Take Me To The River: A Mountain Man Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 1)

Take Me To The River: Chapter 15

After spending the day with Axel taking care of me, I feel so spoiled, relaxed, and hate to say it, loved. We haven’t said the words, but I remember my parents saying people’s actions speak louder than words.

Axel shows me every day how much he cares about me, and I hope I’m doing the same for him. So even if we haven’t taken that step, I don’t doubt for a second his feelings for me.

It’s obvious by the way he watches me from across the room, and by how gentle he is when he touches me. No matter what it costs him, he’s always putting me first.

I can’t remember the last time I felt this cared for, and I don’t think I could give it up, even if I had, too. When I think of the man that I want to build a life with, this is what I want. This is what every girl dreams of.

Even though I know he’s nervous about if I’ll like it out here, I know I will, and really, I already do. Now, I just have to show him. That will take time, but I know I can make him see it. I love going hunting with him and processing the food we caught. Stocking up for winter and helping him with the jerky was satisfying.

Every morning, I wake up on top of My Giant. Only this morning, we’re both naked. I love the feeling of his skin on mine. Even in his sleep, he’s protective of me, his arms holding me close. Since he seems to still be asleep, I decide to wake him up in the best possible way.

Not wanting to waste any time, knowing he’ll wake up any minute and try to stop me, I carefully slide down between his legs and take his semi hard cock in my mouth. Tasting, licking, and then tightening my lips around him, I increase my gentle sucking, until he’s hard.

My jaw is stretched to its limit because he’s so large. But it’s making me excited that I’m able to give this to him. Taking him farther into my mouth, I suck, twirl, and explore those ridges with my tongue. That’s when his eyes pop open, and he’s panting.

When his eyes lock with mine, I don’t stop the exploring and tasting I’m doing. Then, his hand comes up and gently moves the hair from my face, but he doesn’t try to stop me. I can tell he likes the view, because his cock twitches in my mouth, which spurs me on.

It’s when I grip the base of his cock tightly and start pumping that his control snaps. Watching him lose control, is one of my favorite things, and I plan to make him do it as often as possible. I didn’t realize it could be so damned sexy.

His hands come to the side of my head, and he starts thrusting his hips up and face fucking me. Giving up that control is freeing and such a turn on. Every time I think I’m on the edge of too much, he pulls back.

‘I’m going to come.’ He groans and tries to pull me off him, but I swallow as much as I can, just as he starts to release down my throat. I savor every drop, before caressing his tip, and then crawling up to kiss him.

In a movement quicker than I’d thought possible for his big body, he has me on my back and pinned under him.

‘Good morning, Little One.’ He leans down to brush a kiss on the underside of my jaw, which for some reason, is one of my hot zones. ‘Will you be joining me at the river today?’

He lightly trails his hand down my chest, tracing my breast, down to my belly button, and back up again. It makes me happy that he just can’t stop touching me. Sometimes when he touches me, I wonder if it’s to remind him that I’m real.

I nod, because there’s no way I’d pass this up.

‘Why don’t you use your fancy shower?’ I ask him.

‘I do in the winter. I like to enjoy the warm weather, while I can.’ He rolls off of me and gathers clothes for both of us before we head out to the river.

‘We’ll go check the traps today.’

Today, I get to see another part of his life out here, another part of him, and I can’t wait. I want to know everything, and the more I know, the more I can help him and be useful.

The only downside means I have to put my jeans back on. There’s something to be said about lounging around the house in just his t-shirt. I know it turns him on, and it’s comfortable.

‘I can’t wait, because I really like seeing you in action.’ I wink at him playfully.

He looks over at me then, and something passes in his eyes, but it’s gone before I can figure out what it was.

‘I like having you by my side out here.’ He nods, as the river comes into view.

For the first time, I really take notice of the river, and it looks like it’s barely moving, but I know from experience it is. Even though it’s several car lengths wide, it barely comes up to Axel’s shoulders in the center.

‘Do you fish in the river?’

‘Yes. I have a few nets I set up.’

Just like yesterday, we watch each other undress, before stepping into the water. Unlike yesterday, he seems a bit more aware of our surroundings. His eyes are always scanning the riverbanks, and knowing he’s watching out for me and being my protector, makes that funny feeling intensify in my chest.

I know he’ll protect me from anything that’s out there, and while I need to know how to protect myself, I love being able to put my security in his hands, when he’s around.

It makes me want to show him how grateful I am, and how I appreciate him. Maybe, that’s why the sex this morning was on a whole new level than yesterday. Or maybe, simply we know more about each other’s bodies. Whatever it was, it was just as mind blowing. Giving myself over to him in that way, is something I’ll never get tired of.

Walking out of the river, my legs are wobbly again, making Axel chuckle.

“If I want to get anything done anymore, I’m going to have to stop bringing you to the river.’

He helps me get dressed, dresses himself, and then picks me up to carry me to the cabin.

‘Just feed me, and I’ll be ready to go check traps with you.’

‘You can stay home, Little One. Relax on the couch and finish your book. I can be back before lunch.’

‘I’m okay, I promise. I want to go with you.’

He doesn’t say anything for a minute, and I wonder if he even heard me, but as the cabin comes into view, he finally speaks.

‘Okay. I want you with me too, but if you want to stay and relax, I’d be okay with, too.’

One simple word that makes me happy. He’ll give me what I want, and knowing he cares that I’m happy, is all I need.

Axel moves around the kitchen, making us breakfast, simple eggs, and toast, but I love watching his every move. When it comes time to eat, he pulls me onto his lap and feeds me. If watching him cook the food is my favorite part, then feeding me is his favorite.

After breakfast, I’m feeling much better, and we quickly get ready to check his traps. When we went hunting, we walked away from the river, but this time, we seem to be walking parallel to the river. This is the way I came from, when I found him.

‘Tell me about your job back in the city.’ He says, as we reach the first trap. It’s empty, but he resets it, and we follow his trapline up the mountain.

Not sure where to start, I talk about my job, as a secretary to the human resources manager at Chris’s dad’s company.

‘I mostly answer phone calls and schedule her meetings. It’s a decent sized company, so on a daily basis, I’d get yelled at on the phone, and they would demand to speak to my boss right then,’ I shrug. ‘It was a paycheck, but not something I loved doing. I was grateful for the job, but I won’t miss it.’

We check a few more traps, as I tell him stories of my co-workers. Like the time I went to refill printer paper and found my boss going at it with her boss in the supply closet. They were both married, though not to each other. I tell him of how fast the rumor mill runs at work. How a good rumor is worth more than money there.

I recount the boring Monday meetings, and the Friday after work drinks. Going on, I chronicle the reams of paperwork that flooded the office, late nights working overtime, dull meetings, and my all-around dislike of my coworkers.

‘You know, I have never complained about my job, until now. Since he was training to take over the company one day, I didn’t feel like I could complain to Chris. I’m sorry to dump it all on you like this. I didn’t realize how much I was holding in.”

He stops for us to drink some water and studies me.

‘I’ll take care of you out here. You don’t need to go back to a job you dislike so much. I want you to do what makes you happy.’ Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

‘I am happy right now. As for what will make me happy, I don’t think it’s an office job, because I love being outside.’ I shrug and look around.

There’s plenty of time to figure it out, and he seems to realize that, as we start moving to the next trap. Because I’ve never had so many options, I didn’t let myself dream or wonder, so that way there was no disappointment.

‘Will you tell me about your friends?’ I ask, wanting him to take a turn talking.

‘There are four of us. Other than when we meet in town at the shop, we all keep our distance. We each sell different things. They each have their own reasons for being out here, so I don’t pry, but I know they’d be here to help me if I need it, and I’d do the same for them.’

‘I can’t wait to meet them.’ I want to know the people in his life, but that earns a growl from him.

‘Don’t worry, I’m yours. I just want to know the people who are important to you, that’s all.’

I leave out the part of getting jealous is a bit of a turn on. I don’t plan to make him jealous on purpose, but knowing he cares so much, brings a tingle to my core.

By the time we reach the end of his trapline, we have a few rabbits and one wolverine.

‘What will you do with the wolverine?’ I ask, as he carries it back towards the cabin.

‘The pelt alone is worth two to three hundred dollars. The meat can be eaten or used as bait for bigger animals.’

When we get back to the cabin, I watch him carefully skin the wolverine. If the fur is worth so much, I would take extra care as well.

You can tell he’s been doing this for a while. He can expertly remove the pelt on animals, and then the meat, too.

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