Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 39: Final surprises

March finally came and with it things really began to speed up. My half semester was drawing ever closer to an end. The weather really was turning warmer and really nice. I slowly lost the need to wear heavy coats, opting to wear lighter ones.

Shorts also came back into fashion for me, with my wearing of them nearly every day. I would wear the occasional skirt or short dress, whatever I thought was cute at the time.

My duration with the illusion spell had also increased slightly over the past couple months to where I could apply it for three hours before I grew too exhausted. A small step, but the achievement was still made.

During the first week I did indeed start swimming with the gossip again. It felt incredible as I swam in the water once more. The lake was still somewhat cold, but nothing too bad. And it was a nice change of pace for me.

Swimming, like flying, offered a sense of freedom you really can’t replicate while on land. The girls also knew that I wasn’t to go to Nerazon either, or I didn’t want to either. Maybe after I got back.

I completed all of my schoolwork near the start of the month and had even finished with the final paper for ethics. It was an opinion piece on whether or not one should involve themselves in the lives of students or teachers. Well…that entailed to what degree the involvement was and other mitigating factors.

So I choose the middle of the road approach and stated that if the situation called upon the necessity for intervention given whatever the circumstances were present at the time. Vague as it sounds, the topic itself was vague as hell anyways.

In any case, I wrote a twenty-page paper on it going into great detail, knowing my professor wasn’t going to read all of it, given how the last couple of papers were each fifteen pages in length. Yeah…bit of a long-winded writer am I.

All that was left of algebra is to take the final, so I took some time and started going over my notes.

Literature was actually the first to wrap up before any of the other classes. I had submitted my last report to the prof during the start of the month and all that remained was to show up for a sit-down with the class to discuss any new books we planned on reading. A little childish I know, but hey, it let me introduce everyone to both of my favorite series.

Spring break finally arrived, which meant the end had finally come for my time at Concordia. And I couldn’t have been any happier. It also was a lot earlier than usual, being the second week of March. But part of me was sad that I was leaving.

I still look back with fondness at the school. It’s a place that will forever be dear to me, having made good friends while here. I also started a club and can take solace in knowing that it was in good hands while I was gone.

But in reality, I was now free of this last obligation to my old life. An enormous weight is about to be lifted off of my chest and I could go back to my new world without a care.

Now as for my plans after the summer, that would be up to my mother. But for now, that was a long ways off and I wasn’t going to sully this moment of freedom.

My final day started with me waking to the smell of honeysuckles and orange blossoms. I giggled as I sat up on the bed, seeing many sitting in a flower pot. Both had always signified the start of spring for me and I looked forward to seeing them when they bloomed. I looked over to see Rachel sitting on the side of my bed.

A broad grin rose across my face, “How did you know that these were my favorite flowers?”

My mother smiled, leaning in closer, “Your aunt told me they were. So she and the dryads had these plucked just for you.”

I rolled my feet under me and looked up at her, “I guess today is finally here.”

She nodded softly, “That it is my love. And as always, you have performed admirably in your studies.” I beamed at her praise.

Today is also the day that I was travel to Japan and begin my training there. Nearly over two months away and on the other side of the world from my home and mother. The trip was to start the moment I got home. This wasn’t exactly going to be the easiest for either of us. And we both know it.

I crawled closer to her, seeing that she was sullen in her eyes. She smiled softly, kissing my forehead, “You should go ahead and get ready for your last day sweetheart.”

I stared at her, as she pulled back, “You gonna be okay?”

My mother looked into my eyes, “I will be fine my love, but you won’t be if you don’t hurry up. There is still much left to be done before you can leave. So off with you.”

I giggled, “Okay, okay.” I slid off the bed and hopped into the bathroom.

After a quick breakfast, Fenris and I were out the door. The drive to campus was like every other I had done, but it held a great sense of finality. This was the last time that I would be set foot into Concordia and when I left, no more.

Oh I would drive passed it if I had to, for whatever reason, head towards Lakeline Mall, but I’d never turn onto the road.

When this day was over, “Clay Edge” will forever cease to exist. And I was actually happy about that. Rachel was right about things needing to done before I could leave. And most would be done on campus.

The first thing that needed to be done was to return of the room key to Sonya. I headed for the library walked into her office, handing it to her. I thanked her for the use of the room and for there being someone from my world there with me.

She smiled, stating that the Loreians would always be of assistance. I thanked her, leaving the library.

As Fenris and I walked across the covered walkway, I felt a nice warm breeze brushing against me, and listened to the trees as they swayed and scratched against each other. My bonded stayed close to me as we turned onto the bridge, heading for D.

The next thing on my list was to head to the bookstore and turn in my books. I didn’t have any finals to take, having done them earlier in the week.

Rather going directly across campus, which would be faster, I decided to take my time and walk through each of the buildings. I wanted my last day here to be memorable.

I giggled to myself. Yet again during spring break I was going on yet another trip, third one in a row in fact. With the first being to England and then last year to St. Louis and Chattanooga. But this would be the last time I’d do it while on break from school.

While I do like beginnings, sometimes it’s endings I find just as, if not more interesting. And this walk is the start of that ending.

As Fenris and I walked through D, the building was abuzz with students taking their midterms, and others sat in the hallways studying. I looked over to see students huddled around tables with open books and binders, desperately scribbling down notes.

A small smile reached across my face as I passed by them. My bonded’s pace was slow and deliberate, ears constantly tracking whatever noise popped up.

I really didn’t have anything to fear while on campus, so one could say I was a little naïve. Rachel’s protection spells had always been on full effect since the start of the semester, but I guess he couldn’t help but be wary. He had always been that way since we first arrived back in January. We finally exited out of the building, heading for C.

Our path led under the deck and to my right I saw the Pier. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a little time, but not enough to go walk out onto it.

It would’ve been nice to sit down and gaze out onto the Preserve. But we had things to do, so onward we marched.

When we entered C, again the scene was the same as with D. Students were either in class taking exams or sitting around studying. The building was calm and quiet aside from the soft sounds of pencils scribbling on paper.

My footsteps were light, being that my real feet were a woman’s size seven and not a man’s twelve. But only well-trained ears could spot the difference, as I also further masked them with nearly stomping with every step, discreetly of course.

We started to head up the stairs, again wanting to go outside between buildings. Each step I took was a final one. Fenris trotted up the steps, quickly sitting at the top. I smirked at the wolf, shaking my head but not saying anything.

When I reached the top, I turned to head towards B when a voice pierced through the quiet trance I had put myself into.

“Hello Clay.”

I spun around to see Chris standing behind me. I gave him a smile, “Hey Chris, I was just heading to the bookstore to drop off my books before I left.”

The man stared at me, arms folded across his chest, “Who are you?”

An eyebrow rose on my face as I curled a half-smile, “What are you talking about? I’m me of course.”

The man’s eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed tightly. His jaw clenched together, trying to hide his growing frustration, “Don’t lie to me. I know you’re not who you say you are. I saw you…‘change’ a few weeks ago, so out with it. Who are you?”

My heart started to quake in my chest. I had never seen Chris angry at all, and it was unnerving. I looked around the floor, seeing that there were a few people sitting.

I eyed Fenris, who was already glaring at the man, not growling or making any aggressive movements, just watching. I looked back at Chris and took a deep breath, “All right. Let’s head to Black Box, and we can talk.”

The man nodded and the three of us trotted for B. In the back of my mind, another worry started to grow. One I hoped wouldn’t come true and could handle this without anything happening.

We entered the Black Box Theater, a large open room where the school held various events and shows. Of all of the rooms on campus, this was among the most closed off and held only tiny windows.


And I was grateful that it was empty today. This made things a lot easier. When the doors closed, we walked into the center of the room.

Fenris swooped in behind me, sitting at my right. Chris looked to me, “Okay we here, so tell me the truth.”

I sighed, holding up my hand, “One last thing to do before we start.” A ball of pinkish silver energy emanated from my palm.

The man stared at it, jaw hanging open, “What is…”

Before he could finish his question, I flung the ball towards door behind him, which then spread the other door to the left and the door behind me on my right. All three doors were covered in the energy, which then faded to nothing.

Chris stared at me, “What did you just do? What the hell was that?”

I looked to him, “I just made sure that we can have our conversation without anyone walking in on us. It just a fairy charm I picked up. And please don’t freak out at what I’m about to show you.”

He looked at me, “What are you talking about?”

I sighed, reaching up to my chest and seemed to pull down on thin air. As my hand lowered, my form dissolved from that of a man into a teenage girl.

I was wearing dark blue jean shorts, light purple and white striped shirt and a lite cotton jacket. I smiled to him, gripping the strap of my satchel, “For one thing that was magic.”

His eyes grew huge as melons as he stumbled back slightly, “Who…who are you? Are you even Clay?”

I shirked my head slightly, “Yes…but at the same time very, very much no. I haven’t really been ‘Clay’ in a very long time.”

Chris stared at me, “Then…then who are you? What happened to you? You look no older than my youngest daughter.”

I smiled softly, “Short answer, I was transformed into the little girl you see before you.”

His eyes blinked, “But…you still are ‘you’ I take it, and what do you mean by you haven’t been ‘Clay’ in long time?”

My mouth drew back into a wince, “That would take a really long time to explain and to be honest I really don’t have it to do so. Let’s just say that I was reborn a couple years ago.”

My eyes then darted around the room. Even with my deflection spell in place, I knew that I was being watched regardless.

Chris shook his head slightly, “I…I still don’t understood. What are you?”

My feet shifted slightly, “Just a little girl…who’s really hoping she lets me handle this. She does tend to worry a lot.”

Chris continued to gaze in disbelief, “Who is this ‘she’?”

I giggled, “My mom.”

He took one step towards me, “Your ‘mom’? But you lost your mother last year. But you said your ‘mom’. You’re supposed to be an adult.”

I giggled softly, my cheeks blush a warm pink, “Like I said Chris, I was reborn. In my new world, that means I am no longer my old self. So that basically makes me a child again, someone brand new. I wish I could explain as well as my mom could.”

I looked down, becoming somber, “When my birthmother was killed, I was adopted by the woman I now call my mother. She also tends to be very protective me her little daughter.” Another giggle left me, “I know she’s watching us right now.”

Chris took one more step towards me. Fenris rose from his seat and stepped in between us staring at the man. Chris looked at him, “And…and what is with your dog? He’s doesn’t act like one.”

I smiled, reaching my hand out and stroking his fur, “Fenris isn’t a dog for starters, and he’s a wolf. A very special wolf. Plus this isn’t his real form,” my fingers dug gently into his fur, “he’s also kinda like a father to me.”

Fenris bowed his head to the man, “A pleasure to properly make your acquaintance.

Chris’ head darted around, “Who…who said that?”

I smiled, now wrapping my arms around the wolf’s neck, “He did of course. Fenris can talk as well as we can. And he’s just as protective as my mom is.”

Chris gazed at my bonded and then at me, “Are…are you even human anymore?”

I giggled, “Umm…define ‘human’.”

The man’s eyes grew even larger, shaking his head, “This…this is a lot to take in,” looking to me, “I have so many questions for you. But this does explain a few questions I’ve had about you.”

I nodded, “Yeah…it does. I have a wonderful new life Chris, a new family, new world to live in, new friends. You can’t even begin to imagine the things I’ve seen, the places I’ve been to, and people I’ve met. In fact the whole reason why I’m here is to put to rest one final obligation to my old life. After this, I’m off to Japan for the next couple of months to train.”

He looked to me, “Train?”

I nodded, “I wish I could show you, but I really can’t stay. And once I do leave, ‘Clay Edge’ will forever disappear from this world.”

Chris’ hands held low at his sides, eyes fluttering about as if trying to comprehend the info dump that had just been dropped onto him. I slowly walked around Fenris, stepping closer to the man before me.

He stared down at me, “So…if Clay is gone, then…then who are you?”

I smiled softly, “Arianna Lucindel Edge, but I go by Aria. It’s the name my new mom gave me,” my hand rested over my heart, balling it into a soft fist, “it’s a name that I love with all that I am.”

The man held his head, still trying to understand everything. He was quiet. I could see his closed eyes darting about.

Chris then opened them and gazes down at me, “Are you happy with where you are now in life?”

A broad grin adorned my face, “Happier than I’ve ever been in my life,” giggling, “and my mom’s simply the best. Now I wish she would show up and I could introduce you to her, but it looks like she’s respecting my choice in this. But I really have to take care of my books and then I have got to leave.”

A smile rose on Chris’ face, “While I still can’t fully grasp everything you’ve told me. I am honored that you at least told me the truth. You did tell the truth right?”

I stepped back and folded my arms with a huff, face pouting angrily, “Of course I did. Honestly, I know I can’t exactly tell you everything, but I didn’t lie.”

He roared into laughter, “That’s exactly how my Nikela reacts when I doubt she’s telling me the truth. So now I know you are.” I groaned, rolling my eyes, but smiled at him.

Chris nods, smiling, “So I guess this is goodbye then.”

I let out a timid chuckle, “Yeah. It was great knowing you Chris, and thanks for everything.”

His smile grew warmer, “And you too…Aria. Hope you have a wonderful life, and know that I am happy for you.”

I snapped my fingers, causing the spell to vanish. Fenris slowly walked over to me, brushing his head against my hand, “We have to go Aria.”

I nodded, “I know,” looking up at my former teacher, “take care Chris.”

The man smiled, “You as well.” I then turned and quietly left the room, exiting out into the hall, while reapplying the tag, allowing the illusion to return.

After dealing with the bookstore, Fenris and I hightailed it up to my car. Once there, we climbed in and I started the car, pulling away from the parking lot.

I took one last look at the campus, taking a moment to take it all in. With a nod, I turned onto Kilian Road and then out towards the exit.

620 was thankfully light on traffic as Fenris and I headed for home. While getting found out by Chris was unnerving, it felt good telling him the truth.

I was also grateful that Rachel didn’t jump in and possibly make things worse. Didn’t want to have the man suffer some kind of heart attack due to an overprotective mother simply appearing out of thin air.

So with the closing of that final chapter of my old life, I could look forward to my trip. But with every moment that passed, I felt a knot growing bigger and bigger in my stomach.

I was ready to go on this trip, having been prepared for it for months. The future looked as bright and open as it did a year ago. So much was waiting for me, but first I had to get home.

Passing through the tunnel, the Estate once more came into view. The sun shone brightly in the sky with a few clouds floating above.

The car rounded the curve with the forest now in full bloom. A smile rose on my face wishing I could have seen everyone before I left, but there really was little time.

The reason behind the rush was eagerness on everyone’s part for me to start my trip. That and my plane had a set departure time. It’s hilarious to think that while it can only leave when I arrive that I still have to make it on time to arrive.

This trip has been building up for months and now is the long awaited time. I still have no idea what everyone has in store for me upon my arrival.

This is also going to be the longest trip I will take without Rachel. But Fenris with coming along with me, I won’t feel quite as lonely when I have to cross the freaking Pacific Ocean.

This was going to be one crazy long trip, so anything was possible. The Manor soon came into view, steadily growing bigger and bigger, with it the knot in my stomach.

I pulled into the driveway, slowly yet swiftly traveling down the road. It then occurred to me that this might be the last time that I’d get to drive my car or myself for that matter.

Kinda strange when you think about it. But then again…I was now a child and didn’t need to drive myself ever again. I giggled, I am also the daughter of a very wealthy woman so once more I’d be driven anywhere.

The car then rounded the side of the garage. In front of the house sat another car with Rachel standing next to it, smiling. I parked the car and got out, letting Fenris out as well.

“Welcome home my love,” she greeted.

I giggled, walking quickly to her. “Thanks, and thank you for letting me deal with Chris on my own."

She smiled warmly, “You are welcome sweetheart. I knew you had things under control, but I would have stepped in if the need arose.”

I nodded, “I know and thanks.”

My mother opened her arms to me, to which I dashed into them, hugging her tightly. My face buried into her chest. She stroked my back, pressing me against her body, before letting me go.

“Your luggage has been loaded into the car and the plane is awaiting you at the airfield.”

I looked to her, “You’re not coming with?”

She shook her head, “Sweetheart, if I were to go with you, I highly doubt that I would be able to let you go. It’s hard enough to accept the fact that I shall be without you for just over two months.”

I giggled, “The feelings mutual Rachel.”

She grinned, kissing my forehead, “Now I know you will be on your best behavior while you are with Yukari and Asharyume. So train hard and live as a yokai.”

I grinned, “I will,” looking behind her, “Silvi and Velhemina aren’t coming to see me off?”

My mother grinned deviously, “I managed to lock both of them away prior to your arrival. It was to insure your sister wouldn’t attempt to prevent you from leaving.”

I giggled loudly, “You know she’s going to be pissed at you right?”

She chuckled softly, “Of which I have very little doubt.”

We grinned at each other. She then gently shuttled me into the waiting car, allowing me to climb in, and take my seat. Fenris lied down onto the floorboard, looking up at me. I smiled to him and looked back at my mother.

Rachel closed the door. I rolled down the window, crawling over to her, “You gonna be okay with me gone?”

She leaned in, kissing my forehead, “I shall endeavor to try my love. Now your sister on the other hand…she will be a handful to say the least.”

I giggled, “Liar…you’re gonna worry about me until the moment I set foot inside the door.”

I knew her as well as she knew me. So with me gone, Rachel will be ten times more lonely than she was when I was Italy. Who knows what could happen with her.

She smiled softly, placing a kiss onto my forehead, “You should be on your way young lady. Yukari will be waiting for you in the morning. And I’ve heard from a rather reliable source that you will arrive in time for a rather special event in Japan.”

An eyebrow curled on my face, “Okay…” thinking for a moment, eyes then grew wide as my mouth dropped, staring at her, “no way…really?!”

She laughed, nodding, “Now off with you.”

I grinned, “Love you Rachel. I’ll see you later.”

My mother smiled brightly, “I love you too Aria.” I leaned back into my seat, raising the window.

Rachel then motioned to the driver. The car slowly began to pull away. I looked out the back, seeing my mother slowly growing smaller in the rear window. When she vanished behind the garage, my body turned around and plopped back into the seat.

I was both excited and terrified about the upcoming trip. I was finally returning to a country that I had fallen in love with and people I had also come to think of as dear friends.

I pulled out my phone started texting everyone, telling them I’d see them in the summer. I instantly was flooded with replies ranging from well wishes to calls to bring back souvenirs.

Jenn even reminded me that when we meet up for at the summer festival that I wasn’t allowed to hold back and was free to show off all I wanted to. I giggled, knowing that I couldn’t, not this time.

The car then lurched to the left as it turned onto the main road, heading for the airfield. I still had another hour before my flight, and there was going to be just as long if not longer than my last trip.

But unlike last time, I have Fenris with me to keep me company. I leaned over in my seat and scratched the wolf behind the ears. His eyes softly close, groaning happily. A grin rose on my face, grateful he was coming with.

When the car did arrive, I saw the plane was ready and waiting on the tarmac. We slowly pulled in front of it and I watched as the door opened. A hand then slipped into the cabin, which I took, stepping out into the open air.

The sun shone brightly onto me, causing me to shield my eyes with my hand. The driver then quickly placed a large hat onto my head. I giggled, “Thank you.”

He nodded, “The plane is fueled and ready Young Miss. I have been informed that it has been loaded with whatever you require for the duration of your flight.”

I smiled and nodded, eyeing my travel case being hauled out of the trunk and then rolled onto the plane. I took a deep breath, taking one final look around. I wouldn’t see this place again for over two months, and who knows how much I’ll change once I did.

Not wanting to push this off any more than I had, I turned and walked towards the plane, stepping up into the cabin. I quickly found my seat, with Fenris taking his at my left on the floor. I leaned back into the seat, watching the cabin door finally close.

It was a tense few moments before the plane’s engines roared to life, feeling slowly lurching forward as it was taxied out onto the runway. Not too much longer now.

A few moments later the plane then rocketed down the tarmac. My body felt heavier as we rose higher in the air. Out the window I could see the forests that surround the airfield gradually growing smaller and soon out view.

Eyes turned forward, staring straight at the cockpit. I was ready for this. A promise long made will soon be at long last fulfilled.

My eyes slowly grew heavier. One of the best ways to beat a long trip is to just fall asleep. So I did.

My thoughts fell upon everyone, wishing and hoping they wouldn’t worry about me too much. But no doubt they will. My body settled snugly into my seat, letting the world outside simply fade into nothing.

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