My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven


Even in her sleep, my mate was breathtaking. The way her nose scrunched up at whatever she was dreaming about, the way her soft lips rested, the way her lashes appeared longer with her eyes closed.

I smiled in awe, wishing the situation we were in wasn't because of that psychopath from my past. It angered my wolf to think I was once a good friend of her family.

Stroking Lyra's hair out of her face, I bent my head down to gently kiss her forehead. If I had to fight a whole pack for her safety, I would do just that.

She wasn't aware, but I had brought her here after killing the five out of six rogues that had attacked. One of them had told me that Jessica was out to kill my mate, another had mentioned my mother, confusing the heck out of me.

It wouldn't completely surprise me if Jessica was after Lyra, but she was deluded if she thought I would allow her to step within a five metre radius of my mate.

I had brought Lyra here to spend time with her after the chaos that had unfolded, whilst also trying to decide what to do next.

The results would be flying in any minute, as I awaited for Adam to bring back the results from the doctor. My wolf was impatient and quite pissed off by this point, not appreciating how long the analysis was taking.


Adam's voice in my mind made me still my movement abruptly, and I glanced at my mate to ensure I hadn't woken her up.

'Hold on, Adam.'

Smoothly, I lifted myself off of the bed. Lyra stirred in her sleep, and I held my breath to ensure I hadn't woken her. When her eyes remained closed, I sighed softly before walking out of the bedroom.

I grabbed a pair of shorts from the walk-in closet in the other room, before I headed down the stairs.

'Go ahead.'

I stalked towards the kitchen, trying to block out the memories of my father in there, making coffee for himself as I approached the coffee machine, ready to do just that myself.

A smile fell on my lips as I recalled my father's stance on pups and caffeine. I wasn't sure why I didn't talk about him much, but I definitely missed the old man.

My mother had become incredibly distant after his death. The pack members had become my family, and of course, now, I had my Luna.

'The results are out.'

Picking up the cup of coffee that I managed to make in time, I urged Adam to tell me the news.

I didn't want to appear weak to my Luna, but the thought of sharing a pup with another she-wolf was almost sickening. And one, without my permission.

I couldn't remember a single damn thing from that night, and to know a pup had come out of it, that was making my wolf growl loudly.

'I'm sorry it took this long,' Adam told me.

I sighed loudly, rubbing at my temple with my free hand. This boy never learned his lesson.

'Adam,' I told him warningly.

'I apologise. I can confirm that the pup is not yours, Alpha.'

My brows furrowed at his words, as if I had to re-confirm them. I placed the cup of coffee on to the kitchen island.

'Repeat what you just said.'

'The pup is not yours, Alpha. She tried to manipulate the DNA, but was unsuccessful.'

My wolf growled loudly, the sound erupting throughout the house. I had to force him to remain quiet, knowing Lyra was sleeping. My wolf quickly whimpered back at the thought of her, and tried to remain calm.

He was beyond furious to know what that she-wolf had put us through, and how it had affected our mate.

'Elaborate what you mean by manipulate,' I told Adam.

'Unfortunately, that's all the information I have, Alpha. One of the rogues claimed your mother knew the rest of the story.'

I already knew what he was telling me, because I was the one that had killed her before she had said those words, but my third in command must have forgot that.

'Very well. Thank you, Adam. I will return with my Luna later on today.'

The boy sent a response in agreement before he vanished out of my head.

I sighed loudly in content at the fact that Jessica's pup was not mine. I didn't want pups that did not belong to my Luna. She was mine, and I only wanted pups with her.

My wolf was growling quietly, to not wake our Luna, and I understood his frustration. If Jessica's pup was not mine, why had my mother talked and acted like the pup was mine?

I needed to find her and speak with her, but she had me blocked out, like always. Clenching my jaw, I decided to wrap up here with my mate and return back to the pack.

Yesterday, I lost all control of myself when the rogues attacked, knowing they were there for my mate. But now that I was calmer, I needed to return back to the pack to ensure their safety.

I couldn't wait to tell Lyra the good news. It hadn't bothered me as much to know I could have had a pup as it did to know how that would have affected her. I never wanted to hurt her.

I downed my coffee quickly, and was about to dump the cup in to the sink when I felt my mate's arms snake around my nude torso from the back.

I chuckled softly, before I placed the cup back down on the kitchen island and turned around to face my gorgeous girl. She was wearing a short white dress, looking absolutely out of this world.

"Good morning, to you too, beautiful," I greeted her, placing a soft kiss on her now-messy hair.

"You okay?" she asked, her voice croaky. "You didn't even notice me."

"I always notice you," I cockily responded, smirking.

Lyra arched a brow. "Hmm, you're in a good mood."

She had no idea, but my mood was going to infect her soon enough when I told her the good news that I knew she had been dying to hear.

I grinned before I wrapped my arms around her. Without a warning, I turned her so she was sat on the kitchen island, almost levelled with me now. My mate yelped in the process, and she glanced at me in a panic, surprising me by her reaction.

I thought she was going to say something, but she simply hopped off of the kitchen island and ran towards the sink, hovering over it.

"Baby?" I asked, frowning. "You alright?"

Lyra held her hand up as she retched. "Don't."

'Adam, my Luna is sick. Get the pack doctor on standby, we will be back in an hour.'

I quickly mind-linked my third in command as I rushed over to remove my mate's hair from her face, worried about the fact that she was not keeping anything down. Adam sent me a response back to tell me the doctor would be ready.

I had been so caught up in the drama with Jessica and her stupidity, that I had completely neglected my mate's health. This was all happening because of me.

Lyra lifted her head, before she turned the tap on and let the water run.

"We're leaving," I told her sternly, turning the tap off, before I collected her in my arms. "Lyra, I'm not going to listen to any more of your excuses."

"No, wait," she argued, slapping at my chest.

I frowned as I glanced down at her pale form. "Baby, you look like you are going to pass out any minute now."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not sick," she cried, her eyes hard.

"If that is not classed as sickness then tell me, what is?" I retorted, but didn't stop walking until I reached the car.

Opening the passenger door, I gently placed her on the seat before I buckled her seatbelt. I rushed around to my side.

My wolf was concerned about her, he wanted us to shift and carry her back to our territory, knowing it would take less time. But I decided I would just speed instead, not risking humans finding about the existence of werewolves.

"Alexander, wait," Lyra almost yelled when I joined her in the car.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Baby, look at yourself," I told her, before I pulled down the flap above her to reveal a mirror. "Tell me if you think you look healthy."

Lyra didn't even bother glancing at her reflection in the mirror when she slammed the flap shut and glared at me.

"Alexander, for God's sake," she snapped. "I'm pregnant!"

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