My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Thirty Two


Four weeks in to the pregnancy, and my stomach was already the size of a watermelon. The pup was growing insanely quickly, and Alexander had to explain that Alpha pups tended to develop much quicker. The blood running through the pups vein was incredibly strong, considering both Alexander and I carried Alpha blood.

It concerned me slightly, because I was slowly already starting to struggle with my breathing and manoeuvring. Being pregnant was harder than what I imagined, and wasn't all rainbow and colours as most females made it seem.

I was in the process of putting shoes on, when I really struggled to bend down. The pup was insanely stubborn and wouldn't make things easy for me. My wolf laid back and watched in amusement. The two had formed a bond, and always paired up against me.

Trying to bend down sideways, I sighed when I failed. Holding the shoes in either of my hands, I tilted my head back and sighed exasperatedly in to the ceiling, wondering how much longer of this I could handle.

Alexander was a great husband, and mate. He wouldn't leave me for a second, even whilst he was at training, he would be in my mind and continuously speak to me to make sure that I was alright.

It was slightly annoying, but I knew he did that because he felt guilt from the last time that I had been pregnant. My stomach brushed over my round, firm belly, at the thought of the last pup.

I tried in my power to communicate with my pup as much as I could, loving it already beyond words could describe. The pup, regardless of gender, was going to be perfect. I couldn't wait to have her or him in the world with us.

"You okay over there?" I heard Aspen ask, making me glance in his direction, earning a raised brow. He eyed the shoes in my hands before he smirked. "Need a helping hand?"

"Will you?" I replied, groaning, when he nodded towards the shoes in my hands.

Aspen didn't need any confirmation before he walked over to me, grabbed the shoes in my hands and knelt on to the ground to help me put the shoes on.

I couldn't believe only at four weeks, I was already starting to struggle with small tasks like putting my own shoes on.

Aspen chuckled, making me snap out of my daze. "Pregnancy is hard. Don't be harsh on yourself," he advised, after he had finished tying the sandals. "If you need help with anything else let me know."

I smiled, really appreciating how far we had come with Alexander's brother. He was fully immersed in the pack now, and Kai was quickly growing, thankfully, looking less like my mate by the day, somehow.

Alexander and Aspen's relationship still needed some work, but at least my mate allowed for him to settle in our pack. Aspen really wasn't a bad person, he was just more of a brother that liked to wind his younger brother— which to me, sounded like a normal thing even if I never had siblings myself.

"She does not need you for anything," Alexander's husky voice growled, making me frown as I turned my head to where his voice had come from. "She has me."

Aspen raised himself off of the ground, simultaneously, before he tucked his hands in to his jean pockets.

Alexander was stood by the door frame, wearing a white shirt with black trousers, glaring at his older brother. "Leave."

I frowned, glancing at Aspen before my eyes travelled to Alexander. He was waiting for his older brother to leave, and Aspen complied with his order, bowing at me respectfully before he disappeared. Alexander's dark eyes finally found mine, and he stalked towards me fast.

Placing his arms around my waist, he pulled me close to him, his head dipped down to nestle in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his tensed back, not understanding why he was so worked up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling back to glance up at him.

Alexander narrowed his eyes. "Care to explain what that wolf was doing on the ground, right before you?"

Crossing my arms, I raised a brow at him. "I couldn't put my shoes on, and that wolf who is your brother kindly offered to help. I couldn't say no."

Alexander's eyes darkened again instantly, his brows pulled together. A low growl escaped his lips, before he retreated his arms from around me and dropped on to the floor.

"Alexander, what are you doing?" I hissed, trying to step back to see him properly, but he wrapped his arm around my legs to keep me still.

"You are not wearing those," he spat, his voice holding an edge to it, before he snatched my shoes off of my feet.

I tried to fight him, but he had already stalked towards the shoe cabinet and retrieved a different pair of shoes, making me bite my lip to stop myself from lashing out at him.

Once he had helped me place the shoes on my feet, he pecked a light kiss on my exposed shin, before he lifted himself off of the ground and snaked his arms around my waist again.

"If you need help, you ask me— your mate and husband. Is that understood?" he told me, authoritatively, his arms around me tightening as he pulled me closer to him. "You are mine, Lyra. Only mine. I do not care if he is my brother, he will not come that close to you again."

"You're being dramatic," I told him, dismissively, but Alexander wasn't joking, and at my words, he turned us so I was pushed up against the wall, making me yelp. "We're late, Alexander."

"Your little friend can wait," he retorted, his eyes dark, as he searched mine. I thought he was genuinely furious, but he completely surprised me when he asked how I was doing, his hands brushed over my round belly briefly.

It was his way of communicating with the pup. He always did that, or would kneel down and speak directly to the pup.

Snapping out of my daze, I shrugged and replied, "I'm okay. I didn't expect for the pregnancy to speed up at the rate it's going. I mean, it sucks that I'm now struggling to put shoes on."

Alexander's eyes softened, and his index brushed away the strand of hair from my face, before he pulled me closer to him and gently pecked at my forehead.

"You are doing amazing, baby," he murmured, assuringly. "If there is anything that I can do to lessen your struggles, all you have to do is let me know. Alright? You are not alone in this."

I nodded, closing my eyes as his hands cupped my face and he peppered more kisses on my forehead and my face. Having him definitely helped immensely.

We were currently running late for Ava's birthday party, she had some news to share with us, and I already knew it would be the date of her wedding. I was wearing a white dress that reached just above my knees, and had paired it with sandals but Alexander had swapped them for white trainers instead.

After Alexander and I remained embracing for a couple of minutes, with him speaking to the pup and asking it to to easier on me, he tugged at my hand and lead us out of the pack house.

"You look beautiful," he whispered in my ear, pulling me close to his side as we walked side by side.

My face heated up at his compliment and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "You don't look so bad yourself," I replied, offering a smile as I gave him a side glance. "This white shirt looks good on you."

The corner of his mouth lifted before he broke out in a grin. He dipped his head to peck at my head, before he said, "Come on then. Time to show off my beautiful girl."

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