Sanctum of the World

Chapter Arrival

It’s cool and damp as they step out of the cottage this morning. Dew coats everything and a thin mist covers the ground. It’s not thick enough to obscure everything, so it doesn’t take long for Lyric to find the path Luke had mentioned.

A few minutes later, the winding path along the river leads them to their destination. Just before the falls, almost in the middle of the river, is a stone platform. One can easily hop from the path onto the platform, without getting their feet wet. In the middle of the platform, stands a stone archway. Its runes glowing brightly in the misty air. A motion to their right draws their attention from the prismatic pattern in the doorway to the river’s edge. There appears to be someone standing along the path. A tall blonde woman stands there smiling, patiently waiting, as if she knew they’d be here today.

Lyric smiles as she recognizes the young woman in front of them. “Angel, My Child, how did you know that we would be here?”

The blonde woman’s smile brightens, tapping the green stone cabochon on a gold collar. It matches the one that Lyric wears herself. “I have my ways,” the woman’s soft, melodic voice chimes as they continue to approach.

The friendship stones. How could I have forgotten?” Lyric had gifted Angel one a few visits ago. Not only did it help in connecting and sending magical messages, but it also helps in finding its mate when on the same plane.

“When Daddy asked me to restock the cottage, I just knew it had to be you! I’ve been waiting to feel your presence,” the blonde grins.

The two meet each other in a loving hug. “It’s been too long, My Dear.” Lyric smiles, “How have you been?”

Angel takes a step back, still holding the Elf by the shoulders. “I’m doing very well. I’ve finished university. I have a good performing career now, and I’m getting married next month. Please tell me you will stay long enough to be our guest. It would break my heart if you were to miss it,” she pouts slightly.

Lyric smiles. “So, you and your roommate have become that serious, have you?” I always thought you two made an adorable couple. Unless situations change, I shall be here to bless your wedding.”

Angel hops back and claps her hands excitedly, her voice almost a song, “Oh, that is wonderful news!”

Her focus then turns to the young teen, who is standing a few steps behind Lyric. “Who’s your friend?” Angel’s voice fills with curiosity. Her eyes glow momentarily, “She’s very powerful.”

“Now Angel, how many times have I told you to ask before magically assensing someone new?” Lyric returns sternly.

Angel hangs her head, “I’m sorry ma’am, I was just curious…”

All this time, Amethyst has been amazingly patient, just standing there smiling. Lyric wonders what the Fae may be up to. She’s usually not so shy… she turns as the Fae looks up at her expectantly, waiting to be introduced. “Oh, so we’re playing at being polite now, are we?”

She motions for the Fae to walk forward. “This is Amethyst Lily. She is here to help me assess what we need in Sanctum. Amethyst, this is Angel Goodson, an old family friend.”

The Fae smiles and curtsies in response. The small creature replies, “You forgot to add that she’s a powerful Bard and of an ancient bloodline. Likely stronger than you. Surprising, for a Human.”

Lyric blushes and Angel looks a bit surprised at the comment.

Amethyst’s expression changes. Her tone denotes maturity that belies her youthful face, “You are not the only one that can sense magical auras, Dear Child. Your family must be proud to have such a capable arcanist at such a young age.” The blonde woman blinks. Amethyst continues, “Come now, My Dear, be honest. Were you here to merely say hello; or are you just as curious as we are with what lies on the other side of the portal?”

Angel looks between Lyric and Amethyst, blushes, then nods, “My father has never let me enter the portal before, but I am an adult now and no longer live under his house rules.”

Lyric smiles, “and you’ve been looking for an excuse to pay Sanctum a visit, have you?”

Angel blushes more and nods again.

Amethyst pipes up, “Well then, shall we go through together?” She holds out her arms so that they can join hands.

The two women smile, and each takes a hand. They hop onto the platform and cross the archway’s threshold. A swirling mist of rainbow colours surrounds them as they shift from the Mortal Realm to Sanctum. It takes a moment for the world to materialize. Shifting realms is a lot more complex than other portal spells.

As they finally arrive on the other side, Amethyst emits a mournful gasp. They are on a large island, floating in a starry void. Ribbons of blue and purple energy weave through the air above and around them. A large building dominates the centre of the island. The place feels green, with lush purplish willow-like trees surrounded by stone paths, tailored landscaped hedges, and flower gardens. Debris and other islands float nearby, hinting this place was once larger than it is. While there is a definite feeling of up and down. They can’t help but feel the island is tilted slightly compared to their surroundings.

“Oh, no!” Amethyst squeaks, releasing their hands. “Oh no, oh no, oh no!” she continues. “By the Stars, what has happened here?” her voice is a high-pitched whine.

She steps forward, changing to her natural form as her wings spread out. With a flutter, she takes off like a rocket. She’s leaving a trail of sparkling purple dust as she quickly climbs into the night sky, slowly circling further and further away.

“You declined to comment that Amethyst was Fae in your introduction,” Angel notes as she watches the stream of purple becoming harder to track.

“When she called you ‘child’, how did you not figure that she was more than Human?” Lyric replies, her Elven eyes more adept at tracking the Fae.

“Oh, with her skin colour and purple eyes, I figured she wasn’t quite Human. I know someone else like her, but they are wingless and a far different creature than Ms. Lily.”

Lyric looks pensive for a moment. The only other porcelain-skinned purple-eyed creature in the Human realm that she’s ever known was“You are speaking of Countess Mélodie de La Rivière, aren’t you? That was way before your time. How do you know that woman?”

Angel is straining to see if she can still follow Amethyst, “If we’re speaking of the same woman, she goes by the name of Melody Rivers. She married my former neighbour, and I attended their wedding last spring. Not only has she helped springboard my career, but how am I not to know one of the most famous women in San Marino?”

“Famous?” Lyric blinks in surprise, “Again? Do you know what she really is?”

Angel chuckles, “You really need to drop by more than a few times a decade to keep up with Human celebrities, you know. I’ll fill you in with the details later, but I have an idea that Melody is not quite Human. I know that she’s quite powerful and filthy rich! Where do you think that fairy went?”

“Assessing the damage,” Lyric replies with a sad note. “By her emotions, before she took off, she was quite upset.”

Angel regards Lyric pensively, “Right. You’re an Empath, like another Bard I know.” She looks up, trying to see if she can find where the fairy went, “To say it with that level of certainty, she must be really upset.”

As they wait, Lyric continues with her questions. “Mélodie de La Rivière is at least four centuries old from what I’ve been able to follow in Human history. Every few decades she pops up, usually as some sort of artist or entertainer — though she’s an incredible archeologist. As you’ve noticed, she does very much resemble our fairy friend: pale skin, purple eyes, and usually wearing an amethyst pendant. Though she changes her hair and eye colour slightly, to hide the fact that she is the same person. As a Lore Master, the resemblances are too close to imply good genetics. Is that how you made the connection?”

At this point, Angel has given up searching the sky, “Well, currently she’s a digital artist and animation specialist. She was the artistic director of a high-profile science fiction film last year. Her charm and connections helped my friend and former neighbour, Penny, climb the celebrity ranks, rather quickly, I might add. With her assistance, I’ve recorded an album that has soared the charts reaching gold and soon platinum recognition. Last I heard, they live in some spooky neighbourhood in the hollows, or something like that, instead of some ritzy house in Del Rey Valley. ”

“Spooky Neighbourhood?” inquires the Elf. “Does Blightwood ring a bell?”

“That sounds familiar,” Angel nods.

“You realize what lives there, don’t you?” Lyric probes.

“Creepy people?” Angel responds with a shrug. “All I know is that it’s always gloomy. The very air feels unpleasant. There is something about the Victorian-style houses that raises the hairs on your neck; like you’re always being watched. Some of them look to be older than you,” she smirks.

Lyric returns a wry smile, “Ever the comedian, like your father.” Her expression changes, “The area is a hive for vampires.”

“Those exist?” Angel blinks.

“Unfortunately so,” the Elf replies worriedly. “When was the last time you saw your friend Penny?”

“Shortly after the wedding, when we released my album. She was really happy. While powerful and influential, Melody’s never come across to me as a threat. In fact, she’s very attractive, friendly, and really fun to hang around with. It’s easy to see why Penny fell in love with her.”

“Then how would you explain how old this Melody is?” the Elf argues.

“How do you explain to others how old you are?” she turns the question around on Lyric.

“I am a Wood Elf. We live longer than Humans do.”

“So, Melody isn’t entirely Human? It doesn’t mean she’s evil just because she lives in a creepy neighbourhood. Maybe she just likes her privacy? The press doesn’t like going there at all.”

Lyric looks pensive, “I need to do some more research.”

Their conversation is interrupted as a purple explosion lands in front of them and coalesces into Amethyst. The fairy looks up at the two women with a forlorn face.

“This is just absolutely horrible! So little of the realm is left!” the fairy whimpers in a defeated tone.

“There’s enough to keep us going…” a new voice replies.

The three turn their attention to the new arrival coming down the path. A woman who resembles their Fae friend approaches. Her Fae ears, pale skin, and purple everything else is unmistakable.

“Elphaba!” the Fae squeaks happily. The girl runs up and hops into the woman’s arms.

The two hug tightly for a few moments, and the girl’s legs wrap around the woman’s waist. Finally Amethyst breaks the hug, leans back, and looks at the woman, holding on to her shoulders. In order to not let her Fae friend fall, she holds the girl by the waist. “My dear child,” Amethyst chimes. “How have you been?”

“We thought we would never see you again, Mother. How did you get here? The portals to the other realms have been closed for so long! We didn’t think you could reach here through the Mortal Realm.”

Amethyst finally releases Elphaba and stands on the ground, “It was difficult, My Child. It’s taken me decades to find the means to reach you. But I’m here now. How are the others?”

“Well, last I saw Ciël, she was acting as a mage’s familiar…” the woman responds.

“And my other children?” Amethyst looks hopeful.

The woman merely shakes her head. A tear welling in her eye. “Outside of a few Pixies, there is one other, but she abandoned the realm centuries ago. Being only Feytouched, I doubt she’s alive anymore. The rest… they’re gone! I don’t know where, but I’ve not been able to find any of them since we’ve started rebuilding.”

Amethyst suddenly falls to the ground, clutching her chest as if badly wounded, “My children! All gone?” She looks up, tears streaking down her face, “I sent a dozen of you here, and only the two of you remain?”

The woman slowly, sadly nods her head, “I’m sorry, Mother. I wish I had better news.”

Amethyst’s voice is a soft, crystalline whisper. “I was hoping there would be more of you left. I am so sorry. Their loss must be as painful to you as it is to me.” She slowly stands up, sniffles, and wipes her cheek, “I will mourn their deaths later. There is much work to do. We will work with what and who we have.”

At this point, Angel’s curiosity gets the better of her, “You keep calling everyone your children, but you look to be no more than a young teen, younger than myself.”

Amethyst blinks and looks up at the blonde woman. She looks as if she is about to reply, but breaks out in laughter instead; her crystalline voice a lovely chime, as she can’t stop giggling.

Elphaba smiles and looks at Angel, “Humans are so comical. I thank you for making our elder laugh. I think she needed that, considering the horrible news she just discovered.”

Angel frowns at them, confused. They’re all smiling. Elphaba elaborates, “As an arcanist, you, above all others, should know that looks can be deceiving. Amethyst Lily is the oldest member of the Realm of Earth. She’s immortal; not a single tale can date when she was born. Amethyst Lily is as old as the Realms have existed. She helped build the ground you stand on… so it is as if someone has stripped her work away from her seeing how little of Sanctum remains.”

Angel looks down at the ground, embarrassed, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I must have sounded so stupid then.”

Lyric offers a sympathetic smile, and Elphaba continues, “It’s not like you knew. Fae don’t age like you do, My Child. I’m Feyborne, about twice the age of our Elven friend here, but Amethyst is nearly as old as time itself. She’s never found a need to appear to be anything older than a young girl. In fact, she’s rarely larger than a foot-tall pixie. I almost didn’t recognize her at first.”

Lyric speaks up, “That would be my doing. I needed to show her how Human items and technology work. Her pixie size would have made it difficult to manage most of what’s in the cottage.”

“Like this cell phone,” Amethyst remarks, her giggles now under control. She produces the glass-faced device from some invisible pocket. She frowns, disappointed that there’s no signal here, not quite understanding how radio communications work. She turns to Angel, “I’ve learned that your race has made many amazing things — fascinating for such a short-lived species.”

“I’ll try not to take any offence to that comment,” Angel smiles. “Like my father and some of the other mages here, I will likely live longer than most Humans do.”

Lyric looks the girl over, “Have your mystics been toying around with time magic again? I had warned Elenarian about the dangers that it possessed.”

Angel merely shakes her head, “I don’t know who that is. My father and our current Arch Mage rediscovered potions that rejuvenate the body and extend our lives.”

Amethyst looks pensive, “Potions? Then some knowledge survived the destruction of this realm? If you’ve recovered some of the more potent alchemical formulae, that is promising.”

Angel continues, “They exiled my father and his friends to Earth before the cataclysm. Apparently, their ancestors saw it coming. They sent a generation of magically attuned children to preserve our ways.”

Elphaba adds, “It is with their knowledge that we have brought order back from the chaos. We have spent much of the effort in the past few years on stabilizing what remains and establishing the magical college. We’ve not had much time to rebuild the Realm itself.”

Amethyst returns a thoughtful nod, “Very well, then. I am needed here. We must find Ciël. I require her talents in the tasks that lie ahead.”

Elphaba frowns, confused, “The pixie has never shown to be very strong. She merely helps mages learn the arcane arts and study.”

Amethyst returns a cunning smile, “My daughter may not appear to be much to you, but my Ciël is much more powerful than she will ever let you know. I gave her instructions to keep her powers hidden until needed.”

Elphaba looks almost dejected, “Mother, we could have used those powers a long time ago.”

Amethyst pats the woman on the arm, “Now, now, My Child; the powers of the universe show themselves in mysterious ways. The proper path often lies hidden and riddled with doubt; but if you are observant, the way will present itself. If it were not for Ciël, none of the realm would have survived. We wouldn’t be standing here today.”

The three women gape at Amethyst in stunned silence as she makes her way toward the large building in front of them. “Summon my Ciël, you will see what my daughter and I are truly capable of.”

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