My Orphan Mate

Chapter Chapter Twelve


"Three Wolves you said," I told Dyami as soon as I joined him outside of the pack house. "Do we know who they are?"

Dyami shook his head. "I'm not sure. They weren't too happy about getting captured."

I scoffed at his words. "What were they expecting? For us to invite them for dinner?"

My beta didn't find amusement in my words, his face remained hard as he lead us toward the underground prison.

Dyami took his post very seriously most of the time, with the last incident being the odd time he had done something irresponsible, but I admired his workforce.

"They want her, Xander," he declared, giving me a side glance. "It was all they talked about."

I sent him a glare. "Well, they will be disappointed to know she is not going anywhere."

A crease formed on the boy's forehead, but he remained quiet. We remained in silence for the rest of the way to the underground prison, where we were greeting by Adam and a couple of other men from the pack.

"They're not happy," Adam said, running up to me as soon as he noticed me.

I arched a brow. "They trespassed and entered my land."

The curly haired boy bowed his head and didn't say anything else, instead he followed by my side as I entered the gates to the underground.

After walking down a couple of stairs, I came to the entrance of the prison cells where the three Wolves were captured.

When I walked towards the three Wolves, I took in their appearance. One of the three seemed familiar but I couldn't remember from where. He had soft curls hanging on his forehead.

The other boy, with dark short hair, was sat with his back against the wall. Near him, cuddled up, was a small female with auburn hair. I narrowed my eyes at the trio, not understanding what they wanted with my mate.

As if on cue, the curly haired boy snarled at me. "You must be Alexander."

I arched a brow, not expecting him to call me by name, with no respect. "Correct. I can not say I know you, though. Your name?"

The boy scoffed. "As if I would tell you. Give our friend back before this feud gets dirty."

Dyami growled at the boy. "You better watch your words, dog. We could have already killed your so called friend by now."

"Where is she?" the boy asked, his gaze hard on me. "If you have hurt as much as a hair on her head, I swear to you, I will murder every member of your pack."

My Wolf growled loudly at his words. How dare a low irrelevant Wolf from the enemy pack threaten me and my pack in my territory. Then I was curious at how concerned he seemed about my mate.

"Your friend," I sneered at him. "Is not going anywhere with you. She is staying here, where she belongs."

That earned me a growl from the boy. "No, the fuck she isn't!"

"Jaxon," the girl in the same cell as the boy hardly whispered.

The boy, Jaxon, snarled at the girl, probably from exposing him, but she didn't back down. I watched in amusement at the pair.

"I'm not leaving here until we have Lyra. She is going back with us," he spat, turning his gaze back on me.

"Listen, pup," I began saying, running a hand over my temple. "I do not know where your confidence is coming from but your safety is not even guaranteed. You have trespassed my territory and hurt my people!"

"As if you've never hurt anyone," he retorted, glaring at me. "You wiped away a lot of Wolves from our pack."

"Is that the bullshit your Alpha feeds you?"

"It's the bullshit we have seen with our own eyes," the other boy in the cell responded.

It was my first time hearing him, but something about him was different. I could feel it.

"Look, we don't want any problems with your pack," Jaxon said, his voice calmer. "We just want Lyra to return with us, safely."

"She is not going anywhere," I argued.

"You kidnapped her from our territory!" he yelled.

The girl, who had exposed Jaxon, got up from where she had been sat by the other boy and came to stand by Jaxon.

She placed a hand on his arm, making the boy turn to her.

"Lyra wouldn't want this," she told him, her voice low.

What did she know about my mate? For all I knew, they were lying about being friends with her. But then again, they were here to take her away from me.

"I need to know that she's okay," Jaxon responded to the girl, his voice calm.

"I know. And I'm sure she is. Lyra is a lot stronger remember."

'What do you want to do?'

I turned my gaze to my beta at his question in my head. I wanted to kill the trio, but their concern for my mate made me hesitate giving the order.

I wasn't sure why I couldn't just give the order, but I refrained. 'Leave them here. I need to speak with Lyra first.'

Dyami narrowed his eyes at me and shot a dirty glance toward the trio, before he scurried away. I knew he wasn't happy about my order and I tried to understand the boy.

He wanted to kill every member of the enemy at any chance he could, but refrained from doing so at my order.

"I don't know why you have Lyra captured," Jaxon spoke again, making me glance his way. "If you're using her to make a deal with Gabriel, then cut the bullshit. You can only use her for so long before we will take her back. Whether it's us, or Gabriel. She will come back wit-"

"She is not going anywhere with you, any of you!" I bellowed with full authority, cutting him off.

"Why are you so desperate to keep her?" the girl asked, confused.

I arched a brow at her. "I do not owe you an explanation."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled softly. "If I didn't know any better, I would almost think you're her mate."

Her words surprised me, but I didn't let it show. Instead, I growled lowly at her.

When her eyes widened in surprise and the grin on her face was wiped off, her brows furrowed as she glanced at Jaxon in a panic.

"That's impossible," Jaxon said, his voice trailing off.

"Your assumption is indeed correct," I told the girl. "Your little friend is my mate and she is not going anywhere with you."


Dyami's voice filled the entire underground. He was furious, and frankly, shocked. I hadn't even realised that he had returned, until now.

'Please, tell me this is a joke.'

I snarled at the boy. 'Dyami, watch your words.'

'You're mated to the enemy?'

'She is not the enemy!'

'That makes absolutely no sense. She's already mated to his brother!'

When he pointed to Jaxon, I was surprised to know that it was none other than Gabriel's brother.

Then realisation hit me and I finally remembered his familiar face. Of course, the boy was none other than Jaxon Gray, the Alpha's younger brother.

The trio were shocked to say the least. The girl was stood with her mouth hung open, her eyes travelling up and down my body, she seemed almost impressed. I didn't blame her. I knew I was handsome.

Jaxon, on the other hand, looked shocked. His eyes were wide, but other than that, I couldn't read his expression. The third Wolf just seemed lost or confused, I wasn't sure.

"You're lying!" Jaxon accused, shaking his head.

"Watch your words, Wolf," I said, warningly.

His brows formed a line. "I need to confirm this myself. Let me see Lyra."

I growled at him. "You do not give out orders in my territory!"

Jaxon, unaffected by my words, ignored me completely. "Let's say you are her mate, she will be upset to know you have her friends locked up."

My eyes narrowed at him. He was brave, I had to give him that. "You should worry about your own safety, pup."

Jaxon didn't have time to react before the girl beside him spoke. "Can you at least tell us if she's okay?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Dyami responded bitterly.

'Dyami,' I mind-linked him, warningly.

"You'll be the first person I shred to pieces once I get out of here," Jaxon threatened, his voice filled with hatred as he glared at my beta.

Dyami, on the other hand, burst out laughing. "Was that supposed to be scary?"

Jaxon narrowed his eyes at my beta, not appreciating the comeback. "Release me so I can show you scary."

This time, not only was Dyami laughing but Adam and a couple of other Wolves in my pack joined in on the laughter.

"We captured you, in case you forgot," Adam said in between the laughter.

"Enough!" I barked, putting an end to their laughter.

My men bowed their heads in respect, meanwhile Jaxon looked like he was ready to murder.

"I do not know what your brother is planning, but you can tell him he will not be leaving with my mate."

"You can tell him yourself," Jaxon spat back.

I raised a brow at the boy. "If you care about your friend, you will do as you're told."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm not a part of your pack so I will not follow your orders," Jaxon fumed, his canines appearing.

"Jaxon, please. Drop it," the girl pleaded, her eyes glancing my way before turning back on Jaxon.

I was wasting my time with the trio, but I needed to know what Gabriel was planning. For all I knew, he could have sent them as a trick to distract me and my men, to get the chance to attack.

'We are leaving,' I mind-linked Dyami.

'You're seriously going to let them live?'

I sent him a death glare. 'Dyami we are not going over this again. I need to get information out of them. Leave them.'

Dyami wanted to argue otherwise, but I blocked him out. I needed to protect my pack, and having the trio from the enemy pack worked in my favour. I would use them and retrieve information out of them.

If I had tabs on Gabriel, I would be better prepared.

"Don't fucking leave!" Jaxon's voice echoed in the undergrounds as I walked away from the captured trio.

I ignored his words which consisted of many swear words combined with threats. Within seconds, I was out of the prison area and heaved a heavy sigh.

The underground was stuffy and dark. It wasn't the most pleasant place to be in.

My Wolf purred in ecstasy as I remembered my mate, who was waiting for me back in the room. I dismissed my men and sprinted the rest of the way back to the pack house.

The information that I had gathered on the Wolves wasn't enough to keep me relaxed, but I could ask Lyra about it later hoping she would cooperate.

For now, seeing her would calm my Wolf down immediately.

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