Owned (Blood Ties Book 4)

Owned: Chapter 27

“Put me down!” I kicked and raged as he reached up and pushed my head down to keep me from smacking it on the ceiling. “LONDON!” I fought his hold and almost shook free as we hit the bottom stair.


His hand landed on my ass. I bucked with the sting, hating him…no, I fucking loathed him. Teeth clenched, I unleashed a snarl. But the heat between my thighs told me otherwise. Even my blows were pathetic as they smacked against his shoulders. “London…” I moaned. “London, stop.”

My mind refused to give in, even as he stepped into that room. I still tried to hold onto that anger, to use it to find a way out of this.

“I tried to warn you, Vivienne.” He gripped my hips, yanked me off his shoulder, and caught me as I fell. “But you defy me at every fucking opportunity. You give me no choice but to show you.”

My feet landed on the floor and speared shockwaves through my ankles. I glared up at him. “Show me what?”

He held me until I found my balance while he drew in heavy breaths. “What it means to be owned. Now take off your clothes.”

I flinched. “What?”

There was a coldness about him now, one that made me tremble.

“Your clothes, Vivienne.” He pinned me with that glare. “I won’t ask again. Next time, I’ll tear them off.”


My core clenched and my breaths raced. I swallowed hard and started to shake my head.

“The clothes I provided.” he growled. “The clothes I carefully chose for you.”

My pulse skipped. The fabric brushed my skin as I shifted. He…he chose them? No…I wanted to argue, but in my heart, I knew it was the truth. Deep down, I’d known he controlled everything when it came to me, from what I wore, to where I went, and now, how I was fucked.

“The clothes I want back,” he continued as he lowered his gaze to take in every inch of my body. “Now.”

I stood there, unable to move, until I slowly lifted my shaking fingers to the buttons. One by one, I fumbled them open. But he didn’t look away, just held my stare as though the depths of my being were created for his amusement…and his pleasure.

I dropped my blouse to the floor, swallowed, stepped out of my shoes, and reached for the zipper of my slacks. When they crumpled at my feet, he moved around my side to the bench, grabbed something, and returned.

“This room is for us and us alone, do you understand that?” His predatory stare watched my every flinch. “While we are in here, there are rules. Rules I…” he drew in a hard breath that caused my own breath to stutter. “Want.”

His fingers grazed the middle of my back and sent shivers along my spine as he unclasped my bra took it off, and let it fall to the floor. “In this room, you are to call me daddy. Is that clear?”

Daddy? A surge of desire mingled with the rage. I clenched my jaw. If he thought I was giving in, then he was very much mistaken.

“At least nod so I know you understand me,” he snarled.

Nod? Ha! I lifted my hand and flipped him the bird. How’s that for understanding?

A savage snarl resounded against my ear. “Keep…it…up.”

My pussy clenched at the words.

“There needs to be a safeword,” he continued. “You understand what that is, right?”

Safeword? What goddamn safeword? “You forget this is what you paid for, right?” I muttered as heat rose in my cheeks. “I’m here to serve, whether I want to or not.”

I flinched as his hand landed on the back of my neck. His breath was hot against my ear. “No, that doesn’t happen here. I don’t give a fuck what they trained you to do in that place. But that doesn’t happen when you’re with…”



That’s what he wanted to say, right?

“Here, that shit doesn’t happen here. So, we’ll keep it simple. ‘Green’ means you feel safe and secure. ‘Yellow,’ you want to pause and discuss…and ‘red’…” He kneaded the back of my neck. “Red stops everything. Red gives you the power here, Vivienne. You say that word and I’ll take these off.” He lifted the cuffs in his hand. “And I’ll take you out of here. There are no repercussions. Just me taking care of you, do you understand?”

I swallowed hard.

“Do you—”

I gave a slow nod as he grazed his thumb along my neck. “Good…that’s a good girl.”

He stepped around to stand in front of me. “Hands.”

I closed my eyes, unable to move.

“Don’t make me ask again.”

My pulse raced as my breaths grew panicked…flightless. I lifted my gaze to the door behind him.

No…the word whispered in my mind, but it didn’t reach my lips.

“No?” He leaned close to murmur against my ear. “You disobey me, you disobey your daddy?”

I jerked at the words. But you’re not my Dadd—his scowl deepened, and the sight of that made me freeze.


“No, what?”

“No, Daddy,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.

There was still the contract…the one he’d already broken, the one he’d break again. But not right now, not today. Steel links clinked as he lifted the cuffs. I clenched my fists and lifted my hands as I met his eyes. No, today was about him being in control.

“You made a fool out of me today.”

Air punched deep into my lungs.

“You know my standing with The Order, yet you reacted.” Steel jaws ratcheted around my wrists. “You slapped me in front of those I need to keep in the dark about us. You drew their attention, and now I have to fix that…right after I fix you.”

Fear plunged deep at the words.

He wouldn’t hurt me, that I knew. He wouldn’t leave so much as a mark. But still the panic rose as he grasped my hands and stood there for a moment. “Do you want this?”

I froze. No. Yes. I don’t know…I…

“Tell me now.”

I met that hard stare and gave a small nod.

He lowered his gaze to my clasped hands, then reached up and gently tweaked my nipple. I jumped, and gave a small cry. Faint silver strands shone amongst the black of his hair as he moved. The sight of that roused something desperate in me. I felt our difference like a lick to my core. It was all I saw, all I felt. It was the way he looked, the way he scolded…the way he touched. My body responded instantly, heat blooming.


I stared into the black pools of his eyes and knew fighting him was useless. “Y-yes, Daddy.” My tone softened and turned deeper, mirroring my breathless urgency.

He turned, reached up, and hit the light switch to dim the room. Even with the lights turned down so low, I could see it. Big and shrouded, it loomed at the end of the bench. I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes. My body was on fire.

“In front of The Principal,” he continued as he sank to his knees in front of me and gripped the sides of my panties. My pussy clenched with the slow drag as he rolled them down my thighs. “Others heard, as well.”

They were gone in an instant, tossed to the side as he went on. “That cannot be tolerated. You’ve made me have to spill their blood to clean it up. I hope you’re aware of that.” He leaned close and whispered against my ear. “You’re going to make me dangerous. Because I’m telling you right now, I’ll kill any other man who even looks at you. Every fucking one. You belong to us, Vivienne…and you belong to me.”

I closed my eyes as his words hit home. “That’s what you bought me for.”

He gave a low, throaty growl. “That and so much more.”

My body trembled at the threat. He would kill for me. He’d clean up my mess, then he’d bring me back down here to take it out on my body. “Get on the bed, Vivienne…you’ve been a very bad girl.”

My knees trembled as I opened my eyes, but I forced myself to move.

Steel-buckled straps hung down from the leather bench, but I didn’t care about them. My focus was on that thing at the end, its hard edges and the glint of cold steel. My core pulsed as I sank onto the leather bench.

“Lie back, arms over your head.”

I did as he instructed. There was no use fighting now, I’d only be fighting myself. My hands were secured, pulled taut, then given a little slack, though not enough for me to jerk free.

“Knees up…and wide.”

I clenched and lifted. Leather slapped around my ankles and spread me a little more.

“Such a pretty little cunt.”

His hand slid up the inside of my thigh, reached my slit, and pulled me open. “So fucking pretty.”

Then he moved around to the other side to secure my other ankle. I lay there, knees to my chest, Feet wide apart. I lifted my head as he rounded the foot of the bed and stood next to that thing.

“You understand this is your punishment?”

I couldn’t do anything but nod as my cheeks burned.

Steel shone as he moved to the front of the machine, snapped open a case, and pulled something out. Steel and smooth, the end snapped on to the hungry mechanical beast. He gripped the remote and the whirr of the motor was instant as the arm lifted.

I let out a whimper as that thick end came toward me.

“I punish you because you need to learn your place.” He stepped closer. “You are my ward, Vivienne. I own you.”

The head of that cold dildo slid against my pussy, pressed against my entrance, then stopped, pressing in just a little. I bit my lip as I fought a whimper and the urge to bear down. I shifted until my arms snapped taut. My slit had barely opened around the smooth head. But it wasn’t enough, not anywhere near enough. “Please…”


The head backed out.

I slammed my eyes closed. “Please.”

Pressure pushed against me again, right where I needed it. It slid in, just enough, but then it pulled out again. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look not at that thing that sat at the foot of the bed, but at him…at the man who held the remote in his hand.

God, his eyes were so dark, endless dark like he’d swallowed all the light in my world. I ached for that darkness…I craved it. “Daddy.”

The corners of his lips twitched at the word. I knew he liked it. The motor whirred as it drove the cock deeper inside me.

“Good girl,” he whispered.

I held his gaze as the cold dildo pushed in and drove deeper, all at his direction. Black pools…that’s what I sank into. Black. Endless. Pools. My pulse raced. A current surged through me, making me moan and buck hard.

“More, kitten?”

I nodded as I desperately fought the whimpers.

The machine fucked me harder, until all I could hear was that whirr. The dildo pistoned in and out of me. Then he did break my gaze as he leaned over, slid his finger along the bottom of my crease, and came away slick and wet.

“Close, so close.” He placed his finger between his lips and sucked hard. The sound mingled with the wet, sucking sounds my body made.

I didn’t care at that moment, didn’t care what fucked me…I didn’t care who fucked me. I was past the point of no return, barreling headfirst into oblivion.

“Who owns you, Vivienne?”

I clenched my eyes as the peak rose higher and higher inside me as he leaned down, his voice like gravel in my ear. “I said…who owns you?”

I turned my head as the desperate need to buck and claw and fuck roared inside me. I tried to hold on, tried to keep the desire from sweeping me away. But I was fighting a losing battle as I finally gave in…

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