SWORD ACADEMY (censored)


At some point in the night, while sleep continues to evade me, I venture out into the hallway to locate a dang bathroom. I half expect my room door to be locked from the outside. If it had been, I would’ve pissed on the floor with no cares given. When it isn’t, I consider pissing on the floor anyway just to be a jerk.

Outside my door, there’s a hamper full of neatly folded clothes and a basket with toiletries in it. Thankfully, the selections are meant for comfort over style. There’s a large dresser by the bed that sits empty and will remain empty. I’m not setting up camp with these squibs. I fish through the basket, relieved as all heck when I find a package of hair elastics. I felt more naked without my ponytail than the missing clothes.

There’s a schedule fastened to the back of the door, so when my abductors knock in the morning at seven sharp, I promptly answer, eager to get this crap shoot started. The sooner we get started, the sooner I can go home. Four sleeps. That’s all I have left to deal with. Then I’ll be right back with my family where I belong.

“We’ll all have breakfast together,” Elaina tinks.

I survey the two-file line behind them and start to move toward the back. Nick grabs my arm, spins me around, and shoves me directly between them. He hooks one arm through mine. She does the same with the other.

“I’m not a freaking runner,” I report.

Nick blasts a laugh that reminds me of Adley. My already spoiled mood straight up curdles. After a roll call of names and pronouns, Elaina nudges me forward, and we all start filing ahead.

Nick places his free hand to his throat. I flinch as he takes off at an amplified volume. “As our charges, we’re responsible for giving you a brief overview of what you can expect over the next week. You’re going to have a lot of questions, and we’re happy to answer every one.”

He stalls for a moment, conflicted. His eyes jet to Elaina. I can tell he means to pass the throttle to her, except he can’t, because they decided to sandwich me between them like airheads. I shrug off their arms and snarl in warning when they try to recapture me, stomping toward the back of the line where I’d intended to go in the first place.

After a few awkwardly silent moments, we all start filing ahead again. Nick reaches across the expanse to Elaina’s throat, and her loud voice follows. “Today, you’ll be given the opportunity of a lifetime,” she booms, “but regardless of what happens today, and in the days to come, we need you to understand every one of you is vital to the strength of S.W.O.R.D.”

I spiral my scopes, focusing on the group before me instead of the elevator speech from the two brain-washed blowhards at the head of the line. Some people are walking with their heads down staring at their feet. Others have their chins up with their chests puffed out. The guy on my right looks ready to punch through the crowd to get the heck out of here, so I decide to align with him.

“Hey,” I quickfire.

His brown-grey eyes darken as he whips them toward me.

“You look a little ready to incite a riot,” I snick, sort of hoping he might be. “You good?”

“Are you?” he nips.

“…but it won’t be your only opportunity in life. S.W.O.R.D. is made up of Sheaths, Wielders, Orderlies, Royals, and Docents…”

Elaina drones on while I only half listen. She and Nick continue to pass the speaking responsibility between each other. Their annoying co-piloting makes me want to jump from this plane with no parachute. We go through a set of double-doors at the end of the hall that extends through an open space.

“…to your right is the Registry. S.W.O.R.D. Academy is made up of the Stadium, Ward, Oculus, Registry, and Dormitory…”

“Four more sleeps,” I say quietly, a pang of longing shooting through me for my family.

He headtilts.

“We only have to sleep here four more nights,” I accurize. “Then we’ll be free of this cage.”

He snuffs, a wall of tension falling from his shoulders. “Four more doggone sleeps. I like it. Makes it more tolerable.”

“…we want to be here for you, talk you through this change, and support you in every way we possibly can…”

“You know, if they really wanted to support us, they could do that by letting us go the heck home.”

He holds up his fist for me to bump it. I grin and knock mine against his. Yep, I reckon I’ve found an ally. It’s nice to not feel so terribly alone in my dislike of this whole process and the punks who support it.

“I almost got away,” he yips, a familiar gleam in his eyes that reminds me of Archie.

“Oh yeah?”

“…you just have to open your heart to this, to us, and we know we can help you through this challenging time…”

“They knocked me out cold,” he growls. “I woke up in a strange bed, fully clothed in clothes that weren’t mine, with the two of them fawning over me like I was their newborn baby. It was…unsettling.”

“Do you want to hear how they got your measurements for those clothes?” I offer.

He quakes. “I’d rather not.”

I brrrt a laugh, drawing some attention from the people ahead of us.

A guy a few rows up flings his head around to glare daggers at me. “Some of us have waited our whole lives to be here. You’re being disruptive.”

“Well, you can have my spot if you want it,” I shoot back. “Maybe a double zap will drop your bullets.”

“Show some respect,” he demands.

I rapidfire my lashes at him like a squib.

He flips me the bird before turning back around.

“Double zap probably won’t do salty balls all to help your personality though,” I clip.

The guy beside me howls with laughter.

“…we’ll start taking questions once you’ve gotten your breakfast and are seated. The Oculus…”

“Do you think we should listen to them?” he yaps.

I shrug. “You can if you want. My four older brothers already told me all the horsecrap I need to know.”

“Really?” His face lights up with excitement. “I’m an only child. My mom majorly went rabid over me coming here. We tried to get out of it.”

“What did you do?” I slamfire.

“Well, she tried lying about my age,” he snaps.

I cock a brow. “What did you do?”

“I did the only thing I could think of to do.” He takes a balls deep breath. “I fricking ran.”

I laugh out loud again. More people turn around. I turn around too despite there being no one behind us.

“…really want the opportunity to speak with you individually after the ceremony…”

“How was your kidnapping?” he asks.

“We voted.”

“You what?” he yowls.

“In my family, we vote when there’s a dispute,” I explain. “You know, a sort of compromise that ensures there’s a balance in power.”

He wrinkles his muzzle. “They voted not to save you?”

“No, they voted whether or not I should go kicking and screaming.”

The Oculus sprawls out before us. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. The tables are arranged in large rings around the giant space which seems to split down the center. All the marble tiles are glistening, but the ones on the left are white, and the ones on the right are black. At the far back, beyond the tables, is a buffet style food setup. Once people file through, they join their designated groups with trays in hand.

“Grady!” Nick’s amplified voice booms from the front. Everyone in the Oculus turns to gape at him. “You’re going to sit with Elaina and I for breakfast.”

Grady’s cheeks turn bright red over the attention. The embarrassed sucker digs his way toward them with heavy feet.

“It was nice to disturb the peace with you,” I call out after him.

He pauses, turning to face me again. “How did the vote turn out?”

“I kicked and screamed,” I return fire, “in my mind.”

He snorts a laugh, and I feel fractionally better despite our terrible situation.

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