Take Me To The Mountain: A Modern Mail Order Bride Romance (Mountain Men of Whiskey River Book 5)

Take Me To The Mountain: Chapter 11


I’m excited to marry Bennett, but a small part of me has been dreading today too. My dad isn’t here to walk me down the aisle. He isn’t here to give Bennett his blessing. Of course, if my dad was here, I never would have met Bennett, so there is that.

In the end, we decided to have a small, simple courthouse wedding. Nothing even half as fancy than what Cash and Hope had even though theirs was very casual as well. Jana and Cole are having a wedding much like Hope and Cash.

Even though it’s a small simple wedding, all the couples are there. The girls have helped me get ready, even sharing a bit of their makeup since I didn’t have any.

I found a vintage lace dress at the thrift store in town that’s serving as my wedding dress. After having an argument about why I was kicking Bennett out of the house for a few hours the other day, I was able to alter it slightly to fit me. Though he didn’t venture far. The entire time he was outside doing stuff right around the house. I may not have said it to him, but I’m glad that he stayed really close.

I may feel protected on the mountain, but I feel even safer when he’s still around. Something about him, especially at night in his arms, it’s like nothing could touch me.

‘Okay. Your hair has the perfect curls in it, so now we just need to hairspray the shit out of it,’ Jana says and the other girls start giggling.

Jack has been nice enough to allow us to use a room in his shop to get ready. He even promised Bennett, who is waiting at the courthouse that Axel and he would walk us over to the courthouse. That way, all of us ladies would not be alone. The rest of the guys are with Bennett at the courthouse. But I can only imagine how much he hates being away from me because I’m really hating being away from him, too.

A moment later the room erupts in a huge cloud of hairspray.

‘There, that should hold your hair for at least a few hours,’ Jana says.

‘Look at me,’ Emelie says. When I turn my head to the left to look at her, she does a quick makeup check before applying my lipstick and lip gloss.

‘You ready, little one?’ Axel peeks his head into check on us. Not once since we got here has he left the doorway.

‘Are you ready, Willow?’ Emelie asks and when I nod, everyone grabs their stuff and we get our stuff and head out.

The walk to the courthouse is not far. It’s just across the street and a few buildings down from Jack’s shop. But the walk seems to take forever. Maybe it’s because I know Bennett is inside, or maybe it’s because I’m trying to remember this moment. Someday I might want to look back and remember exactly what I felt.

As we walk, I’m enjoying the weather. It’s nice and calm, almost quiet. The serenity along with the fresh mountain air and the sun on my face feels amazing, but the moment we step into the courthouse it’s like full-on chaos. There’s noise and people moving all around, and I’m ushered right to the room where we’re having the wedding ceremony.

I go through all the moves and motions and before I know it, I’m standing at the end of the aisle with Bennett staring back at me. Both of us have huge smiles on our faces. He’s made it very clear how much he wants this, and he doesn’t even try to hide it amongst his friends.

Standing here on our wedding day, he’s looking at me just like every bride hopes their groom would look at them. In that instant, a very small part of me wishes we had done the big traditional wedding with the long walk down the aisle, so I could soak up that look even more. But then I know I wouldn’t have wanted to wait to get married, so this is perfect for us.

The officiant keeps the wedding short, sweet, and to the point. Once we say our vows, in the blink of an eye, he’s kissing me as we are pronounced husband and wife.

Bennett has always been a good kisser, but this kiss just feels different. Maybe it’s because he’s officially my husband, or maybe it’s because this is the kiss with everyone watching, but it’s definitely a hell of a lot sexier than any kiss before it.

While I don’t know how long he kisses me, eventually his friends start whistling and the girls are giggling. Only then do we pull apart and turn to face everyone. My face feels like it’s on fire and I bet I’m as red as a tomato, but everyone else is smiling and cheering.

Jana who used to manage the cafe was able to pull some strings and got us a spot to have a small wedding reception and lunch before we all go back up the mountain.

Once all the paperwork is completed at the courthouse, we meet everybody at the cafe, and have a great afternoon with our friends talking and laughing. Though it isn’t a fancy wedding reception with a DJ, a catered meal, and dancing, I don’t think I could imagine anything more perfect. I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard. It’s been a long time, but this is exactly the day that I needed to have today.

Finally, everyone starts leaving and saying their goodbyes. Bennett tells me we have a little bit of a drive because he’s booked us a hotel a few towns over for a little honeymoon, as he calls it. When Bennett says he hasn’t spent a night off the mountain in over six years, I know this is a big deal for him. Not only does it mean a lot that he’s so thoughtful, but I’m touched as well. It will make another nice memory for our honeymoon weekend.

Bennett’s truck is parked in Jack’s parking lot, so we walk hand-in-hand down the street. Before we get there, we run into the last person I expected to see today. Emma.

‘Bennett! Wow, this is an unexpected surprise. I’ve never run into you in town before”

It makes me gag how her voice is so flirty and sweet.

Almost like Bennett can read my mind, the hand that’s holding mine tightens like he’s afraid I’m going to try to run off. Though he’s not wrong, I’d rather leave than stand here and deal with her. But it doesn’t look like Bennett’s going to allow me to escape.

‘Emma.’ he nods, barely acknowledging her before trying to walk away.

But of course, she’s not going to let it go that easy.

‘What are you doing in town? Usually you just go to Jack’s shop.’

She’s trying to keep any thread of the conversation going, but once again Bennett squeezes my hand and I’m starting to wonder whose comfort he’s doing it for, mine or his.

‘We are in town today because Willow here and I got married. Now if you will excuse us we have a honeymoon to go to.’

That seems to shock her and stop her in her tracks. When he tries to walk around her, she doesn’t move. I would take joy in the pure shock on her face if it wasn’t for a second later the ugly look on her face when she glares at me. Not only is it with hatred, but like she’s not quite sure what I did to deserve Bennett. Though I’m used to girls being petty, which is why Aspen was really my only friend who was a girl.

Briefly, I wonder how Aspen’s doing. I know she decided to go the virgin auction route at Club Red in Chicago. Since the auction is in a few days, hopefully, I’ll be able to hear from her soon. For a moment, I consider having Bennett stop at Jack’s so that I can send her an e-mail.

‘I can’t wait to get you alone and not have to share your attention,’ Bennett says once we hit the parking lot.

Any thought of trying to delay our small little honeymoon is gone and anticipation takes its place.

The ride to the hotel seems to take forever even though in reality it’s only forty minutes. When we pull up to the hotel, he goes to check us in and then comes back to get me and the bags.

I was expecting some simple little hotel, but he totally surprised me. This hotel is grand, definitely upscale. He picked one of the fanciest ones in town and I’m thrilled with his thoughtfulness. Even though the hotel isn’t that tall with only five floors, with us being on the fifth floor, we’ll probably have a great view.

And I certainly wasn’t expecting him to have book the actual honeymoon suite, or for him to carry me over the threshold. The room was lit by candlelight with rose petals on the floor and the bed. It’s like something out of a fairy tale.

‘You did this?’ I ask looking at all the small details around the room.

‘I wanted you to have an amazing wedding. While it may have just been at the courthouse with a few of our friends and a honeymoon at a hotel or few towns over, I wanted it to be as special as it could be,’ he says.

When I turn around his eyes are on me.

‘This is absolutely perfect,’ I tell him as a huge smile crosses his face.

Was he really worried that I wouldn’t like it? How could any girl not like this? It’s the romance that every woman wants in her relationship and something I absolutely would not have expected from a mountain man like Bennett.

‘Let me help you out of that dress.’ He takes a few steps toward me.

I turn my back to him and pull my hair to the side to reveal the buttons and zipper. I hear his footsteps and when he steps behind me, and his body heat engulfs my back. He traces a hand down the side of my neck, making me shiver at the feel of his hands.

As he slowly unbuttons the three buttons at the top, he takes his time, making it clear he’s in no rush. When he reaches the top of the zipper, he stops and leans down to place a few soft kisses on the base of my neck. Once again they send chills up my body.

Then he ever so slowly pulls the zipper down, kissing my exposed skin. He’s taking his time and driving me crazy. I want to rush things along, but at the same time, I don’t want it to end. All these different feelings are bombarding me. I want more, but he’s in no rush.

It seems like hours before my dress finally hits the floor. The second it does I’m spinning around, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him in for a kiss, pressing every inch of my body to him. He works at unhooking my bra and it falls to the ground as I stand there in only my thin panties.

His hands grip my ass before lifting me up and placing me on the bed ever so gently. At last, he’s finally taking off his clothes and I’m enjoying the show. When he notices me watching, he slows down and puts on a little strip tease for me.

Every inch of his skin that’s revealed sets my skin on fire. I’m soaked between my thighs, and I want him more than I ever thought possible. For the first time, I get to see him completely naked and it’s hard to breathe. He’s got muscles that I didn’t even know existed, tattoos and scars cover his skin, but they only make him sexier.

Stepping forward, he pulls my underwear down my legs before stepping between them. Then he pulls my ass to the edge of the bed, which happens to be the perfect height for him. As we stare at each other on full display, we’re both breathing hard..

With only his eyes on me, it feels just like his hands are roaming over my body. I feel every movement. He moves his hands up and down my body, stopping at my breasts to lick my hard nipples. Then he moves down to my pussy and plays with my clit, making me writhe. At the same time, his cock nuzzles my entrance.

Our eyes lock and he stokes my clit more before slowly pressing into me. The slow stretch feels so damn good that we both groan. He’s so gentle with me. I expected him to be a little rougher with all the teasing and waiting we have been doing. But no, he is still unhurried.

With slow, shallow thrusts, he moves in and out of me until he is seated all the way in me.

‘Look how well my wife takes my cock. Fuck, it’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen in my life.’ He moans as he picks up the pace.

He continues stroking my clit and keeping me on edge. Each thrust is a bit harder and harder, causing my breasts to bounce and if he wasn’t holding me in place, I know I’d be halfway off the bed by now.

The heat in his eyes alone has me so turned on. But every sensation and every thrust heightens until every muscle in my body locks up and the world around me seems to freeze in time as my orgasm crashes into me.

Only when my husband collapses on top of me do I seem to regain consciousness. I can feel his warm release dropping from me. Before I can think about moving, he goes to the bathroom and returns with warm clothes as he carefully cleans me up before situating me in bed.

I’ve never had someone take such good care of me. It’s just proves these mountain men are a different breed.

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