Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 30

I wasn’t sure that Fiona was actually going to leave.  Once they are out the door, Fiona’s mom is by my side with a new drink.

“Take a seat and tell us what is on your mind.  Not that we haven’t already been guessing since you called us,” she says, smiling.

I take a big sip of my drink then proceed, “I am in love with your daughter.  I love her more than hockey and I know being Luke’s parents, you know what that means to me.  I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy and supporting her every dream.  I am not perfect, and I can’t guarantee I won’t upset her or hurt her.  But I can promise to do my best to fix it when I do.  Since she entered my life, she has made me a better man.  I learned that I don’t want to live a single day without her in my life.”

Her parents share a look, then her dad looks at me.

“We have seen the changes in you as a player – more controlled, more cautious of your actions.  We have watched you turn into a leader on and off the ice.  But we have also seen Fiona at her happiest, ever.  You have supported her in every moment.  You defended her to Luke.  Yes, he told us.  You defended her to Justin, but then allowed her to fight the battle with him.  I am sure that wasn’t easy for a protective man like you.  You wear Converse and throw her congratulation parties.  You love our daughter, we can see that,” he says.

Then her mom takes his hand.

“Marriage is hard.  It will be harder with you traveling for hockey.  You will have to work harder than most to keep your relationship strong.  You have to trust each other and be patient when the trust wavers.  You will hurt each other, but it’s how you work to fix it that will matter.  Our daughter isn’t perfect and she will make mistakes too,” she says.

Mr. Campbell reaches forward to shake my hand.  “We would love to have you as our son,” he says.

I can feel the tears falling while he shakes my hand.  Mrs. Campbell pulls me into the biggest hug, crying herself.  “We love you, Zane.  We always have,” she says.

After all the emotions calm down, we do finally play chess.  Not long after, Fiona and everyone gets back.  We say our goodbyes and I hug both her parents goodbye.  The ride home is relaxed.  I feel an immense amount of anxiety lifted off me, knowing that everyone is on board with me proposing.

I have been texting with Lucy and Celisa about a ring. They remind me that Fi has a Pinterest board that has ring styles on it. I finally ordered a lab created diamond with a simple silver band that has a small yellow diamond on each side.  It will be here this week.  I just don’t know when I want to ask her.  Part of me wants to ask right before the draft or right after so we can start this next chapter together.  I also want to ask her after graduation, before I head to summer training with whatever team.

When we get home, I shower and lay down, letting my mind rest.  Fiona comes to bed shortly after and tells me all about their trip to the pier.  She explains how much she missed their time as a foursome – no offense, she tells me.  I understand what she means.  I love the time I get just with Penny.  It’s special.

Monday when I get up, I send Penny a text letting her know I am going to be swinging by after practice tomorrow to see her.  The whole day I can’t stop smiling, even during dryland.  I am just so happy with life.

I get home after practice and Fiona has dinner ready.  I enjoy every bite, then I offer to clean up while she showers.  When she gets out, I am waiting for her in bed.

She looks at the clock.  “It’s a little early, don’t you think?” she questions.

“I don’t plan on going right to sleep, sunshine.  Now be a good girl and get your naked ass into this bed,” I growl at her, pulling the blanket off.

“Make me,” she says and goes to run to the living room.  It takes me like three steps to catch up with her.  I throw her over my shoulder and carry her to our bed.  I set her on the bed and then start stroking myself.

“Why don’t you pay me back for making me have to carry you in here,” I murmur and wink at her.

I stand at the edge of the bed and she sits up and starts stroking me.  She puts just the tip in her mouth, letting her teeth lightly scrape across.  I suck in a breath.  Damn, that felt amazing.  She starts twirling her tongue and sucking only on the tip while she uses her hand to keep the rest of me stimulated.  Right when I get used to her just sucking the tip, she suddenly takes the whole thing.  Fuck, she is so good at this.  I stare at her green eyes that are starting to glisten as she chokes on me.  I grab her hair and she starts sucking harder and cups my balls.  I explode right then, shooting my load down the back of her throat.

Moving her up in the bed, I climb onto her.  Reaching down, I guide myself inside her, not wasting any time.  As soon as I am fully in, I reach up and start playing with her nipples, alternating between my mouth and my fingers.  She is so sensitive on her nipples – I love it.  It makes her super reactive to even the lightest touch.  She is about to cum.  I reach down and rub her clit lightly, then I kiss her collarbone, nipping her neck just a little, and she implodes.  I can feel her tight pussy squeezing my cock and the wetness dripping out of her as I thrust.

I decide to spoil her with orgasms.  So once she has caught her breath, I reach over, getting the wand out.  I place it on her nipples first as I continue thrusting into her.  I put one leg up over my shoulder.

“Z, this angle, fuck, I am already about to cum again,” she moans.  I move the wand to her clit and a few minutes later I feel her pussy clench around me, wetness following seconds later.

“Fuck, Zane, you haven’t cum yet,” she groans.

“I know, baby, I just wanted to spoil you,” I say, and pull out and flip us over. “Ass up like a good girl,” I groan.

She does as I say.  Her back is so damn sexy all stretched out like this.  I move my knees out a little, spreading her legs a little wider before I slide back into her.  When I am ready to orgasm, I grab a handful of her hair, tilting her head back just enough so that I can watch her face as she orgasms again, this time with me cumming too.  We crash after getting cleaned up.

I wake up on Tuesday morning, slowly trying to get out of bed so I don’t wake up Fiona.  I get showered and dressed before waking her up.

“Babe, time to get up.  I am heading to the rink.  Don’t forget I am having dinner with Penny tonight, so I won’t be home,” I whisper.

“Okay, babe, have a good time.  See you tonight,” she says while she stretches before getting up.

The day goes by pretty quickly, but man, the workouts are getting brutal.  With the championship this weekend, I thought Coach might let up a little, but nope.

Once I shower, I get ready to head over to Penny’s house.  First, I stop by the mailbox at the apartment because the ring says it was delivered and I don’t want it to be sitting there and have Fiona see it when she checks the mail.  I grab the ring and head to Penny’s.

I open it in her driveway.  It’s beautiful and unique.  It fits Fiona perfectly.  I send a pic to Lucy and Celisa.

Heading inside, Penny says she ordered some Chinese for us.

“So, brother, what’s up?” she says.

I toss her the box, taking a sip of my beer.

“Wow, it’s beautiful!  I assume her parents and brother said yes.  I know you would ask them first before buying this, right?” she inquires.

“Of course I asked.  Everyone gave their blessing.  Celisa and Lucy helped to pick it out,” I say as she hands me the box.

“Well, I love her and couldn’t think of anyone better suited to put up with your bullshit.  Do you know when you plan on asking?” she asks.

“I am glad you love her.  I don’t know, probably after the draft is over.  I am going to have to plan the perfect moment,” I say.

“She doesn’t want perfect, Z, she wants you.  No matter how you ask, she will say yes.  You can tell how much you love her based on the ring.  It’s perfectly Fiona,” she tells me, pulling me into a hug.

The rest of our night is full of food and just joking around. It was nice getting this time with Penny. I pull her into a big hug, telling her how much I love her before I go home and head to bed.

Wednesday is weird; the day passes quickly.  I don’t know why it feels like that because I have class on top of all of the practices we have going on.  I get to see Fiona a few times around the rink, though, which is always nice.  We even get to leave at the same time.

At home we end up making dinner together and watching a sports newscast while she works on content.  They play recaps of our season and GU’s season.

Then they bring up the multiple fights the last time we played each other.  There is no mention over the cause of the fights, but they debate if the game this weekend will be full of fights or if it will be controlled chaos like a normal game.

I grab Fiona’s hand, shaking my head and turn the TV onto her vampire show.  “Don’t let it get to you, babe,” I say. “I’m not,” she lies.

We get up after an episode and head to bed.  Tomorrow will be fun because we are filming as a team with Fiona.  It will be our last time filming with her as the season comes to an end.  Bittersweet feelings fill me as we fall asleep.

Thursday morning has nothing much going on except dryland and some tape.  The team’s professors excused us from class today with the championships in two days, giving us all extra time to focus on plays and doing drills in dryland.  We are all pumped to hit the ice with Fiona. We are about an hour into filming when Coach walks up to Fiona, who is standing in front of the team bench.

“Delivery for you, Fiona,” he says. She looks over to me. “Thanks, babe,” she says, with all of us skating over to the bench. “Um, they aren’t from me,” I say, pissed, knowing who they are from. I try and grab the card when I get close, but she already has it.  Luke and I both jump the boards trying to get the card from her. “It’s no big deal.  Both of you get back on the ice.  We have one more shot to get,” she tells us, sticking the card in her pocket with the flowers sitting on the bench.  Luke and I make eye contact and nod. “Okay, sis, if you are sure,” Luke says.  She turns to him to answer as I reach in her pocket, grabbing the card and holding it up to read it.

“Just read the fucking card so we can move on, Miller,” Coach yells at me.

Dear Fiona,

Congrats on the new job.  I knew you could do it.  I expect to see you in my jersey this weekend.  You have had your fun whoring around with Miller.  But it’s time you stop embarrassing us both. Love you, Justin.

The entire team breaks out in a chorus of fuck him and I am going to kill him comments.

“Enough.  All of you will head to the locker room – practice is over.  I will not warn all of you again.  Do not engage with him during the game.  Campbell and Miller, get your heads right.  He will be using this to fuck with you.  Scouts will be at the game.  Do not chance your careers over him.  Fiona, you deserve better than this.  He deserves his ass whooped.  Please ignore him.  Easier said than done, I know!” Coach yells at all of us, lowering his voice to speak with Fiona.

Fiona is home when I get home.  She is crying on the couch with her wine, watching Vampires. “I ordered Chinese.  I know you had it with Penny, but I need it,” she says through tears. All I think to say is, “Babe, I am so sorry.”  She cries in my arms for a while.  Then we eat dinner before she returns to crying.

In bed she whispers, “Please don’t react, Zane.  Don’t chance your career.  Kick his ass on the ice; that will be the perfect payback.” I hug her close, kissing her temple.  “It’s going to be a very rough game.  Fists are going to be thrown, but I promise to try my very hardest to keep a level head,” I say, trying to comfort her without lying.

She falls asleep in my arms with tears falling down her cheeks.  I am going to kill him on the ice.  I hate him.  Luke is pissed, too.  This game just got a lot more complicated.

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