The Alpha And Luna’s Final Fate (The Alpha Series Book 5)

The Alpha And Luna’s Final Fate: Chapter 20

I look down to see Alec with his hands on his hips, glaring at the dragon that has taken off with me. He becomes smaller as the dragon continues to fly higher.

‘Okay, dragon, thanks for the ride, but I think I’d like to be back on the ground now,’ I say in a nervous tone.

The dragon huffs, letting out steam and smoke from its nostrils, only to fly faster and twirl around numerous times. I scream and cling even tighter onto his spike, closing my eyes.

The dragon lets out a whine. I open an eye to see his sad look. He twirls again, but time is much slower. As we bypass clouds, I gain the courage to reach my hand out and glide it across the cloud. I let out a breath of excitement which seems to have pleased the dragon. He soars high above the large mountains and hovers in the air, breathing a large gulf of fire. I laugh at his playfulness and then look down and lose my breath momentarily as I see Moon Crest Castle, and the land toward it that was once lush and beautiful is now dark and dreary.

‘I need to stop this poison from spreading to the rest of Mysteria. I have to stop, Thypon,’ I say with determination.

The dragon whimpers at the mention of the monster God’s name.

‘You don’t like him either, huh?’ I say to the dragon and rub his neck.

He lets out a loud rumbling purr. ‘You know, I think you need a proper name,’ I say to him.

His bright green eyes blink before he suddenly twirls around again. I scream as I fall from his back, but he flies around and under me, making me land on his back. I hug his neck tight, trying to catch my breath and settle my racing heart.

‘I’m going to name you Vermilion,’ I say, composing myself.

He breathes more flame and flaps his wings, making my long dark hair blow around. Vermilion flies slowly back toward Alec and Sir Hugo. I wave as I see them. They both look relieved to see I’m now smiling and enjoying the ride instead of screaming and clinging on for dear life.

Instead of Vermilion returning me to them, he has other plans. He doesn’t stop and continues to fly past Alec and Sir Hugo, flying over the smaller mountain. We soar above Thornwell. People come out of their huts, staring at the sky to see me riding a large red dragon.

After an hour of flying, we come across another village.

‘This must be Ravencull,’ I point out to Vermilion.

The village is so far untouched by Thypon. There are paths of pebbles that lead to many different cottages. Each cottage has a few trees nearby. A large stone well sits in the middle of the village. It has vines with beautiful purple flowers growing from its rooftop. Vermilion continues by flying further South until we come across the ocean shore. He lands on the ground with a loud thud and whimpers at his sore leg. I slide down from him and walk around to face him.

‘When we arrive at Mystic Pride, Queen Maia might be able to heal your leg,’ I say to him.

I turn and face the ocean’s crashing waves and breath in the salty air, and then untie the leather laces of my sandals and kick them off before walking onto the sand. I scrunch my toes in the warm fine grains. Vermilion rolls onto his back and wiggles around in the sand playfully. I inch closer to the water and dip my toes in. The water isn’t too cold. I lift my white dress over my head and toss it aside before running into the water and diving in. Fish swim amongst the colourful coral. It’s so calm and quiet in the ocean. I swim along until my skin begins to prune and step out onto the sand. I take my dress and tie it around my ankle.

Vermilion stares at me. I smile and shift into my wolf and run past him. He chases after me across many fields until we reach a river. I shift back and put my dress back on.

‘It’s getting dark. We should head back to the others now.’

Vermilion lowers down so I can climb onto his back. I hold onto the spike as his wings extend and flap, rising into the air. We fly back to Alec and Sir Hugo.

I run straight into Alec’s arms and kiss him tenderly.

‘I was becoming worried,’ he says to me.

‘I’m sorry. I should have returned sooner,’ I reply.

‘It’s okay, Nina. I’m just glad you’re okay,’ he smiles. ‘Also, you need to rest, and I need to feed. I’m sure someone at Thornwell will host us for the night,’ he says, lifting me into his arms.

‘Wait, I have a better idea to get over the mountain,’ I smile.

Alec puts me down, and I climb on Vermilion’s back. ‘Hop on,’ I say to Alec and Sir Hugo.

They give each other a worried glance before looking back at me.

Alec is the first to cave in. He approaches, climbs up, and holds onto me.

‘If you don’t hurry up, Sir Hugo, you can walk,’ I laugh.

‘Fine,’ he huffs and climbs up. He holds on to the spike behind Alec.

‘Vermilion! Over the mountain to Thornwell!’ I shout.

‘Vermilion?’ Sir Hugo and Alec say simultaneously.

He flaps his wings and rises into the air flying over the mountain.

‘Yup, that’s his name,’ I smile.

We land adjacent to the largest wooden building. At first, the werewolves shift into wolf form, and the humans grab anything they can to defend themselves from the dragon.

‘It’s okay. Vermilion won’t hurt any of you,’ I say as I slide down from his back.

The people stare at me, unconvinced. Alec and Sir Hugo climb down. I pat and rub Vermilion’s chest until he plonks on his side, purring loudly. The people are stunned, and the werewolves shift back into human forms.

‘Do you know what is happening to our lands?’ A woman asks and points towards the destroyed lands in the distance.

‘Yes, Typhon, the God of monsters, entered through the veil during the solstice. He has your King captive along with my mate and many others and has been wreaking havoc across the lands. We are working closely with Queen Maia to put Thypon to an end,’ I tell her and the villagers.

They talk amongst themselves with worry and panic. I pick up a stone and walk over to a small pavilion missing half the roof. It needs repair. I draw a star on the wooden planked flooring and place stones on each peak.

‘There,’ I say, tossing the stone away. I wave the woman over and point to the star I have drawn. When Thypon nears this village, you must have everyone step into this portal. It will take you straight to Mystic Pride, where you will find your Queen and other survivors.

‘But our children won’t wake. They suddenly all fell asleep, and no matter what we try, they won’t wake,’ she says.

‘They are under a spell, and until Thypon is defeated, they will remain that way. You will have to carry them through the portal,’ I tell her.

‘You may stay the night in my residence if it pleases you,’ she offers.

I nod in thanks, ‘I would welcome that,’ I smile.

‘Very well, follow me,’ she says.

Sir Hugo runs up to me before I enter the cottage.

‘Nina?’ he says.

I stop and turn to face him, ‘I’ve made the portal over there. Return to Mystic Pride and report to Queen Maia. After I have slept, I shall port to Emerald Island and study my spell books,’ I say to him.

He nods, walks away, and disappears as he steps into the portal. When I turn around to enter the cottage, Alec appears in front of me in a flash.

‘I’ll guard your room,’ he says.

‘Could you port to Mystic Pride first to check on Reaper? Then you can return. I need to know he is improving,’ I explain.

‘I’ll return shortly,’ he says, kissing my forehead tenderly.

I enter the cottage, ‘What’s your name?’ I ask the woman.

‘Vera,’ she smiles, ‘This will be your room for tonight,’ she says, gesturing me to enter the room.

It’s a small but pleasant room. It’s furnished with a single bed, a set of drawers, and no other furnishings.

‘Thank you, Vera,’ I smile.

She nods and closes the door. I take off my sandals and climb into bed. I can feel the mattress is filled with straw, and the pillow is softer, filled with feathers. I close my eyes and see Magnus’s face straight away. A tear forms as I ponder how much I miss him and long to touch and be by his side again.

‘We will be together again, Magnus. I will save you and be by your side once again,’ I mumble sleepily.

I’m suddenly standing on the purple grass again. The winged cat rubs its face against my shin.

‘This is the second time I’m having this dream,’ I say to the cat. ‘It’s so strange because it feels so real. The grass under my feet and even when I pat you,’ I say.

The night sky glimmers with an aqua aura while the stars shimmer and shine.

‘Nina,’ I hear my name being whispered to my right.

‘Is someone there?’ I ask, turning.

There is no answer, and no one is around. I see beautiful castles and mansions made from crystals, gems, stones, and all sorts of materials. One home is a gigantic tree stump draped in vines with a large arch wooden door.

‘Nina,’ I hear again but see no one.

I someone humming; it’s whoever called my name. I follow the sound of her voice.

I find myself standing in front of a castle made of crystal. The door opens by itself as I walk up the front steps. I’m in a corridor decorated with fine paintings that move. One has a unicorn galloping in a field, while another portrait is of a beautiful mermaid sitting on a boulder in a cove, brushing her hair with her fingers.

As I reach the end of the corridor, two large crystal blue doors open and reveal a grand hall. The entire floor is made up of tiny mosaic tiles that are intricately placed, creating the most beautiful pattern of the moon.

A table made from iridescent blue moonstone is at the back of the hall. Where three people sit, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen stands with her hands clasped in front. Her long straight hair is white and reaches down past her waist. Her eyes are as blue as the moon, and her lips, the gentlest tone of pink, form into a wide smile.

‘Nina, we have been waiting for you,’ she smiles.

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