Saving Kinsley

Chapter Kiss Me

Kinsley's P.O.V

Ian had called for an emergency meeting with all of the Alpha's that were present, to inform them of the information Dakota had given us almost immediately.

I had such an incredibly strong urge to comfort Kole, because I know what he was feeling right now. I'd imagine he was pissed off and hurt for me. That's one thing we had sadly in common, we'd both been rejected. Left to deal with that bruising heartache alone. Why do I keep pushing him away? Would it be so bad, to just give in to the mate pull? Maybe the Moon Goddess has this one right. Maybe two broken souls can come together, piece each other into something less damaged. The cracks will always be there, but what can fill those voids, might just be what we need. Broken, but beautiful.

A sigh left my lips as I sat in the morning rays of sun outside, alone, processing my thoughts. My skin, greedily soaking in the sun. The warmth reminding me of the fire that sat deep inside my core.

Thinking of that made me remember I needed to find out more information about what Vesta had said. I needed to learn what I could about the Hollow.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up and dusted the dirt from myself. Looking at my surroundings, I decided to allow myself whatever moments we had left to just run, before chaos erupted into our lives again.

Walking to the tree line, I stripped off my clothes and fell to the back of my mind as I allowed Ember to take over. Shaking out my Auburn coat, I flew into the woods like a bullet.

All my worries seemed to wash away when I was running on fours throughout the woods. None of the human problems existed right now, in this form. It was just my paws thudding across the earth, the wind ruffling my fur, and the sun guiding me with its bright rays.

Kole's familiar scent hit me a few paces later, growing stronger as I ran, 'Mate is close.' Ember commented as his brown wolf came into view, now running alongside me, matching my strides easily.

Running deeper into the woods, we came upon a small river almost hidden by a wall of trees. Almost as if nature was hiding this small piece of heaven. Kole and I shifted back, "How did the meeting go?" I voiced as I stepped onto the river bed, my toes just kissing the cool water.

"All packs are on alert now, and any territories breached will be aided by the closest packs." His response was short, and I sensed there was something more he wanted to say.

Turning to him I stepped closer, taking my chance to be receptive to what was between us. No more pushing him away. Our skin was just inches from touching, close enough that I could feel his body heat, the nearness heightening his scent further. I took in his ruggedly handsome features. His hair was ruffled, but it still looked soft, making me want to run my fingers through it. His green eyes warring with his stoic face, softer than his hard jaw as he looked at me.

"I have to return to my pack soon, and I want you to come with me." His hand cupped my face, his thumb gently sweeping over my cheek.

Closing my eyes I took a step back. "I don't know Kole.."

"We leave in a few days. But I do hope you'll come with me, I want you by my side little one." His green eyes continued to watch me intently.

Nodding my head slightly, "I'll think on it, okay?"

"Okay. Run with me?" He grasped my hand as he directed me away from the water. A slow grin crept on his face as I smiled back, "I'd love too."

We spent the rest of the morning running throughout the woods, chasing each other, and playfully nipping at each other. Our wolves equally infatuated with one another, and honestly? He was starting to grow on me. Eventually, we found our way back, and both of us dressed in the clothing we had been wearing earlier.

Kole had a grin on his face as I pulled the hoodie back on, "What?"

"My clothes look great on you, could get used to that."

Rolling my eyes with a smile, I made my way back into the building. He didn't need to know that I loved wearing his clothes because his scent was all over them, at least he didn't need to know yet.

Turning around to Kole, "I'll see you around?"

"Count on it."

Walking down the hall, in search of Ian, with a small smile on my face. Now, to learn what I can of Vesta, and then to find Madi and see what information the book has.

Ian was still in the conference room, sorting through some paperwork as I stepped in. "Do you have a minute?"

"Of course, Kinsley."

Jumping into it, "I was wondering what you could tell me about Vesta? Alexandra said something that's been on my mind lately and I was hoping you could explain more."

"What did she say? Is everything okay?" He leaned forward as he drew in his brows.

"I'm fine" I reassured him quickly, "It's just after I shifted to my final form, the sacred mark appeared. Alexandra had seen it first and when I mentioned that Vesta spoke with me she had said I was the only one that has been able to communicate with Vesta. I guess I'm a little concerned."

Ian's shoulders seemed to relax at that, "I see. Well, Alexandra is right. As far as I know, no one has ever communicated with Vesta. It's more of a feeling, kind of like how we feel our wolf inside. Just warmer." He chuckled a bit, earning a smile from me.

"But throughout the years, elders have passed down stories of how we came to be. Some stories say that Vesta was an entity from another realm, much different than ours, and combined its essence with a shifter soul, creating us."

Nodding my head as I soaked in the information, my thoughts went to what Vesta had said. Vesta mentioned the Hollow's energy being like its energy. So maybe, these stories weren't too far off.

"If you'd like, I could have one of the elders come by? I'm not sure how much help it'll be, all we have are stories passed on through generations now. Any records we did have were burned to ash, sadly. The elders will know the most about Vesta." His expression was pained as he spoke of the attack briefly. And I understood it, he's the Alpha, an Alpha who lost so much from that attack.

That thought alone had my temper spiking, as I clenched my hands tightly. Why were these rogues terrorizing so many packs? What are they hoping to achieve? All I see happening is destruction and death. So many are dying and it's fucking senseless.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, "Yes, please. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it."

"Never a problem, Kinsley."

Leaving the conference room, I sought out Madi next. Now, I wasn't entirely sure where I'd find that raven-haired girl. But I was determined to get answers.

After aimlessly wandering the halls for a while, I decided to turn around and ask Ian if he knew which room Madi was in. Meanwhile, I silently cursed myself for not doing that in the first place.

Turning the corner to the conference room, I smacked into a wall of muscle that sent sparks shooting throughout my body. The abrupt sensation alone almost sent me on my ass. Cursing out as I almost fell to the ground, before Kole's arm was wrapping around me.

Pulling me closer to him, "Well, that's not exactly what I had in mind when I saw you next." His voice held tones of amusement.

"Yeah me either." I laughed out, placing my hand on his chest as I looked at him.

Consumed by his gaze alone, he looked at me like I was everything. His lips looked like the softest thing in the world, I wonder-

"Kinsley, if you keep looking at me like that I'll have to assume you want me to kiss you." His voice sounded like it dropped an octave, getting lower, sending a shiver up my spine. Chasing that feeling, I pressed my back to the wall as a flush of heat crept up my neck.

"Would it be so bad if I did?" I instantly slammed my mouth shut, what the hell was that? Goddess kill me. Ember hummed within me, liking where my thoughts were.

Kole let out a growl as he crowded me closer to the wall, "Say it. Say you want me to kiss you right now."

"Kiss me." A breath left my lips before his lips slammed to mine.

All thoughts previously on my mind were now hurled out the window as sparks shot from the contact of his lips to mine. My mind, consumed by everything Kole. His hands gripped my waist firmly, as his soft lips moved against mine, his growls vibrating a delicious path throughout my body. My hands found the back of his neck, creeping up his hairline until I was weaving my fingers through the strands of soft hair I'd imagined running my fingers through.

The moment our lips collided, it was like a firework going off. I wanted this like my next breath I desperately needed. Kole gently nibbled at my bottom lip, while his thumbs massaged my waist. The roll of his thumbs against my flesh incited a small moan to creep out as I opened my mouth to allow him entry. His tongue swept in, our tongues dancing. The taste of him quickly becoming my personal addiction. Who was I kidding, I'm definitely fucking hooked.

Kole broke the kiss, his breathing slightly ragged, "God's I've wanted to do that since the moment I laid eyes on you, and your scent is driving me fucking wild." He spoke as his thumb ran across my lower lip.

"Get a room." Both of us turned as one, Madi stood with a massive smile plastered on her face.

"Young love. I remember when Kade and I first shared our first kiss." Madi shot me a devious wink. Instantly I could feel my cheeks flush.

Side stepping Kole and clearing my throat, "I was looking for you. I uh, thought I should look at that book?"

Kole's warm hand gripped mine, pulling me and quickly spinning me around to meet flush against his muscled form. His lips pressed to mine softly, "I'll come find you later, little one."

Left standing there, lips tingling as I watched him turn down another hall.

"Great now that that's out of the way, lets go." Madi scooped her arm into mine, dragging me down the opposite direction.

Raising a brow to her, she rolled her eyes with a smile as we walked down the hall. "I saw that coming."

Giving her another quizzical look she continued, "The visions aren't always perfect, most of the time hazy or just the important parts come through." She shrugged.

"Gotchya. I'll pretend I didn't just hear that you knew Kole and I were basically sucking face before we even knew we would." Letting out a shiver, Madi barked out a laugh, "That is kind of weird huh?"

Entering Madi's room, she swiftly moved to a bag and pulled out a black book with a deep blue binding. The cover caught my eye instantly, the marking matching the same sacred mark on my shoulder.

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