Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 4

As I walk down to the ice, I hope Penny calls before I need to meet Fiona. I think yesterday will bring a positive change to our friendship.  I didn’t question her, I just gave her the support I hope I would be able to give Penny in that situation.  I don’t know how Luke hasn’t killed her ex.  He better not do any shady shit at the game ‘cause I have a feeling Luke’s not going to keep a level head.  This will be our first game against them since they broke up.

My phone rings, taking me from my thoughts of the situation with Fiona and her ex.

“Penny, how are you doing?”  I take a seat on the bleachers.

“Good!  You okay, brother?  You seem off this morning.’  She questions my tone.

“Yeah, I’m good, just want to check on you.  Are you coming to the beach cleanup?” I try to cover up the weird vibe from earlier.

“Of course, I will be there!  I never miss a chance to do something good with my brother.  I will meet you there Saturday morning.”

I can always count on Penny to show up when I need her.  “Great.  Just a heads-up – Luke’s sister, the social media intern, will be riding with me there to get footage of the cleanup and me surfing.”  I can hear her chuckling as soon as I say it.

“Interesting, you have never invited anyone but me to your cleanups.  That’s your time, it’s not for publicity, it’s for you.”

I see Fiona walk up, and quick to end this conversation, I say, “It’s no big deal, Pen.  I will see you there.”  With an exchange of I love you, we hang up.

“Sorry about that… I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop.”  With a small smile, Fiona walks up.

She looks hot in her leggings and crewneck team sweatshirt; her hair is up in a ponytail with her hair falling in curls.

“No worries.  That was my sister, Penny.  She’s coming to the cleanup so you will meet her then.  She’s a mess but I love her.”

I lace up my skates, preparing for our content filming.  I’m surprised to see Fiona putting on skates – hockey skates at that.  Nothing is hotter than a girl in a pair of hockey skates.  As she starts skating around the rink, I have to use all my willpower to keep the blood from rushing straight to my dick.  She looks sexy as hell out there. Stepping on the ice, I focus on why we are here – content.

After about an hour of skating circles around each other – literally – we call it a successful day.  We got footage of me skating, doing some trick shots with the puck, my favorite celly (celebration) skate moves, and some of her interviewing me while we skated around.  She even tossed me an Airhead while she filmed, asking what my favorite flavor was and having me ask what everyone’s favorite flavor is (for engagement or something).  It was relaxing and actually more fun than I expected.  We say our goodbyes and I head home for the night.

The next week flies by as we prepare for our first home game.  September is when things start to get busy on campus.  The parties are going in full swing.  I don’t party, but I have had to go get my teammates when they aren’t able to drive.  As a team we always show up when we are needed because we don’t want anyone drinking and driving.  People are starting to mention the game and how excited they are for us to open the season.  The posts Fiona has been making has the school buzzing with talks of our first game.  So far the most popular one is of me and the Airhead, but close second is Luke and Stuntz recreating a TikTok dance on the ice.  I have to admit, it was creative and funny.  I haven’t seen her much since our day on the ice, but it’s game day, so I’m kind of excited to see her today.  Then next week it’s the beach cleanup, and the last weekend before we start having games almost every weekend until the season is over.

Walking into the rink in my suit, I stop and watch Fiona and another girl filming us walking in the doors.  I vaguely remember a message saying they would be doing this.  Something about a girl on TikTok, Monica Something, that does this and it always goes viral.  I give them a small nod and say hello and make my way to the locker room.  I’m not sure why seeing her smile at me pregame made me feel so good inside, but it can’t be a good sign.  Time to get ready for the game.  We need this win.

We skate past Fiona, who’s filming our entrance on the ice.  I get distracted seeing most of the players smiling and joking with her, when I just skated out and nodded.  I have no reason to feel jealous, but I do.  Before I have time to process these feelings, I skate around the boards looking into the stands for the first time.

The arena is sold out – like not a single open seat.  It’s a high female turn out but I will take it.  I realize that’s 100% due to Fiona when I notice how many girls are waving Airheads in the air when I skate by.  I giggle to myself and when I skate by Fiona again, she tosses me an Airhead (white cherry – my favorite) as she beams at me with her gorgeous smile.  I don’t get to catch her eye much during the game because Stuntz and I stay focused, helping to keep the team’s eye on the prize.  We need this championship win!

We win the game!  It’s our first win in front of a sold-out rink in my four years here at Tampa University.  The energy in the arena is INSANE!  I can barely hear my own thoughts as we all celebrate, then skate off the ice.  Luke comes and slaps my back.  “Two assists and a goal – that’s killer for a defender!  You were on another level tonight.  What’s the secret?”

I wanted to say Fiona, but instead, I replied, “The arena, man!  The crowd was killer tonight, and the vibes were amazing!” Luke smiles.  “Hell yeah, Fiona is killing it!  I can’t believe we were sold out!  See you at Slapshots.”

I nod, turning to the showers, and get ready.  Walking out to my car, I see Fiona and wanted to stop and say something – anything.  Instead, I just walk straight to my Jeep.’

Slapshots is packed wall-to-wall with people in Penguins’ gear.  I see lots of girls in my number, just not the girl I want to see.  I really need to sort these feelings out before we head to the beach this upcoming weekend.

Right as I decide to find someone to help me get her out of my head, in walks the subject of all my thoughts.  Fiona is in a tight silver dress that shows off the perfect amount of cleavage and has her toned legs on display for the world to see.  Her hair is down now, but it’s cascading down her back, begging to be wrapped around my fist.  I’m getting a boner in a bar full of people because of someone’s hair.  This is fucking pathetic.

Four beers later, a blonde puck bunny is hanging on my arm, trying to flirt, but I can’t stop staring at Fi.  The way she tosses her head back and laughs…she looks breathtaking.  The sound of her laugh drifts over to me and is like music to my ears.  I excuse myself from the table and step out onto the patio with my beer.

“You okay, man?  You should be happy!  There’s a million puck bunnies in there with your number on if you don’t like that blonde.”  Luke claps me on the shoulder, waiting on me to tell him what’s wrong.  How do I tell him I have a thing for his sister, and I want to convince her to give me a chance?

“Sorry Luke, I have a girl on my mind.  She’s not interested, though.  I think she thinks I’m a player, when really I just want to settle down and find what my parents have.”

I take a big sip of my beer.

“Well, man, I love the player life, so I can’t help you.  But if she’s worth it, she will come around, and if she doesn’t – then she’s not the one.  For the record I suck at this kind of advice; Lucy is the one who could help you out.”

He claps me on the back again and heads inside.

I am almost finished with my beer on the patio when I hear the door open again.  I don’t want anyone to recognize me so I don’t turn around.  I hear footsteps come to a stop at my side when I hear, “Miller, why is my brother telling me you are out here sulking over a girl?  What’s going on?  Is it about Fi?”

My eyes fly open and I choke on my beer.

“What?  What are you talking about, Luc?  Are you drunk?”

She giggles.  “Zane, I see how you look at her.  I saw you watching her while a desperate puck bunny hung on you.  I heard how you treated her after He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named had those flowers sent.”

I let out a long sigh.  “What do I do, Lucy?  She doesn’t date athletes.  I don’t think she even finds me attractive.  I am not this player like everyone thinks!  I want real love like my parents have.  Your sister is breathtaking, smart, driven, funny… everything I never knew I needed in my life.”

She takes a moment before saying, “Fi went through some shit with her ex.  He was horrible and she’s scared.  She does find you attractive, but after Justin, that’s not really enough to make her break her no athlete clause.  I will drop some subtle hints, and you just keep being charming and let her see the REAL you.  I know you aren’t a player; I see you flirting but you almost never actually leave the bar with anyone.  I know you aren’t what you are portrayed to be.”  With that she hugs me quickly and runs back inside.

I head out shortly after, climbing into bed with thoughts of Fiona and me.  I can see her climbing on me, letting me cup her beautiful tits with my hands as I flick her nipples with my tongue.  I pull one nipple in my mouth, sucking, while I roll the other between two fingers, then switch.  She moans and starts getting wet between those gorgeous thighs.  With one hand I slip my hand between her legs and feel her slick, wet slit.  Sliding one finger in and rubbing my thumb on her clit, she begins to rock her hips.  I can practically feel myself slipping inside her warm, tight pussy.  As I pump my dick with my hand, I continue to imagine her riding me.  Fiona moans my name as I fill her with my big cock.  With one hand wrapped in her luscious hair and one rubbing her clit, she climaxes at the same time as me.  With thoughts of her pussy being filled with my cum, I shoot all over my stomach while moaning her name.  As I catch my breath, I get cleaned up.  I fall asleep hoping I get to see her again in my dreams.

I wake up to a text:

Fiona: I didn’t see you at the arena and you seemed busy at the bar.  Congratulations on a great game!  I got some amazing footage of you!  Your skate around the rink looking at everyone with Airheads is going viral!

Zane: Thank you! Viral, wow, that’s crazy!  All the props go to you for catching all the good footage.

Fiona: Thanks!  Have a great Sunday; see you around this week!  Can’t wait for Friday!

With that, I pull up the team TikTok.  We are already at 15k followers!  I watch all my videos.  Seeing the puck bunnies flooding the comments makes me roll my eyes.  The video that really catches my attention, though, is the walk-in video.  Most of the guys were smiling, joking, flirting… and then I walk in with a subtle nod.  I really wasn’t being very charming; it was worse than I thought.  I will be ready next game.  I also plan to be charming and a great sport for any content she needs.  Except dances, I’m not dancing.

I did as I said I would the rest of the week.  I participate in most of the content shoots without complaint.  I even tossed a few ideas out there.  If Lucy is right, and there’s a small sliver of a chance I could win over Fiona, I’m going to try.  This road trip together will be a great opportunity to talk and connect.  I am hoping I can get her to open up to me, and in turn, I can give her a chance to see the real me.

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