. ‘Don’t mind him, he is just stirring,’ James says.

‘We would both love a coffee,’ James says, winking and smiling.

‘How would you like your coffee?’ I ask, ignoring John’s smirks.

‘Latte, no sugar. John will have the same.’

‘Okay.’ I walk into the kitchen, and have a look at the big copper, industrial coffee machine sitting on the granite benchtop – how am I going to use this thing? I try to recall what I was taught in my six-hour barista class, a few years ago. I surprise myself and manage to make the coffees expertly. I put a glass and one teaspoon on each saucer, and walk with them out to the boys. They’re looking at me like I’m some divine Goddess who makes barista-style coffee just for them. I put the lattes down in front of them; they’re impressed.

‘Won’t your father be annoyed you two are out here staring at me instead of working?’ I ask. James grins.

‘You’re right, Astrid,’ he says, gives me a wink, and returns to his office with his latte.

‘John, get back to work,’ he laughs. John returns to his office with his latte.

‘You know how to handle those two, don’t you?’ Brooke giggles. ‘You must tell me about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from?’ She asks.

‘I’ll be eighteen in five days. I used to live with my Dad, a forty-five-minute walk from here,’ I reply.

‘How exciting. You’ll meet your wolf this week!’ She says excitedly. I give a fake smile.

‘Yeah, so excited…’ I say, with a tinge of sarcasm and sadness. The phone rings.

‘I better get back to my desk downstairs,’ Brooke says, running downstairs in her court shoes. I answer the phone.

‘Zenith Creations. Astrid speaking. How may I help you?’ I ask.

‘It’s me. Zenith. Make us both a latte and bring them to my office,’ he says, ending the call. I push open his door with the lattes in my hands and put them on his desk.

‘You’ve done well today, Astrid,’ he says.

‘Thank you,’ I reply, sipping my latte.

‘We need to discuss your living arrangements. You can stay in the pack house with me and the boys, if you’re comfortable to do so,’ Zenith offers.

I pause in thought at his offer. I don’t have anywhere to stay, and I don’t want to live with his sons. What choice do I have?

‘Okay, just for now, though,’ I smile, accepting his offer.

‘Good. It’s settled then,’ he smiles, sipping his latte.

At 5pm, I follow Zenith to the elevator; John and James follow behind.

‘You can hop in with me,’ James offers, smiling.

‘Thank you. I’ll go with your Dad,’ I say, smiling.

I get into Zenith’s car. An important phone call takes his attention for the duration of our ride home. We arrive, and I see a sign that reads Shady Crest. I gulp. This is the pack Vanessa and Alice are from! This is the pack who abused Vanessa and used her as the pack slave.

‘Is something wrong?’ John asks, staring at me.

‘No, I’m just admiring the house. It’s so lovely,’ I say, trying to contain my nerves. His house is large and impressive; not as big as Ryker’s but still gorgeous. The car stops, Zenith opens his door and helps me out; my court shoes crunch on pristine white gravel.

‘Are you okay Astrid? You’re shaking,’ he says.

‘I’m fine. I’m just a bit cold,’ I lie, rubbing my arms.

‘Let’s go inside.’

We walk up twenty stone steps to a glossy green front door and walk inside into a foyer. Zenith puts his black, leather case on a nearby table with his coat.

‘This way, to the dining room,’ he says, smiling. I follow him into the dining room. People sit at a long, mahogany table, and are being served plates of food by employees.

Everyone goes quiet and stands with Zenith’s arrival.

‘I’d like to formally introduce you to Astrid,’ he says, placing a hand on my back. There are a few gasps and whispers among them.

‘Silence,’ Zenith says, calmly.

‘Astrid will be staying with us. Hopefully she joins our pack too. I know I can count on you to make her feel welcome and at home,’ he says, with utmost authority in his voice.

Zenith walks to his chair at the head of the table.

‘Astrid, you may dine next to me tonight,’ he says. I nod and sit in the chair next to him. All eyes are on me; I look around the table and give a nervous but friendly smile.

They all smile and nod; I realise they’re excited I’m here. I begin eating and one-by-one they introduce themselves to me; James sits next to me and John sits opposite me. The pretty girl next to John shakes my hand.

‘I’m Amelia, John’s mate,’ she says, smiling. I look at John, tilting my head in surprise.

‘John, you never mentioned you had a mate,’ I say.

‘Oh, didn’t I?’ He says. James smirks.

‘I suppose you have a mate too, then?’ I ask James. He smiles, while eating.

‘No, actually, I haven’t. Dad is telling me to choose one though,’ he says, winking and brushing my leg with his under the table; I blush and look away.

‘Amelia, I’d love you to give me a tour of the house,’ I say, smiling at her.

‘I would love to Astrid,’ she replies with a smile. We finish our meals and she skips around the table and links her arm with mine. ‘Let’s tour,’ she says excitedly.

Strange that Vanessa said she was a slave here and beaten; everyone seems pretty civilised here. Everyone has been very nice; I might even get used to the boys’ flirting. I’m sure I can find out more information through Amelia.

‘This is the dining room,’ she giggles. She shows me through the kitchen, the hallways, and the bedrooms upstairs.

‘This is my room, mine and John’s. This room over here is vacant. You can take this room if you like, then, we will be near each other,’ she says, excitedly.

‘Sure. I’ll take it,’ I say, smiling. The room is simple and nice; it doesn’t have a bathroom though.

‘Where would I find the bathroom?’ I ask.

‘Only the highest ranks here get their own bathrooms. There are a couple of communal bathrooms; one two doors up and the other down the hall. If you need anything, James’ bedroom is next to yours,’ she smiles.

‘Oh, thanks. That’s awesome,’ I say, hiding my unease.

‘You didn’t bring anything with you; I’ll give you a nightie to wear,’ she says, crossing the hallway to her room.

‘Thanks,’ I smile, and accept the nightie and towels she comes back with.

‘Here you go,’ she says. ‘Have a good sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow,’ she says, skipping to her room. In the bathroom, I lock the door behind me, and shower. I return to my room in the nightie when I’m fresh and clean.

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