Monster Slayers MC Book 7

Chapter 7-Rescuing Dawn & Amber

“Marley, what brings you here?” I asked.

“Rooster called Hunter and said he needed him to come to the house so here we are. Something about a rescue over in Coilney.” Marley said.

“Did he say if it was a child or another young woman?” I asked.

“They didn’t say. You know them, they get a call, go into church, then they run out of here like their butts are on fire.” Marley said with sarcasm thick in her voice.

“Any idea who he took with him?” I asked.

Hunter, Boxer, Hulk and Cowboy. I think the prospects were Kevin and Ivan. Aren’t those two due to patch in soon?” Marley said.

“Yep! Cheryl, do you have their cuts ready?” I asked.

“Yep. All I need is their road names.” Cheryl replied.

Just then Paul came in and said “Lunch!”

Nancy and I were both rather surprised that Billy and Susie let Simon lead them into the dining room but while Susie held on to Billy’s hand and both of them kept looking for Nancy. She went and helped them make their plates but told them, “Why don’t you go and sit with the other kids. Enjoy the time with your new friends.” Nancy told them.

“But Nancy, what about all of them?” Billy asked, pointing at the men that were coming in to eat.

“Don’t worry. They are all very nice. They won’t hurt us. They saved us, remember?” Nancy told them. Billy and Susie looked around and then Simon said “Come on, let’s eat!”

The kids reluctantly climbed up on the chairs and Nancy reassured them that she was just going to get her food and would be sitting close by.

Rooster’s POV

I went to my office and picked up the phone. “Ms. April? What’s up?”

“Rooster? I’m sorry to bother you but a girl showed up here saying someone took her sister. She’s been beat up pretty bad and keeps crying so hard I can barely understand her. She claims that she managed to escape but like I said, she’s crying so hard I can’t make out much else.” Ms. April told me.

“Keep her hidden. We’ll be there as fast as we can.” I told her and hung up. I sent a group text calling everyone to church NOW!

Everyone came running and I told them what was going on. “Hunter, Hulk, Cowboy and Boxer. Kevin and Ivan, we need 2 vans and meet us at the Burger Barn in Coilney. The rest of you, watch the house but keep your phones close in case we need back up. Come on guys, I’ve got a feeling this could get bad fast.” I said as we hurried outside and mounted our bikes. Something was telling me to hurry and I pulled out as soon as my bike started.

I think I startled everyone but soon they were all chasing me down the highway as I raced towards Coilney. 20 minutes later, we were pulling into the Burger Barn and as soon as I parked my bike, I ran inside. Ms. April yelled “Rooster, back here.” I ran to the back where her office was located and found a young girl of about 16 sitting on a chair and shaking like a leaf. She pulled away when I bent down in front of her. She had beautiful red hair and hazel eyes. Her cheeks, arms and legs were covered in scratches and cuts, like she had fallen down or had been running through the brush in the dark. Her hair was all tangled and full of small twigs and leaves.

“Hello sweetie. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help. My name is Rooster. What’s your name?” I asked.

“Dawn. Are you going to help my sister? They took her. We broke down on the highway just outside of this town last night. They acted like they were going to help us but then they grabbed us and pushed us into their truck. They took us to a house about a couple of miles from here. They were pushing us around and I don’t know what happened to my sister but I heard her scream. When the guy came to get me out of the van, I kicked him in the nuts and took off running. I heard them yelling and then the truck started up but I just kept running. I spent most of the night running and hiding from them. They drove right past me several times but with the headers on that truck, they were not exactly quiet so it was easy to hear them coming. Please, please help my sister.”

“Yes. We’re going to look for her right now. How many guys were there?” I asked her.

“Three. Big guys. Not as big as you but big. They were driving a black Dodge Ram pick up.” Dawn said, as she finally began to calm down.

“Can you tell me anything about the house itself? How far is it from the road? What color is it? How many stories? Were there any other buildings around it like a barn or a garage?” I asked.

“I can’t tell you what color it is but it’s two stories and there was a barn and I could smell horses.” She replied.

“Did you hear any names? What did they call each other?” I asked.

“One of them said the name “Bert” but then he got pissed and told him not to say his name. Otherwise they just called each other Dude or Bro.” Dawn told me.

“What is your sister’s name?” I asked.

“Amber. She’s my older sister. Please save her. She’s all I’ve got left.”

“Thanks. We’ll be back to get you. For now, you just stay in here, where you’ll be safe. Ms. April, get her whatever she wants to eat and hopefully we’ll be back soon. Do you want me to leave a man here?” I asked her.

“No, I don’t think that will be necessary. No one knows she’s here but me and the kitchen staff and we certainly won’t tell anyone.” Ms. April said as she followed me to the front. Once we were out of earshot of Dawn, Ms. April told me, “I think I know who it is she’s talking about but I don’t know where Bert lives. If it is who I think it is, you guys be careful. They are mean brutes. Bert carries a big knife on his belt and I’ve seen rifles in his truck window. All three of them are troublemakers and bullies. Whatever happened to chivalry and good manners and men who treated women right, not like slaves and sex objects?”

“Don’t worry, Ms. April. There are still a few of us around. One of these days I want to bring my wife Dixie to meet you. She’s going to love you!” I said and gave the older woman a friendly kiss on the cheek and then hurried out to where the boys were waiting for me.

“Come on. We don’t have far to go. It’s only a little over a mile outside of town. From what she told me, there are three of them. They have a small ranch outside of town. They are driving a big black Dodge Ram pick up truck. Put your coms in now and turn them on.” I told them.

As soon as we did a sound check, I mounted back up on my bike and we pulled out. We were only a couple of blocks away when suddenly a large black Dodge Ram truck passed us, nearly causing us to crash. BIG MISTAKE on their part.

“Is everyone alright?” I called through the com.

“Yeah. Let’s get those bastards!” Hulk said.

We followed them but stayed back far enough that it didn’t appear that we were following them and saw them turn off to the left about a mile and a half out of town.

“All three of them are together. We will give them one chance to release her. If they refuse, we go in guns blazing. I’m done putting up with men that think they can just take innocent women and do with them what they will. They’ll think we are following them because they tried to run us off the road so if they draw first, shoot them but try not to kill them. They are not bikers and the law may not back us up if we kill them outright. Besides, we need to find out where the girl is.”

Because I figured we outnumbered them, we didn’t bother to hide the fact that we were coming as we pulled into the road leading up to the house. The three men were just getting out of their truck but one of them reached back in for a gun from the gun rack in the back window.

“You had better think twice about that before I blow your fucking head off!” I pulled my gun out and yelled at him. The other two men’s hands immediately went in the air and I yelled at the other “Step out from behind the truck and keep your hands in the air.”

Hulk pulled up next to me and we kicked our kickstands down and dismounted. When Hulk got off his bike, I heard on of the two men whisper “Holy fuck! He brought a mountain with him. Look at the size of his hands.”

“What the fuck do you want?” The driver asked as he came around the back of the truck.

“Are you Bert?” I asked him.

“Yeah. What of it?” Mr. Smartass came back.

“We’ve got a little girl in town that says she spent the whole night running and hiding from you after you kidnapped her and her sister off the side of the road last night. What I want to know is, where is her sister?” I asked, fully expecting him to lie through his teeth and sure enough, he didn’t let me down.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Get off my land.” Bert yelled.

“Not until we are sure she’s not here. Prospects, check the barn. Hunter, you and Boxer check the house.”

“Stay the fuck out of my barn. You better not hurt my horses.” Bert yelled.

“We’re not going to hurt your horses. We just want the girl back.” I told him.

Hunter and Boxer went into the house and came out a few minutes later and said “The house is clear. Nothing but trash and dirt in there. Man, don’t you ever clean your house? How can you stand to live like that? That’s disgusting.”

Just then Kevin came back, looking kind of upset. “Prez, we found her but she won’t let us near her. She’s got a pitch fork and is hiding in a stall in the back of the barn.”

“Hulk, cover them. Hunter, come with me.” I said and saw Hulk draw his gun, like he would even need it.

Hunter and I walked over to the barn and told Ivan to back away before we stepped up. “Does she have clothes on?” I whispered to him as he stepped backwards into the aisle.

“I think it’s a horse blanket she has tucked up under her arms but otherwise I think she’s naked. Half of her face is black and blue and she’s got dried blood on her face. Looks like she had a bloody nose. And she’s got rope burns on her wrists. Otherwise she’s gorgeous.” Ivan said, looking concerned.

“Damn! That probably means they raped her. Go pull the van up to the door so she won’t have to walk out in front of everyone and bring me a blanket and some water.” I told him. Ivan ran and got a blanket and a bottle of water first and came back a minute later.

“Kevin is going to move the van up here but here is the blanket and water.” Ivan said.

“Go on outside. The fewer people putting their eyes on her the safer she’s going to feel. Damn, I wish we had brought one of the women with us. Stay back for now and let me try to talk her out.” I told Ivan.

Ivan stepped back and I called out to her before I stepped to where I could see her. “Amber? My name is Rooster. Your sister, Dawn, told us where to find you. Are you alright?”

“I’m hurt. Is Dawn alright? They didn’t hurt her, did they?” A weak, hoarse voice came back.

“She’s a little scratched up and very upset but otherwise she’s fine. She’s very worried about you. Here, wrap this around you and I’ve got some water here for you. We’re here to bring you back to her. We’re not going to hurt you.” I said and threw the blanket over the stall half wall and set the bottle on the ground just inside the door.

I could hear her huffing and puffing and what sounded like her stumbling around in the stall then the blanket started to move. She slowly pulled it down and I could hear her begin to cry. I noticed the bottle of water was gone and she came to the door, but stayed hidden, only her hand with the water bottle came through the opening. “My wrists are hurt. Can you open this for me, please?”

“Sure.” I said, taking the bottle from her, twisting the cap off and handing it back to her, making sure to give her plenty of room so that she didn’t have to touch me if she didn’t want to. I noticed what looked like rope burns and bruises on her wrists and forearms.

“Are your wrists the only thing hurt?” I asked her as gently as possible.

“No. No, they raped me and I think I’m hurt inside. My groin hurts and I twisted my ankle trying to get away from them when they first grabbed us. That’s why I couldn’t get away. I just told Dawn to run and not look back if she got the chance.” Amber said, her words were sounding very weak and rather slurred at this point.

I could hear her voice getting weaker and I asked her. “Can I come and help you? I don’t want to hurt you but I don’t want to get hurt either and one of my boys said you have a pitch fork.” I waited for a minute and when she didn’t answer me, I peaked around the corner and realized she had passed out. She had landed in a pile of hay near the wall where she must have been leaning. I had been expecting her to be more bruised but at least she had managed to wrap the blanket around herself so I couldn’t really see any other injuries but I could tell by the blood on her ankles that she had or might even still be bleeding.

“Damn. I think we had better get an ambulance out here. That means we need to call the law in on this one.” I told Hunter as he walked up behind me. I bent over and felt her pulse and it was weak.

I pulled out my phone and called Sgt. Reed. “Coilney Police Department, Sergeant Reed speaking.”

“Sergeant Reed. This is Rooster from the MSMC. We’ve got a young woman who has been raped at least three times by three different men. We’ve also got the men. I need an ambulance out here ASAP. She’s unconscious and her pulse is very weak.” I told him and gave him the address.

“I’ll be right there and an ambulance is on the way.” Sgt. Reed said then hung up.

I told Hunter, “He’s on his way. Have the boys move everything out of the way for the ambulance. Send one of the prospects to the road to wave them down.” I told Hunter. “From now on, I think we need to have Doc and at least one woman come with us on these rescues. I feel so helpless right now, having to sit here and wait for help to come.”

“If Marley is willing, I don’t mind if she comes but if she does, I want to be with her. I just hate asking her to do it because she usually has nightmares afterwards.” Hunter admitted.

“Why didn’t you tell me that before? I don’t want to traumatize her by asking her or any of the women to do this. Now that we have Millie, she can come or Kaylee but then I know Boomer wants to come with her. I don’t have a problem with that. If Dixie had medical training, she would come but outside of helping bandage, she really doesn’t have any training in a medical situation.”

Less than 10 minutes later, Sgt. Reed showed up followed closely by an ambulance. The paramedic quickly examined the girl and they rushed her to the hospital.

As I stood outside talking to Sgt. Reed, Cowboy went into the barn and looked over the horses. He came back out and before Sgt. Reed left, Cowboy asked, “What’s going to happen to the horses? He’s got some fine looking animals in there.”

“If he doesn’t have anyone to come and take care of them while he’s in jail, we will call animal rescue to come and remove them. They will more than likely be sold to someone. Are you interested in them?” Sgt. Reed asked.

“If I had my own land, definitely. I don’t see any cows out here so I’m assuming he was using them to rodeo. I bet that bay in there is an awesome cutting horse.” Cowboy said. “I’m going to make sure they are fed and have water but please let me know what’s going to happen to them if he doesn’t have any family that can take care of them while he’s gone.”

“Will do and thanks. I know nothing about horses.” Sgt. Reed said and then they shook hands and Sgt. Reed got in his car and left.

I could tell that Cowboy really wanted the horses but we didn’t really have a place for them.

“Damn. I wish I had the money to buy those animals. He’s got some really nice horse flesh there. This ranch is sweet too.” Cowboy mumbled under his breath as he walked back to the barn to make sure the animals had enough feed and water to hold them for a day or two until Sgt. Reed could get someone to come out and remove the animals if Bert didn’t have family to come take care of them.

We rode back to Coilney and picked up Dawn from the Burger Barn and took her to the hospital. She was very upset that her sister had been raped but finally agreed to let a nurse help her with her scratches and cuts, which were all minor but just to cover their bases, they gave her a tetanus shot. I sent everyone home except for Kevin. He had driven one of our SUV’s and at least Dawn would be leaving with us, even if her sister had to stay behind. She had mentioned to him that she needed to go back to their car to retrieve their purses and to lock the car up so while they went to do that, I sat waiting for Amber to wake up.

Dawn and Kevin came back just as Amber regained consciousness. I could see why their parents had named her Amber. Her eyes were the color of Amber and now that I could really see what she looked like, she was quite beautiful with dark red hair, amber eyes and pale ivory skin. She had a small face with a small straight nose and pretty lips. I hadn’t seen much of her body but judging by where her toes stuck up under the sheet, I guessed her to be about 5’6 or 7”.

I assured her that we would take care of getting her car towed to town. We talked to both girls and found out that they had lost their mother a couple of months ago to cancer. Their father had been killed in a car accident several years ago. They had been headed to Dallas in the hope of Amber being able to find a better paying job than she’d had in Seymour.

“What do you do?” I asked.

“Well, I was in nursing school until my mom got really bad. I’ve been working at waiting tables to keep a roof over our heads and food in our tummies since I moved home. Looks like her hospital bills are going to eat up most of the insurance and I doubt if their house is going to sell for much. Either way, Dawn still has to finish her final year of school and I will not just leave her to fend for herself or force her into foster care. Maybe once she graduates, I can go back to school and finish my nursing degree.” Amber told me.

“We might be able to help you when you get out of here, Amber. But for now, you get better. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of your car and your sister until you can get out of here in a day or two.”

“No offense to you, Mr. Rooster but is Dawn going to be safe there? I mean, I’ve heard some stories about biker clubs and most of them were not good when it comes to young girls.” Amber said, trying hard not to offend me and I could tell that she cared very much about what happened to her sister.

“Don’t worry, Amber. Dawn will be under my protection specifically but just so that you know, none of my men would ever hurt her or any woman or child. Our MC is not like what you see in the movies. We are known as the Monster Slayers MC because we rescue, help and protect children and young adults of both genders from people who would harm them. Most of the men and all of the women, except my wife and Connie, in our MC are rescues that have chosen to join us. We don’t run drugs or guns and are trying to stop the human trafficking that has become such a problem in the past few years.

Dawn will have her own room that she can lock and will have the only key besides my master key, which I only have in case of emergencies. She’ll have her own bathroom and we will provide all of her meals. My sister is an excellent cook. She’ll also have an escort assigned to protect her with his life, if need be. Don’t worry, she will be fine.

We don’t normally take women so young but my only other options are the law or the rescue farm. The law will place her in foster care until you can assume custody of her again but believe me when I say they will investigate everything about you and your finances. They will put you through the paper mill to make sure you are not only going to be able to care for her but provide for her financially. They basically put you through an unnecessary hell, in my opinion.” I told her.

“Well, I definitely don’t want that. We’ve had enough trauma to deal with the past few months. What is the “Rescue Farm”?” Amber asked.

“Well, I’d have to talk to Papa Joe, who runs the farm with his wife and sister, if he can take in a young woman just for a few days without having to report it to the state or not but they are basically a temporary foster home that deals with children and young people who have been badly neglected, abused or molested. They take kids that can’t go from being rescued directly into the foster system because of physical and mental issues. They help them to heal and deal with what they have been forced to endure until they are ready to either be adopted or are of legal age to go out into the world on their own.

The only problem I can see right now is that I think their license requires that they report that they have a rescue to the state. I’m not sure about that part and will have to check into it. We’ve never really had a situation like this before and I’ve been doing this for a long time. Let me make a call and talk to Papa Joe and I’ll let you know. Okay?” I told her.

I could tell she was getting sleepy, probably from being up all night in addition to the pain medication they had given her. “You just rest. Here’s my card with my personal cell phone number on it. If you need anything you just call. I can’t use my cell in here so I’m going outside where I can get some better reception and call Papa Joe. Don’t worry, we are not leaving but I’ve got to get something to eat and I’ll bring something back for you since hospital food usually sucks. You take a nap and I’ll be back soon.” She just nodded and closed her eyes.

I rode the elevator down to the ground floor and just as I stepped through the doors of the lobby, Dawn and Kevin were walking up the sidewalk.

“Is my sister okay?” Dawn asked.

“She’s going to be fine. They gave her some pain medication and she fell asleep. I don’t think she slept at all last night. Let’s go and get some lunch. I need to make some phone calls and then we’ll come back. Okay?” I told her and she nodded but looked disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to see her sister right now.

We walked back down to the van, which was parked a couple of stalls down from my bike. I mounted up and we drove back to the Burger Barn and Ms. April was kind of surprised to see us.

“We found her and she’s in the hospital. We got the men too and they are in jail now.” I told her and saw her get a big smile.

“Oh that’s good news! Now, what can I get you guys to eat?” Ms. April asked.

We all ordered burgers and fries and when Ms. April came by to refill our drinks, she told me that she had talked to Sandy recently.

“She called, just to talk mostly. She said there’s no other girls there around her age so she sounded like she was kind of lonely. She’s been helping with the little kids and learning from Mama Mae about cooking and sewing and she said she’s learning about canning and while she enjoys that part, I think she’s bored. She says the only thing she’s liking is being able to do her classes online instead of having to go to school. I take it that the kids at her old school were not really friendly to her, which I don’t understand because she’s a really sweet girl.” Ms. April said.

Ms. April had another customer to attend to and as soon as she left our table, I could tell Dawn’s curiosity was killing her until she finally gave in and asked. “Who’s Sandy?”

“Sandy is a 14 year old girl that we rescued from here last year. Her father was the pastor of the local church who had been touching her and when she refused, he “spanked” her with a paddle. He had bruised her bottom and the backs of her thighs so bad she could barely stand to sit down on these padded seats. She hid here at the Burger Barn and Ms. April was the one to check her for the sheriff, then she slapped Sandy’s father and ripped him a new one. The paddle he had been using to “discipline” her had a metal center and was so heavy that he’s lucky he didn’t break her hips or thigh bones. I lightly hit myself in the hand with it and it stung for over 15 minutes. I explained to her and saw her face go white.

“Oh my God! Her father was doing that to her? How awful. My dad was the best! He would never do something like that to me or Amber. He was killed in a car accident when I was 12. About a year later, my mom found out she had cancer but it was already too far into stage 3. She went through the chemo and radiation, lost all of her hair and lost so much weight that she was just skin and bones.

She fought as long as she could but she was so depressed over losing my dad and not being able to provide for us. She felt so guilty that Amber had to quit school and come home to help keep the bills paid. I wish I could help but until now, I had school. I belonged to several clubs that I was committed to and homework in addition to trying to keep up with housework and helping with my mom. We were planning on taking a week to get moved and Amber was supposed to have a job lined up but she has to be there by next Monday or they will give it to someone else. I don’t know what we are going to do now.” Dawn said, trying hard not to cry.

“Don’t worry. Everything will work itself out.” Kevin said, trying to reassure her as he patted her hand.

Ms. April came back with our check and I asked Dawn what her sister would like to eat and she said “Do you have a cobb salad?”

“Sure thing. What kind of dressing?” Ms. April said and I told her to add one to our check and handed her my card.

“Ranch on the side, please.” Dawn answered. “If she’s asleep, a burger will get cold before she can eat it. At least a salad doesn’t taste bad if it has to sit for a while.” She smiled at us.

“Well, you two wait for the salad. Kevin, make sure you get my card back. I’ve got a call to make so I’ll wait for you outside.” I said and stood up from the table. I walked outside and called Papa Joe.

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