Stone (Highway Jokers #1)

Chapter 5



I opened my eyes, blinking a few times from the brightness of the room. Something I wasn’t used to. My apartment was far darker. I looked down to see Lolita lying on my chest with her hand resting on my stomach. She was staring into thin air as if in deep thought.

“Hey, what’s on your mind poet?” I asked, my voice full of sleep.

She lifts her head up to look at me. Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “Why have you always called me that?”

“There was this one time back at school. I was coming out of the building and I looked over and saw you writing in this book. It wasn’t the first time I saw you writing. So from then on, I called you a poet. I think it’s pretty cute actually.” she adjusted herself sitting up.

“That was my getaway back then. I used to write to get away from the things I went through. I don’t anymore though” Her face saddened a bit.

“Why’d you stop?”

“I had no room for emotion anymore” She stared blankly.

I started to speak when my phone rang. “Yeah,” I answered once I grabbed it from the bedside table.

“Hey man, get down here Mase is up.” I heard Skitzo speak through the other line.

“On my way” I stood up from the bed and slipped my boots back on.

“Mase is awake” I spoke up as I slipped my kutte on.

She jumped off the bed and began getting dressed.”I’m coming with you.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of her ass as she pulled her jeans on. Fuck her body looked amazing. I got lost in her body and didn’t realize she was talking to me.

“Hello, Earth to Stone,” she says laughing.

“Sorry poet, what’s up?”

“Are we going or what?” She looked at me confused.

“Yeah. Uh. Yeah sure, sorry.” her face turned a crimson colour as she looked at me and bit her lip.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I felt like I was gonna explode. I spun her to face me as she went to open the door and pulled her into a kiss. At first, she tensed but then she wrapped her arm around my neck and fell in. The kiss got deeper quickly as soft moans left both of our mouths and we finally came up for air. “Fuck I’ve wanted to do that since high school.” I looked into her eyes, tensing my jaw trying to find any other emotion to tell me she disapproved but she didn’t and that gave me hope.

We made our way downstairs and once we got to the main room everyone turned and looked at us. Lolita tucked a hair behind her ear and followed close behind me as we made our way to the infirmary. As soon as we opened the door we heard Mase telling Thrasher what he remembered. Lolita sprung her arms around Mase thanking him for what he had done and anger filled my veins immediately. I guess Mase caught on to it so he pushed her away telling her it’s fine and it’s his job to protect.

“Poet, why don’t you go get some breakfast? I will catch up with you soon?” I asked her as she looked around the room and nodded before leaving the infirmary. All eyes immediately fell on me and Thrasher raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“Church in five minutes. Good to have you awake brother “ Thrasher patted Mase over the shoulder before leaving the room.

I walked out of one of the hallways of the clubhouse laughing and making fun of Skitzo when my eyes caught Lolita. She bit her lip and I nodded my head before winking at her. I saw her face turn crimson before I walked into the Chapel dropping my phone into the bin as I did.

We all walked into the chapel as we always did and took our seats. When everyone was inside Thrasher being the inside the last man closed the doors leaving everyone outside without being able to hear what was said.

“First off, 8ball what do you have on the Devil Riders?” Thrasher got to the point when he finally took a seat at the head of the table. The jarrah wood table was carved into shape. Our flaming joker skull holding two cards was carved in the middle of it.

“From what I gathered. They are backing off right now. The guy who shot Mase was caught last night for having 5 pounds of ice on him. So I guess they are staying low but probably going to be planning something.” 8ball told everyone at the table.

“So we need to gear up and be ready.” Thrasher nodded his head.

“I’ve also got word from my guy at the station that they might be raiding one of the clubs around here. They didn’t say which one.”

“Okay, Gravel, you know what to do. Take Skitzo, Mage and Redback with you.” Thrasher said. If the police were getting ready to raid we needed to take our shipments elsewhere. “That means Stone, you need to call up and get the next shipment to stop until further notice.” I nodded my head when Thrasher looked at me.

Church lasted another 15 minutes but before Thrasher slammed the gravel down to end church I spoke up. “Lolita is off-limits.” I glanced around the table.

“And why is that brother?” Thrasher asked with a smirk on his face.

I glared at him. “Lolita and I go way back. Now she is under our protection. She is mine and I won’t be letting her go.”

“So you want to make her an old lady?”

“Yes.” I nodded my head.

Thrasher thought about it for a moment before he turned to face the others in the room. “Anyone disagrees with Lolita becoming an Old Lady?” He asked the other members of the MC. Everyone shook their heads except Saw who stared at me.

“My sister is one hell of a tough cookie. But if you break her heart or so much as make her feel less than brother. You and I will be in the ring,” Saw spoke up. I nodded once before Thrasher spoke again.

“Looks like you have an old lady, man.” He smirked before slamming the gavel down on the table.

As everyone stood up Mage asked me and Thrasher to stay behind. I sat back down in my usual seat and waited for the chapel doors to close to see what was up.

“Look,” Mage spoke up. “Your girl isn’t used to this life. But I will say this. She’s not just any girl. She is the type that will fight you every step of the way because she just simply can’t help it. She’s gone above and beyond for this club, more than once. But let’s be honest. She stands out.” He sighed before he went on.

“We will need to fix that if you are moving forward to make her your Old Lady. She knows some people that will try and start some shit that will put a lot on our shoulders and I for one don’t like shit being brought to me and the club. Now I’m not saying to let her go because you’d be a damn fool if you did. I’m just saying, cut the baggage loose. And if you can’t, you come to me and we will do something about it. You got me?” I nodded once and he patted me on the shoulder.

“You sure know how to pick ’em Stone. I’ve seen the two of you around here bickering. “ he said as he laughed before walking out of the room.

After another few minutes, I exited the chapel and made my way over to the bar. I looked around the room as I started to look for Dihya. She was one of the girls that the club took in. She worked behind the bar and usually helped situate the Old Ladies and get them into the loop of things around here. I heard the one laugh that I could never ignore. Turning around in my seat at the bar, I spotted Lolita laughing with Deadshot. One of the prospects. Those two have been close since she got here and I’ll be honest I’m not liking it at all.

Rage filled my veins. I stood up and stormed out of the clubhouse. I needed a smoke and I needed it fast before I lost my shit. As I walked out I caught her eyes. I’m sure she could tell the rage because before I knew it she was running behind me. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ignored her and continued toward the picnic tables.

“You’re just gonna ignore me now?” her voice going into a high pitch.

“Go back inside. I’m not in the mood.” I growled out.

“You know what? Fuck you,” She stopped running behind me and stood there with her arms crossed against her chest.

I turned around quickly. “Watch how you talk to me.” I stepped up to her. “What do you care any fucking way. You’re always in that prospect’s face. Go follow behind him.” I growled. She scoffed.

“Oh fuck, is that what this is about? What? You’re afraid he has a bigger dick than you or something?” my anger increased by 10 at this point and all I wanted to do was take her up to my apartment and fuck her until she couldn’t walk. Until she wouldn’t know any dick better than mine. Until she realized that she was mine only.

“You want me to show you a big dick, sweetheart? Do you think you could handle that? If not don’t fucking insult me again. I’ll throw your ass over my shoulder and show you a few things.” she swallowed hard as she saw the look in my eyes.

“Typical guy. Throw your tiny little dicks around. Like women should bow at your feet because of it.” I growled out at her comment.

Lifting her up with one arm I throw her over my shoulder and storm back into the clubhouse. “What the fuck are you doing? Put me down. This is not fair. Put me the fuck down Stone where are you taking me?” she shouted but I didn’t care.

When I reached the top of the stairs I heard the people downstairs laugh but I didn’t give a fuck. My mind was on Lolita and this hard-on I had in my jeans. I walked into my apartment and slammed the door. Throwing her down on the bed she landed with a bounce as she rolled over and sat up. “You’re a damn asshole, Daniel, you know that?” she looked over to me adjusting her hair.

She jumped up to go for the door but I caught her arm pulling her into me. Her ass was now against the bulge in my pants I kissed her neck sending shivers through her body as I smirked. “You feel what you do to me poet?” a soft moan escaped her lips.

“Your body deceives you, poet. I know you want me just as much as I want you. I want you to be mine. Only mine. I don’t want to share you with anyone,” she turned around to face me.

Her eyes reached mine. Lust and contemplation fighting each other within them. “What about the other girls in the club?”

“I don’t want them. I never have. If I wanted them I would have them in my apartment and not you.” she looked at me fighting the urge to give in.

“What about-” I cut her off.

“Mmm Mmm, shh” I pulled her into an intense kiss that got heated quickly. Pinning her against the wall between the door and the sofa her arms immediately wrap around my neck. Lifting her into my arms I hold her up by her ass as her legs naturally wrap around my waist.

“I want you to be mine. I want you as my Old Lady. I don’t know if I can control myself around you anymore.” I told her as we pulled back from the kiss trying to catch our breaths.

“I won’t touch you until you’re mine. Only mine.” I warned her. Her eyebrows scrunched together and I knew there was a protest coming. Causing me to place her back on her feet.

“So you mean to tell me that you never slept with any of those women downstairs with no strings attached?” she spoke up.

“Those women down there are not you. This?” I pointed between us. “Has nothing to do with anyone downstairs. When you see that, come find me.”

I stormed out of my apartment leaving her there. I had just asked her to be my Old Lady. Maybe she wasn’t what I thought. Maybe there’s nothing but lust there. Either way, I was now pissed off and needed to go for a ride.

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