Runaway (The Knight Society #1)

Chapter 19 - Lockdown

I woke to the feeling of fingertips lightly grazing my cheek. The feather soft touch motion was so brief I wasn’t sure if it was a half asleep imagining or not. After beating the shit out of practice dummies I had skipped dinner, instead collapsing in my room, exhausted from the day’s events.

The softness of the blankets and pillows beckoned me to fall back into sleeps embrace but the voice in my head pushed my eyelids open. Blinking the sleep from my eyes I immediately noticed that Avery was sitting in a chair next to my bed and that there was a strange pressure on my ankle. Frowning I sat up, ignoring my ankle for now, instead focusing on the intruder.

“What are you doing in my room?” I asked, my voice rough from sleep. Pastel blue eyes bore into me and I could see the guilt creeping into them. He made no move to reply and there was a grimness in his features. I moved to sit up to get out of bed was instantly distracted by my ankle. Using my other foot I felt around for the familiar touch of skin on skin but instead my foot felt something else. A hard, cool band was wrapped around my ankle. My blood ran cold and I yanked off the blankets to reveal a metal cuff connected to a chain wrapped around my ankle. Leaning down I tugged on the chain and discovered it had very little slack.

“What the hell is this?” I shrieked and when I turned to face Avery I saw him flinch slightly.

“Everyone was worried that you might do something… drastic.” He shrugged and I felt my temper soar. “This seemed like the best course of action until we could be sure you weren’t going to go hunting that madman on your own.” His words grew heated and I felt a flicker of guilt because that was exactly what I had been intending to do. I pushed the feeling away and let the anger build instead.

I wanted to shout and curse till my voice died but with great effort I reined in my temper. Simmering I got up off the bed and tested the range of the chain. I could make it a couple of meters without the metal biting into my skin. I tugged on the chain and winced as the pain radiated from my ankle but I tugged on it again anyway. I hated the restriction immediately somehow it felt worse than being in a cage. My gaze fell on the door; so close yet so far.

“Unchain me.” I demanded.

“I can’t do that Jack.” He replied softly and I rolled my eyes.

“I need to use the bathroom.” Red rushed into his cheeks.


“Yeah, so unless you want me to-” His hand shot up silencing me, red tinted his ears. Without another word he stood up and walked over to me. Bending down he averted my gaze and pulled a chain from around his neck from which a key dangled. I muttered a curse, that was definitely not the easiest place to get to but all other thoughts fled from my mind when the tips of his fingers brushed against my skin. A jolt of electricity shot through me and I flinched. Heart pounding I watched as he went about the achingly slow process of unlocking the cuff. It fell to the ground and I sighed in relief, wriggling my foot I padded towards the bathroom.

“You’ve got twenty minutes; then we need to get some breakfast. I’m starved.” He called out as I closed the door. I raced to the sink and turned on the cold water; splashing it across my face. I got my temper under control, barely. I needed to find a way to escape my new leash, because if I didn’t a lot of people were going to end up dead. The girl in the mirror stared back at me with a smile; determination burning in her eyes.

Watch out Arthur, I’m coming for you.

I emerged from the bathroom exactly twenty minutes later, squeaky clean and in a new set of clothes. Avery wasted no time in slapping the iron cuff around my ankle and I didn’t fight him, not yet. Instead I waited patiently for him to stand up and grab the end of the chain.

“You’re dreaming if you think I’m going to let you parade me into the Common’s Room like some kind of dog.” I told him and he flashed me a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“No worries, I’ve sorted something else out.”

Avery and I marched through the Institute hallways; unfortunately, with the chain in tow. Every time I heard the clinking of the chain I felt a stab of annoyance. It was humiliating they might as well have clapped some iron around my neck. Even after all the years I had spent with my parents I had never felt so degraded. The only thing stopping me from wrapping the chain around Avery’s throat and viciously taking away all of his air supply was the obvious guilt on his face. Finally we arrived at a small sitting room, inside Ed waited at a table stacked with breakfast foods.

At the sight of the chain and my obviously disgruntled expression he burst into laughter. Avery winced but that didn’t stop him from securing the chain around a nearby pole. Taking a seat at the table I waited for Ed’s laughter to subside.

“You should see the look on your face! Should I start looking for a new partner?” He choked out and I rolled my eyes.

“Oh no I love my newest accessory.” I swear I couldn’t have squeezed more sarcasm into my voice if I tried. Ed burst into laughter once more and I stabbed at a piece of bacon.

“It’s only a temporary measure.” Avery spoke up and I glared at him.

“I would prefer it was never there to begin with personally…” I muttered and focused on eating. The others leapt on their meals as well and for a while the sound of eating was the only thing filling the silence.

“So whose bright idea was this?” I wiggled my ankle causing the chain to clank loudly. Ed grinned at me.

“You’ll never guess who.” He said and I raised an eyebrow. He waited a moment before bursting out with. “Krug!” I blinked confused and looked to Avery for an explanation.

“After you left the room everyone was pretty unsure what you’re next step would be. Krug told us you were going to go after Arthur regardless of Pierre’s orders. You had that look in your eye was what he actually said. He suggested we, uh… restrain you for the time being.” Of course he did. Dammit Krug.

“For the record he agreed with you.” Ed said. “He reckoned you should hunt the bastard down.” That took me by surprise, I hadn’t expected support from anyone. I stopped a grin from curving my lips, perhaps I could use that support to help me get out.

“He won’t help you escape.” Avery said, reading my mind. “He was given orders to not to.” Dammit, Krug always followed orders. Always. That’s what makes him such a hard ass.

So much for that plan.

I quickly finished the rest of my meal and turned to Avery.

“So what are we supposed to do all day?” I asked and he gave me a sad smile.

“I’m afraid you’re on lockdown.”

“Lockdown?” Anger crept into my tone and I tried to keep it in check.

“Yeah I’m taking you back to your room. I’m only supposed to let you out for meals.” Oh hell no.

“I’m supposed to spend the whole day in my room, while some kind of maniac is running around out there doing god knows what!?” I yelled and Avery gave me a small shrug.

“I have my orders, I’m sorry.” I could see that he meant it. From the way his mouth tightened at the sight of the chain and the genuine sorrow in his eyes. Forcing calm I didn’t feel I said goodbye to Ed and let myself be led back to my room.

We arrived at my door and he opened it but made no move to enter. I marched across the threshold and turned to face him, arms folded.

“What, not staying to make sure I don’t try to escape?” He sighed and ran a hand through his black hair.

“I don’t think you will do anything right this second but just in case I have to lock the door.” I laughed bitterly.

“Where’s the trust?”

“Jack.” His voice was soft and I could feel myself already beginning to cave. ’I do trust you. And after everything that’s happened… I don’t know I thought you trusted me too.” His eyes searched me with such earnest I felt the anger drain out of me. The truth was that I did trust him. Somehow, despite being so messed up inside, I did.

“I do,” I whispered the words, “but Arthur is going to attack again if I don’t stop him first. People are going to get hurt.” He stared at me, no doubt seeing my conviction.

“Would you really do it?” He asked. “Would you really kill him?” I felt my shoulders sag and immediately stood up straighter. Not wanting to meet his gaze when I said the words I focused on the carpet beneath me.

“Yes, in order to protect other people, I would. In a heartbeat.” I said and finally worked up the courage to meet his gaze. I expected to see condemnation and judgment there but instead was surprised to see understanding and…respect? Reaching forward he cupped one of my cheeks.

“It’s not a crime to protect other people Jack, especially the ones you love.” He said. His thumb rubbed across my cheekbone and it was if every nerve in my body was attuned to that small movement. “You’re a lot more selfless than people give you credit for.” He whispered and leaned forward slightly. We were only inches apart now, I could feel the warmth of his body beckoning to me and I swayed towards him. His gaze dropped to my lips and my breath caught. He leaned even closer, his blue eyes burning from within.

“AVERY?” A voice called out from somewhere in the hallway and we both jumped. He quickly dropped his hand and I took a step back. My heart was racing and my palms were slick with sweat. The voice called out again and Avery took a step back, rubbing a hand through his hair. He glanced at the door then looked back at me.

“I’ve got to go but I’ll be back for lunch.” He said and quickly walked out, closing the door behind him. I heard the distinct sound of a lock being turned and then his footsteps receding. I rushed to the bathroom and stared at my wide-eyed reflection. My cheeks were tinged with colour and I turned on the tap and splashed water onto them.

What the hell just happened?

I spent the rest of the day trying to get out of the damn chain. I ran a butter knife back and forth across the chain but all that did was blunt the blade. I tried to using soap, slathering up my foot; pushing, pulling, and squeezing to no avail.

Avery fetched me for lunch and to my immense relief he didn’t mention the moment from earlier that morning. After bending a spoon trying to pry the clasp open I came to the conclusion that the only way I was getting out of the chain was through the key. It was only a question of how. The best option seemed to trick Avery into undoing the chain and then overpowering him and so after he dropped me off at my room at night I began to plan.

The next morning I woke with the chain locked to the bed and Avery sitting in the chair reading. Sitting up I stretched the sleep from my muscles and turned to study him. There were bags under his eyes and from the way his eyelids sagged I could tell he was struggling to stay awake.

“Do you always watch people when they sleep?” I teased and embarrassment coloured his cheeks.

“I’ve been waiting for you to get up so we could eat some breakfast.” He gestured to the table across the room, piled high with food. “Thought I’d skip the parade this morning.” He gave me a wink and I rolled my eyes. Crawling out of the suddenly too hot covers I walked to the table and sat down. We both dug in but after a while my good mood eased. My thoughts travelled back to Arthur.

I’m going to build a new world on the ashes of this one

“We’ll catch him, don’t worry.” Avery said and I glanced up to see him watching me and apparently reading my thoughts again. I sighed.

“I’m just not used to waiting.” I confessed. In fact I couldn’t remember a time when I’d had to wait longer than a few hours on a hunt.

“Really?” He asked his eyes alight with interest.

“Yeah, Thomas and I were usually just called in to deal with problems. We got given orders and then we were off in the field within the hour. Sitting around waiting for something to happen is killing me.” Avery laughed softly.

“You’re not the only one feeling that way.” He said and I smiled at him.


“Yeah.” He grinned back at me.

We cleaned up the plates and Avery went back to reading in his chair, while I flopped down onto the bed. After a minutes of silence I gave up on studying the ceiling and propped myself up on my elbows.

“So what are you reading?” his face lit up in delight and he showed me the cover. “A Knights Adventure: and other tales.” I read slowly. My eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?” I asked and he grinned.

“Oh yeah.” He said and I rolled my eyes and fell back on the bed.

“So what’s it about?”

“The usual, princess gets captured and Knight has to save the damsel in distress.” He said and I could hear the smile in his tone.

“Never figured you for a romantic.” He laughed warmly.

“Nah I read it for the action. The romance is just an added bonus.” I couldn’t help my laugh. It spilled from my lips and for a moment it felt good to just laugh about something normal. Silence filled the room once more only interrupted by the faint sound of pages being turned. Pushing myself up on my elbows I watched Avery as he read. His hair curled around his forehead and every so often his hand would push it away from his eyes. Upon noticing my staring he looked up from his book and gave a confused smile.

“What?” He asked. I sighed.

“Is this how I’m supposed to be spending the day? Locked in my room with you sitting there watching me like a hawk?” Avery’s smile turned devilish and he turned back to his book.

“Yup.” I frowned and changed positions so that I was on my stomach, chin resting on my palms. The whole time my eyes never left him and whilst I greatly enjoyed the view I was sort of hoping that my attention would cause him to leave. He hadn’t mentioned what had happened yesterday and I sure as hell wasn’t about to bring up. A while passed and I could see he was beginning to grow uncomfortable. Every now and then he would clench and unclench his free hand, he shifted positions in the chair several times and a page had not been turned in more than five minutes. With an exasperated sigh he lowered the book and I revelled in my small triumph.

“As much as I’m loving the attention is there any particular reason you keep on staring at me?” His tone was dry but I could see his barely contained grin. I decided to play along.

“Just admiring the view.” His hint of a smile fell away and the humour in his eyes was replaced with something hotter. My breath hitched in my throat and I wanted to smack myself upside the head. I was flirting with him. What on earth was wrong with me? A smug grin played on Avery’s lips and I wanted to hit him as well. God, did he really need the ego boost?

“Well then.” His voice had dropped an octave and his eyes whispered secrets. “In that case please continue your observation.” And with that he looked back at his book, for which I was extremely grateful because I was sure I was blushing from head to toe. I was embarrassed and furious at the same time and the self-satisfied smile painted on Avery’s lips didn’t help. Never one to back own I continued to look at him however with a death glare. He looked up at me and upon seeing my expression he laughed a little, shook his head and went back to reading. Practically radiating self-disgust I sat up and busied myself with fiddling with the chain. That soon grew old and I groaned loudly.

“This is so boring!” I moaned and Avery looked up from his book amused.

“Patience is a virtue you know.”

“Yeah well I’m sure the person who said that was never locked up for a day.” I huffed.

Avery scoffed at that and in the moment he was distracted I grabbed the book from his hands and scurried to the other side of the bed away from him. Avery cried out in protest but I crossed my legs and opened the book to the page he had been reading. Clearing my throat I began to read.

“In one swift valiant move Sir Galagah plunged the sword through the evil dragon’s chest. The evil dragon fell before Galagah’s mighty strength and the fair maiden Cecile rejoiced.” I raised my eyebrow at that and looked over the text at Avery to find him with his head in his hands blushing beet red. I almost broke out in laughter but instead turned back to the book wearing a giant smile.

“Sir Galagah then freed Cecile from her towering prison and they rode the long journey back into town on Galagah’s trusty steed Dawnstrust. They rode all night long and when they finally reached the town the townspeople rejoiced at the news of the dragon’s demise. They showered Galagah with love and he became their personal protector. Upon looking into each other’s eyes Cecile and Galagah fell deeply and irrevocably in love with each other and were married the next day. From that point on the townspeople under Sir Galagah’s dutiful watch were never again bothered by dragons. The end.”

I looked up again to find Avery’s head still in his hands. Grin still in place I summoned all my acting skills. ”Wow. That’s just so… deep.” Avery glanced up hands still covering parts of his face and all my restrained laughter burst out, Avery joined in and we ended up grinning at each other like idiots. Calming down I flicked back through the book skimming over the text.

“Are all of the stories in this book so…cheesy?” Avery laughed again and I crawled my way over the bed back towards him.

“Some are better. Others not so much.” Handing him back the book I absentmindedly twirled my hair around my finger, when an idea stuck me.

“Read me one.” I said and he simply blinked at me and I sighed. “If I’m going to be stuck in here all day at least do something entertaining. So read me one of the stories and make sure it’s good.” Grinning I lay down on my stomach holding my head on top of my hands. A look of indecision crossed Avery’s face before he opened the book and began to flick through the pages in search of the perfect story. I knew it was selfish it I didn’t think about Arthur or the mongrels at that moment instead I was focused on having fun. I wanted some good memories to outweigh the many bad ones. Avery’s flicking stopped and he smiled.

“You’ll like this one. Lots of death and battles.” I grinned.

“Bring it.” Closing my eyes I let myself fall under the spell of Avery’s deep voice.

“Once upon a time a lonely squire was fetching a pale of mead for his master when he stumbled upon a mystical sword…”

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