Slay My Soul

Chapter 9 Darius

Hey D, if you’re reading this. Things clearly didn’t go as planned. Firstly, I’m so sorry. I wanted to come back and had every intention of doing so. This isn’t a suicide mission. We've kept it simple and planned to be in and out fast before you even know we are gone. I had plans, things I wanted to do when the dust settled.

I wanted to see our new home completed. I wanted to see the enemy fall. I wanted to see our woman’s belly swell with our babies and watch them grow up. I wanted to see her kick our world up the ass and get it functioning right. I wanted to see our own relationship grow, because man, even though we are two straight guys, I love you. I have for quite some time. Eve knows, she thinks it’s adorable and the idea of the two of us together turns her on. Turns me the fuck on too.

I’m sorry I didn’t include you in my plans. I couldn’t risk Eve losing us both and I knew you would try to stop me. The theory is simple really. Kill the King and stop the war. I hope I achieved something before I passed, that will work in our favor.

However, since I have fallen, Sirus can tell you about how we’ve been working on the prophecy. That thing in the prophecy about another will step up and answer the call - Sirus and I think that if one of us mates dies, someone new will fill their place. You may want to give Eve the heads up because we all know how well that’s going to be received. We may be wrong but that’s what we suspect.

Sirus is pretty sure there is something big we are missing since the prophecy is so adamant we are doomed even though we have more warriors. He said the prophecy claims Eve has ten mates, yet at the end - it pretty much says she’s fucked, unless she’s empowered by all eight. The numbers don’t match man. We’re wondering if there is a race we don’t know about. If that’s the case, you lot need to find them before time runs out.

Lastly, look after our girl and let her be there for you too. God, I honestly hope you never read this letter. That I get to come home to tear it up. But if you are reading it, let her know, if there is a replacement, that it’s ok to love him too. I know how her mind thinks. She will rebel at the idea of replacing me and fight him tooth and nail.

Remind her, I’ll always love her and I’ll wait for her on the other side. For you too.

I’m so sorry I’m not there with you.

Love you for always


Tears blur my eyes as I reread the letter. I don’t even know how to start processing this.

I guess firstly, I’m pissed off that he felt it necessary to write us letters. That tells me he knew it was high risk and there was a good chance he wouldn’t return. That should have been enough to stop the stubborn fuck in his tracks. My heart is also beating erratically. He loved me. God, I wish I could have just taken a moment with him, to tell him I loved him too, been able to say it to his face.

The suspicion of an eighth race was bang on and thankfully we are already aware of them. Why do they need to send another replacement mate? Jesus. Eve isn’t the only one that will be ready to rebel. No one can ever fill the gap Reece has left. We had been one wolf too many to begin with, with me entering the fray. We suspected the Fates got sick of waiting for Eve and Reece to claim each other and so they sent me. Sending another replacement makes no sense, as I have mated her, claiming the wolf side.

I glance at Eve, who is crying silently as she reads through the pages of her own letter. I place my letter aside and cuddle her, keeping my eyes averted. Respecting Reece to be able to pour his heart out to her in private. Finally, she folds the letter up and kisses it, before tucking it into her bra and smiling sadly at me.

“I’m glad I get to read that as often as I want and I’m glad he got to say goodbye to us, though I’m pissed we didn’t get to return the favor. So many things left unsaid.” She scrubs at her face tiredly. “Coulda, woulda, shoulda, ” she groans and flops back with her head in my lap, eyes flicking to mine. “He said to remind you that he loves you, even though he’s straight with everyone else, his heart was full with the two of us.”

“He told me you already knew he loved me and the thought of the two of us together, turns you on,” I say, nudging her arm with a grin.

“That’s not exactly a secret,” Eve scoffs. “He debated telling you about being in love but wasn’t sure if it would cross an invisible line and fuck it all up. After all, you guys were only just starting to get physical with each other. He decided it was too big a risk.”

“I’ve loved him for a while now,” I admit. “It’s a shame we didn’t get our heads out of our asses and tell each other. Reece mentioned the prophecy quite a bit in my letter and some theories he had. I really think we should look at it again with our inner circle and try and decipher it. I would hate there to be any more surprises.” Eve shrugs non committedly.

My mind flits back suddenly to the shower where Reece had taken me, while I took Eve. I remembered trying to get over the intense orgasm the pair of them had given me and Reece saying I was a special guy and that he loved me. His voice had been full of humor, but his eyes had been serious. My fists clench. Little fucker! He had told me how he felt and I hadn’t even realized.

Eve reaches over and wipes my cheeks with her thumbs. I didn’t even realize tears had escaped. I look into her eyes, seeing the understanding there.

“I really miss him Eve,” I admit.

“I know,” she says, pulling my head to her chest and cradling me. “I do too, so very much.” I take a deep breath and center myself as I wrestle my emotions back under control.

“Shall we rally the troops, and get it out of the way?” I ask.

“Sure, days been crap anyway so may as well continue the trend,” she shrugs. I stand and offer her a hand up. Just as Eve’s hand slips into mine, all hell breaks loose downstairs. We scramble out of the room towards the sounds of things breaking and raised voices.

Lord forbid there is ever a moment of peace around here.

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