Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 1

This is going to be the best internship ever!  My favorite sport, time with my brother, and a chance at my dream job.  Nothing will ruin this for me!  I put on my cutest sage green bell bottoms and white fitted bodysuit, and let my hair fall past my shoulders in its natural waves.  The walk from the apartment I share with my roommates is only ten minutes to the hockey arena.  We live in Tampa so it’s hot, but the walk has a nice breeze going today.

I spend the walk caught up in thoughts of my dream job – Social Media Manager for the Tampa Thunder hockey team. It wasn’t always my dream job, though. I used to dream of working my way up to owning my own media company for all sports.  But my ex ruined that for me.  So here I am, working towards the next best thing.  I love all aspects of social media for sports teams.  Engaging and fun content can do wonders for a team’s following and help bring in new fans.  Over the years the Savannah Bananas have been killing it on TikTok and that’s the kind of content I want for the Tampa Thunder!  This internship running press for our local college hockey team will hopefully guarantee me an interview and a letter of recommendation!

Growing up in a house with a brother who plays hockey should give me a leg up to help me bond with the team. My brother, Luke, plays for the Tampa University Penguins and is hoping to be drafted this year.  He is on a full-ride scholarship.  I know firsthand how hard he has worked to get here.  He’s spent countless hours at the rink practicing solo and with the team.  I’m excited to be able to spend time with him, knowing once he hits the NHL, visits will be few and far between.  Don’t get me wrong, I am so excited to see him reach his dreams, but I will miss having him close by.  My sister, Lucy, who is also one of my roommates, is my best friend.  She loves hockey as much as I do and she’s currently a junior studying to be a nurse.

Here we are, the arena where my dreams start to come true!  I slide on my yellow sweater as I walk in and get hit with a gush of cold air.  I head straight to the office I was shown during my orientation day.  Fiona Campbell, Press Intern, is what my door says.  My own office!  I can’t help but giggle as I sit down and boot up my laptop and iPad sitting on my desk.  I have thirty minutes until my official team introduction meeting.  I spend the time logging into all the socials for the team and begin to jot down ideas for content on my notes app.

Once it’s time, I head down to the press conference room and immediately notice the sounds of the team coming into the building.  Loud, deep voices fill the hall.  When I get inside I meet Marissa, my boss.  She sits holding her coffee and offers me a welcoming smile. “Fiona, please come and have a seat.  How’s your first day going?” Marissa asks as I take a seat. “I’m so excited to be here; this is a dream come true!” I exclaim. “Good, we are glad to have you.  I was just telling the coaches you have some great ideas to help get our fanbase to grow and fill this arena,” Marissa tells me as she glances over to the man at the table I didn’t notice.

Coach Jones is 6’3 and muscular; his beard and dark eyes give off the stay-back vibe. “I want my team morale to go up.  We have a good team this year; I want the stands to reflect that,” Coach said in a tone that was almost emotional. “Yes sir, I understand.  I have lots of plans to use all of our social media platforms to engage the fanbase.  As long as the team cooperates, I think we will see a big upswing in ticket sales,” I tell them confidently.  Inside I was shaking in fear, but I know I needed to radiate confidence to win over the coach, and therein, the team.

“The team will be instructed in our meeting to work with you on the socials.  My seniors need the press to help them with the draft this year and my younger players need to build rapport with teams and the fans to help them later on in their draft years,” he informed me. “Your brother is one of my best players, so I know you have a good understanding of the sport and I trust you will do the Penguins well.  In turn, I will get you a meeting with the general manager of the Tampa Thunder,” he said, looking into my eyes, knowing he just dangled my dream right in front of me. “I won’t let you down.  You are going to be happy with my work and the work of the team!”  I looked between him and Marissa, hoping he can’t see the nervousness on my face. “Ok, I’m going to go speak with the team and I will be back with them shortly.”  He turned and walked out. I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding in.  I can do this.  I have studied, researched, and followed sports teams for years.  I know I can do this as long as the team cooperates with me, including my brother’s best friend, Zane.  The resident brooding, grumpy right defender.  All the girls want him.  He would be perfect to help increase our female game attendees.

The best thing about this internship is I don’t date athletes, so I have no chance of getting wrapped into the hockey drama.  Hockey players tend to have girl drama follow them everywhere they go.  Zane leads the pack with the most issues – there’s a crazy ex and puck bunnies following his every move.  Luke told me about his best friend’s issues with his ex during one of our sibling dinners recently.  Focus, Fiona!  Stop thinking of some random hockey player.

Graduating from Georgia University last spring means I haven’t had a chance to meet the team yet.  Whenever I visited it was quick trips and we didn’t hang out in groups, just us siblings.  I am excited to meet these players whom my brother calls family.  Social media profiles helped me put faces to names already, though.  Getting a glimpse at how they portray themselves online helps me feel confident in how I can promote the team successfully.

Lucy and Celisa, my cousin/other roommate, want to hit the bar to celebrate my first day!  Slapshots is the local sports bar; it also is where Celisa works.  My brother said he would meet us there after he finishes watching tape with the team.  Hopefully, I can find a distraction tonight to help me get my ex off my mind.  I am desperate enough to go on an app but nowhere near desperate enough to go home with an athlete.

My ex, Justin, right wing for the Georgia University Tigers hockey team, is the reason I have sworn off athletes. He’s also the reason for my distracted mind as the team starts talking outside the press room doors.  I do what I can to push off the thoughts of my cheating, verbally abusive ex right as Zane and my brother enter the doors.

Zane Miller, standing tall at 6’6” and the build of a brick wall, looks the part of a hockey defender.  His shaggy, dark blonde hair falls in his face as he looks up, laughing at something my brother says, and pierces me with eyes that remind me of amber.  His light brown eyes lock with mine for just a moment before I flick my gaze to my brother. Coach Jones comes up to the front by Marissa and me.

“Gentlemen, it’s time for a new season.  We have a chance to win the championship if we play the way we have been practicing.  You all know Marissa from the past few years of running our press dockets.  This year we have an intern, Fiona.  She will be working with you all individually and as a team to fix our fan base through social media.  Fiona, go ahead and introduce yourself and then we will move to the plan for the season.”

I stand frozen but notice my brother catch my eye and give a subtle nod.  He believes in me.  That’s what matters! is all I can think of as I begin my introduction. “Hi, my name is Fiona Campbell.  I am a recent graduate of Georgia University,” I start. Groans break out around the room from the team at the mention of their rival, but my brother’s small grin encourages me to move forward. “Yeah, I know, rivals and all that.  I am here to help revamp the team’s social media and make this team one of the most followed, most watched, and most fan attended hockey team in the entire league.  I know what I am doing, and I trust that you will respect my ideas and my time.  If you have ideas, I would love to hear those as well.”  I end my introduction with a smile and subtle nod to Coach so he can take the floor.

Coach spends the next hour going over schedules for press and socials.  My focus drops when I feel someone staring.  I look up into the most beautiful amber colored eyes that only artists can dream of creating.  He gives me a small smirk and a tilt of the head like he can’t get a read on me.  But why would he need to get a read on me?  I need to focus on anything but the magnificent man in front of me.  Every muscle in his forearm is showing while he relaxes in his khakis and Caribbean blue button up with the sleeves rolled.  Do men know what rolled sleeves do to a girl?  FOCUS!

I focus back on Coach’s speech as it comes to an end.  He gives out business cards to every player with my contact information so the players can reach out with their ideas and schedule.  As the team files out, my brother comes up and gives me a big hug and rubs the top of my head, messing up my hair. “Luke!  Stop, you’re messing up my hair!  It’s my first day.  How did I do, though?  Was it good?” I asked him nervously. “Fi, you killed it!  You owned the room even with the rivalry distraction.  I’m so proud of you, sis!  Now make us famous,” he states while he skips out of the room.

I turn to Marissa.  “I am excited to begin.  I’m going to head to my office and start setting up my content board.  Is there anything you need from me?” Marissa smiles and says, “No, let me know how getting started goes tomorrow.  Don’t forget we have a team who can help with editing if you need it.”  With that she walks away, leaving me in the room alone to ponder my thoughts.

I made it!  I am in charge of a hockey team’s social media accounts!  I spin in my chair a few times, take a deep breath, and smile.  I hear someone clearing their throat and jump up quickly. “I saw you in here spinning.  Just checking in to see if you were okay.’  Those words came from the smooth, deep voice of none other than Zane Miller. “Yeah… um, yeah, sorry.  I am fine, just lost in my thoughts.  Thanks for…um, uh checking on me,” I stammer.  Get it together, I tell myself.  Zane gives me a smirk, like he’s used to making girls flustered.  I am not flustered because of him; I just was caught off guard. “No problem.  I will see you around, Fiona.”  He shakes his head slightly as he speaks and then walks back out of the room.

I head back to my office and think about how awkward that was with Zane as I eat my lunch.  I desperately want a McDonald’s Coke and some Airhead candy, my go-to for comfort.  Unfortunately, my chicken salad sandwich was going to have to do for now. My office is amazing, with the wall across from the door being all glass that overlooks the ice rink.  The wall behind my desk is a full bookshelf that I can’t wait to decorate with photos and plants.  The wall the door is actually on has a nice couch against it with a team photo hanging up.

I set up the wall across from my desk that doesn’t look down at the rink as my content wall.  I have about six Post-It notes up currently with different ideas.  First things first are making some content of the players to help get the fans associated with the team, especially the better-looking players.  We could honestly use this social media campaign to attract some female attention.

I think back to the top five players with the biggest lady fan base and start there.  Under each of the five players I have a to-do list: make an Instagram post, story, and a TikTok about each guy.  Luke apparently is one of the five guys with the biggest lady following, so I guess I can start with him to kick things off.  It’s easier since he’s my brother and I know everything about him, but making a thirst trap of my brother makes me feel slightly uncomfortable.

With a game plan in place, I text the five players I will be working with the next two days to get content filmed and ready to post.  My focus begins to drift towards Zane again.  Why are his gorgeous face and sexy muscles flashing through my mind?  It’s like a constant sexy man montage on repeat.  I need to get laid ASAP.  I text Lucy to set me up on one of those apps.  Then I open my group chat with Lucy and Celisa to confirm tonight’s plans.

Fiona: Can’t wait for tonight, girls!

Lucy: How is it going?  Drooling over any boys yet?

Lucy: Have you met Stuntz or Miller yet?

Celisa: YAY!  First round on me!

Celisa: Share the gossip!  Are they as sexy in person as they look on TV?

Celisa: Miller is HOT *fire emoji* He’s got that dark, broody asshole vibe I love to hate.

Lucy: Miller is a fine ass male specimen.  I would climb him like a tree if I could.

Fiona: Ooookay, I am done with you both lol.  I did meet the ENTIRE team.

Fiona: And yes, I’m not too anti-athlete to admit there are some sexy ass men on this team.  If only I didn’t hate athletes so much.

Lucy: Tonight is going to be so much fun!

I open the door to Slapshots, the hockey-themed sports bar Celisa works at, and the energy instantly sweeps me up.  The music is loud but not so loud you can’t talk.  It’s modern inside but covered in tons of hockey merchandise and photos of all the players who have been patrons of this bar.  I spot my cousin and sister sitting at a high top in the corner by the darts.

“You both look gorgeous tonight!” I exclaim as I take in their outfits.  Lucy is in a cute pink bodysuit with jean shorts and white Vans.  It compliments her toned body.  She styled her blonde hair straight; it hits right at her shoulders, looking stylish without looking like she tried too hard. “Hi, sis! Congrats on the first day!”  She smiles; the smile reaches her deep blue eyes as she looks at me. Celisa is sliding our shots over and I notice she decided on a tight black dress showing off all her curves.  Celisa’s long, almost black curly hair looks stunning and holds nothing to her dark brown eyes that resemble chestnuts.

“Shot time girls!  I finally have a night off and I don’t want to waste it sober!” Celisa giggles as we clink our shot glasses together. Two drinks and four shots later I realize I probably should have eaten more than chicken salad today.  I am tipsy by the time Luke arrives with none other than Mr. Dark and Broody.  I notice his amber eyes catch mine as soon as they walk in.  It’s like a moth drawn to a flame.

“Fiona, you got three matches already!” Lucy exclaims, showing me the app, she put on my phone earlier. “Are you using a hookup app?  Gross!” Luke snarks as he walks to our table. “Not all of us can be campus-wide heroes from slapping a puck on the ice!”  I return the friendly banter.  I notice Zane glaring daggers at my phone.  It’s like he’s willing it to set fire. “She’s trying to get over small dick syndrome from Georgia,” Celisa says matter-of-factly. “Small dick who?” Zane says with a chuckle, looking at me with humor in his eyes. “Oh, it’s Fi’s shitty ex,” Lucy says, with a knowing smile on her face.

I roll my eyes and grab my phone while telling the table, “Let’s not talk about my lack of sex life anymore tonight.  I need another drink”. I look over my whiskey and Coke, staring at Zane as he laughs at something Luke says.  I need to really get laid.  I can’t keep staring at Zane while I have been in a drought.  The drinks are hitting me.  I should probably head out now before I have a hangover for work.  I get up to leave and start to make my rounds to say goodbye.

Zane’s jaw clenches.  “Heading to your hookup now?” I scoff while slamming my drink down.  “Excuse me?  How is that ANY of your business?” He sets his beer down.  “I just think it’s unsafe for you to use apps.  Just trying to look out.” He thinks it’s unsafe!  That’s ridiculous.  He sleeps with tons of girls on campus all the time. “I am not defending my choices to a playboy hockey player!” I roll my eyes.  Setting my drink down, I storm off, not giving him any chance to respond.

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