The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 42

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 42

He wasn't here when I woke but I expected as much. Pushing the covers off I stretched out my limbs and got out of bed.

It was grim outside, the sky grey, the rain falling but the storm was over. I needed coffee. Slipping my feet into my slippers I grabbed my phone just as it vibrated. 'I'm on a freaking date with Pete!! What's happening to me? I don't date haha see you when I get home!!'

She was on a date with Pete?! Wait what time was it. It wasn't even 10 o'clock and she was out of the house. Lana didn't do mornings. She hated them.

'Get um'

Smirking as I sent the message I made my way downstairs. I had a feeling today was going to be a good day. School would be back tomorrow and my appointment would go ahead Friday.

I was dying to get this cast off. 4 weeks and my hand would be back to normal. Putting the kettle on I fixed my self a cup. My gran should be home today. I knew she was going to love seeing Lana.

I couldn't believe she was on a date. Shaking my head I smiled as I heard the kettle click. She was going to eat him alive. Pouring in the hot water I stirred before bringing the cup to my nose and inhaling. Taking a sip I jumped slightly when I heard the knock on the back door.

There was only a few people it could be.

Unlocking the door I pulled it open just a little. I was only in my pjs and I didn't have a bra on. "Lacey?". Opening the door wider I let her come in.

"I didn't know where else to go". She sighed.

I'm guessing she still hadn't made up with Jack. So much for make up sex and a little ray of sunshine. "Do you want some coffee?". I asked.


Fixing her a cup I passed it to her. I hadn't bonded with Lacey the way I had with Alanna but she was still my friend. Poor girl looked distraught.

"I love Alanna to death but there's somethings I can't talk to her about. Somethings she doesn't get". She sighed.

"Because she hasn't found her mate?". I asked.

"Exactly. It's not all sunshine and flowers. It's hard Leah really fucking hard at times".

I would listen to her vent, I would give her advice if I could but I was new to this. Jake and I had barely started.

"I'm guessing you and Jack still aren't talking".

"I haven't heard from him but I expected it. The things I said, I was so nasty to him".

"Have you tried reaching out to him?". I asked just as there was another knock at the door.


"Give me a sec". I sighed. Reaching the back door I pulled it open. Looks like Jack had come back with his tail between his legs.

"She here?". He asked.

"You already know she's here Jack but I don't know if she wants to see you". I sighed. "This has nothing to do with you Leah. Let me see her". As he took a step towards me I held up my hand. He wasn't getting to waltz his way into my house.

"If she wants-.."

"It's okay Leah. He can come in".

Nodding my head I grabbed my coffee and phone. "I'll just be outside". Taking a seat on the bench under the porch I cursed myself for not lifting a jacket. It was cold and wet. The rain that horrible drizzle. Here I was freezing my ass off with nipples that hard they could crack glass.

Shouting, swearing, crying. I heard it all. I didn't mind that they were using my house to sort it out. I just hoped nothing got broke in the process. More crying, more shouting.

This was nothing to do with me but I couldn't stand here and let them tear each other a part much longer. Not to mention I was freezing. Finding his number I hit his name and brought the phone to my ear. "You missing-..."

"Come and get your best friend from my house. It's raining and I'm freezing". Ending the call I wrapped my arms around my self.

I wanted to barge into my house and tell them to leave but at the same time I didn't want to be intrusive. They needed to sort this out.

More shouting.

"Sounds like they're going for it".

"I didn't want to interrupt them". I chuckled. It sounded stupid in my head. They were in my house and I was out here freezing.

"How long have they been like that?". He asked handing me his hoodie.

"I could feel my toes when they started". I said pulling his hoodie over my head.

"I'll get them out".

"No wait". Grabbing his arm I winced when I heard the smash. "They need to sort this out. You didn't see how sad she was last night".

"You wanna come to mine?". He asked. I was well aware I still had a hold of his arm. "Yeah". I grinned nodding my head. "But I have no shoes". Looking down at my feet he laughed and then I laughed. "Let me get this straight you just left them in there to sort it out?". He asked the laughter calming down.

"Pretty much". I shrugged just as there was another smash. I wasn't getting in the middle of what ever shit they were shouting about.

"They're werewolf's babe. Maybe letting them sort it out in there wasn't your best idea". He winced as the shouting continued.

"Well I wasn't staying and getting caught up in that". I made a face. "I hope they make up soon before they wreck my kitchen". Taking a seat he followed suit taking my hand in his.

"I can make them stop right now". He winked just as the back door opened, both our heads turning in that direction.

Were they good?

Out they walked hand in hand. A light blush spread across Lacey's cheeks. That was a good sign right?

"Morning patrols for the next 2 weeks". Jakes voice broke through my thoughts.

"You got it Alpha". Jack grinned. "Thanks for looking after my girl Leah". As he slipped his arm over Lacey's shoulder my eyes connected with hers. She smiled and gave me a nod. They were good.

"You didn't need to do that". Getting to my feet I grabbed my mug walking back inside. Once I saw the mess I took it back. "In fact can you make them do it for 3 weeks?". I sighed. He laughed.

"You want coffee?". I was already fixing two cups before he could answer. "Did they really have to smash stuff?”.

"Hey". Grabbing my hand he pulled me to him. "I'll clean the mess-..."

"Leah honey are you here?". My gran called as I heard the front door closing.


Pulling my hand out of his I grabbed my coffee. She was going to freak at the mess.

"Oh Jake's here-... what in the world happened in here?". She asked setting her bags down. I didn't know what to say. "Are you okay?". She glanced at Jake.

"I'm okay. Where's George?". I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

"He's at the store. Clean this mess up". She pointed to the floor. "I'm going to freshen up". As she left the kitchen I rolled my eyes.

"Yes ma'am". I sighed.


"I have to clean this up it's probably best you go". Sitting my coffee aside I started picking up the bigger pieces. My gran didn't seem herself, she seemed crabbit and that wasn't her. Hissing slightly I dropped the piece of ceramic plate.

"Don't move". He scalded grabbing my hand and holding it up. Wrapping it up in the dishcloth he slipped his arm around my waist.

"I'm fine it's just a scratch".

"A scratch that needs stitches. Let's go".

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not even showered and my gran just got home".

"Yes you are. I can have the doctor at my moms in 5. Let's go".

"Jake I can't-.."

"Let's go". His tone left no room for an argument.

"I feel disgusting". I hissed as he pushed open the front door to his moms house. "I haven't even brushed my hair or brushed-....".

"I've never seen you look more beautiful". He whispered. "You're at it". I sighed trying my hardest not to smile. I don't know what it was about him. I always felt happy when he was around. "Bed head looks good on you babe". He winked.

"There she is". Charlotte grinned. "Come in coffees on. Jeremy will be here soon. You look great sweetheart".

I definitely didn't. I was paranoid my breath smelled really bad. I was still in my pjs, I was not looking my best at all.

"Good to see you too mom". Making a face he rolled his eyes.

"I see you all the time". She hushed him. "Now how are you both doing, any further with the bond?".

"Mom". He sighed.

"We're taking it slow". I smiled. There was no point in putting off talking about it. It was going to happen sooner or later.

"That's good honey but-..."


"But what?". I didn't miss the looks they were sharing with each other. If Jake glared any harder I was scared his face would stay like that.

"She needs to know Jake. You can't keep hiding things from her". She scalded. "It's not fair".

There was a lot I needed to know. For some reason Jake wasn't good at sharing. "She doesn't need to know just now. Will you stop butting in”. He snapped just as the doorbell rang. “I got it".

Glancing at Charlotte she was quick at hiding her disappointment with a smile. "Jeremy is great, I'm sure you two have already met".

"Is he afraid?". I asked. Something inside was telling me he was scared. Maybe scared I wasn't 100% in this. "Is that why he won't tell me anything?".

Pointing to her ear she brought a finger to her lips. Was she telling me to be quiet or was she telling me he could hear everything I was saying? Regardless I shut my mouth.

"We need to stop meeting like this Leah". Jeremy laughed as I smiled at him. "Just let me have a look and we'll get you stitched up".

"Okay". I could feel the tension in the room between Jake and his mom. He was pissed that much I could tell.

"That's a nasty one". As he cleaned my cut I clenched my teeth together. "Are you okay with needles?". He asked.

"Sure how many stitches do I need?". I asked watching him thread the needle. "I'm going to put 5 in just to be on the safe side. The cut is pretty deep. How's your other hand doing?".

"Dying for the cast to come off". I sighed. "I have a check up on Friday at the hospital". "4 weeks will be here in no time. This may hurt a little". Oh it hurt, I bit the inside of my cheek so hard I could taste blood. Glancing at Jake he still wore the same glare.

"There all done. Keep it clean and I'll see you in a few weeks to take them out again. Charlotte, Jake". He nodded. "Always lovely to see you".

"I'll walk you out Jeremy".

"Will you stop glaring at the floor". I hissed causing his head to snap up, his eyes landing on mine. I grinned. "And stop talking to your mom like that".

"She needs to mind her own business". He huffed.

"Maybe". I shrugged. It wasn't a bad thing. I liked Charlotte, I liked that I knew she was always going to be there for us. She was someone I could talk to about this.

"You guys okay?". She smiled walking back into the dining room.

She was flawless.

"Perfect". I smiled slipping my hand into his.

"That's good. Jake your dad wants you down at the training ground and you've to take Jack with you. Something about fences being pulled I don't know". Watching her I noticed she was fixing two cups.

"Got it". Bringing my hand to his mouth he placed a kiss on my knuckles. "I'll drop you off".

"I was thinking Leah could stay, we could have a little catch up". Charlotte placed a hot cup of coffee in front of me.

Not that I didn't want that I just really wanted to shower and change out of my pjs.

"Mom". He groaned.

"Okay, okay, sorry I spoke". Sighing she disappeared out of the dining room. That didn't sit well with me. She wasn't doing anything wrong.

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