Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 51: Calming myself down

I quickly took off the mask and pulled down the hood. I let out a loud, resounding sigh. I had done it. A week’s worth of prep and training had all come to ahead in less than five minutes.

I staggered over to the step and collapsed onto it, breathing heavily. I held the mask to me as my body melted into the wood. My legs were still on fire and my stomach still felt it wanted to explode. I still fought it back down, trying not to let it come out.

Reika sat beside me, holding a cup, “It's ginger-mint tea. We were told this would be the best thing to help soothe you after the dance.” I looked to it with a faint smile.

I knew that it had to have been Rachel who had set it up for me. I took the cup and sipped from it, feeling its gentle tang flowing down into me.

A grin stretched over my face, looking to her, “Thanks, definitely needed that.” She smiled, sitting beside me as I took another sip.

I was both glad and saddened that it was over. You work so hard for something, putting in hours upon hours of preparation and planning, for it to be done with in only a handful of minutes. It’s kind of ironic when you think about it.

I touched where my necklace was on my chest, faintly feeling it through the layers of clothing. I did it Rachel, still wish you were here for it. I held the cup up once more, down the rest of the tea.

A few moments passed and the door slid open. I looked up to see both Asha and Yukari stepping inside. Fenris walked in behind them trotted over to me, licking my face. I giggled loudly, holding onto the wolf’s furry mane.

He then pressed the top of his head into mine, “You danced wonderfully little Aria. Much as you did during the convention. You maintained yourself, am I proud of you little one.

I giggled and hugged him tightly, “Thanks Fenris,” nuzzling his head.

A hand rested onto the top of my head. I looked up to see Asha standing there, smiling to me, “You were simply magnificent Aria-chan. You moved so gracefully on the stage I doubt anyone could hardly believe that you were human.”

I smiled to her, cheeks a rosy red. “Thanks Asha. I couldn’t have gotten through it if neither of you were there.”

She smiled, pulling me into a tight embrace, “We will always be here for you.” I nodded, burying my face into her chest. The ryujin then sat down and held me to her.

Another hand then cupped my cheek, stroking it softly. My gaze turned to see Yukari beaming brightly.

“I am so very proud of you and I know your mother is even more so than I.”

My heart thumped softly, lowering my eyes, “I wish she were here.”

A grin rose on her face, “She is here sweetie.”

I shot a confused glance at her. My aunt then held up her phone with a separate, larger camera attached to it.

She faced the screen towards me and on it was an image of nearly everyone from home, all gathered in the parlor. My cheeks burned even hotter as they all were cheering loudly. My mother smiled brightly at me.

Yukari smiled as she handed it to me. The phone fumbled in my hands as I stared at the screen. Everyone was cheering and clapping. I giggled, seeing the twins trying to imitate my dance, twirling around in the foreground.

Velhemina’s flowers bloomed brighter on her body, which made Silvi snap at her, saying that the pollen was getting over her scales. The alraune smirked, telling her that the change in color was for the better.

My sister snorted puffs of flame from her nostrils as she grinned; saying that perhaps a few wilted petals might do the same for her paling complexion. Both women glared at each other, almost snarling. I giggled loudly, having missed their constant banter.

The combat maids all stood in the background. Both Abigale and Lyra gave clasped both hands in the air, with Marie giving me a two huge thumbs up. And I mean huge. The automaton actually made her thumbs transform into bigger ones.

Bianca stood wide-eyed, hands folded over her chest. I grinned at her. It was rare to see her this excited and human-like. Sebastian gave a proud nod to me, brandishing a fatherly smile. Xiphos too beamed with pride as he sat beside the butler.

My heart then leapt as I saw Marron sitting next my mother. Her eyes shimmered, saying something to me in English. It took me a moment to translate it into Japanese.

Her words were, “You looked absolutely amazing up there Baby Ahri. You were even better than at the con. Just wish I was there in person to watch you.”

I giggled, “Thanks Marron,” speaking in English for the first time in nearly two months. She grinned even harder.

Rachel then quieted the noisy room, rising to her feet. “Sweetheart, you were marvelous on that stage. Yukari told me how hard you worked to prepare for today, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

My cheeks blushed brighter as I stared at my mother. “Thanks Rachel.”

She grinned, “Now, enjoy your triumph my darling. You’ve earned it. And…have a good time this evening,” winking to me.

My face felt like it was on fire as I stared at her. Marron looked at her confused. Rachel then leaned over and whispered something in her ear, which made her grin even more than before, giving me a thumbs-up. My head slumped, knowing she now knew of my upcoming date.

My mother then chuckled, “We love you sweetheart and are counting down the days until you return home.”

I nodded, “I love y’all too and can’t wait to see everyone.”

Everyone then all said their goodbyes to me, with the twins jumping up and down, waving their hands at me. I giggled, waving back to them. Rachel blew a kiss to me as she leaned over and tapped on the laptop that rested on the coffee table, ending the call.

I sighed heavily, sinking back into Asha, who held me tightly to her. I eyed Fenris wagging his tail as he sat close to me.

Yukari knelt in front of me, holding my hands in my lap, “Feeling all right sweetie?” I nodded to her.

It was great seeing everyone again for the first time in a while, it made my heart long even more for home. She smiled, stroking my face, “Why don’t we get you out of this and back into you normal clothes so that you might enjoy the festival?”

I smiled softly to her, “Sound’s good to me.”

The kitsune then helped me back to my feet and escorted me deeper into the building. My legs wobbled with every step, but Asha helped support me by gently holding me up.

To be honest I was actually surprised that I hadn’t puked my guts the moment I exited the stage. Hell at any point during the performance.

I was used to the twirling and spinning from my combat training. But when you factor in how nervous I felt before, during, and after the dance, and how I fought to keep it all down, when I relented it should’ve all just come out.

I shook my head of the thoughts as the outfit was carefully removed off of me. The tea had also helped soothe my stomach, wonderful things, ginger and mint.

We retreated back to where the pond was because it was cooler than the waiting room. When the hood pieces and haori were removed, that was all it took for my stomach to surge back up. My insides churned violently, causing me to moan in pain.

Yukari looked to me, “Aria-chan, are you all right sweetie?”

My eyes dart around the room desperate to find something. I saw one of the buckets from earlier and dashed to it. I knelt down and hurled loudly into it.

I clung desperately to the bucket, feeling yet another churn within me. I panted heavily into it, then choked up and vomited one more time.

Soft hands gently stroked my back. I nodded, sitting back onto my knees and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “Sorry…thought it wasn’t gonna come up.”

A hand then cupped under my chin, turning it upwards and facing Asha, “You have nothing to apologize for Aria-chan. We could tell you were fighting back the urge. So naturally that you can now relax, your body reacted the way it did.”

My eyes darted away, “Not exactly very ‘ladylike’ of me to dash to a bucket in a shrine, just to puke my guts out. I kinda feel like I might offend someone.”

She smiled, leaning in and kissed the top of my head, “You are fine little one.” I smiled to her, nodding.

Reika then knelt before me and removed the bucket. I turned to face the woman. Her smile was gentle and sincere as she looked at me, “No offense was made Aria-chan. Such things are indeed natural and no one, not even the gods themselves, would find fault in you.”

I smiled softly, nodding to her, “Thank you.” Her smiled broaden as she nodded in return.

I took a deep breath, letting myself relax once more. “You take great care in not offending those in whom you make no prayers to,” she added, “very curious.”

I nodded, “I…still hold them in reverence. And part of me is now yokai so I at least have to show respect to them.”

That was very true. Whether if I were kitsune or ryujin, the gods of Japan were still to be revered and honored. I still held to my old Christian beliefs but seeing and experiencing what I have, I had grown to slowly accept other beliefs as well.

The miko smiled, looking to the women behind me, “A very curious little girl you have.”

Yukari nodded, “She has always been this way since the moment either of us first met her.” She then stroked my hair, “Ever the mindful child.”

I blushed softly, looking to her and then to Asha. Both women smiled, hugging me tightly between them. I giggled, clinging to them.

The miko nodded, “Well that is quite something,” looking to me, “I am sure the gods would be pleased. Even Tokomistu-sama himself would be honored to have such a young girl as you paying reverence to him.” I blushed softly.

She grinned, “Let’s get you out of that kimono and cleaned off.” No objection here.

The rest of the outfit was removed and carried off. I untied my hair and doused myself in cold water once more, washing away the sweat from the dance. My body shivered as a cool breeze brushed passed me.

I turned, thinking that it was Fenris who did it, only to find that it was in fact Asha. A devious grin stretched over her face. I pouted and grabbed a towel, drying myself off.

Despite her prank, I did feel refreshed. I exited back into the first dressing room I entered and got dressed. I again tied my back into a ponytail. Once finished, I then reentered the waiting room.

Yukari, Asha, and Fenris had already left to go explore the festival. So I was left alone as I get dressed. The room was still and calm. The last time I was here, I was wobbly mess. Now I was happy and at peace.

I saw that the outfit as it hung on a rack. I walked over to it, smiled at it. I gently stroked the outfit, still feeling my sweat within it. My hands then rose to the mask as it rested in front of it. It had helped further soothe my fraying nerves and I had actually grown fond of it.

“Would you like to keep it Aria-chan?” I heard a voice asking.

I craned my head to see the head priest standing next to me. “I can keep it?”

He nodded, “It’s yours little one. You performed splendidly today and offered your respect to the gods. Plus…I think it suits you.”

I picked it up and held it, examining the mask. I turned to him, bowing, “Thank you sir.”

The priest smiled, “You are quite welcome child. May the gods watch over you and do come see us.”

I nodded to him, “I will sir.”

He grinned, “Now go and enjoy the festival. I know a certain young man is more than likely waiting for you.”

My face blushed as I stared into his eyes. His grin only broadened. I nodded slowly to him, gripping the mask tighter.

“Umm…I…I think I should go now.”

He chuckled, “Very well my child. Have a good time.” I quickly bowed and then dashed, snatching up my bag, slipping on my shoes, and heading out the door.

As I closed the door, l leaned against it, letting out a long sigh. Had to remember that this was a small village and news travels fast. It kinda reminded me of the Coven and how the fast news traveled there.

A small grin rose on my face. I wanted to see them, my Coven. I missed everyone from home and they were part of my ever growing world. And soon I would be with them again. The sounds of people moving about caught my attention. I rose from the door, gently tying the mask to my bag, and trotted off towards the crowd.

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