Memories of the Blue Moon (Lunar of the Moon - Chronicles - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Two: First Day, New Classes, New Boy

-Carson City, Nevada-

-Three Months Earlier-

Samantha Prescott stared at her new schedule for the year. She has fewer classes than the previous year, but they were all the same boring classes. Her brain worked too fast for these slow classes. She is always finished with a project before anyone else in the class.


Sammy looked up and smiled at the group of girls, who have been following her around, since the sixth grade. She didn’t particularly enjoy their company, but it was better than being alone.

“Hey girls.” Sammy greeted them as they caught up to her and started giving her kisses on the cheek.

“How was your summer?” Sarah Wallis asked as she looked at Sammy’s schedule in her hand.

The girl was pale, with dark blond hair and pink lips. She wore a shade darker of lipstick to emphasize the color and it made her look like a cherub.

“Grueling.” Sammy said with a sigh. “My parents made me go to a seminar with them.”

The girls laughed with understanding.

“Hey, did you hear there’s a new boy in school this year?” Tracy Parnell, one of the twins, asked as she batted her long eyelashes.

The twins were identical, in every way, from their wavy black hair to their blue eyes and long lashes, that touched their cheeks. They always dressed the same and most of the time, it was hard to tell them apart.

“A new boy? How can you tell?” Sammy asked as she looked at her. There were so many boys at their school, you could never see them all, and knowing there is a new one, was beyond possible, unless…

“I took a peek when I picked up my schedule.” Tracy said with a grin.

“Is he a hunk?” Kendra Berkley asked with excitement.

Kendra was always excited to get her hands on a new boy. Especially if he’s what she considers a hunk. She had long, straight red hair, and green eyes, that Sammy could swear could swallow your soul whole.

While the girls talked about how cute the new boy had to be, Sammy studied them. They were mostly snobs and could be very bitchy.

Sammy has tried to ignore most of their shenanigans. But it wasn’t always easy. She had had to pull the girls away from a nasty incident their first year of High School; when the twins had started picking on a girl, who couldn’t afford expensive clothes and wore hand me downs.

Sammy knows that they had only picked her to be their leader; because her parents are the richest in the city. Hell, the whole state of Nevada.

They had been labeled, The Circle, when they were in the seventh grade. You would always find the six of them together, somewhere on campus. They may not share all classes, but they always met up after each class. And always had lunch together.

Sammy looked up when Kendra asked her a question. “What was that?”

Kendra eyed her for a moment then repeated her question. “I asked, if you would like to walk to class now, we have the same homeroom.”

Sammy forced a smile. “Yeah, okay.”

Kendra smiled and waved to the other girls as they headed to homeroom.

“So, your parents made you go after all, huh?” Kendra asked as they walked to class.

Sammy sighed as she nodded.

“That must have sucked.” Kendra said with a shake of her head.

“Actually, it was a little fun. I met a boy…”

“Oh.” Kendra said with a squeal. “Do tell!”

Sammy couldn’t help it, she laughed. “It was nothing really. Just a cute boy whose parents had dragged him along too.”

Sammy sighed. Cute didn’t even come close to describing Boone Zimmer. Aside from his curious name, he was by far, the best-looking boy she has ever come across. He was more than cute, if she had to put it into words, she would say, hubba hubba. She mentally laughed as she shook her head. He would definitely be in Kendra’s hunk category.

He had short dark hair, eyes the color of spring. Greens and blues, that made her melt every time he looked at her and his body was that of a God.

She had seen him once when she had finally gotten away from her parents and gone to the beach. She had spotted him coming out of the ocean, his hair slicked back, water glistening off his broad chest.

He was tall, very tall, at least six-five. He had paused and looked at her for a moment, then had smiled and given her a small wave. That smile had made her almost jump to her feet and run to him, the urge to jump into his arms and kiss him, had almost been too much to ignore.

She has never wanted to kiss anyone before. Not even her ex-boyfriend, Pryce Marlow, the superstar quarterback of their High School. She had dated him for a couple of months, last year and ended it after she had found him, macking on some girl, behind the bleachers.

She and Boone had spent a few days together when they were forced to be with their parents. Though he had never introduced her to his parents, he had always hung out with Sammy and her parents. The day it was time to leave, she had almost cried when she had to say goodbye to her new friend. He had promised they would keep in touch, but she never heard from him again and that was over a month ago.

“From the look on your face, I would say he was more than cute.” Kendra said as they walked into the classroom.

Sammy tried to hide her blush. Kendra saw it and laughed as they took their seats.

The first three classes of the day seemed to drag on forever. When lunch finally came, Sammy was already mentally exhausted. The classes were so boring, it literally drained her. She has always known she was too smart for this school. But she didn’t want to go to a private school and be stuck in an all-girl school. Even if she didn’t want to date anyone, it didn’t mean she didn’t like to look.

“There he is.” Tracy said as she looked across the cafeteria.

“He is a hunk.” Kendra said, almost panting.

“Wow.” Nina Freedman whispered. The girl’s cheeks turned the brightest pink, as she stared at the new boy. Her auburn hair hung over her shoulders and her brown eyes twinkled with lust.

Sammy sighed as she turned in the direction they were looking and felt her heart stop beating. How was this possible?

“What’s his name?” Tisha asked her twin as she stared at the new boy.

“I think I heard someone call him Boone.” Tina said as she wiped drool from her mouth.

“Is that his first name or his last name?” Kendra asked as she watched the boy spot their table and walk towards them.

“He’s coming over here.” Nina said with a squeal.

“Of course, he is, all boys flock to me.” Kendra said as she patted her hair.

Sammy couldn’t talk, she couldn’t even move. Boone was here, at her school. But why? When he stopped at their table, she stared up into his green/blue eyes. They sparkled down at her when he smiled.

“Boone.” She breathed.

“Hello, girls.” Boone said in his deep baritone voice.

Yeah, he was no boy, he was pure man. She knew he was eighteen, they had discussed ages and birthdays one of the times they had talked, and the sound of his voice gave her goosebumps.

“Sammy.” He said as he looked at her.

She almost fell out of her chair. He remembers her. He had never contacted her; she had feared he had forgotten her.

“How, how…” She couldn’t talk. She took a deep breath and tried again. “How did you get here?”

He grinned as he pulled a chair from another table and straddled it at the end of their table.

“Parents moved here. Sorry, I couldn’t call you, we were packing and moving…”

“Did you know…”

“Nah.” He said as he shook his head. “I didn’t even know you were at this school; until I saw you when I walked into the cafeteria.” He said with his brilliant smile.

“Sammy?” The other girls asked as they stared at her and Boone, in shock.

Sammy cleared her throat as she looked at the other girls. “Sorry. Boone, this is the group of girls I told you about. That’s…”

“Tracy and Tisha.” Boone said as he nodded to the twins.

“He knows my name.” Tisha said as she swooned towards him.

“You talked about us?” Kendra asked as she looked at Sammy.

“There wasn’t much else to talk about.” Sammy said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“So, you’re the cute guy Sammy met over the summer.” Kendra said with a grin when she saw the pink spots on Sammy’s cheeks.

Boone laughed. “I guess I am.”

“I’m Kendra. What did she tell you about me?” Kendra asked as she batted her eyes.

Boone smiled at her. Sammy groaned inwardly. She hoped he didn’t tell them what she had actually told him, about the girls that band around her. That they’re shallow, and only care about themselves and…”

“You’re the flirt of the group.” He said with a grin.

Sammy covered her face with her hands.

Kendra looked at Sammy and grinned. “That’s an accurate description.” She said, then leaned in closer to Boone with a wink. “But I can do more than flirt.”

Oh, Lord. Sammy thought as she took in a deep breath and almost fell out of her seat when she smelt Boone’s amazing scent. He always smelled like a forest to her. Trees and leaves and wetness. Always made her want to lay her head on his chest and just breath him in.

Boone laughed and brought Sammy out of her thoughts.

“I’m Sarah.”

Sammy watched Sarah as she batted her eyes at Boone. Boone nodded to her with a smile, then looked at Nina.

“Then that makes you, Nina.”

Nina nodded shyly with a small smile. “What did Sammy say about me?” She asked as she looked down at the table.

“That you’re the shy one of the group.” Boone said, still smiling.

Nina’s cheeks turned a bright red as she continued to look at the table and didn’t say a word.

“So, what else did she say about us?” Tracy asked as she leaned her chin on her hand and stared at Boone.

“Just that you all have been friends since the sixth grade, and people call you, The Circle.” He said as he looked around the table at the six girls. When his eyes settled on Sammy, her heart skipped a beat.

“Is that all?” Tisha asked as she stared at Sammy.

“She may have also mentioned that you’re all rich and like to go shopping.” He said with a soft laugh.

The girls smiled at him and stared at his muscled body and gorgeous face. His cheekbones were high, and a single dimple could be seen occasionally when he smiled. Even with his clothes on, you could tell that he had large muscles.

The bell rang, making the girls groan with disappointment. They got to their feet and walked past Boone. Each girl brushed their hand across his shoulders, as they passed him. Boone stayed seated and turned his head to watch them leave. When Sammy started to stand, he took hold of her arm and pulled her back down into her seat.

“How are you doing?” He asked with a smile.

“Fine.” She lied as she stared at him.

“You don’t look it.” He said with a shake of his head. “Why do you hang with them, if they make you so miserable?”

She sighed as she covered her face with her hands. “It’s better than being alone and lonely.” She mumbled.

He sighed as he pulled her hands down from her face. “You are still lonely when you are with them.”

“Not as much as I am when I’m alone…” She stopped talking when his face came within inches of hers.

“You don’t have to be alone, you’re the kind of girl people would flock to, to be your friend. It’s those girls who are preventing that.” He whispered.

She felt his breath against her face and almost leaned in closer, his lips were so close, just one movement and they would be kissing.

“Time to get to class.” A teacher said, interrupting them.

Boone studied Sammy’s face for a moment before he jumped to his feet and left her sitting there.

Sammy took a shaky breath, then got to her feet and walked to her next class.

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