Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 7


This whole experience, thus far, has been absolutely maddening. Between the never ending threats of attack here, unfinished investigations and this nerve racking woman, I’m surprised my demeanor has remained as calm as it has. If this was London, I would have tore the entire city down and built it to my liking. Lining up all these pathetic Alphas and separate their heads from their shoulders.

I really don’t understand why I give any of these people a single chance.

Maybe it’s like a child. The child must be taught first before the discipline starts. The people here are like my children. I’m molding them and as a King I should have some patience for what they don’t know. Just not too much patience.

It could also be this moon. I haven’t been able to think straight in the last week or so. That woman wasn’t helping at all. As the moon approaches, my wolf feels the changes. Probably more than most due to a Zetas heightened emotions. So on top of my other irritations, my wolf is number one right now.

I didn’t back down. I hid myself away from the moon. Locked myself in my office for the night. My office was deep blue while I worked on the interviews I plan on giving the Alphas over the next few weeks. I’m asking about the incidents they created and the damage they have caused. From the reports I’ve read, they’re major.

From treasonous acts of jealousy to unfounded pack wars to the release of dangerous wolves from the past. I will get to the bottom of all of this.

I put my pen down and rub my head. My wolf has been more antsy than normal this moon. Relentlessly pounding on the bars of his cage to get under the moon. I don’t know why. It’s no different than any other year. I just have to suffer him for another day or two.

Nala’s not helping either. She shifts from a seal to a flamingo. “What are you doing?” I flop my hand on the desk with a whiney look on my face.

The flamingo squawks.

“Ok. But do you have to do it here?” I ask.

She shifts to a hyena and it laughs.

“No. Definitely not. You know I hate hyenas.” I grumble and pick up my pen.

She shifts to an elephant.

I look up. “Seriously?”

The elephant trumpets.

“Yeah? Well, I’m not laughing. Shift before you break something.” I look back down.

She shifts back to her tiger and growls.

I drop my pen and rub my temples. “Nala. Just pick something. There’s billions of animals on this planet. There must be one that won’t upset people.”

She lets out a tiger meow.

I shake my head. “You’re just being picky. Honestly, you’re being annoying at this point.” I glare at her.

She growls.

“Fine. Go pout in the hall. I’m trying to work.” I shake my head and look at my papers.

I get all of two words down and I hear her tiger meow. “Oh my God.” I glare at her while she stands by the door looking at it. “You can shift!” I growl at her.

She turns her head to me, chuffs then meows again.

I grit my teeth and stand. Walking over to the door, I open it. “You are a giant pain in the ass, you know that?”

She purrs as she walks out. “Keep laughing. My threat to make you a rug was a promise, Nala.” I slam the door and place my fingers to the bridge of my nose, shaking my head. “I swear I’m living in a never ending circus act.”

I grumble curses under my breath as I walk back to my desk.

I stop dead in my tracks as I look out my window and see ropes dangling outside. They’re moving.

Concern fills my face as I approach my window. “What…the…hell?” I grumble as I get closer.

The ropes flop out then back in. I lean to the window and I see long, tanned legs on a descent from the roof of the building.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I watch as she comes into my view. She’s practically naked, wrapped in climbing gear. Her skin is coated in a thin sheen of sweat as she navigates the wall.

She stops on the brick of my window. She sees me, smiles and waves. She adjusts her ropes and continues rappelling down the wall. My eyes follow her as she pushes off the wall and lands back on it. The muscles in her thighs flexing as she does.

“This has got to stop!” I growl and push off the window sill. I storm to the door of my office and throw it open. I step out and turn my head. Nala’s tiger is curled up, sleeping in the hallway.

With my chest is out and my fists balled, my jaw ticks. “Nala, come with me.” I turn my head down the hall to the elevators. “I need you to eat an infuriating girl.” There are flames coming off my shoulders as I dish out my threatening order.

Nala’s tiger raises her head and growls. She lays back down.

I turn to her and throw my hands at her. “You useless feline!” I growl. She chuffs at me without raising her head.

“Why do I keep you alive?!” I throw my hand at her and stomp down the hall to the elevator.

I ride to the ground floor with my arms crossed and my foot taping. I’m putting this girl on ice as of right now.

I walk out to the south side of the building. I orient myself and I see her ropes dangling on the ground like snakes. She’s almost down.

I wait at the bottom. My fists are at my sides. My cheeks are flushed. Her scent is being pushed down to me by the downdraft of the building. I suck in my top lip as I deal with its effects.

She jumps the remainder couple of feet and takes off her helmet. Again, her silky hair, in an irritatingly, inviting ponytail, stops time in my eyes as she flicks it back and forth behind her head. “Oh, hey, King.” She grins. She takes off her climbing gear revealing an uninterrupted view of her indecency to my mind. Just another weapon in her arsenal to help her succeed in killing me.

I glare at her. My mouth turned down. My brows come together in pure rage.

“You…uh…you want something?” She asks. She kicks a foot out and puts her hands on her hips. The move bounces her chest and I’m trying hard to be insulted.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I growl low.

She looks up the building. “Uh…climbing. Wanna try? I’m sure I’ve got gear big enough for your…um…chest.” Her eyes flick to my pants and back up to my eyes as she smirks.

“No.” I clench my jaw. “I don’t want to try.” My voice is menacing. Normally, people run for the hills, but not this crazy woman.

She tilts her head. “Ok. So is there a reason you’re standing here eyeing my goods like a steak medium rare?”

“Because I want you.” I tick my head as I lean to her.

A big grin spreads across her face as she twirls her ponytail around her finger. “You do?” She arches a brow.

I narrow my eyes. “Yes. I want you to dissappear.”

I rush into her space and pick her up by her waist. I throw her over my shoulder and walk into the building. Her arms and head flopping against my back. My hand grips her legs and I’m hit with soft electric warmth. I’m too angry to question it. I’m taking care of this nuisance once and for all.

“Uh…hey, don’t you think we should date first?!” She says hanging down my back. Her arm reaches my other shoulder as she tries to pull herself up.

I shrug her off. “Shut up!” I growl as I walk the halls. People get out of the way as I take big, determined strides across the floor. Navigating the halls and foyers, I met with the confused eyes of the soldiers I pass. Some even look amused. I’m not laughing.

“I really love the caveman act! We should make this a regular thing!” She chuckles as she bounces on my back with every stomp I make.

“Why can’t you shut your mouth?!” I grind.

“Because if I did that you wouldn’t be so turned on by me right now. Honestly, I really think of you loosened up a bit….” She ruffles my hair from behind with her slender fingers.

My brow furrows deeper. My collar is actually getting moist from the heat building in my body right now. I growl and bounce her on my shoulder, hard as I walk through large double doors.

“Ow!” She yells.

My grip on her legs tighten as thoughts of destroying this woman enters my brain.

“I have conquered giants! I have fought Dragons!....” I grit.

“Wow! Dragons? Like really, real Dragons?!” She says propping herself up and trying to look at me.

“…I have murdered hordes of thousands and none of them…are as insufferable…as you!” I slam her down on her feet in front of a counter.

She huffs as she fixes her hair. She adjusts her sport bra. My eyes flick to it and quickly leave. “You know, if you wanted it rough all ya had to do was ask.” She grins and gives me a wink. She looks around. “The prison unit?”

I look at the soldier behind the counter. He’s standing like a deer in the headlights with big, wide eyes. “Get me a cell!….” I bark loud. I turn and lean close to her face. Our lips are mere inches apart. “..a very, tiny one!” I shoot daggers at her.

She rubs the back of her neck. “You..uh…you’re joking right? I’ve heard of some weird kink, but this takes the cake.” She chuckles and slings her hand to me and taps my arm trying to be playful.

I point to my face. “Does this face look like I’m joking?” My face is twisted in anger. My body is red, flaming hot.

She presses her lips together and her eyes go wide.

I lean closer. “What? No smart ass retort?” I snarl, quietly.

“I’m…uh…thinking.” She whispers as she leans back slightly.

I turn my head back to the soldier. “NOW!”

“Uh…right this way, Your highness.” The soldier jumps.

I grab her arm.

“Hey, listen!…I think if we just talked about this!...” She says as I drag her into the prison unit holding area.

As I pull her along, I side eye her in her tiny shorts and sport bra. I shake out the thoughts that filled my brain. I’m mad as hell and I will stay that way until this monstrosity of a female is locked up and out of my life.

“I really think you’re overreacting here!….” She protests as she tries to pull my hand off. I grip her arm harder.

She’s beginning to whine now. Her words are grating my nerves.

The soldier stops and opens the door to an empty cell. The look on his face tells me he’s questioning this act hard.

“Buddy, you need to chill! Have a couple of drinks. Maybe get laid a couple times…” She says as I toss her into the cell. She stumbles in with a tiny yelp.

“No. All I need is for you to go…away.” I stride into her space again, lean into her and point a finger in her face. “Now. You will stay here until I decide to let you out.”

I stand and turn, walking out the cell door. She’s right on my ass until the soldier stops her at the door.

“How long will that be?” She flops her hands at her sides.

“A hundred years seems like a good round number to me.” I growl as I slam the cell door.

She slams into the glass. “A hundred ye…You’re joking right!....Hey, King. Come on!….You’re kidding!...Right Zander?...You’re trying to be funny, right?...” as I turn to the guard, she starts to panic. “...Ok. I’m sorry….Zander!” She protests and bangs on the glass.

I grab the soldier by the neck. “She is in there by order of the High King.” I thump a finger into my chest. “If anyone has issue with this, you send them to me. Otherwise, she never sees the light of day. Am I clear?” I point to Ricky in the prison cell.

“Uh…crystal…crystal clear.” The soldier sweats.

I throw the soldier away from me and glare at Ricky one last time.


I walk out to the sounds of her yelling and banging on the cell. A grin spreads across my face as I’m finally free of this evil she wolf who makes my life a living hell.

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