Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 26

The back door is unlocked just like Cil said, and Raff slips through first. I’m really hoping they cut the cameras or we are going to be in a whole lot of trouble. I don’t really give a fuck, though, because she has this coming. She needs to understand that she can’t go around ruining lives and get away with it. There are some things her and her daddy’s money can’t buy—not just class, but safety.

She fucked my fiancé, but worst of all, she betrayed me. She hurt me and then sold my pain for everyone to use as fodder. The bitch deserves it, and I plan to make her aware of that. Raffiel leads the way through the house and up the stairs, silent as a mouse. I try to copy his movements, but he’s like a shadow. I know these guys are some sort of prior military, but they are fucking good.

There’s music playing—Tucker’s of course—when we reach the upstairs. I’ve never been to this house, so it must be new, and there are photos of her everywhere. Nothing else. How boring. We find her dancing around in her pajamas in a dressing room filled with jewelry, perfume bottles, bags, and clothes. She’s completely oblivious. I hear a whisper of movement and turn to see Astro and Cillian strolling down the corridor. Cillian is eating an apple, which makes me grin. They are so casual about breaking and entering, I wonder how many times they have done it before and why I find it so hot.

But where’s Dal?

I turn to peek around the door once more and Raff points up. I follow his finger, and my mouth drops open when I see Dal casually sitting on a beam in the ceiling, his legs swinging back and forth. How the fuck?

A scream splits the air and there’s a crash. I glance back to see Sal screaming and throwing her phone at us. Raff pulls me out of the way and stomps on it so she can’t call the cops as they enter the room. I linger in the doorway as they cross their arms and take their positions.

“Get out! I’ll call the police!” she yells, her eyes wide with fear. When they don’t speak, she steps back. “Who are you? What do you want?”

It’s now or never.

Who do I want to be?

Do I just want to walk away and be the bigger and better person?

I debate it before I realize the necklace I bought Tucker is hanging around her neck. Yeah, fuck being the bigger person. This bitch deserves it. They say those who seek vengeance should dig two graves, and I will. One for her and one for him.

Stepping into the room, I lean against the door as she looks around, debating running. “I wouldn’t,” I say.

She frowns, squinting at me. “Reign, is that you?”

Ripping the mask up, I grin at her as I ruffle my hair. “Guilty.”

She covers her heart as she sags. “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me. What is this? Some sort of hazing for a new TV show?” She rearranges her tits.

“Fuck, you’re dumb.” I shrug as I kick the door shut, and Cil steps before it to block her from escaping. “This isn’t a show, Sal. This is us having a little talk. No cameras, no recordings. Just you and me. It’s a little overdue, don’t you think? After all, you told me today that you wanted to catch up.” I fake pout as she stiffens, glancing around nervously.

“Reign.” She laughs anxiously. “We could have set up dinner or something. This is a little weird. How about we go and get a drink? I can call us—”

“Will you shut up?” I snap, and her mouth shuts with an audible click. “Fuck, you never stop talking. Is it to cover your insecurities? Be the loudest in the room and they’ll never realize you don’t belong?”

Her eyes flare wide. “Stop it,” she snaps. “Get out right now. It’s not my fault you had a mental breakdown or some shit. You know what, Reign? I’m glad you’re back. I’m glad you get to see what everyone really thinks of you. You deserve everything that happened to you.”

“Me? How the fuck did I deserve my best friend sleeping with my fiancé and selling the story?”

“You never even wanted him anyway!” she yells. “We both know that, so don’t lie to me. He was just a way to make yourself feel better. You might have even loved him, but he wasn’t for you and you know it, so don’t come here, playing the victim. You forget that I know you, Reign. I know all the evil shit and games you played. I know all your dirty little secrets.”

“Is that a threat?” I murmur.

“Need me to spell it out? I thought I was the dumb one.”

Dal drops down behind her, and she spins, stumbling back. “Watch your mouth,” he warns. “They told me I can’t kill you, but if you insult her again, I will forget their orders.”

“Reign, get your fucking dogs back in line,” she snaps, looking over at me. “And get the fuck out of my house. The press will have a field day with this shit just like your shit show of a life.”

“You aren’t even going to apologize?” I genuinely can’t believe her.

“For what?” she retorts. “We both do what we have to do to get on top. We play the game, Reign, and you can pretend all you want that you don’t, but we both know that’s a lie. If you’re in this world, you’ve played the game. Fucking Tucker wasn’t personal, so get the hell over it.”

“You nasty bitch.” I shake my head in disbelief, even as my wound rips open from wondering if she’s right. Am I no better than her?

“Me?” She steps closer, looking down her nose at me. She’s wearing the expression she perfected to tear down those she thinks are below her. “You’re nothing, Reign. Just a has-been rock star who’s too dumb to even capitalize on her cheating fiancé. You’re still that scared little street girl.”

“Stop it.”

“You’re still that country bumpkin with the dead little brother. I’m betting he’s so happy he’s not alive to see the mess you are now—” Her words cut off as Dal wraps his arm around her neck. “You can’t do this!” she coughs out.

“She can’t, but I can,” Dal states coldly. “I’ve killed many people, Miss Warner. You would just be another name on a list I don’t give a fuck about, but her? I give a fuck about her, and you have upset her. You are going to apologize, and you are going to beg for her forgiveness.”

“Dal,” Raff warns.

He squeezes his arm tighter, making her struggle as her face turns red. “You will get on your knees like you did for her fiancé, and you will beg her for mercy. She will decide if you live or die.”

“Reign,” Raff hisses, and I nod.

“Dal, let her go.” His eyes go to me, and I see the question there. He would kill her, a famous model, simply for disrespecting and upsetting me.

I think I might be falling in love with this man, even if he is batshit insane.

“She’s not worth it,” I whisper, shaken at the mention of my brother. She’s the only person I ever told, but I didn’t tell her everything, and I’m glad for that now. Worry still gnaws at me. Will she sell that story too? Will she tell them all about the past I would do anything to forget? “Let her go, Dal.” He promptly releases her, and she tumbles to her knees, clawing at the carpet as she coughs and splutters.

I crouch before her. “I like seeing you scared and humbled,” I tell her. “You’re right, I’m a mess. I play the game, and I play it well. I didn’t get where I am without faking my smile and giving them what they want—the pretty innocent schoolgirl, the bad girl, the fiancée . . . I played them all, and I played them all well, so trust me when I tell you this. I can play the grieving ex-friend if you cross me again.” Her eyes widen. “I saved your life tonight, but I won’t do it again. If you dare speak another word about me, or we so much as find out you are even speaking to reporters, then I’ll let Dal finish the job, understood?”

She nods, tears falling from her eyes.

“You’re an ugly crier,” I tell her sweetly. Standing, I smirk down at her. “Oh, and Sal? If you ever mention my brother again, forget Dal. I’ll kill you myself.” I look back at them. “Let’s go.”

“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like it was enough,” Astro comments, pushing from the door. “Are you satisfied, Reign?”

“Not at all.” My eyes land on her glass jewelry box. I kick the podium, and it tumbles and crashes. Glass shatters everywhere as Sal screams.

“Now, Miss Harrow.” I freeze at Raffiel’s voice as he heads my way. “If you are going to do it, at least do it right.” He pushes a vase over, and it smashes to the floor. “Get the rage out, baby,” he whispers. For a moment, I thought he was going to stop me and realize they are bodyguards, not accomplices, but I should have known better.

Laughing, I grab a dress and rip it as she watches. Dal places his foot on her back, keeping her in place as she cries while he grins at me proudly. “Keep going,” he urges.

I start to smash the room up, getting out all my anger, hurt, and betrayal. I rip seams out of dresses and designer clothes. I break heels off shoes and toss them into the pile before breaking jewelry. When I reach the perfume bottles, I sweep my arm across the top, shoving them all to the floor while I laugh. When it’s done, I’m panting and grinning, and Cillian comes over. “Feel better?”

“Much,” I admit. “Alright, time to go.”

He nods, but I glance back to see Sal sobbing on the floor. Taking pity, I head her way.

“Oh, and if you report any of this, well, you get the picture.” I wink as I pat her cheek. “I hope the house was worth it because I know for certain his dick was not.”

I tug my mask back down and offer my hand to Dal. He accepts it, and we leave her crying in the middle of the mess, hurrying out the way we came, but instead of the back gate, I use the front one. No one will give a fuck, and we aren’t hiding anymore. As we round the corner, barking reaches us, and we slide to a stop. Lunging on a metal lead, barking in fear and confusion, is a fluffy Samoyed.

“She left her dog outside. The monster!” Dal hisses.

“We need to go before she calls the police,” I tell him.

“She won’t,” Raffiel assures me. “But we should still leave.”

“The dog?” I frown at it. She never had a dog when we were friends. It’s clearly a puppy and living outside. She hid it behind the wall so her paparazzi can’t see it, and I have no doubt that she uses it for photoshoots. Poor little man.

“It’s okay,” I coo, and it stops barking, whining as it tugs on the chain to get to us. “Raff?”

“No.” He drags me up, sparing the dog a sad look before hauling me through the gate and back to the car. Once inside, I pull my mask off and toss it away as Raff slides into the front seat behind the wheel. Astro gets into the passenger seat as Cillian tugs me onto his lap.

“Wait, where’s Dal?” I scramble off Cillian’s lap and peer out just as I see him running toward us.

“Dal, where were you?” I ask as he jumps into the car, only to turn to show the fluffy dog he stole. “Dal! Did you steal her dog?”

“If she can’t look after him, she shouldn’t have him,” he says. “Drive.”

Laughing, I pet the dog as it yips in excitement, crawling across our laps. “I wonder what he’s called?”

“He doesn’t have a tag.” Dal shrugs. “Maybe you should name it.”

“We can’t keep him, can we?” I frown.

“Call it a gift.” He grins as Raff sighs.

“What do you think, little buddy? Want to come home with us? We would walk you, love you, feed you. You can sleep on any bed or sofa, I don’t care, and you can have all the toys.” He yips, licking my face as I giggle.

“Okay, buddy, but you need a name. What about Rodger?” he asks. “Okay, no Rodger. What about Raff Jr.?”

“Don’t you dare,” Raff snaps.

“What do you think, buddy? Raff Jr.?” He barks, and I cuddle him. “You like it? Oh, you’re such a good boy, aren’t you, little Raff?”

“Fuck.” Raffiel groans while Astro laughs and reaches over to pet him. He wiggles forward and licks Raff’s face. “Fine, you’re cute, but if you shit on my clothes or eat my shoes, we are not friends.”

Raff Jr. barks as I sit back, grinning.

Not only did we just get away with breaking and entering, destruction of property, and theft, but damn did it feel good to get out all that rage.

It wasn’t the most mature, healing thing to do, but I don’t give a fuck. I feel amazing, and I got a dog.

So bite me.

Or better yet, Raff Jr. will bite you.

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