Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 53: Drawing to a slow close

Part V

A week passed since the festival and life around the village had since returned to normal. I for one was glad to have the peace and quiet once again. During that time I received praise from everyone about how impressed they were of my performance.

The girls all grilled me about my date with Kenji, which made me have to recount everything again. But we did this while in person rather than over the phone when they were over for our weekly study sessions.

I thankfully had been spared the firestorm of texts from my friends in the Coven, which meant one of two things. One, Marron hadn’t told them, which was the most unlikely of outcomes. And two was that they were told but were going to ambush me while at the summer festival.

Speaking of people knowing of my date, Rachel was extremely excited to hear how well it went. Telling me that she approved of him, and that if I wished to, pursue a relationship with him.

My face lit up like a roman candle when I read that. While grateful that she approved of him, I on the other hand was still trying to figure out my feelings for him.

I don’t want to use the “L” word quite just yet, wondering if this really was just a spring fling or something. My experience with boys has been sadly limited since I became a girl.

So I had a lot to sort through to know whether or not what exactly I was feeling. Wow…now I realize I’m going in circles with my thoughts.

I knew I wanted to talk to someone about this, but that easily ruled out the Coven. Lord knows I’d be knee-deep in teasing and questions from the girls there. Well…I could contact Miss Elizabeth. She’d possibly be a good person to turn to.

I also could ask Marron about her opinion, but she’d go all “big sister” and tease me to death. Miriam would act like my grandmother and add in her centuries worth of advice.

One person I definitely could not seek relationship advice from would be Kerrigan Algernon. Seeing how she’s the daughter of a sex demon, I was surprised, or was it horrified, when she texted me about my date. How did she know?

I couldn’t tell, but I was glad to hear from her. I sent her picture of me as a kitsune, while I sat on my windowsill. She instantly loved it and said I really looked at home here. I giggled, thanking her.

That left my mother, who admittedly has a rather iffy track record herself. But…I did like the guy who showed up back in December. He seemed really nice and almost matched my mom. I’d giggle at times picturing him at the Manor with her while I’ve been gone.

Getting back on topic, I texted her about what I should do and she responded with “Go slowly”. Kind of a “duh” if you ask me. So slow and steady it is. I should be grateful that Kenji is at school during the week, fewer opportunities for temptations.

Yukari and I resumed our training sessions with her expanding upon my agility. She admitted and praised me for fully embracing my kitsune self during the performance, in that my body moved with such natural grace that she or even Asha would have never thought I was born a human.

She also began teaching me how to fight like a kitsune in hand-to-hand. Again drawing upon the race’s natural grace and fluidity of movement, and my countless hours of gymnastics training, I was surprised to find that my movements began to take on a more “spectral” appearance. My limbs seemed to have an afterglow or afterimage effect the more she and I trained.

I began to imagine facing Irina Velkoz in a rematch, just to see how I now stacked up against the vampiress. While as a kitsune I’d never match her blow for blow in terms of raw power, pretty sure my dragon form would be used for that, I’d match or even slightly edge her out in agility now. But that’s a long ways off still I think.

My illusionary skills also improved. I was now able to maintain three full clones of myself for up to a full half day before I winded myself, and could use them in combat for two. They possessed some mass, not much, but enough to give something a good punch to the face and move on. I still had to use my tags for the longer durations, having to make new ones every day.

While in the village one day I found a thigh pouch for hiking and modified it to hold a stack of tags. I thought about going full Naruto and further expanding it by added the ability to hold kunai. A couple failed attempts later only amounted to me being able load a single dagger into it. Kinda wanted three, but live with what you have.

I giggled as I stared at myself in the mirror with it on; thinking if I had my kodachi the look would be perfect. A kitsune ninja. I could never stop giggling at the image of myself dressed in all black and running on rooftops at night, with eight pink tails flowing behind me.

I also resumed my lessons with Asha, deciding to forego the shrine duties and some of the magic training in lieu of us just spending time together. She didn’t even have me transform into a ryujin while with her, only stipulating that I’d be barefoot while with her. Not a hard request to follow, but felt slightly guilty.

She and I would travel up and down the river, with her teaching me about how the river spirits, not simply kami or yokai, would come to my aid if I had need of them. This was true in any part of the world. They would sense the ryujin within me and rush to my side.

When with her, I’d cling tightly to her back. I knew my time here was drawing ever closer to an end, and I almost didn’t want to leave. She’d smile, feeling the same.

After swimming along the river, we’d retreat back to her shrine and settle into her home. She loved to coil her tail and pat her lap. I then would climb up into it and curl up into her. This was exactly how she held me when we first met. But now it became a favorite place for the both us to relax.

Her clawed hand gently combed through my hair, passing effortlessly. Her body always smelled of the river, ever gently flowing along moss-covered rocks.

The scent of moist dirt and plant roots enveloped me, wrapping around like a blanket. While not quite of enthralling as my mother’s scent, this served more as a relaxer.

I’d lay there with my tails coiled around me like a blanket, listening to her hum lullabies. Wasn’t even sure if they were traditional Japanese lullabies or ryujin, but regardless of their origin, the result was the same. My eyes closed and would find myself falling asleep. Her hand gently stroked my hair and continuing her singing.

While not training with anyone, I dabbled in wearing traditional Japanese clothing, mainly kimonos. Despite owning a couple already, I never really got the chance to wear them. A couple times I would put on a kimono top and slip on a long pleated skirt and boots.

I really had to thank Hashibaba for fitting me with the right clothes. Somehow it felt more and more natural to wear them. I often giggled as my tails swayed behind me through the skirt.

When in the village, I felt more like I had actually been born there. It was almost seamless in how I moved around dressed as I was. Just…more natural I think. But I didn’t do it that often as the weather really started to turn warmer. Yukari did take a picture of me in one my outfits, obviously sending it to my mother.

It’s strange how I can always tell when something is coming to an end, other than I know that it is. How everything looks different to me, the feel of the weather, even when I’m sleeping. It all feels different to me. It’s like I’m already preparing to go and move on to the next thing.

This was how I felt the last few days I spent at Concordia, but that was more of me leaving my old world behind for good. This was me getting set to leave a place that I had called home for the past two months. This was made even clearer as the third week of the May began.

In less than a week and a half, I’d be on a plane heading back to America and to my mother. My homesickness had started to relapse in a big way, with me constantly staring out onto the ocean, envisioning that the Estate was just somehow over the horizon.

The village knew I was leaving, with Yukari probably telling them. My visits to the village seemed to grow longer as everyone tended to want me to stay later and even inviting me to dinner a couple times. I could tell they too didn’t like to idea of me leaving. I had quickly grown too ingrained into their daily lives that the thought of me not being there seemed to sadden them.

During one visit in the middle of the week, Hashibaba pulled me into her arms and just held me tightly, not wanting me to go. “You truly are like my granddaughter, Aria-chan,” whispering tearfully into my ear. “I don’t like seeing my grandchildren leave the village.”

I nodded as I sat with her on her favorite bench. A soft smile rose on my face as I curled up into the elderly nekomata, “I know Hashibaba. But I’ll be going home.”

Her grip tightened, “But this is your home, my little one. Though not born to it, you are now of it.”

A blush flashed across my cheeks. Her hand softly stroked the top of my hair, fingers gently fumbling with my ears. She really knew how to pamper kitsune as I let out soft, nearly childlike coos.

She smiled softly, continuing to pamper me, “Do you have grandparents in America my girl?”

I smiled, “One of the leaders of my coven loves to act like a grandmother just like you.”

Her smile broadened, “I’m glad to hear that. Good little girls need their grandparents to pamper and spoil them.” I giggled, thinking of Miriam and of how much I wanted to see her. I wanted to see everyone from the Coven and my friends.

She continued to hold me tightly against her body, purring loudly. I felt like melt away at her touch, even closing my eyes. She then placed a soft kiss onto the top of my head, “Precious…precious Aria-chan.” I giggled.

She then gave me one last tight squeeze and released me. I looked up, seeing tears running down her cheeks.

I took out my handkerchief, something of a habit I picked up while here, and wiped them away, “Please don’t cry Hashibaba.”

The woman smiled, placing another kiss onto my forehead, “Such a sweet child. I know that as much as I would try to keep you here, I can’t,” cupping my cheek, stroking it with her thumb. “I would like to, if ever it were possible, to meet your mother. She must be a truly wonderful person to have daughter such as you.” My cheeks blushed, looking down and pulling out my phone.

I turned it on and scrolled through the pictures until I found one of Rachel, showing it to the woman. Her dark tan eyes glimmered in wonder as she looked at my mother, “She is so beautiful.” I giggled, nodding and turned, staring at the image.

She then looked to me, “Would you like to have a picture taken of the two of us? So she might see who has taken you under her wing.”

I grinned, turning on the camera and held it up. I curled back up into her and took the picture. I then showed to her.

A bright smile stretched across her face, “Marvelous.” I grinned, sending it Rachel.

She then looked to me, “You should hurry on home. I’m sure your aunt will be waiting for you.”

I rose off of the bench and smiled to her, “Love you Hashibaba.”

She smiled brightly, “I love you too Aria-chan.” I smiled, taking a couple steps back and headed out of the village.

That evening, I was sitting down in the living room watching TV when I felt arms wrapping around me. I looked up to see Yukari standing over me, smiling softly, “Hello there.”

I smiled in return, “Hi.”

She pulled me tightly into her, wrapping her tails around mine, “I can’t believe that I have in just eight days I have to give you back to your mother.”

I giggled, “You sound like Hashibaba.”

She leaned over and kissed the top of my head, “It can’t be helped sweetie. I should tell you that I’ve grown slightly jealous of your mother, having such a wonderful little girl for a daughter.”

I grinned, blushingly, “I’ve loved being with you and Asha so much over the past couple of months. It’s kinda like I’ve almost lived here my whole life.”

Her hand stroked my hair, “In some ways you might as well have. You grew accustomed to life here, to the village and its people, its customs and traditions, even performed in the local festival, and…” leaning in closer, grinning, “found love.”

My cheeks flared a deep red, looking away from her. She chuckled, “Although I suspect that neither of you has told the other their true feelings.”

My tails gripped her tighter, “I…I’m still not sure what I feel towards him. I do love being around him and he’s really a great guy, and really like him. But…not fully sure if I-”

Yukari then placed her finger onto my lips, “I know, my little one. But understand that he might be feeling and thinking the same as you. The heart of young girl is like that of a bird, always fluttering wildly in the dark. You just have to find your way out of it and to the truth.”

I smiled up at her, “That was deep,” giggling.

Her smile broadened, “Well…before we must leave, why don’t we do something special?”

My ears perked up, “Like what?” Her hand continued to glide along my hair.

“Well, the shrine hosts a monthly farmer’s market in which the surrounding villages come to sell their wares. Your mother once told me of how much you used to love visiting the one near where you once lived.” I nodded.

Even after over a year and a half since I moved in with Rachel, I still remembered going to the market at Lakeline Mall. Always going early to both enjoy the cooler weather, but also the people I used to know there.

I smiled to her, “How come I never heard of this market?”

She grinned, “You’ve been rather busy my dear,” tapping my nose.”

I giggled, “Oh…right.” She smiled.

If this was in any way like the market I used to go to, then I knew that I could pretty much find anything. But now there would be even more fresh fish, given the fact that Ashogihaga was nearby. But it also made me wonder what else would be there. Either way, this was going to be a lot of fun.

“So when is it?”

“Tomorrow and it starts early, around 9:00. Oh, you will have to be in human form as there will be people from all over the region. Much like the festival.”

I giggled, “That’s not a problem for me.”

She grinned, “Good. You should be rather surprised in what is sold there. You might even find a few souvenirs for the trip home.”

I giggled, “Can’t wait.”

She held me even tighter, still stroking my hair. “Good. Now…would you like to help me make dinner?”

I giggled, nodding, “Yes Ma’am.”

She smiled as her arms unraveled from me and rose to her feet and turned into the kitchen. I hopped up and followed her in.

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