Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 28


I watch out the window as we drive to the other side of Eden.

Oliver Frederick’s called us saying the Vampires had been sighted outside of town.

With Eden so close to White rock, River started an evacuation of his people to Caledon. Although, him, Anna and Michael are joining the fight.

I sit beside the driver as we near the city. “Almost at drop off, Your Majesty.” He says.

“Thank you.” I mumble as I glance at him.

“Everything alright, sir?” the driver asks.

“Yes. Just wanting to get this over with.” I continue to look out the window.

“Know what you mean. Since all this started, I haven’t seen my girl in a while.” He smiles quickly.

“Me neither.” I grumble.

I think of my decision and how I’ve acted on it. I know it’s my best choice. It still sits sour.

Ricky should have gotten my letter by now. It was the only way I could tell her what I needed to without interruption. I won’t avoid her. I’m not a coward, but I need to fix things with Hope. To do that I needed to clear myself of Ricky.

I told her everything. All about Hope. How much I loved her. The loophole. Everything.

I told her I loved how much fun we had together. These last nine months have been a breath of fresh air for me. A welcomed change no matter how insane she made me.

I told her once I cleaned up this mess I’ve caused, I’ll be leaving to London. Never to return. I told her I would miss her. I expressed my wish that she find happiness in her future.

I told her I cared for her and I wished her well.

I thought it was neat and concise.

So why do I feel like somethings still not right?

I’m still bothered. Like I’m not confident in my choice.

I don’t doubt my feelings toward Hope, but I feel like there’s this little seed. Buried deep inside. Trying to grow, but everything else drowns out the light.

We pull to the area where the Damon’s vamps were seen traveling.

The trucks unload and my army of one hundred lines in formations. The Falcon Ridge army of another hundred lines up beside them.

All the Alphas are lined in front aside from Mica and Bastian who are currently indisposed. All of have payback on their snarling lips.

I walk, taking off my robe and tossing it aside. I’m bare chested in cloth shorts.

“DISROBE!” I order as I stand tall.

My army does what it’s told. All stand in gold cloth shorts.

The Falcon Ridge army are in army colored shorts.

I walk back and forth eyeing the fighters as I pass.


I point to Eden.


“WE WILL FIGHT!...WE WILL KILL!...WE…WILL…WIN!!!” I throw my fist up and the army lets out more guttural cheers.

“SHIFT!!” I command.

The wind is called and my entire army shifts to their wolfs who bare teeth, snap and drool. Itching for the fight.

“Keep control. Stay in formation!” I order.

I turn and walk out with my two hundred wolf army behind me.

I see the army of at least one hundred vampires off in the horizon.

We continue to march on. The Vampires get closer.

I hold up a fist and my army stops.

I eye the Vampires as the sun dips closer to the horizon.

I step forward, walk out to a distance and stop.

A vampire steps forward. Krane, Damon’s second general, steps forward.

“Where's Damon?!” I yell.

He puts his arms out and bows. “I’m sorry, Sire. Damon is currently indisposed. So for tonight, you die by my hand.”

“The only ones dying are you.” I growl, taking another step.

Krane steps forward. “I’ll send you to hell, King!” He bares his fangs and hisses. His army hisses behind him.

“That’ll be hard when I sent you first.” I shift and let out a booming, anger filled, massive howl that seemed to shake the ground for miles. My wolf army all does same. As a call for blood and war, we run.

The vamps are on us in seconds. They’re speed may be unmatched for some, but they have to stop at some point.

My wolf eyes catch Krane and he runs right into my open jaws. I clamp down and twist my body, throwing him over me into my awaiting guard.

I grab another vamp by the arm and snap my head back. Separating his arm from his shoulder. He uppercuts me and I skid across the dirt.

I recover just as Luke and Jayson fly over the air above me and land on the one arm vamp. They crash to the ground and Jayson rips the vamps head off.

Lucius throws a vamp into a pile of wolves who tear him to pieces. A vampire jumps on his back and sinks his teeth into his shoulder. He yelps and whips his teeth around grabbing the vampire by the waist and pulling him off. He slams him to the ground and steps on his back tearing the Vampires body in half.

River runs and grabs the Vampires head while Lucius still has him under foot and tears it off his shoulders. William is covered in attackers, but his extremely large silver wolf is peeling them off.

I jump through the air and land on the back of one that has Williams throat. We fall backwards and I land on my back. The vampire twists and slams his forearm into my throat. He’s pinned me down. His green pupils glowing. His fangs bared and drooling.

In a split second, massive silver jaws land on the Vampires skull and they twist. The vamps headless body lands on my chest. I look up and William spits the head out.

I push the body off me and get to my feet. We both stand tall and assess the situation. Arms, leg, fur and blood are flying in the air as if by slow motion as the two opposing armies fight ferociously.

I turn and Luke is buried. I run as fast as I can. Jumping over fights. I skid to a stop and grab the first vampire I can. I slam him down and relieve him from his head. William joins me as we fight to unbury Luke. We can see him struggling in the pile. His wolf still has fight.

River and Lucius join. Gideon throws a vampire through the air over us as he runs to our aid.

The vamps have Luke in a lust lock. He’s fighting us not them.

“William, get him out of here. He needs to be caged!” I link.

“Yes. Right away.” William responds.

Luke’s wolf fights Williams wolf, but Luke is no match for Williams strength. William head buts Luke and he’s out cold.

Lucius tosses Luke on Williams back and William runs out of the battle.

I spin around and grab a vampire by the throat in my jaws. Crushing his neck and spine and his head hung on by a single vein which I ripped off. Gideon is thrown into me at my feet. I help him up and Krane is standing in front of us. Gideon’s black wolf looks at mine and we both nod. Turning back to Krane, we run at him. He hisses and jumps on my back. Gideon grabs his leg and rips it off as Krane sinks his teeth into my neck.

Krane looks back at him and hisses as Gideon wraps his jaws around Kranes back and front and lifts him up over his head and slams him into the dirt.

He jumps on Karnes chest who’s clawing at him. Hissing and growling.

Gideon takes one look and separates Kranes head from his shoulders.

All the Vampires left alive hiss at once and start to run.

Our wolves are in hot pursuit. They maybe faster, but these lower vamps don’t have the stamina.

The battle carries into the surrounding forest.

Lucius shifts and climbs into the trees. Running, jumping and swinging through the branches, he pulls out one of Hartlyns crossbows. He fires shot after shot. Hitting vampires in the back with bolts. As they try to get them out, our wolves pounce. Vamps climb the trees my soldiers climb them too. Grabbing the Vampires legs and tossing them out of the trees to the waiting wolves below. Lucius digs for more bolts, but ran empty. He joined my guard in clearing the trees. Jumping from branch to branch like the forest was made just for him.

The canopy is alive as my guard and Lucius throw punches and snaps the necks of vampires.

Grey shifts and joins the fighters in the trees on the other side. Grabbing vampires by the back and throwing them to the ground.

I watch as the canopy rains with the walking dead. With Gideon, River and Jayson by my side, we attack anything that hits the ground. The four of us tearing the vampires to pieces.

The forest thunders, the ground shakes. We all stand and look behind us as a white Rhino runs into the forest. Nala’s sticking vampires with her horn and throwing them away behind her. She rams the trees.

“Hold On!’ Grey links Lucius and the other men as their trees shake violently. Nala shakes some loose. Some of the vamps that do fall, manage to land on the backs of wolves and tear some throats outs before they die.

“Watch your necks!” I yell through the link.

In the dead of night, you can see the rivers of blood flowing across the forest floor as my guard jump from tree to tree pushing vamps out trying to escape and we rip them apart.

The bodies of vampires and wolves are spread across the forest floor through the trees.

Nala is throwing her weight into trunks.

Wolves fly through the air as the vampires get a second wind from the blood they’ve drank. As long as they don’t stop moving they won’t pass out from the wolf blood yet.

Vampires are throwing punches and wrapping arms around throat and ribs of our wolves. Me and the other Alphas all try to kill as many as we can.

The vampires strength was increasing. Gideon flies into a pile of fighters and he has a chunk missing from his throat. His wolf is kicking and yelping at the pain.

“Nala. Get Gideon out of here!” I shift and yell to her.

The rhino looks to me and then to Gideon who’s wolf is still screaming. She shifts to and elephant and bulldozes her way to him. She wraps her large trunk around the large wolf and runs out of the forest toward our base camp Gideon howling the whole way.

We’re starting to tire. There’s not many of us left. Around forty or so and about twenty vampires.

I look to River and Jayson. “We finish this now.”

Lucius and Grey continue to help my guard clear the trees and we fight like hell on the ground. I catch a vampire in mid fall and slam him to River and Jayson. I jump on another one and tear him apart.

The vampires fight and claw their way out of our grasp. They manage to get into the thicker forest. Moving quicker through the thick foliage. Almost vanishing into thin air. In all, ten vampires out a hundred survived our attack. We also lost so many, but it was a win.

I’m barely able to stand on two feet. River, Jayson, Grey and Lucius join my side. Our shoulders heave. We’re all covered in dirt, blood and sweat.

We lower our heads, trying to catch our breaths.

I look to them. “Get the dead collected. Vampires should be burned.” I order.

The Alphas eye me with pain and exhaustion on their faces as I spin around and walk out. Anger coats my face and my hands ball to fists as I feel this war has only just begun.

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