Talent Hall

Chapter 14

Everything about the awards is so organized. From the two and a half hour wrain ride to the luxurious mansions we’re staying in. Just like the rides, we each get our own mansions for each topic. Dance will have their own. Art will have their own. Actors, Parent and guardiansand siblings will have their own as well, unless their children aren’t yet fourteen. In that case, the parents will room with their children, but that’s pretty rare. The only group that won’t have their own mansion are the cheerleading squad. They’ll be in a special house, not necessarily classified as a mansion, but it’s big enough for each cheerleader to have their own room. Kayiah and Aiken are staying in the House of Authorities with the people in charge of the Talent Hall Awards. Since Aiken’s hosting and manages a Anti Elimination District building, he’s considered a high official.

Every section has a supervising adult who is charge of all of us and this mansion. We haven’t met her yet, but from what I’m hearing off the streets of London, she’s caring and she has one rule: Contestants under sixteen are back by eight thirty unless you are with an adult. Contestants sixteen and over, out until ten and no later, with or without a parent, unless a party is happening, which aoparently will happen a lot during Award Month.

Not every supervisor is like this, but whatever she says, we have to do, no matter what it is, and the king and queen of London are just waiting to make that perfectly clear in an hour.

Kristian’s “parents” got him back in the Talent Hall Awards game, so he’ll be coming with us to London. Getting him back in took a lot of tears and threats, but it got them what they wanted. Of course the threats weren’t literal. They were bluffing. Kamron, Anthony, Tammy, and I were leaving school when they were screaming at the top of their probably swollen and red lungs for Jared to be back into the contest. The principal was called and tried to negotiate with them, but the only agreement they could come up with is they let him back or they go to the school board. That could only go so far. The school board only step in when it comes to actual emergencies. I’m talking suspending kids for knife fighting. I knew they were bluffing then. If they put Kristian in Talent Hall, then surely they knew about the school board. Kristian knew they were bluffing because he rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

Somehow, it convinced the principal to allow them to fill out an application to let into the contest again, which is kind of silly.By the rules of the school regarding awards and nominations, once you’re nominated, you’re nominated. Whether the school officials will let you go to London is a different story, but you best believe the school officials will not step in for something so silly. And they’ve had people complain to them before. That’s the only time Talent Hall will get bad reviews.

Speaking of Kristian, Caleb and I talked to the two kids who moved to Australia. I met up with them in a coffee shop inside the Sydney SR building and they told me their stories. Rachel Rae, I believe her name was, she was kidnapped from her home when she was twelve and used as a sex slave for the perp’s sixteen year old son, just as evil as the Savadonian king. She only has to hide for two more months and she’ll be eighteen. They won’t try to hurt her unless she tries to stop The Elimination.

As for Caden, he was born in a prison where they torment you daily without rest. That’s actually worse than them coming after you in the comfort of your own home. He’s been there for seventeen years. He turns eighteen soon, and he’ll be safe unless he decides to try to stop them as well. If you’re eighteen and older, that would be the only reason they would attack you. Or if youhappen to be the kid of a lost lost parent who is close to them. I think my situation is a combo. I’m fourteen, almost fifteen and my dad is close to them. That makes it even worse.

A lady in a black shirt and blue skinny jeans with high tops to match is waiting for us once the security guard brings past a barred gate and stops in front of a mansion along with the queen of England. Queen Alice with four guards with sharp spears. We all drop into a respectful bow and address Queen Alice with her respected title. “Your Majesty,” we say with enthusiasm.

She smiles. “Oh, my. We got a bunch of respectful students this year, did we?” she asks, her English accent strong.

“It would appear so, Queen Alice,” the lady in gray says. “Last year, our contestants were so horribly mannered and hateful, I dreaded the whole month.”

“As did I. Welcome to London, my polite contestants. I am Queen Alice, which you know because you showed me respect, and I thank you for that. This is your mentor and my most faithful worker, Evie. She is to be respected and you are to listen to her. That won’t be a problem, right?”

“No, your majesty,” we all say together.

She looks very impressed as do her guards and Evie. Queen Alice clears her throat and chuckles nervously. “Jared… I didn’t know you were nominated again this year.”

“I assure you, I plan to behave better, Your Majesty.”

“I hope so. I won’t be as kind this year. Is that understand, Mr. Bucksley?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

She nods and turns to face her guards who straight up their posture for the Queen. “Take the children inside and give them a tour while miss Evie and I talk please.”

“Yes, Queen Alice. Come now,” a guard says as he waves us over with a guard following behind us. I’m almost intimidated by the guards and their spears. I obey and follow the guard up front.

They lead us inside the mansion and completely blown away by how fabulous it looks. A beautiful chandelier hangs from the ceiling, sending light throughout the room. A staircase with red carpet covers the black and white tiled floor from the doorway to the three flights of stairs. One in the middle going up and the other two going two different directions.

The guard up front walks through a large doorway with the rest of us following. The living room has a large hot tub, a table with cushioned seat as if it were in an Italian restaurant, a green and gray circle couch, and another table, round and granite. A dart board is visibly clear. A few feet away from the hot tub. Well, the line you stand behind. Won’t that go nicely?

“I will make this perfectly clear now. No one touches the alcohol without the okay from Evie, and if she does give you the okay, you will not touch the darts or any sharp object!” the guard behind us shouts.

I flinch as everyone else nods.

Due to being exhausted from the long ride and lack of sleep, I walk around the mansion with the group and guards, practically dead. When we reach the the stairs where there are two directions in the main entrance, he tells us to pick a room and girls are on the left and guys are on the right. We’ll all have our own bedroom, but every two of us may all have to share one bathroom. I know Lisa and Blake are nervous about me having my own bedroom with them with me because of my past with self harming. To be honest, I’ve done better at handling my emotions and stress, and that’s the only reason they didn’t make a request to have someone they know room with me. We talked about it a few nights ago. I told him I will still have bad days, and when I do, I’ll try my hardest to come to them. They somewhat trust me, but will continue to check my wrists like Caleb and Mom did before them.

After Emily goes on about how sexist it sounds that males are on the right and females on the left, I laughed, kind of waking up, and walked straight to the second bedroom on the right with some guys following me, going to bedrooms of their choosing.

The first thing that grabs my attention is the beautiful bed with lots of pillows. The headboard of the bed is black steel. A large lamp stands over by the push out window that leads to a balcony. Two cushioned chairs sit next to each other and multiple plug ins covers the walls of the room. The ledge in front of the fireplace is granite. The room is absolutely beautiful. I’m sure there’s more that I’m not noticing, but I’m exhausted the long wrain ride and almost no sleep.

Is it wrong to go straight to the kitchen for some coffee since I just got here?

Eventually I shrug it off and go straight to the kitchen and actually do it. Queen Alice, King Henry, a few guards, Emily, and Evie stand around in the kitchen, sipping on some wine, and laughing. Emily’s seventeen, and of legal age, so she’s drinking as well. I bow to the king and queen before I address them as their proper title. They smile.

“Your name is Daniel, right?” King Henry asks.

“Danny,” I whisper, wondering how he knows my name.

“My apologizes.”

I attempt to figure out the coffee machine. That when Evie asks Emily to help me, but she does more than that. She makes my cup for me: A mocha with whipped cream. Had Kamron done that, I would have thrown a sissy fit.

“Isn’t it a little late for coffee, dear?” Queen Alice says.

“I didn’t get as much sleep on the ride. It was really bumpy. Especially when we went underwater.”

Queen Alice and King Henry apologize and make sure Evie has everything she needs and leave with their guards when she says she has everything under control, but not before they hug her and wish us luck at the awards. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a worker or servant hug their boss of master. That rarely happens. It’s beautiful.

When we’re summoned for the assembly at eleven the next morning,we have an additional twenty minutes to stop doing whatever it is we’re doing and get ready.

Guards await us outside zealously to escort us to royal palace for the assembly in their uniforms and holding up sharp spears to protect us from anything bad, whether it’s a criminal, crazy fan, or even ourselves. The king and queen stand in front of us all. We all give a simple bow before we sit in the chairs they kindly provided for us. The Princess of England appears with some waiters who bring in some water fountains and sodas in a large wagon, and tells us to help ourselves to any beverage we desire. We all thank her, pass the wagon around and wait for the king to proceed.

He holds up a piece of paper and introduces his daughter, Princess Sydney, and says due to the awards last year, they have to tighten down on the rules and expectationsand then goes on to tell us the main rules, like respecting him, his queen and princess. If anyone mentions her skin color, they are gone without a second thought.

I’ve heard stories about Princess Sydney, but she’s not in touch with her people, so people speak more of Queen Alice and King Henry, and when people do speak of Princess Sydney, it’s to make up stories and rumors about her being adopted. Long story short, to the public, she’s known as a gypsy and because of her dark skin and dazzling green eyes. It’s not that people are racist against gypsies, but it’s just she’s different than they are, and difference always shocks people. The only reason it’s being mentioned is because it probably hurts Princess Sydney to be labeled as an outcast in her own kingdom.

Anyways, We are to respect the guards and our mentors by not being disobedient. No violence, no threats. Everyone is to be treated with love and respect. If anyone is violent to one another, that results in immediate suspension from the country and it’s considered default in the Talent Hall Awards, and you aren’t allowed to enter next year. It doesn’t seem like a huge deal now, but next year, it’ll be a huge deal.

Everyone realizes Jared is one of the main brats who gave them a tough time last year and stare at him for a while. Someone pokes my back. It could only be the person who has been sitting behind me the entire time, wearing Victoria Secret perfume and being the obedient, silent child she’s been her whole life. I turn around. Kayiah whispers for me to look at the princess. When I do, she’s smiling at me, a gleam in her eye. I slightly smile and turn my attention to the speaking king. Now he’s just talking about the parties that will be held here with us as special guests, the first one being Monday evening. Contestants get excited and thank His Majesty for the kindness he’s showing to us. Still surprised at our behavior, he assures us the pleasure is his and that we may be excused. Well, this “Assembly” just flew by like nothing.

“Father, may I speak to the contestant with the black leather jacket up front? I’m sorry I don’t know you’re name.” Everyone looks at me.

“Black hair? Red shirt?”

“Yes. In front of the daughter of the host.”

Of course, sweetheart, if he is alright with it…”

“Yes, your highness,” I say with respect as I stand and follow her. I don’t get past the guards before kids start whispering, the guys calling me “a lucky man”. All I can do is snicker at what they’re implying.

She’s like twenty. I’m fourteen.

The Medieval period was ended almost six hundred years ago. I’m sure there are laws against that these days. Not to mention I’m not royalty.

She pulls me around a few corners and bumps into some guards, who drop into bows and address her as Princess. She lightly nods and smiles before she pulls me through a white door with a golden handle. The first thing I notice is a balcony and three guards, who bow to Princess Sydney. She asks for them to stand outside so we can talk. They obey meekly and flee the room. I lean against the wall and smile.

“Did I do something, Your Highness?”

She shakes her head. “What’s your name?”

“Danny,” I answer.

“That’s so hipster right now. Anyways, Danny, I wanted to tell you that you are to be commended for your bravery in America. I’ve never seen someone stand up to someone who’s action identify to The Eliminated by the public. Normally, those kinds of children aren’t allowed in our country, but we have no actual proof he is involved with The Elimination with free will, so that’s why he’s here.”

“Your Highness. I appreciate your kind words, but I know where you’re going with this.”

She squints her eyes and clears her throat, surprised I know what she’s talking about. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m different. A savior, you could say. I’ve heard it a ‘few’ times within the past two to three months, and with all due respect, Princess, I’m tired of people telling me I’m the one to save everyone from The Elimination. I can’t even save myself from the battles I’m facing.”

“That’s your strength, dear,” she says. “You have battles yourself. That’s what prepares you for the worst. Trust me. I know what it’s like. I’ve been fighting the country my whole life. To prove I belong here.”

My whole life I’ve been told that if I have depression and anxiety, it makes me weak. I’ve always known people said those things out of jealousy and boredom, but it always convinced me that I’m weak, that I’ll never be of worth or use, even though I know well that what you go through makes you stronger in the end. I’m sure Princess Sydney has gone through more than I can imagine, so it’s made her stronger. Stronger than I’ll ever be.

“You don’t believe it because it’s you.”

“You might be able to save everyone more than I ever can. What can I do?”

“You have the courage to put them in their place, which puts you in grave danger.” She opens a drawer and reaches for something: A dagger. My heart sinks as she hands it to me carefully.

“Your Highness, I appreciate the concern or faith, but I am not a killer.”

’I know you aren’t, Danny. This is for protection. If someone ever threatens you. The Elimination disguise themselves as ordinary citizens when they want someone dead.”

Choking on my words, I attempt to ask, “How do you know they want me dead?”

“You’re well known to the public right now as the boy who stood up to a boy rumored to be just as bad as The Elimination.”

Rumored and just as bad doesn’t mean he is working with him, Your Highness.”

“Yes, but The Elimination and what they do are real. It’s happened a lot in the past. If they feel someone is standing up to them and what they do, under eighteen or not, they try their hardest to… get rid of them. Your life means nothing to them. Just another dead body in their fire pit. And yes, they do burn bodies after your heart stops. Considering your brain continues for another seven minutes after the heart stops, it’s rather cruel.” She invites to walk with her by the window and the telescope. “Look straight into the telescope and tell me what you see, Danny.”

As I look in the telescope, I’m shocked by what I see: Riots. Teenagers holding signs. Fire. Papers drenched in bloodin the street. Guards with swords are holding back the rioters who are shoving guards as well, but aren’t using them to defend themselves. A little girl, at least eight years of age is sitting on a ledge and eating fruit out of a basket, completely protected by two bulky police officers and a guard in front of them. The girl has sunflower blonde hair, fair skin, and looks to be deep in thought.

When I don’t say anything, Her Highness sighs. “It’s horrible, isn’t it? The children you see are enslaved by The Elimination. Forced into this lifestyle. It’s rare that it happens, but it does happen, and we’re doing our best to save them from being killed, but at the same time, we want to protect ourselves from what they were sent here to do. It’s difficult because the law says if anyone kills another human being, they are to be executed at once, but they’re children. Babies themselves. What my parents and I want is for The Elimination members responsible for this to pay, but they are just as protected as we are, if not more protected. See the girl protected by three guards?” I nod. “Her name is Riley and she was sent to do exactly what the other kids are trying to accomplish, but personally told the head of guards that she doesn’t stand a chance and that she’s ready to die when they find her.”

“Because their lives are on the line,” I whisper.

She nods. “We are reserving a place for her in the palace. We know we can save her, but we can’t have the others in here so they can harm my family, loyal servants and the rest of the kingdom and countries my parents govern.”

“And how do you know she isn’t just playing the part? Not that I agree with child executions, but I’m sure you realize as the ones in charge of the country, you must be careful.”

“Oh, yes. We know. She told us her plans. She had planned to carry them out, but surrendered to us. The plans they gave her. Gruesome, but she’s eight. She was never going to be able to carry them out anyways. We’ve taken all her weapons and she is to be protected twenty four seven until we are ready for her to come to the palace. We’re hoping to bring the other children to their senses, but if it doesn’t work, we may have to imprison them.”

“Beats killing them.”

“We may have to make some decisions that better the country as a whole rather than every individual and certain people may not like it, but we aren’t cruel and unreasonable. We only want the very best for our kingdoms, and sometimes, it takes time for us to find out what the best thing for our kingdoms would be. Sometimes we have to start out by doing what’s best for a certain person or group of people. Like Riley for instance.” I nod for her to continue. “I think the best thing for the country would be for them to see that Riley trying to block out what they’ve done to her and become one of us.”

“How would that happen?”

“They notice she’s changing and it motivates them to do the same. Will you do it?”

I nearly choke on my Sprite. “I’m sorry, Your Highness?”

“Will you talk to her at least for a few minutes? To comfort her, bring her hope and assurance that she can betray her masters in justice?”

At first I hesitate. “Nothing I can do or say will help her,” I say. “I’m sorry, Your Highness. I’m not your guy.”

Princess Sydney starts to weep. That’s forces a soft sigh out of me as she starts to plead and beg. “Please! Just five minutes with her.”

I look back at the window and see the children fighting the police force and guards while Riley crosses her legs and shivers. A guard wraps a blanket around her shoulders and carries her away back inside a hospital. I sigh.

“Please,” she whispers. “Whatever you could desire, I’ll pay it immensely, Danny.”

“I don’t want your money!” I snap. When she flinches, I automatically feel horrible and apologize. “I’m sorry. I’m just so sick of having everyone tell what I am and I don’t even understand what it is I’m supposed to do.” I inhale. “What would I tell her that could change her… fears and memories of the hell she’s endured?”

She smiles, places the dagger on the ledge of the window, and throws her arms around me with more tears trickling down her cheeks. She cries more, but this time, it’s as if she’s happy or at least thankful that my statement gives away that I’m thinking about her request. She pulls herself away and maintains her royal, ladylike posture, picks up the dagger and squeezes my hand with a smile.

“Do you believe children, their families, and the world deserve better than what is being given to them by The Elimination.”

“Yes,” I answer.

“And do you want to see children be free and happy, safe from their abusers and tormentors?”

“Of course.”

“And do you believe The Elimination will eventually pay for what they’ve done to everyone?”

“With all my heart.”

She places the dagger in my hand. “Then with you helping me with this girl and possibly the kingdoms, I will give you all the protection and anything else you could possibly need.”

I glance at the dagger in my hand before make eye contact with Princess Sydney, thanking her for her promise and mercy, and assure her I won’t let her down. My mouth is just moving now. Sometimes I feel I have to be the perfect child, but this is different. I’m not a regular kid anymore. I’m a man working with the princess and the kingdom. Two months ago, I never would have dreamed of anything like this.

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