My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 42: Vampires

"There you are.” Jaze greets as soon as they enter the kitchen. "Did everything go well?" the question is directed more towards Lydoran than her.

"It went much better than I hoped for. She's taking everything surprisingly well for a newly changed." Smiling he places a soft kiss to her temple

Jaze raises an eyebrow at the open display of affection. Surprise and curiosity flashes in his eyes as he looks at them both holding hands and generally touching each other. There is a silent question dancing in them too about what has happened but refrains from asking.

"Consort bond." Lydoran fills in bluntly as if knowing what's on his mind.

Stunned Jaze blinks in disbelief. "How the hell did that happen?”

"I'm wondering the same thing but not complaining though. Going to call Malarath later and see if he can shed some light on the matter.”

"Congratulations to you both. Having a consort is a powerful thing and true eternal love is special among our kind." Jaze smiles brightly and hands out glasses filled with blood. The clank of glasses rings out in the kitchen as they make a toast to happiness and welcoming Lyra into the world of shadows. Taking a zip of blood resulted in her doing a one shot and instead of feeling embarrassed she holds out her glass and politely asks for more. It's not as sweet, smooth or have the same richness as Lydoran's blood but it serves it purpose and she isn't complaining.

"I forgot how thirsty a newly turned can be and still you show more restraint than most. You keep on surprising.” Jaze points out impressed.

"Another thing I need to ask Malarath about. Lyra doesn't act like the typical child. Lyra is too controlled, civil and have flawless manners. In short, the appearance has been altered but personality wise she’s pretty much the same.”

"You two make it sound like that would be something awful.” Lyra chimes in in mock offence, downing the content in two big gulps then serves herself a third serving which she sips instead of devouring.

"Except for displaying a nice set of backbone and confidence.” Jaze teases affectionately. "Before I forget, again.” mumbling the last part to himself. “Thought we could all go hunting after sun down. Lots of darkness and little to no moonlight, which makes it a perfect night to turn vampire for the first time. Are you up for it, love?"

"Hell yeah! I wonder what I'll look like." Lyra shouts out all excited.

Lydoran let out a humorous chuckle before giving her a tender kiss. "You will look stunning like no one else, shkoi amsolon.” (my eternity)

Lyra have no idea what he said but her entire body responded with a shiver and she imagined him saying it with fully elongated fangs.

"Someone is swooning and you, dear father, is lying it on thick by speaking shadow language" "You have your own language?” Lyra looks from one to the other in amazement.

"We do but not many speak it. Lydoran here tried to teach me but I gave up. I can understand some things but no way near all. But I do know he just called you his eternity.”

Secretly Lydoran wanted to be the one to tell her what it meant but he doesn’t mind that Jaze did it instead. Instead he decides to make that call so they can prepare for their hunting. Stepping a bit to the side he fishes out the phone and hits up Malarath's contact. Two sets of eyes are on him as he listens to the dial tone but he ignores them.

"Speaking." a deep voice says in the other end.

"Rmeoj flijeron nomnde daf aljhmarth.” (greetings to you too father)

"Lydhromorna? Ahmno sqolp lo morgjlornhs, djoqilh? (Lydoran? What can I do for you, son?) "Amfantoj Lyra? Kvixes atrimas shkilj fa ajavoilm, dygh fo aftaronshkoi amsolon. Mhjer wymajlon mofklanat asl conforson omynal. Herrimy squamt omynal, aljhmarth.”

(Remember Lyra? She chose me as maker and is now my eternity. We somehow made a consort bond. Really deep bond, father.)

There is a pause in the conversation.

"How deep?"

"We can calm each other down by touch or thought. Tingles, mind talking and feel if the other is withing touching range, same building or even further away.”

"Anything else?"

"Avst (Yes), she is not acting like a typical child. After drinking from me she downed two wine glasses with blood and is only sipping on the third. Appears normal other than smaller changes in behavior but for the better. "

"Riasvoornot! (Congratulations) You have found yourself a pure one. We call them forlna. Souls. Rare but pops up every thousand year or around that. Are you still at the house I helped you with?"

Lydoran can't help but smile at his blood father's eagerness. His voice went from questioning to childlike within mere seconds.” Yes, we are and a room will be ready upon your arrival.” They talked for a few more minutes before saying good bye.

"It sounded so awesome!" Lyra shouts exited the moment he hung up. Eyes twinkling with fascination and she can barely stand still. "So, he is coming here? I get to meet your maker?" she more or less jumps up and down on the spot as she speaks in a fast pace.

"Calm down, love.” Enveloping her in a snug hug he effectively simmers her energy flow to a more manageable level. Leaning down he places a tender kiss on top of her head and looks over at a very entertained Jaze.

"Think its hunting time or the young one will tear apart the house. RACE YA!" Jaze shouts at Lyra in challenge just before doing a mad dash for the door.

"DON'T! Sh-" sighing Lydoran pinches the bridge of his nose tiredly. "Don't or she'll break the house." he mutters to himself while looking at the smashed chair, broken door frame and crooked door that barely stays on its hinges. Slowly following in their path of destruction he finds Jaze pinned to a tree. That sight improves his mood greatly after the stunt he just pulled. "Serves you right." He tuts. With vampire speed he charges towards Jaze. "Boo!" he calls out in Jaze'a face suddenly fully transformed. Jaze quickly turns as well, forcing Lyra to let go and back up a few steps. Standing there are two very beautiful creatures with magnificent wings and impressive physique.

"Your turn, love. Think of your true self."

Closing her eyes, she focuses solely on her vampire self, trying to picture her demonic appearance and rather quickly feels a buzz like pain blossom to life but not entirely the same as during the transition. She welcomes the pain. Embraces it. Even when falling down on all four. The skin on the back slowly gets ripped open bit by bit. Same on the lower part of her back and forehead. So much pain at the same time. Biting her lip as not to scream turns out to be a very bad idea when her fangs elongates and cuts the lower lip. When the pain engulfs her entire body, she lets out a blood curling scream into the dark night. Nails turns into sharp claws which she digs deep into the ground. Just a little more and it will be over. She can feel it. Tries to endure the last bit by focusing on breathing. One last agonizing screams slips out and then everything goes still. Breathing hard she slowly unfolds herself. Lyra allows herself a moment to catch her breath before attempting to stand up but after a few failed tries she gives in.

"Help up please?" she pleads to no one in particular.

Strong hands grips either side of her waist and gently helps her to a standing position. It takes a few more minutes to adjust to the new body. It's not only wings but tail as well. More muscle mass and new height.

"Never seen eyes like that..." Jaze whispers breathlessly.

"Or a body so enticing with a set of wings to match.” Lydoran finishes equally stunned.

Large wings with feathers black as darkest ink at the upper part of the wing and a fiery red at the bottom. The middle has both colors meet in perfect harmony making the feathers shimmer partially black, partially red. Dragon scaled tale in deepest red with black details. Her hair so vividly red and shimmering it really appears to be real fire. Eyes green like the brightest emerald but with an outer ring of purest silver, pupils the same as a snake. Ashen grey skin and black tattoos. Everywhere a deep scar goes a tattoo covers it up, meaning half her body is adorned with it. A few inches taller than in human form, thicker hair and well-defined muscles.

"Lucky little fucker you are." Jaze playfully punches Lydoran on the arm.

"Now now boys, play nice.” Lyra says with a voice even a siren would envy. Melodious with a certain type of curl sound to the end of every syllable spoken. Embracing Lydoran she teases him with little love bites and soothing licks before firmly pressing her lips against his in a firm kiss. Sneaking her tongue inside she plays with his and loving every second of their heated kiss. "You little demon." he laughs out astonished. "Damn, you are perfection and all mine."

"What got you all possessive? Besides the obvious, of course.” Jaze wiggles his eyebrows in an obnoxious way just to be a tease.

"Tongue like a snake."

"Say no more." Jaze holds up his hands in a surrendering gesture. “Some people get it all. Laughing he pats Jaze on the shoulder. "Let the hunt begin.” Lydoran declares sprinting into the dark woods that surrounds them.

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