Mine (Blood Ties Book 1)

: Chapter 21

NO…GOD, no. Not him…not them. I knew this was wrong. But I was helpless to stop it. My fist clenched in Nick’s hair as I lifted my other hand to Tobias’ fingers and pushed them deeper into my mouth.

Warm. Salty.

God, he tasted so good. I licked and moaned as that acute surge of desire slammed into me, making me cry out and shudder. Nick‘s tongue probed deeper, dragging every twitch of my body to the surface. I closed my eyes and dropped my hand from Tobias’, letting out a deep, guttural moan. I’d never felt like this. Not with my own fingers watching porn on the internet.

This was more than I’d ever imagined. Hunger hummed inside me. And as I came down from the high, I became breathtakingly aware of what had happened.

I’d crossed the line.

No, we’d crossed the line, diving headlong into something I knew was wrong. I sucked in hard breaths and opened my eyes as Nick lifted his head. His lips glistened and his honey-brown eyes were so dark they were almost amber as he smiled. “How was that, princess?”

How was that?

“If they find out, we are so fucked. You get that, right?” Caleb moved closer.

But it wasn’t his brothers he stared at as he spoke, it was me. He lowered his gaze between my legs, and there was something unholy shimmering beneath the surface as he met my eyes. “Are you going to tell them about this?”

What was he asking? Did he think I was going to run and tell my mom what my stepbrother had done to me?

No, not what they had done…what I’d let them do.

I was the one who let Nick push me to the bed. I was the one who took my panties off. I glanced beside me to the bed where they lay soaked and discarded…I was the one who’d spread my legs for them.

“Or are you going to keep this our little secret?”

I glanced back at Caleb as he dragged his teeth along his lower lip, his focus lingering between my thighs once more.

“I don’t know.” Excitement coursed through me with the lie.

I knew I wasn’t going to say anything. So did Tobias and Nick. If I was going to say something, then I would have long before now.

“You going to tell, Ryth?” Caleb came closer, causing Nick to step aside. He leaned down, fisted a handful of my hair and yanked it backwards hard enough to tear a cry from my lips. “Or are you going to be our good little girl and keep our dirty secret?”

My heart hammered. I was caught in this trap, confused and scared, but a big part of me wanted this. I liked their attention, I liked the hunt…I liked to be prey. I looked at Tobias, remembering the way he’d clenched my jaw, looking at me like he wanted to choke the life from me and fuck me all at the same time. “I might…I might tell them everything. Are you going to hurt me?”

“Yes,” Tobias answered. “You say a word and I’ll pull you down to the floor in front of everyone and fuck you senseless.”

My pulse raced with the words as Caleb’s grip tightened on my hair until I felt the burn. “Is that what you want, Ryth? You want to be punished? You want Tobias to strip your clothes from your body and fuck you?”

Oh God…

Oh God…

I gave a slow, numb nod.

The slow curl of Tobias’ lips said it all. He hated me…and he knew I liked it.

“You going to beg?” Caleb murmured.

Heat bloomed between my legs.

I closed my eyes as that heartbeat between my legs came alive again.

“Jesus,” Nick’s voice was husky. “She’s gonna make me come.”

I opened my eyes, unable to hide my shame any longer.

Then Caleb let my hair go and pushed my legs wider. “Good girl.” He slipped his finger along my crease, then inside me. “You’re going to be a very good girl indeed.”

First Tobias.

Then Nick.

Now Caleb helped himself to my body.

“The wedding…” Tobias warned. “You have until then to get out of this.”

Then he turned and strode from the room, leaving Caleb to slide his finger free. I looked up into his gaze. He was the eldest…he was the one who was supposed to control everyone else, and here he was…controlling me.

“Best be careful.” Caleb rose, clenching his wet finger into his fist, then stepped away, bending at the last minute to grab my wet panties from the bed. “I don’t think you realize what you’re in for.”

He walked out, leaving Nick to stare down at me.

“I…I just came for my laptop.” The words were dull as I met his gaze.

He just nodded to where it sat on the desk. “If it’s any consolation. I think your paper is written well.”

It’s written well? Nick left me behind, striding out of Tobias’ room after his brothers. Heavy footsteps thudded on the stairs. A second later the boom of the front door sounded before the Jeep’s engine came to life with a growl and Tobias left. I closed my legs and slid my feet over the side of his bed before I rose, grabbed my laptop, and left Tobias’ room with my legs shaking and my pussy bare.

Written well? Nick’s words resounded in my head. Written fucking well?

I made my way into my room and closed the door quietly behind me, my mind racing with what had just happened. What did just happen?

Tobias wanted me gone…

But did he?

You come in here and take over my life, my house, and my mom’s memory, and I want to hate you for it. His words resounded inside me. I do hate you. But there’s more. I found an outlet for all my anger and my grief, and it’s you, Ryth. What better way to let my mom go than to fill the void with an obsession, like hating you.

He hated me….

And I liked it.

I sat down on the bed, wondering what the hell had happened to make me this way? I wasn’t beaten as a kid, I wasn’t hated by my own parents. The taunts of all the kids resounded in my head from school. I lifted my hand and touched the mark on my cheek, remembering how their cruel words had hurt me.

But this…this was different.

This was calculated and controlled. This single-minded focus wasn’t directed at the birthmark on my cheek, but on me. On my body and the way they wanted to claim me.

I stayed like that until my knees stopped shaking and I could move. Then I rose from the bed and eased my mom’s bridesmaid’s dress free, hanging it neatly on the hanger and hooked it on the back of my door. I dressed, sliding clean panties on, remembering my white cotton underwear Tobias had taken from my bedroom.

I thought I’d misplaced them days ago…but it seemed that he’d been in here, rifling through my things, taking what he wanted. I closed my eyes and dropped my head, thinking about that. Him…taking…what…he wanted.

What better way to let my mom go than to fill the void with an obsession, like hating you.

I was coming apart under his obsession…losing myself to his hate, and I didn’t know how to stop it. When the heat of desire left me, I made my way to my desk and opened my laptop once more. He hadn’t taken it. It had all been Nick. Something about that made me think of dad. I sat at my desk, with my mom’s dress hanging behind me, and started to work.

I worked for hours, until the sound of Creed’s Mercedes outside drew me away from my paper. Then I rose and made my way over to the window, watching him and my mom climb out. He moved around the front of the car, the headlights splashing over them as he lunged, grasping her hand and pulled her hard against him. Guilt swelled inside me as I watched them.

I was ruining it all…

Mom’s happiness…Creed’s, too. If they ever found out what had happened…it’d be over. The headlights of the car died and I watched them make their way to the house until I lost sight of them. My belly snarled and I realized I hadn’t eaten in hours, had missed dinner. But I wasn’t about to go down now. I moved to the door, listening to mom’s schoolgirl giggles as they made their way to their bedroom.

Their bedroom…how quickly mom and I had become part of something new…

I waited for their door to close before I stepped out and quietly made my way to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. In the glaring light, I helped myself to a small plate of leftover turkey, some cheese, butter, and mayo, and placed them onto the counter.


Caleb’s voice came from behind me, startling a shriek from my lips. His hand clamped over my mouth in an instant and I was dragged backwards, into the expansive walk-in pantry. The doors closed in an instant, confining us in the small space.

His voice was deep, husky in my ear. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page here, Ryth.” He grasped a handful of my hair, tugging it back hard enough for me to whimper against his mouth. My pulse stuttered, then raced as panic tore through me.

I fought against his hold, but it was useless. He was too big for me to fight. His grip tightened in my hair, his hand clamped over my mouth. “You going to scream?”

My eyes watered, the fear was choking. Still, I shook my head.

“Good…very good.” He slid his hand from my mouth.

And cupped my breast, fingers kneading, as outside the pantry the kitchen light flicked on and mom’s happy humming slipped between the slats of the pantry door.

“Shh…” Caleb whispered as his hand moved lower, slid under my t-shirt, and tugged down my bra.

“Really?” mom sighed, her voice coming from near the refrigerator, where I’d stood just seconds ago. “You boys, always pulling food out and never putting it away,” she muttered.

“Tsk…tsk,” Caleb whispered in my ear as his fingers found my nipple. But his touch wasn’t cruel, not like Tobias’. Instead, he kneaded gently, dancing the tips of his fingers around my nipple until my body responded, tightening and puckering it. He tugged my hair, forcing my spine to bow backwards until I stared into those dark, ravenous eyes.

The feel of his hand…

The humming of my mom not more than a few feet away.

One wrong move…one wrong sound, and she’d find us. He knew…he knew and he liked it. His hand left my breast as a cold, calculated smile curled his lips and slipped under the waistband of my boxers. My pulse raced as mom’s humming grew louder and she stowed the food I’d only just pulled put back into the refrigerator.

Caleb’s eyes bored into mine as his finger found my crease. My body was still buzzing from what we’d done before, yet it seemed like he wanted more.

You have no idea what you’re in for…

The warning filled my head as his fingers found my clit. A moan rose in the back of my throat. Caleb’s smile grew bolder as he gently shook his head. I clamped my teeth down, biting the inside of my cheek as mom poured herself a glass of water…

Hurry the fuck up! Oh God, hurry up, please, mom…please…

Caleb’s fingers moved inside me, stroking with an expert touch, moving to dance around my clit, stoking that fire inside me. My hips moved on their own, thrusting against his touch. Caleb lowered his head until his breath blew against my ear. “I want to fuck you. I want to slide my cock deep inside you. I want to ride you until you give over to me.” His grip tightened in my hair. “I want you to be my good girl. Are you going to do that, Ryth?”

His fingers moved deeper.

Mom still hummed, taking her sweet ass fucking time placing the bottle back into the refrigerator.

“You coming, Elle?” Creed called from outside the kitchen.

Still Caleb’s fingers never stopped thrusting inside me.

“Yep, just putting the food away one of the kids left out,” she called. “It was still cold though, so maybe they…”

My orgasm barreled toward me like a freight train. I clawed Caleb’s arm as my body jerked and shuddered. “Please…” He was cruel…so fucking cruel.

“You’re doing so good” he murmured against my ear. “Just like that…just…like…that.”

My body trembled at his words. I was out of control, coming apart at the seams as mom closed the refrigerator door and muttered, “Never mind.”

I fixated on the soft thud of her steps, tracking the movement as Caleb’s fingers sucked and squelched, making me thrust my hips against his fingers.

“When I take you, Ryth…I’m going to take you all fucking night. You’re going to be my favorite fucking toy…my wet, perfect plaything, aren’t you?”

The moment my mom’s footsteps faded on the stairs, I whimpered, coming hard against his hand.

“You’re going to learn. Fuck me, you’re going to learn,” Caleb whispered, sliding his fingers from inside me. “I’m going to think about fucking this beautiful mouth tonight…I’m going to come tasting you on my fingers.”

He released my hair and smoothed down the strands, then leaned forward and kissed the top of my head. Then he straightened, opened the pantry door, and stepped out, leaving me shaking and weak…wondering what the hell just happened. My belly wasn’t howling anymore. Instead, I felt exhausted, my body humming and throbbing, still feeling their fingers and Nick’s mouth.

I’d only ever had my own fingers…and the urgent thrust as I came in the darkness of my own bedroom. But this. This was consuming. I pushed against a shelf to stand straight, then slowly stepped out, making my way out of the kitchen as the front door of the house opened and Tobias came in.

He took one look at me, then turned his head, catching the fading thud of his brother’s steps before Caleb’s bedroom door opened and closed. But he said nothing, just watched me with that seething anger that both wanted to hurt and consume me all at the same time, before I quietly hurried back to my room.

I flicked off my bedroom lights and climbed under the covers.

I had to be careful now…

And it wasn’t just Tobias I needed to watch out for…

It was all of them.

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