The Alpha And Luna’s Final Fate (The Alpha Series Book 5)

The Alpha And Luna’s Final Fate: Chapter 29

First thing in the morning, I bathe, dress and walk throughout the castle, repeating the spell while looking for an item to seal Thypon. Reaper is perched on my shoulder. We enter the kitchen only to find pots, pans, plates and candle sticks—nothing in here of use. The library had the odd vase of flowers, a plethora of books, and nothing else. I take a random book from the shelf, ‘The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf,’ I read, then laugh. ‘Sounds interesting. I suppose I can’t trap Thypon in a book, though?’ I say to Reaper.

‘I don’t think a book would be strong enough. Pages can rip easily, and who knows what that would do? Let’s keep looking in the other rooms,’ he mind-links.

We enter the grand hall. I admire the tapestry and portraits, but there is nothing of use here either. I sigh, fall back into the dark wooden chair, and stare dismally at the ground.

Footsteps coming toward me echo throughout the hall. I look up to see its Alec.

‘Are you ready to go, my love?’ he says, extending his hand toward me.

I take his hand and stand, ‘I haven’t found anything to seal Thypon in yet.’

‘Maybe we can keep an eye out for a location as we fly back to Oakpaw mountain,’ he says.

‘Yes, we will do that, but I think we should go to Moon Crest Castle,’ I say, taking a deep breath and placing my hand on my chest. ‘I’m worried more have been killed or hurt. I need to know that Magnus is okay and the others,’ I say to him.

‘Each time we go there, Nina, we are risking our lives,’ he replies.

‘I know, but,’ I gaze up at Alec. My eyes well up with tears.

He sighs, ‘Okay, but we must be careful and not seen,’ he says.

I fling my arms around Alec’s neck and cover his face in kisses, ‘Thank you,’ I smile.

‘Just don’t get hurt. That’s all I ask,’ Alec says.

I nod and take his hand, and leave the castle.

Once outside, I look around, ‘Where’s Vermilion?’ I ask him.

Alec laughs, ‘In the stable.’

‘Can he even fit in there?’ I ask.

‘Let’s just say nothing else can get in there with him,’ he chuckles.

We approach the stable, and Vermilion’s tail sticks out the doors and waves across the ground. We jump over it and walk around to the other side to see his head sticking out, laying on the ground.

I laugh and look up at Alec, ‘I see what you mean.’

Vermilion’s eyes open wide. He lifts his head in delight to see me. Before I can back away, his large tongue comes our way and gently slaps against us and slides over us.

Alec, Reaper and I roll our eyes as we shake the dragon’s saliva from ourselves.

‘Vermilion, you really have to stop doing that,’ I say to him.

He whimpers and lowers his head. ‘It’s all right, Vermilion. We’ll just jump into the ocean waters and wash it all off,’ I assure him.

Alec and I remove our clothes, wash them in the ocean, squeeze them out, and hang them back on the shore on a nearby tree to dry. Reaper rolls across the shallow water many times before shaking off and preening himself. I go back into the ocean and wait for my clothes to dry. Alec follows. I dive in and swim around, exploring the ocean floor. There are many fish and coral too. I swim back up to the surface for air, bursting out of the water. A moment later, Alec resurfaces in front of me.

‘It’s so beautiful down there,’ I say to him.

Alec comes closer, wraps his arms around me, and gazes endearingly into my eyes, ‘Yet, you are still the most beautiful thing in the ocean,’ he says. His lips come closer to mine. As we are about to kiss, I feel something wrap around my ankle. I scream as I’m suddenly yanked down into the water from Alec’s arms. As I’m pulled further down into the water, I see Alec swimming toward me, reaching his hand out for mine. I try to see what has me, but there are too many bubbles, and I can’t breathe. A dark shadow emits from Alec’s hand. The shadow bypasses me and attacks whatever has me. My ankle is released, and I swim into Alec’s arms. He pulls me close against his chest and swims as quickly as possible to the surface. I gasp for air as we burst through the water. I turn my head to see a Troika snake swimming after us and notice a few more in the distance behind him.

‘Sked-skedaddle Dash,’ I struggle to say.

In a blink, we land and fall on the sand, and everything goes dark.

I jolt awake in warm arms and see Alec staring at me, very worried.

‘Nina, you’re okay,’ he says and hugs me.

‘What happened? Wait, there were Troika Snakes after us,’ I squeal as I sit up.

‘It’s okay. Reaper and Vermilion dealt with them when you blacked out,’ he explains.

‘I couldn’t breathe. I almost drowned!’

‘That’s why you passed out, but you’re going to be okay now. We must warn the others that the creatures have already begun to emerge onto Emerald Island. Then we must leave and retrieve your sceptre,’ he says.

We grab our clothes that are now dry and put them on before we climb onto Vermilion’s back. He flies us back to the castle grounds.

‘Alec, warn our people the monsters are here. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’m going to grab my spell book,’ I say to him as I run toward the castle doors and push them open.

I run up the stairs with Reaper flying over my head and enter my chambers. I take my satchel, throw it over my shoulder, grab the spell book, and place it in the bag. Before I leave my chambers, I take in the room and breath in the smell before I close the door behind me and return downstairs to Alec.

‘Ready?’ I say to him

Alec nods, and we climb onto Vermilion’s back.

As we descend into the air, we see troops of vampires and werewolves heading towards the shore to stand guard and keep watch of any incoming creatures.

‘I hope they’ll be, okay?’ I say.

‘I showed them where our star portal is; if needed, they will go through and port to Wolfwell and, from there, find shelter and hide until the war is over,’ Alec replies.

‘I’m glad they have an escape plan.’

I turn my attention to the dragon, ‘Vermilion, fly toward Moon Crest Castle. Once we reach Moonhowl Woods, you can wait in a nearby cove while Alec, Reaper and I go the rest of the way by foot. If you fly us all the way, they will see us,’ I explain.

Vermilion lands by a cove on the shoreline. Moonhowl woods is up ahead. The fire has destroyed all the trees. We walk over ash, burnt twigs and logs. It’s devastating to see these once-lush woods now destroyed. The smell of burnt wood is potent.

We creep behind boulders as we reach the castle grounds. We can hear Thypon yelling angrily.

‘I’m going to kill that Atlanta when I find her!’ he shouts as his large fists slam into the castle walls. Each punch causes more damage to the castle. The cages holding the sleeping children and all the vampires and werewolves rattle and swing into each other. I can see Nadia. She is clinging to the metal bars crying as she stares at the cage next to hers. Boomer and Krug are in there sleeping. She tries to reach through to touch them, but the children remain asleep. Nadia mustn’t know why they have been asleep for days and probably thinks the worst has happened. She needs to know they aren’t dead but sleeping. Magnus and Damon are in cages around the other side.

‘I need to see that Magnus and Damon are okay, but first, I need to get to Nadia over there,’ I point out to Alec.

Thypon lets out a roar that causes the ground to rumble.

Minotaur approaches him, but we can’t hear what they are saying to him, but he becomes angrier and yells again.

‘I cannot get through the veil! This has never happened before! I was going to return to the celestial world and gift them with destruction by destroying their realms and then return here to kill the rest of the living.  If that little wench, Atlanta, has done something to keep me here. If she knows, then she would be the first I kill when I get out of here,’ he growls and slams his fist into another wall.

Alec and I approach the castle and climb up to Nadia while the creatures are distracted by Thypon.

‘Nina! Is that really you?’ she cries.

‘Yes, it’s me,’ I smile assuringly.

She reaches through the cage, hugs me, and then parts with sadness.

‘Boomer and Krug, and all the children. I’m scared that they have passed away from thirst and hunger,’ she cries.

‘No, Nadia. They are fine. They are just sleeping and will remain asleep until the spell is broken.’

‘Spell?’ she says.

‘Yes, the spell that kept all the supernatural children asleep has been recast. The children are meant to be in slumber during times of war. Once the war is over, they will wake,’ I tell her.

‘But what about Quinn? I haven’t seen her since the dragons attacked and took us away. Perhaps she is in another cage further around the castle?’ she asks.

‘Quinn is safe for now. She is in Mystic Pride with Queen Maia, not far from the forest border. She cast something over herself. It stopped her from falling asleep like the other children,’ I say to her.

‘Thank the gods,’ she says, clasping her hands together in prayer.

Thypon roars again, but this time it sounds closer.

‘Nina, we must go now before he sees us,’ Alec says.

I turn to Nadia, ‘We will be back as soon as possible. We will save you and your children. Just keep praying to the gods,’ I say to her.

She smiles and nods as we climb back down and hide in the bushes beside a low wall. Minotaur return to their posts. I crawl alongside the low wall until I reach the other side. Alec and I peek over and see Magnus and Damon in their cages. They look terrible.

‘You won’t be able to go to Magnus. There are too many minotaurs and harpies around, not to mention Thypon. The main thing is we can see that he and the others are still alive. You will have to mind-link him instead,’ Alec says.

‘Magnus,’ I mind-link.

‘Nina?’ he mind-links back.

‘Magnus, my beloved. Please don’t be in despair. Remain hopeful.

We have a plan to save you and the others, but you must be patient. I will never give up on trying to save you. I love you always and forever.

‘Where are you?’ he asks.

Reaper flies in the air to get his attention and lands in the tree on the branch above us. I poke my head up so he can see me.

‘Nina, I’ve missed you so much,’ he mind-links.

‘I’ve missed you too. I have to go now, but I’ll be back as soon as possible. The next time you see me is when I’ll be here freeing you,’ I smile.

‘I’ll be waiting. I love you, Nina,’ he mind-links.

‘I love you too,’ I reply.

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