The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 35

“You’re leaving?”

Malachi is shocked, more so than I expected. He stands up abruptly, nearly pulling away the sheets that he had unconsciously scrunched between his fingers, and looks at me with wide eyes. I see a swirl of storms in his blue eyes, more shadow than light in the dim morning dawn that surrounds us, and I might not be imagining the hurt that creeps in the edges and wrinkles his forehead.

It nearly makes me change my mind.

“You’re going ForgedHearts pack?” he questions, like he needs to clarify where I call home. Maybe my choice of wards was poor, but this hasn’t felt like home, not ever, even in the small moments I’m enveloped in Malachi’s embrace. For a flicker in time, being with him feels right, but everything else around us is so wrong.

“Just for a few days.”

He visibly relaxes, his shoulders slumping forward and his clenched jaw loosening while he sits on the edge of the bed. I scoot back and pull my knees to my chest.

“It’s almost the new moon, and I want to be there for the pack’s FireNight, when we celebrate the night together. It’s a tradition--”

“I know about it,” he quietly interrupts.

“You do? How--”

“I saw you there with everybody, around a fire. They were telling stories, and ….and making fun of you.”

Memories of the night Max humiliated me fill my mind, making me cringe. Malachi witnessed all that? Was he watching me from the shadows of the forest? I then remember running into him along the path towards home, and how comforting it felt to be with him after feeling so cast out by my own pack mates.

“Yeah, Max was to thank for that. He’s a first class bully. I usually pay him no mind,” I brush the experience off with a wave of my hand, not wanting to let it bother me anymore.

“What he did to you was terrible, Ariella. He deserved far more punishment than I gave hi--”

“You what?” I sit up until our eyes are on the same level. Something clicks in my mind, something Luci and Gabby mentioned. “Tell me you weren’t the one behind him falling in the lake…”

“Do you really think I would just stand by and watch my mate get tormented like that? Ariella, I will never let anyone hurt you, and especially not get away with it.” Malachi’s eyes flash bright blue, and he rests his hand over my knees before taking my own hand. I should feel protected with his declaration to always keep me safe, but there is a deep tone in his voice and glint in his intense eyes that make me shiver. “It’s not like I killed him. I made sure he was fine, that someone was nearby to pull him out,” Malachi eases the concerned look on my face.

“Okay, I suppose that’s fair enough.” Truth is, though I’m worried with how far someone might go to protect their mate, I feel special knowing Malachi has the instinct to keep me safe. It’s inevitable, with the mate bond growing between us, that we both feel the urge and desire to protect each other, the other half of our hearts.

“So when is the new moon?” Malachi asks, breaking the heavy silence between us.

“This Friday night. You’ll be able to come for the bonfire, right? I want you there.”

He pats my knee and thinks a moment before answering. “I guess I could head over. It’s not far, and besides, I think I’m going to miss you when you’re gone.”

A happy feeling bubbles up inside me, making me smile. “Yeah, I’m going to miss you too. But I just need a short trip to see my parents and friends, and let you get your work done here without distractions.” And I need to get away from your mother….

I know the time away will give Malachi the chance to focus fully on the problems surrounding us, as well as help me see things in perspective. I need space to think, to breathe, to be myself without everyone looking over my shoulder criticising me. Being home for a few days with my parents will be just what I need, my bones can feel it already and I can’t wait to be surrounded by my peaceful gardens and meadows again.

“Good. I guess I should give Alpha Kaiden a call, and get formal clearance to enter his territory,” Malachi smiles wryly.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. No more trespassing from the both of us, huh? But… you should try email. Phone service is terrible in our pack. I mean their pack. My old pack,” I give a shaky laugh and avoid his eyes as my words keep tripping over themselves. This whole situation is stringing me tight, and I just want to move on from it.

“Sure, I’ll do that.” he gives me a warm smile, his eyes sparkling as sunlight spills into the bedroom, glinting off the glassy surfaces.

We get ready quickly, each with plans for the day filling our mind. After heading down to have some breakfast, I chop fruit and toast some muesli for the both of us. Beta Hamilton soon joins us and we all discuss the plans. It is decided that Beta Knight will drive me to the border, and from there I can easily walk to my parents’ place. It isn’t far and I’ve done it before.

Hamilton is still munching on food when Malachi heads off and I tidy up the kitchen, with no sight of Seneca around at all. I’m beginning to wonder if perhaps I just imagined what I heard last night, that Luna Seneca was just being nice to me and I misconstrued everything she said to what I was thinking she meant. Maybe my own imagination really is getting the best of me, and I need to rein it in before it makes me do something foolish.

Like going home.

But she isn’t the only reason I’m going home, I tell myself as I watch Hamilton check his watch for the tenth time in as many minutes. I want to see my parents and friends, catch up with the Alpha family, give Malachi space to sort out what’s going on…

“You waiting on someone?” I ask when Hamilton again pulls out his watch.

“Harlow. She was supposed to meet me here after she went for a run this morning. I don’t think she’s just going exercising with friends, I think it’s something more and I’m worried about it.”

“Something more, like… she’s meeting a guy friend?” I take a guess, getting the vibe from Hamilton that there’s more to this story.

“You women are always jumping to conclusions, aren’t you?” he frowns at me.

“Is that your way of confirming I’m right without actually saying it?” I arch an eyebrow and smile innocently.

Hamilton gives me a sidelong glance then rolls his eyes. “Maybe.”

I chuckle, then grow serious again. “So who is he? Obviously you don’t like him very much.”

He snorts and runs a hand through his messy locks. “He’s so much older than her, and they’re not even mates. I don’t see the sense in spending so much time with someone who’s not your mate, but she assures me she just likes hanging around him. That he’s lots of fun.”

“And is that such a bad thing?” I know it’s hard to come across good friends, especially ones that make you laugh despite so many troubling things going on.

“Well, if he reads into it too much, or tries to take advantage of her, it’s definitely a bad thing. I don’t want my baby sister getting hurt by someone who doesn’t care for her like a mate would.”

“Good point. And she won’t tell you what’s going on?” I wash up his plate when he finally slides it into the sink of soapy water.

“She’s all coy smiles and witty remarks when I ask her anything, telling me all sorts of things but the actual truth,” he sighs heavily, leaning against the counter, and I feel his frustration. Harlow sounds not too dissimilar from Luci. Their tastes in adventure and unattainable men is shared and I know it can be a dangerous passion.

“Well, just keep an eye on her to make sure she’s okay. Let her know you’re there to talk or hang when she’s ready. I guess she finds it hard sharing stuff like that with an older brother, but honestly I don’t really know. I’ve always thought it would be cool to have a sister or brother. So she’s really lucky.” I give Hamilton a smile which he returns, even though he looks like he doesn’t fully agree.

Then he checks his watch again, pulling it from the pocket of his slate grey chinos before returning it.

“Why don’t you just wear it on your wrist?” I ask.

He grins and pulls it out fully, and I see that the face is attached to a long chain. The gold is vintage with swirling patterns around the face. “Because it’s a pocket watch, not a wrist watch.

“Nice. Where’d you get it?” I finger the chain that is heavy, probably solid gold going by the age it looks.

“It was my dad’s, and it was his dad’s before that. I think my great-grandmother bought it for her mate as a wedding present over a hundred years ago. Since then, it’s been passed down through the generations.

“That’s really special.”

“Yeah. When my dad gave it to me on my 13th birthday, he told me what it stands for. He said it would remind me that I always have time to do what’s right. Even when others are rushing to make decisions, acting foolishly, I should take my time until I know. Until I know what is right in that moment. It’s actually helped me a lot. Instead of letting my instincts and raw gut feelings take over, I always take the time to breathe… and think what he would’ve done in a similar situation.”

I nod. I know how precious it is to have something that reminds you of a lost parent. My violin is a similar item, always making me remember those times my real mother taught me how to play it for the first time. Though I was so young at the time, I can still picture her standing in our home, playing for my father and I in the cool evenings with the cozy fireplace giving us warmth. The warmth of family can never grow old no matter how many years pass.

Soon Harlow and Beta Knight arrive at the same time, and I give them both a blueberry muffin before we all set off for the day.

It doesn’t take long for me to put my bag and violin case in Knight’s car, then we are off.

But soon Knight slows before we even exit the estate.

“Why are we stopping?” I ask as he halts outside the gates.

“The Alpha wants to speak to you,” he replies casually, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel as I slowly get out.

Why does Malachi want to see me now? Is he going to stop me from leaving? Has he changed his mind, and doesn’t want to let me out of his sight for some reason?

My stomach clenches as he walks down from one of the office buildings and over to me with long strides.

“Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?” he pulls me against his chest and buries his head against my neck.

Relief washes over me as I wrap my arms around his slim waist. “Sorry. I didn’t know where you were, and I kind of thought this morning was our goodbye.”

He pulls back enough to look into my face. “You’re not going away forever, right? You’re going to come back?” Creases appear between his eyebrows, and I sense he is nervous.

“Of course I’m coming back! I’m not running from you, Malachi,” I poke him in the ribs gently and earn myself a smile. It brightens the already sunny day. “I could never leave you,” I say as I rub circles over his back. I can feel his strong muscles move even under the thick black coat he wears.

“Good. I think you’d miss me too much, anyway,” he teases, leaning down and pecking my nose.

“Hmm, you think? There are lots of other nice wolves in my old pack. I might start liki--”

A deep growl from Malachi cuts me off, and then his lips are pressed against mine in a rough kiss. At first I am stunned, but then a flame sparks to life inside me and I kiss him back. My lips move against his, my hands run up and down his back trying to pull him closer still, and I feel shivers erupt all over my skin as Malachi trails his lips to my ear.

“No one messes with the Alpha’s mate and lives to tell about it,” he whispers in a husky voice, bordering a growl.

It sends a strange tingle of desire through my body, knowing he is feeling possessive of me. I should have known not to joke about it, especially after our conversation this morning. “No one could ever compare to you in my eyes. I would never leave you for some puny wolf. You’re the only man I want,” I assure him, giving him one more kiss. I reach up and tousle his fringe until it’s beautifully messy, before he releases me.

“I’ll see you Friday.”

“You better. I’ll be waiting for you,” I wave as I hop back in the car.

“You two lovebirds remind me of when I was a kid. Such puppy love, it’s adorable, but can we please go now?” Knight comments, and I realise he was watching the whole thing from behind his tinted windows.

I fight the blush that steals over my face. “Yes, you may drive. Thank you, kind chauffeur.”

Knight grins at me, putting the engine in gear and screeching over the gravel in a show of power and speed.

The drive is short, and it is still morning when we arrive close to the border between the territories. I grab my bags, hoisting them over my shoulder as

Knight gives me a happy send off.

“Don’t have too much fun without your new friends, alright Kiddo?”

“Oh, are we friends now?” I ask with a goofy smile.

“Well if not friends, what am I to you?”

“Hmm. If I am soon to be Luna, and you are just the former Beta, then that would make you my lowly servant.”

“Oh Milady, you wound me!” Knight clutches his chest and groans, and I just laugh.

“You’ll get over it.”

“I don’t think I will. Not until you swear to bestow your favour upon me when you claim the crown, my honoured Queen,” he bows with a flourish, then takes my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles.

I try to stifle a laugh, and reply as seriously as possible. “You have my favour, dear Knight, now I really must depart these dreadful woods before bandits see the opportunity to maraud us.”

“I would slay a thousand infidel bandits to protect you and your honour, milady,” Knight squeezes my hand once more, before releasing me and climbing back in his car. “Au revoir.”

I chuckle at his attempt to be chivalrous. He almost embodies his name of a noble knight, ones that I love reading about in historical fiction stories. He is a good friend, and I am glad to have him in my life.

I walk into the trees, and then disappear off the path, following my internal compass that is set to home.

The birds twitter above me in the orange and red branches, and the air grows warmer as the sun climbs higher into the sky. I reach a turn in the trail after going down gullies and climbing over fallen trees, and can see my house in the distance.

Running up, my footsteps alert my dad who is bent over in the garden.

“Ariella, is that really you?”

I’m in his arms before I can even reply. “Hey, Dad. What’s news?” I give him my usual greeting.

He chuckles and pulls me into the house. “Your mother is going to be happy to see you, but upset that she’s already got plans tonight.”


“Is that my baby Ari?” Lexi rushes down the staircase with a bag under each arm and dumps them in the foyer before pulling me into a hug. I’ve missed the crushing yet loving hugs of my adoptive parents. I don’t think any parents loves their child more than mine do, and they’re not even my real parents. I’ve always known I would one day grow up and move away to be with my mate, but I didn’t realise I would miss my old life so much.

“It’s so good to see you. Are you staying for long?” Lexi searches my face, taking in all the details of my countenance as if she too has missed the sight of me.

“For a few days. I wanted to be here for Fire Night. Malachi is coming for it too, maybe Friday afternoon if the Alphas agree--”

“Oh, of course they will, Darling! We’d all be happy to have him come here. In fact, I’ll talk to Chesca tonight--oh!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I was on my way to stay with Chesca and her family tonight, to answer lots of questions she had about the baby and monitor her, but if you’re here, I’ll stay with you of course.”

“No, no. don’t change all your plans just because of me. I’m here for a few days anyway, so I’ll see you tomorrow and the day after,” I argue, not wanting to inconvenience anyone with my unannounced visit. If the Alpha especially is expecting my mom, I don’t want her to change anything.

“Are you sure?” Lexi looks between Charles and I. “I could delay a couple hours…”

“No, it’s fine. You go, they’re expecting you.”

She still doesn’t look convinced, as if me and dad can’t manage at home by ourselves.

“Lex, you go and stay with Chesca and the pups as planned. We’ll be fine, and besides, I’ll get to have some daddy/daughter time with my little girl.”

”Dad, I’m not a little girl anymore,” I can’t help but whine as he pulls me in close and places big kisses on the top of my head. But truthfully, despite my many protests that I’m all grown up, there’s something comforting about being his little girl again, and not having to worry about anything hurting me when I’m with my big strong dad.

“You’ll always be my little girl,” Charles murmurs and I hear his voice rumble where my face is squished against his chest, and my wolf and I both melt into the soothing sound.

“Well okay then, but don’t up and leave before I get a chance to see you.” Lexi says goodbye and heads off, leaving just me and dad to spend the afternoon together.

We go for a run, at my dad’s suggestion, and it’s just what I need. To see the trees and forested paths that are as familiar to me as the back of my hand; to hear the birdsongs that taught my heart lyric and melody; to hear the bubbling stream and learn more of its secrets--this is my home. This is what I’ve missed. In the back of my mind, Malachi is with me, enjoying each sight that I ache to share with him. I can’t wait to show him around my backyard forest and meadows that mean so much to me. They’re a part of me, they flow through me, and now I want to entwine Malachi into the makeup of my soul. Friday won’t come fast enough for me, but I breathe deeply and enjoy these moments of peace until then.

After warming down, my dad and I prepare a simple dinner together and settle in front of the blazing fire in the living room hearth. It keeps the frosty fall evening at bay, warming the house that holds so many beautiful memories for me.

“You’re very quiet this evening,” Charles murmurs from his favourite side of the couch, while I recline on the floor with a mug of hot cacao between my palms.

I sigh in contentment, every cell in my body unwinding and relaxing for the first time in weeks. “I’m just so happy to be home. There’s not much need for words.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Dad responds with a thoughtful nod. “Although I know you still have a million thoughts going on in your mind. Have you drawn anything interesting lately?”

I look down at my art diary beside me, the pen waiting patiently on top. “Plenty.”

“Do you want to show me any?”

I give him a sheepish smile. “I don’t think you’d care to see them. They’re not very … pleasant,” I search for the right word.

My dad frowns, and I know there’s no backing out from this. Either he’ll dismiss my fanciful notions with an apathetic attitude, or try and psychoanalyse what is really going on with me. “So you’ve had some dreams lately?”

Everyone knows most of my drawings come from my subconscious while I sleep.

“I’d call them weird nightmares.”

He pats the couch beside him, and I read a very understanding expression on his face. He has woken me up from many nightmares before, and isn’t shocked by the horrors I try and describe to him after. Talking with my dad is maybe just what I need to make sense of what’s been going on with my Alpha mate and his mystifying pack. So without hesitation, I crawl up beside him, curl my legs under my thighs, and give him my art book. The one with all the darkness, death…

And demons.

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