Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 2

She’s stunning.  I can’t stop thinking about her piercing green eyes and tight ass.  She dresses like a 70’s hippy with her bell-bottom jeans and tight tops.  Hearing her laugh is like being wrapped in clouds.  Fiona Campbell, sister of my best friend and teammate.  This is going to be a problem.  The moment I saw her in the press room, she has been on my mind.  It’s like a moth drawn to a flame.  I was surprised how well she held the room, even when the team got rowdy about her alma mater.

Growing up in Nebraska makes me feel like an outcast around the local Floridians.  The way they all have a take-no-shit, don’t-care attitude.  I have seen some of my teammates literally play chicken merging on the interstate with other cars or yelling at a car to go faster that’s already going 15 mph over.  It’s a whole new world down here… and I love it.

I grew up in a home with a dad who played hockey through college and a mom who played college softball.  I have learned about the need to focus.  My sister, Penny, played soccer through high school but didn’t play in college.  Penny and I are close.  We talk multiple times a week and have a sibling date once a week.  Since she graduated last year and started working as a teacher at the local high school, we get more time together.  She moved to Tampa to be closer to me ever since our parents retired and started traveling.  It was really sweet, actually.

When I saw Fiona in the bar tonight I thought this was my chance to talk to her, but as I walked up, I overheard them discussing her hookup app.  Why would someone so hot need a hookup app?  I probably shouldn’t have even said anything to her, but I just was warning her to be safe.  Wasn’t I?  She looked pissed when she stormed off.  I probably am going to need to apologize when I see her tomorrow.

Thinking about her face when I told her not to use those apps, she was pissed.  She’s probably meeting up with whoever now.  I roll my eyes and sip my beer.  Why do I even care?  I mean, yeah, she’s hot as hell, but I don’t sleep around like she insinuated.  Is that why I am mad?  That has to be it.  I’m mad because she insulted me.  Everyone always does that.  Sure, I hook up, but not to the extreme everyone assumes.

Fiona is going to be in a great mood tomorrow, post hookup – that is a plus.  I wonder what she would look like in my bed.  I need to focus and get her off my mind.  I don’t need to get wrapped up with the social media intern I will have to work with all season.  Plus, she’s my teammate/best friend’s sister.  I need to get Fiona out of my mind for good.  All the sexy outfits and her breathy laugh that makes me feel like I’m surrounded by sunshine needs to leave my brain.  Those long, toned legs and tight, round ass are not anything I need to think of while her brother is sitting next to me.

I finish my beer and listen to Luke flirt with a blonde puck bunny.  I am about to tell him I’m leaving when I feel a touch on my arm.  It’s Celisa, Luke’s cousin.  She stares at me with her brown eyes, fluttering her eyelashes.

“Hi Zane, how are you tonight?” she says while lightly rubbing my arm.

I turn to face her while gently and subtly moving my arm from her grasp.

“What’s up, Celisa, off tonight?” I ask, knowing she is a bartender here at Slapshots.

I hope that this conversation ends soon.  I just want to go home and sleep.

“I am off, want to have a drink with me?” she winks.

Ugh, she never gets that I’m not interested.

“Actually, I’m super tired and I’m going to head home in a minute,” I say with a small smile, hoping she gets the picture.

“Need a massage?  I can come back to your house and help you relax,” she says as she leans forward, reaching out and touching my forearm again.

“Nope, I’m good, thanks,” I tell her, while I start to back up.

“Fine, whatever, Zane.”  She rolls her eyes as she says it.

I bump Luke’s arm as I turn to walk out.  “Heading out, bye, man!” I holler as I stroll out the doors.

Tampa is humid and hot, even at ten at night.  My apartment is only a block away from Slapshots, making nights out convenient.  As I step into my apartment it makes me miss home.  I have pictures of my family on the wall.  Time to shower and sleep.  I am exhausted after being at the rink all day for practice and then our meeting with Fiona.

Fiona, now she’s back on my mind as I step into the shower.  Thoughts of her take over as I put one hand on the wall to brace myself.  With the hot water running down my tired muscles I relax into the water.  I grip my cock in my hand.  I start to work my hand up and down as my mind begins to think of Fiona.  I imagine my hand wrapped up in her soft dark waves while she’s on her knees.  She stares up at me with those piercing green eyes that are full of tears from choking on me.  The sounds of her sucking on my cock bring the blood rushing out of my brain.  I picture her using her hand to help her handle all of my length.  I start to grunt and my thoughts switch to bending Fiona over the vanity.  I stroke harder with thoughts of us locking eyes in the mirror as I work myself in and out of her tight pussy. “Fiona…fuck,” I grunt as streams of cum reach the shower wall.  I finish rinsing off and head to bed, falling asleep to Fiona and her perfect ass.

Thoughts of how much I hate early morning practices enter my head as I reach over to shut off my alarm.  I jump up and get dressed, not interested in being late when I was just named co-captain with Asher Stuntz.  Stuntz is a draft hopeful like Luke and me.  He’s a center, and a really good one.  He is a natural leader and amazing on the ice.  Besides Luke, he’s one of my best friends.  I hustle and make my protein shake, then run out the door.  My five-minute drive to the rink doesn’t give me much time to fully wake up and think of the long day ahead.  We have practice, tape review, press bullshit no one likes, then we hit the gym as a team.  Now they add in the social media extras we have to do.  The only pro is getting to be around Fiona.

After practice we have thirty minutes until time to review tape with the team.  I nudge Luke. “You down for Roasters?” I ask, to see if he wants anything from the coffee shop outside the rink.  A huge smile graces his face as he pushes his hair back. “Hell yeah, it’s going to be a long-ass day.”

We step inside the coffee shop; luckily there is no line.  I place my order, then step aside. Luke joins me on the other side of the counter saying, “I got Fi something, too.  The girl will forget to stop and eat sometimes if she’s not told.” As a hockey player I couldn’t imagine forgetting to eat.  We burn so many calories I feel like I’m constantly hungry. “Trying to win brother of the year, bro?” I ask with a smirk, knowing I would definitely do the same for my sister.

“Yeah man, with her on socials we are guaranteed to get some good exposure!”  He rolls his eyes and grins as he continues, “More exposure is more puck bunnies in the stands!”  He laughs as our names are called and we walk back to the rink.

Everyone thinks I’m an asshole and a player, but really I just don’t want to settle down unless she’s the one.  My parents met in college and they fell in love fast.  They both say once they knew, they knew.  My ex, Holly, really messed with my head last year and I’m not interested in that kind of drama this year.  I just want to get through my senior year and focus on the draft.

Getting drafted is my goal for the season.  I need to play hard and show I’m worth it.  I want to play for the Tampa Thunder; it’s my dream team!  The coach looks for more than stats, though, he wants strong players off the ice, too.  I need to keep my name out of any negative press, limit any drama, and keep my penalty minutes low.  They also like players with a fan base, so hopefully Fiona can help me get the image the Thunder want me to have.

Watching tape is a key part of most sports.  You watch your team and your opposing team.  You learn the strengths and weaknesses of both, and watch where mistakes were made so you have a plan for the next game.  I focus on the game this week, the season opener.  Their offense isn’t strong.  I don’t see us struggling to keep them away from our goalie, Davis.  This game should be cake, meaning my penalty minutes will be low and my stats will start out good.


Suddenly noticing my name being called, I spin around.  I turn to see a head of dark, wavy hair and soft green eyes looking my way.

“Hey, what’s up?  Sorry, I was lost in thought,” I tell Fiona, trying to explain why I didn’t answer her the first time.

“Do you have time in twenty to meet and go over your social media plan?  Maybe start filming content?  Coach said you can skip tape today,” she answers confidently, like she could read my mind and knew I was going to tell her I have tape review now.

I roll my eyes.  “Well then, I guess I will be there in twenty since you cleared my schedule.”  I grimace, knowing that it came out more snippy than I intended.

She straightens herself, standing taller.  “I didn’t clear your schedule, I made a plan with the coach for my part of the job.  If there is an issue, you can take it up with him, Miller.”  She turns and storms off, walking away in her cute yellow Converse and tight legging onesie thing that compliments her toned thighs and tight ass.  I stand in the hall watching her walk away, knowing I was a dick and it’s going to make life a lot harder.

I go sit in the players’ lounge to kill time and finish my coffee.  I look up to find Asher Stuntz sitting in the chair next to me, staring, like he’s waiting on me to speak.

“What?” I say with an eye roll.

He gives me a small smile.  “Just wondering when you are going to get the stick out of your ass.”

I’m not playing these head games today.  “What is that supposed to mean, Cap?”

“I heard you being an asshole to Fi.  That’s Luke’s sister, man.  Be careful.  I see you looking at her.  She doesn’t date athletes so don’t waste your time, and she’s not the girl to fuck with.  I’m not telling you what to do with your dick, but I am warning you it could end badly.”  He stands up and walks away, leaving me with that insightful speech.

What the hell, a lecture from Cap already today?  I didn’t look at Fiona any special way… did I?  I mean, I’m not going to pretend I don’t notice how stunning she is.  But plenty of girls around campus are hot, not just her.  I don’t look at her any different than I look at the girls in the bar at night.  Does the thought of just her face make the blood rush to my dick?  Yes.  Does that matter?  No, because I haven’t gotten laid in a while and I’m sure that’s the only issue here.  Cap probably just sees horniness on my face.

Now what I want to know is what he meant by Fiona doesn’t date athletes.  She works for a hockey team and has a hockey player brother.  Like, what could have caused her to swear off all athletes?  Also, how did Stuntz find out?  Maybe she mentioned it in their meeting this morning.  This feels like a challenge now, but she hates me and Cap already warned me to stay back.  I just need to know why she decided to make that kind of pact.  Maybe I can get her to open up about it, or I can ask Luke.  Luke seems like the better option, considering she doesn’t seem to like or trust me at all right now.  After all, I was a dick twice.

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