Mated to the Alpha King (A Royal’s Tale Book 1)

Mated to the Alpha King: Chapter 15

Mmm . . . This feels good!

A soft, content moan left my lips as I buried myself deeper in the comfort of my bed.

It felt strangely solid against my cheeks. I snuggled further in.

Smiling against the comforting hardness of my bed, I slowly opened my eyes, only to gasp and move back.

Bryce’s bright, fiery icy-blue eyes stared at me, his lips spread in a thin line. I frowned as I moved closer, then my fingers touched the corners of his lips and slowly but surely pulled them up into a smile.

What’s wrong with him?

While I frowned looking at him, I tilted an eyebrow up. He tilted his own eyebrow up in response, and I couldn’t help but smile. Bryce was really cute.

I should really brush before he decides to smack a smooch across my lips or something, I thought suddenly and rushed out of the bed, almost letting out a victory cry when I’d successfully gotten out and into the bathroom. Bryce had not pulled me back today. I frowned.

Should I take that as a good thing or bad?




After placing my brush back on its little stand, I wiped my face with a towel. I then sighed as I took a step towards the rack and hung the towel there. The gravity of the things kept rushing back. The funny thing was that although I looked calm and collected, on the inside I was freaking out. I couldn’t help but think of how I was going to handle this—how I was supposed to handle this.

I turned to the door and stared at it. Beyond it was a werewolf—not human, part wolf. Beyond it was a king, the werewolf king. I took a step back. This was not happening. This could not be happening!

“Dammit!” I growled, reaching up and pulling on my hair in frustration. How was I supposed to handle this? Could I even handle this? What would Cass or Marley do? I scoffed as I thought about what my two best friends would do.

Marley would probably faint. And Cass? Yeah, Cass would be all up for it. I could practically hear her saying, “Were sex! Dude! Imagine the sex!”

A shiver ran down my spine, and I immediately shook off the images that were starting to bloom in my mind. Not good, Thi. Not good!

I looked back at the door, and my shoulders slumped in surrender. It was heart over mind here . . . I suppose it always would be.

I mean, sure, he was a werewolf, and he was a king, but he was still the same guy I’d fallen for; he was still my boyfriend. And the fact that we were soul mates—that solidified things. Isn’t that what all girls want—solidification, a concrete guarantee that the boy they’re investing so much in is actually “the one”?

A smile produced itself on my lips, and I squared my shoulders. It was time to face the beast. I was his Beauty, he my Beast. My smile broadened.

After opening the bathroom door, I strode into the bedroom with a bright smile on but instantly stopped when I saw a brooding Bryce sitting on the edge of the bed, his shoulders slumping and his head hanging low. A frown slipped onto my expression.

“Bryce? Hey, you okay?” I mumbled softly as I reached him and sank down onto my knees to level myself with him. I then sank my fingers into his hair.

Bryce immediately shot up, his face now inches away from me. My breath hitched in my throat.

“What happened, babe?” I asked softly, trying to ignore the steely gaze he had managed to fix on me.

“How did you find out?”

Silence took over the room.

My breath hitched in my throat once again as I watched Bryce with wide eyes, frozen in my spot. He looked me straight in the eye as he waited for my answer.

I tried to come up with coherent words to throw his way but just cussed myself when I realized I could not think of a single way to peacefully admit that I knew . . . So I took the easy way out—well, at least for some time; I denied it.

“What? Know what?” I laughed shakily, cussing myself again for inadvertently picking the harder way. How could I tell him now?

Bryce stared at me, his gaze still steely, and I almost whimpered at the lack of warmth in his eyes.

Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar . . .

Shut up, I growled to myself.

Bryce’s eyes still seemed emotionless as he finally let out a small sigh and pulled me closer, his hands slipping around my waist. He hid his face against the crook of my neck, his warm lips touching my soft spot. I shivered as he then planted a kiss there before pulling away and walking towards the window.

He turned back to me. I frowned. Why is he avoiding eye contact?

“I have a bit of work to do. You’re not going to school today, so I’ll be back here in an hour, okay?”

I narrowed my eyes at the “not going to school today” bit but nodded anyway.

Why couldn’t I go to school? I had noticed that my wounds were gone—not the slightest trace of them, really. I realized that, that was the result of Bryce licking them last night. Then why couldn’t I go?

After noticing that Bryce was gone, I made a mental note to ask Matt more about this wolf thing at school as I marched right back into the bathroom to take a shower.

I was absolutely fine, and I didn’t see any need not to go to school, so I was going. Bryce and his overprotectiveness would have to take the back seat for a bit.




After putting on the lacey white long-sleeved crop top, I pulled all my hair to one side, deciding to leave it all naturally wavy. Quickly, I picked my backpack and thanked the heavens for not getting any homework yesterday. It was extremely rare to go a day without homework at Rosenberg High, and I was extremely thankful that yesterday had been one of those extremely rare days.

“Theia! Come back here, young lady! At least take this sandwich for a bite on the way?” Mom yelled as I rushed downstairs and towards the front door. I stilled, then with a blinding huge smile, turned to my dad, who was still seated on the tall island chair, gulping down his extra-strong black coffee. I scrunched up my nose as the strong smell of the coffee hit me. How he could drink that every morning was beyond me.

“Daddyyy,” I called out sweetly, walking towards him and clutching his shirt.

Dad let out a chuckle and got off the chair. “I know what you’re going to ask, so let’s go. I can drop you off on the way.”

Smiling brightly, I jumped into his arms and placed a sloppy kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, Dad! I love you so much!”

“Hey! I’m still here, you know!” Mom grumbled but giggled soon afterwards as I latched onto her and placed a kiss on her cheek as well. “Love you, Ma,” I mumbled softly in our hug.

“Alright, ladies. Theia, let’s go!” Dad had spoken before he kissed Mom on her lips, pulled away, and walked towards the front door.

I turned back and giggled at my mom’s dreamy expression before running after my dad. Those two really needed a second honeymoon trip.

My eyes widened as a light bulb lit up above my head. Now I knew what to get them for their anniversary, which was in four weeks.




By the time Dad drove into the school’s driveway, I had the hotels and other places picked out and the entire trip planned.

“Thanks, Dad,” I chirped as I turned to him, then placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

He chuckled as I moved out of the car. “No problem, hunny. Be back home by 7, alright?”

I laughed. “No problem!”

After waving at him, I turned around and walked towards the entrance of the school. Now, if only I could find Matthew.

“Where the hell is he?” I grumbled to myself as I marched through the hallway, glancing at his locker. It had been fifteen minutes and one round through the school, and Matthew was nowhere in sight.

I was still rounding through the corridors when the bell rang, and I groaned.

Maybe I will see him in class? I thought to console myself before moving towards homeroom.

Homeroom ended, and I found out Matthew was actually absent. While Marley could not help but gush over how adorable Keith was when he got mad, I, on the other hand, couldn’t help but wonder if he, too, was a werewolf.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind as we rounded towards English class.

“Oh, there’s Keith!” Marley whispered excitedly as we walked in, and I pushed her slightly towards him when he motioned her to sit beside him.

“You sure?” Marley whispered, turning to me.

I smiled. “Heck yes! Go on now!”

Marley let out a giggle as she pulled me in a hug. “I love you, Thi.”

“I know. I love myself too.” I winked.

She rolled her eyes and made her way to her boyfriend. In turn, I faced the rest of the class, hoping to find an empty seat, and only found one beside a familiar redhead sitting in a corner on the right side of the room. His head was down as he continued to doodle something in his book.

“Hi, Lionel,” I chirped happily as I took a seat beside him.

I witnessed with a frown how he stilled and shot his head up, his eyes widening in horror and regret.

Hmm. What’s he regretful about?

“You alright, mate?” I asked as I watched him fidget in his seat.

He gulped visibly and moved his head a bit in a nod before looking back at his book.

What’s up with him?

I sighed, shrugged, and picked out Hamlet, placing it neatly on the desk in front of me.




“If you could, would you save Polonius from his untimely death, Ms. Anderson?”

My head shot up from the play, and I frowned in confusion. What?

“He’s asking if you would save Polonius from dying,” someone whispered beside me, and I turned to a slightly less fidgety Lionel to smile in thanks.

I looked back at the waiting Mr. Phelps and answered, “No, I would not.”

Mr. Phelps’ lips quivered in amusement. “And why not, Ms. Anderson?”

“Polonius was a rat. He was disloyal and extremely corrupt. He didn’t even leave his daughter out of the mind games he devised against Hamlet. The man was vindictive without any reason, and sneaking behind the curtains to eavesdrop on what Hamlet had to say to his mother/auntie was uncalled for. When one does something they know may lead to damage, one should be ready to face the pain. Polonius did. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Mr. Phelps nodded his approval, his face lighting up with a warm smile. Just then, the bell rang, and Mr. Phelps started yelling about a three-page essay on whether Hamlet’s nature of thinking things through was of use or not.

After jotting down the assignment in my notebook, I shoved my stuff in my bag and turned to the door. I had sadly noticed that Lionel was the first to march out of the class when the bell rang. It hurt a bit. I considered him a friend. Anyway, I shrugged and smiled a little. Maybe he was having some personal issues.

Wearing my bag securely, I pushed past the chatting people as I walked out of the room.


“I’m sorry! Please don’t yell!” a desperate voice whimpered after I’d been pushed against a wall. Meanwhile, I couldn’t help but pant, slumping against the concrete, my palm over my breasts. I looked up and calmed down a little when my eyes locked on soft blue ones.

“Lionel! You scared me!” I gasped as I tried to regain control over my breathing.

Lionel’s cheeks turned pink, and he dropped his head to look down at his shoes.

I frowned and moved closer. “Hey, what’s up? You okay?”

Lionel lifted his head up to look at me and smiled. He nodded, but then sadness seeped into his eyes again. “I-i-it was me.”


I scrunched my eyebrows together as I considered what he actually meant. “I’m sorry; I’m not sure I quite understand,” I mumbled apologetically a moment later, smiling sadly at Lionel.

He gulped and nodded. I thought he would turn around and leave, but he continued, “I-it was me . . . yesterday.” Towards the end of his confession, his words broke, and he dropped his head again, his shoulders slumping.

I could only look at the grown boy standing in front of me and the dozen other students passing by, giving us weird looks.

The wolf was him, Theia! Lionel’s a were! He wanted you for dinner yesterday!

I moved a couple of steps back but stopped when Lionel looked up, and a tear slipped down his cheek. He was crying?

Of course he is crying, you idiot! Maybe he was out of control last night! You’re fine! And he is saying sorry! Cut him some slack! a bossy voice sounded from the back of my head, and I almost nodded in understanding. Lionel seemed sorry, and he was my friend. I walked towards him again and, pushing my hands between his torso and arms, pulled him in for a hug.

“It’s okay, alright?” I murmured soothingly as I rubbed his back.

Lionel slumped against me, his arms going around my shoulders, as he hugged me back.

“I’m so sorry, Theia. I-it was my f-first time. You see, I’m a late bloomer. That’s why e-everyone b-bullied me. They thought I would never . . .”

He couldn’t continue, and I didn’t force him. I only nodded as I continued rubbing his back soothingly, telling him that it was okay.

It was only when I heard a loud, almost-animalistic growl did I realize that everyone around us had gone quiet. Lionel let go quickly, and I moved back just in time to see a livid-looking Bryce storming towards us and a worried-looking Principal Williams beside him.

Bryce looked deadly; he looked like he wanted blood. I looked to Principal Williams for help but then realized that he was actually clearing the gawking students from our surroundings.

“Shit, man,” a geeky-looking junior blurted out behind me just as I heard a crunch of breaking bones. I shot my head towards a fallen Lionel holding his jaw and a raging Bryce readying his fist for another collision.

“Bryce! Let Lionel go! Bryce!” I screamed as I rushed towards him and grasped his raised arm, trying to pull him back.

Bryce snapped his head towards me and glared. “I told you to stay home!”

I whimpered but continued to pull him towards me. He needed to let Lionel go. “L-let him go!”

“P-please, Alpha . . .”

Both Bryce’s and my head shot towards the boy on the floor, who was still holding his jaw and wincing in pain.

Bryce only growled louder and attempted to pound him once again, but somehow I knew it would come, and just in time, I managed to fling my arms around Bryce and press myself against him. Immediately, almost reflexively, he bent and buried his face in the crook of my neck, and he visibly calmed a little.

I gave Lionel an apologetic look, and he shook his head, smiling a little. I motioned him to leave, and he nodded before getting up and taking a step towards freedom.

But then it all happened in a second; before I knew it, Bryce had Lionel’s neck in his grip, his back against the wall, and his feet nowhere near the floor. “Listen close, pup, she’s mine! Keep your claws away if you value your life. Next time, I will kill you. Understand?”

Lionel gulped visibly and nodded his head as much as he could. Bryce let him go and turned to me.

Oh shit.

I let out a shrill scream when Bryce flung me over his shoulder and proceeded to march towards the door, nodding at Principal Williams as he passed him.

“You’re in a lot of trouble, little Theia.”

“Let me go! I can walk, you know!”


“What! I said le— Hey! Where are you taking me!” I screamed as Bryce opened his Jeep’s door and dumped me in the front seat.

After banging the door shut, Bryce made his way to the driver’s seat and got in. After turning on the ignition, he then drove us out of the parking lot.

Meanwhile, all I could do was gawk at the dark-looking man sitting beside me, ignoring me, like I didn’t even exist.

“Are you going to tell me where we are going?”

I was met with silence.

“You know hitting Lionel was wrong, right? The poor guy didn’t even have a chance!”

I still got nothing.


After a long moment of more silence, I erupted: “Alexander Bryce Wilhem, I am talking to you!”

Once again, he gave me zilch.

“Fine! I won’t talk to you anymore either!”

Waiting for a reply seemed hopeless, so with a frustrated sigh, I slumped back in my seat and looked at the streetlights we were passing. It was only when we reached a spot where I could see the castle did I realize where we were heading: Dovelore Castle.

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