Rescued By The Merman: A Little Mermaid Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 3)

Rescued By The Merman: Chapter 20

I have to tell Father about Halla. But before I do that, I must speak with Princess Luriel. She deserves to hear the truth before anyone else. She has been nothing but kind to me, and I do not wish to slight her by having her hear my news from someone else first.

When I reach the palace, I head straight to the guest wing. When I reach her door, I lift my hand to knock, but it opens right away, and I find her standing on the other side.

Her lavender eyes widen in surprise. “Prince Errik,” she says. “I—I was just going to look for you.”

“You were?”

She nods. “I’d like to speak with you a moment.”

“Of course.”

She motions for me to follow her out into the gardens. The rows of seaweed sway gently back and forth in the current. Their white flowers are a lovely contrast to the pink coral that surrounds them. I watch as a school of brightly colored fish weave in and out of their stalks.

“It’s beautiful here,” she says.

I swim up beside her, allowing my gaze to travel over the city below. The castle sits up on a high shelf, overlooking its splendor, as Mer and fish swim past, going about their day. It is rare that I ever stop to truly appreciate the view. “Yes, it is,” I agree. “Itlana is stunning as well.”

She nods and turns to me. “There is something I must tell you.”

“I must speak with you as well,” I add.

“You first,” she says, and I notice the way she clasps her hands tightly in front of her as if worried.

“I… cannot bond with you, Luriel. I am in love with another.”

She blinks and then a wide smile curves her mouth as her shoulders sag forward in relief. “Oh, thank the god of the sea,” she sighs. “I am as well.”

“You are?” I grin.

“Yes. I did not know how to tell you, or how to even tell my father.”

“I am the same,” I admit.

She shakes her head. “My father wants this union between us desperately. He believes we need it to secure the peace between our two kingdoms, but I think we can still have an alliance without it.”

“I do as well,” I tell her.

I hold out my arm and she takes it, clasping her hand around my forearm as I do the same to hers. “As the heir to the throne of Atena, I vow to keep the alliance and peace between us.”

She smiles. “And I promise the same.”

I’m nervous as we go to speak with our fathers, worried that mine will ask who the fortunate mermaid is that I am in love with.

When we reach the throne room, both of them turn toward us expectantly. My father’s smile falters when his gaze meets mine. Something in my expression must tell him that what I have to say will not be the good news he was hoping for.

I open my mouth to speak, but Luriel beats me to it.

“Father,” she says. “Errik and I have decided not to bond.”

His jaw drops, but he quickly snaps it shut. He turns a worried gaze toward my father who is leveling an icy glare at me.

My father straightens. “What is the meaning of this, Errik?”

“Luriel and I are not in love. We cannot bond with each other.”

“Of course, you are not in love. It is too early for that yet.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “You must give it time.”

I exchange a worried glance with Luriel, and then turn my attention back to him. “We are each in love with other people,” I explain. “That is why we cannot bond.”

Her father gasps. “Is this true?”

“Yes, Father,” she replies. “It is.”

He embraces her warmly. “Why did you not say anything? I would never force you to marry someone you do not want.”

I arch a brow at my father, and he purses his lips.

Luriel’s father turns to mine. “Let us continue with the negotiations of a permanent alliance. The Kingdom of Itlana does not require a bonding to secure our treaty. What say you?”

He reaches for my father and they each clasp each other’s forearms. “Agreed,” my father replies.

My shoulders sag forward in relief.

“Errik!” my brother calls out in my mind, and I realize he must be nearby.

“Excuse me,” I bow to them.

“Of course,” Luriel’s father says even as mine narrows his eyes at me.

I rush out into the hallway and find Toren swimming toward me so fast, it worries me. “What is wrong?”

“You did not tell Halla about Luriel or your birthright?”

Panic stills my heart, followed swiftly by anger. “What did you do?”

“You’re angry with me?” he asks incredulously. “You are the one keeping secrets. From both your family and the human you’ve been spending so much time with. How could you not tell her you were to be engaged?”

“Because Luriel and I have agreed to not bond with each other. So, I’m not engaged, that’s why!”

He tips up his chin. “Then you need to tell Father.”

Devastation wars with anger as I study my brother. It is bad enough that I hadn’t yet told Halla I was the prince—now she believes I’m betrothed, too. “I did. Just now, in fact.”

“You did?”


“And… he was not angry?”

“I do not have time to answer your questions,” I snap. “I have to undo the damage you’ve done. I have to find Halla.”


“Because I love her, Toren!” I gesture to my tail, the faint glow barely visible at the mention of her name, but still there. It will only glow brighter once I’m near her again. “She is my fated one. My markings began to glow last night when we—” I stop short of telling him what we did.

His eyes widen as his face pales. “You already mated with her?”

“No, I have not.”

His shoulders relax. “Thank goodness. You cannot mate a human, Errik.”

“Why not?”

“I overheard your conversation with Dorin. Humans do not mate for life, so a bonding would never work between you. You would always be apart, and eventually, your relationship would suffer under the constant strain.”

I do not want to hear any more. I spin to return to Solwyck.

“Where are you going?”

“To find Halla. I must explain to her. She thinks I’m betrothed, and I cannot allow her to think that I’ve betrayed her, Toren.”

Toren swims up beside me, grasping my arm. “Please, Brother. Do not go. You should not be with a human.”

“I love her, Toren. Don’t you understand?”

“If you must go to her, fine.” He releases his grip on my arm. “But please… do not mate her. Do not bind yourself to a human.”

“I love her.”

“Do you think Father and I do not love you, as well? That we do not worry for you? I don’t want you to end up like that poor Mer who was left behind by his human mate when she took their child.”

“Halla would not do that. She loves me, and I love her.”

I do not wait for my brother to protest further. Instead, I swim as fast as I can back to the castle. I must find Halla and explain myself to her. I hate that she believes I betrayed her.

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