Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 17

Waking up, I feel incoherent, everything hurts, and I don’t know where I am.  I start to try and get up; my head is spinning.

“Hey, take your time getting up.  You might still be lightheaded and weak,” Zane tells me from the doorway.

“What happened?  Did I really drink that much?  I remember trying to get you to dance with me.  Wait!  Why were you there?  It was supposed to be boyfriend free!  I feel horrible.  My head is killing me,” I tell him, reaching for a Gatorade on the side of the bed.

Zane proceeds to calmly explain the events of the night.  How Lucy called Luke, carrying me to the car, spending all night trying to hydrate me.  When he is done giving me all the details, I take a minute to contemplate everything.

“Why me?  I don’t understand why she would do this to me.  Is it because of us?” I ask him emotionally.  I am scared because I wonder how someone could do this to another person.

Zane begins to explain that Celisa overheard one of the girls saying that Blondie, a.k.a.,  Nicole, was hoping she could get me to hook up with someone and he would leave me for cheating.  What a stupid thing to do.  How obsessed do you have to be to do something like this?  I will not be going back to frat row anytime soon.  All I want is to get some more sleep and forget last night even happened.

Sleep doesn’t come because my mind is racing.  Thoughts of what could have happened if Lucy and Celisa hadn’t been there.  Where I would be this morning if they had been too drunk to notice me acting differently?  I am eternally grateful to them for taking care of me.  They made sure they called someone and that I was safe.  Zane took care of me, which he didn’t need to.  He made sure I was cared for.  I have never had anyone protect me like this.

“Can you hold me?” I ask Zane.

“Of course, babe,” he says, and he pulls me into his chest.

I got an extra two hours of sleep.  I felt safe with Z.

“Thanks babe,” I say, waking up.  “Did you get any sleep?” I ask him.

“Not really, but it’s okay.  My mind was racing about how scared I was for you.  I am glad you were able to get some sleep when we laid down, though.  You need it,” he says, planting a kiss on my forehead.  I get up and decide to shower and get dressed.

Coming out of the shower, I see an outfit on the counter.

“Fi, there’s fresh clothes on the counter.  Lucy dropped them off last night for you,” Zane tells me from outside the bathroom.

I start crying, feeling overwhelmed with love for the people in my life and how much I really appreciate them.  My circle really showed up for me last night.  I smile at that thought.  I get dressed and go to the kitchen where Zane is making breakfast for us.

We eat breakfast and then we sit down to watch a movie.  I don’t want to leave.  I love my apartment and my friends, but I really want to be here more than anything.  I don’t want to sleep alone but I am afraid to ask Z.  I don’t think he would say no, but also things are still new.  I don’t want him to feel obligated to take care of me.  I don’t want to be a burden to him with my lack of feeling safe.

“You ok, sunshine?” Z asks.  I think he can feel my unease while we are cuddling.

“I just have a question, but it’s embarrassing and I don’t want you to feel obligated to say yes.  I don’t want to be a burden to you,” I say with tears forming in my eyes.

“You are never going to be a burden to me.  What do you want to ask?” he says reassuringly.

“Can I stay here a few days?  I don’t want to sleep alone.  I also don’t want to burden you,” I say, looking away.

“Baby girl, I already planned on asking you to stay the next few nights.  I would feel better having you close to me.  Being there for you is never going to be a burden to me.  We can go to your apartment and get some stuff and pick up something for dinner tonight,” he says with a kiss.

When we arrive at my apartment, Lucy is home but Celisa is at work.  I explain to her I didn’t feel like sleeping alone.  She was so understanding of how I was feeling.  She hung out while I packed for a few days of sleeping and work.  I spend a good amount of time thanking her repeatedly; I want to be sure she knows how incredibly thankful I am for her.  Once I have the basics for a few days we head to Target.

Zane gave me the best Target trip ever!  He took me on a shopping spree!  I got a new brush, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and some more random hygiene stuff.  Then, as if that wasn’t enough, we grabbed some cute throw blankets and he let me pick out a few candles.  We had so much fun joking around then getting a coffee before heading back home to make dinner.

Back at his apartment I light one of the new candles that smells like butterscotch and vanilla.  I cuddle on the couch in the new blanket, watching my favorite vampire show.  I get up and help Zane cook dinner.  Chicken parmigiana hit the spot while we watch my show.

It’s not too long before we go shower, then do our nightly routine.  When we head to bed, I fall asleep quickly with Zane. Lying in his arms gives my mind comfort.

Our alarms come early, much earlier than I want.  But we both missed yesterday so we can’t afford to be running late.  Zane has dryland and I have filming I need to finish so it can get edited.  We head out the door, leaving early enough that I can grab a coffee.

Work goes smoothly.  I get some content filmed with Stuntz and Davis.  Luke comes to see me during his free time.  I thank him multiple times for coming the other night.  He asks all the normal questions about how I am feeling and if I need anything, to which I let him know I am doing better, but I am staying with Zane for a few days while I get over the unsettled feeling I get when I go to bed.  He is understanding and gives me the biggest hug before heading back to do team stuff.

“Hey, sunshine, what do you want for dinner tonight?  I was thinking of ordering in Chinese or something simple.  Since midterms are next week, I figured maybe we can put on your show while I study,” Zane says, popping his head in.

I get up and give him a kiss.  “Chinese sounds good!  I don’t have to watch my show if you are studying.  I can edit; that’s less distracting.  I am starting my training of the other sports interns next week, so I am getting ahead on content so I don’t get backlogged.”

He smiles and it gives me butterflies.  “Whatever you want to do; the TV won’t bother me.  I have a study session after class so I will be home around seven, then we can order.”  And with a quick kiss, he walks out the door.

I sit on the couch and zone out.  I sit there for who knows how long, thinking about Zane and me.  I think I might be falling in love with him.  That thought sends me spiraling into thoughts of what our future will even look like.  Will we both be at Tampa Thunder, getting married, having kids who grow up on the rink like their parents?  Or will he be drafted to a team farther away, making me either move with him, or will we have to do the long-distance thing for a bit?  All the thoughts take over my mind until my phone rings.

“Hello?” I answer. “Hey, Fi, just checking in on you.  I was so worried about you, but Zane seemed to have it under control,” Celisa says, sounding stressed.

We talk about that night and my plans to stay with Z for a few days.  I tell her thank you for helping me and let her know I am sorry her birthday was ruined.  She isn’t upset with me, though.  After we hang up, I get another two hours of work done before heading home.

I have some time to get showered and settled so that Zane has free use of the bathroom when he gets home.  Once we are both showered, we get settled at the kitchen table, doing our own things while we eat Chinese.  I forgot how much I love sesame chicken and lo mien.  It’s such a comfort food kind of night.

Heading to bed, we lay down and get snuggled up.  Right as I am about to succumb to my sleep, I remember that there is an away game this weekend.

“Z, you have an away game this weekend.  I will probably just head back home when you leave tomorrow,” I say, letting him know.

“You don’t have to leave, babe.  You can have Lucy or Celisa come stay here with you if you want,” he says, pulling me closer to him.  We fall asleep not long after.

The next morning I text Lucy, knowing Celisa has to work, to see if she wants to sleep over with me here.  Then I get up and pack a snack bag for Z to take on the plane.  By the time Z gets up, I have his snacks ready and the rest of the apartment is dusted, swept, and mopped.  I figured if I stayed this week, I needed to do my share around the house.

“Thank you, babe, but I didn’t expect you to clean up the house,” he says, pulling me into his lap. “I just wanted to be helpful.”  I drop a kiss on his cheek.

We have breakfast together, then I leave to head to work.  We spent a decent amount of time making out before I left, like two high schoolers.  Once at work I try and get everything finished before meeting Lucy back at Zane’s apartment.  Zane shoots me a text that they are boarding the plane and I know I need to head home if I want to be there when Lucy arrives.

Arriving at the apartment at the same time as Lucy, we walk up together.  We both stop at the entry table where a vase of fresh flowers is sitting.  Next to the vase is $100 with a note: Have a great night! Here’s some money for dinner and drinks. XOXO- Z

“Okay that’s so sweet, you are so lucky, Fi!  Who knew the resident grump had such a romantic side,” Lucy says, swooning over the beautiful daisies.

We spend the night eating sushi and drinking wine while watching the UK dating show that we love.  I go to the bedroom to show Lucy the bathroom, when I notice Zane changed the sheets and made the bed for us.  He really knows how to win someone over.

I call Zane before bed and check-in, letting him know about our night, and thank him for everything.  I promise to watch the game when it comes on.  Snuggling up with Lucy isn’t the same, but it helps a little.  I am grateful to be still in Zane’s bed, in his shirt, in his apartment.  Safe where nothing bad can get me, and with that, I go to sleep.

The next morning, I make breakfast and coffee while we sit around gossiping before Lucy has to leave for clinicals.  I enjoy this time with her, but it solidifies that I think I might want to move in with Z at the end of the school year or get my own apartment.  I don’t say anything yet because we still have a long time before we have to decide on renewing our lease.  Not long after breakfast Lucy leaves and I decide to lay down for a nap before the 3 P.M. game.

I put on one of Zane’s shirts and send him a picture of me in just the shirt and thong.  I use the angles I learned from TikTok to accentuate my ass.

He calls me immediately.

“Sunshine!  I opened that in the locker room.  I don’t need the guys on my team seeing you and adding that image to their spank bank!  You look stunning, though.  Seeing you in my number is what I needed before the game!  The blood rushed out of my brain seeing that photo; fuck, you are so hot.  I wish I was home.  The things I would do to you!”

I blush, even though he can’t see it.

“Well, I guess you better hurry home then, hot stuff.”

And with that we hang up so he can get on the ice.

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