Mandy and the Tentacle Monster (Urf Oomons #1)

Mandy and the Tentacle Monster: Chapter 9

Second and I spent half a turn etching all the appliances Salhuteck rejected. It only occurred to me after we had finished that we could have etched only one appliance to gauge Salhiteck’s interest. We then could have etched the rest when we were sure the effort would yield profit. Hopefully, our efforts are met with favor and not for nothing.

Salhuteck has granted me an audience to show him our “artistically etched products.” When I commed him to suggest he return to peruse the recent enhancements, his answer was immediate. “You may join me at my home as my guest for the evening. Bring a sample. I am honored that you have attempted to artistically enhance these items for my consideration. I cannot guarantee that I will buy them, but I always appreciate and encourage artistic endeavors. Especially from a person such as yourself, from Homeworld 2.”

I thanked him and ended the com. It occurred to me that I should say something about who created the art and that it was not anybody from Homeworld 2. I dismissed this concern, deciding it was something I would inform him of if he honored our original deal.

I set down my shuttle in a designated area outside Salhuteck’s domicile. Then I started unloading a personal food generator. It is not a large or heavy appliance. It is compatible with the power grid on this world. So it was the ideal sample to lug around on a cart to Salhuteck’s property. I set down everything, positioning the generator on the cart and covering everything up with a cloth. I turned to notice a shiny metal path leading to the entrance. How very considerate of Salhuteck. He had this installed for me so that I would not have to deal with dry sand in the cups of my tentacles.

He had commed me to enter and proceed through the house to the large room in the back, so I do. I find that his house is full of people. At least 50 people are lounging about and chatting with each other. Most of them the same indigenous people as Salhuteck. The people native to this planet are bipedal, with long, very thick tails that taper to a pointy end. They are covered in tiny, sometimes brightly colored scales. They have no outer ears and their muzzle protrudes out quite a bit from their faces. I try not to stare at anybody too long. Salhuteck’s people are a lot more colorful than I had realized. Some are adorned with bright purple, orange, or teal scales. One is a bright pink from top to bottom.

Though I am trying not to stare because I know it is rude in most cultures, Salhuteck’s friends are making no such effort. As I enter each successive room, a hush falls and everyone gawks at me. I tell myself not to feel self-conscious. I am very alien to them, I do not believe anyone from Homeworld 2 has ever set a tentacle on this planet. Their curiosity is reasonable.

Finally, I make it to the back room, which is much larger than the other rooms I have moved through. There are long tables set up with food along one wall. Large cushions strewn about. There is a large rock in the center of the room that has been carved into some kind of…something. There is a hole in the top where there must be some kind of tubing or mechanism moving water through the rock statue. The water falls over the whole thing and into a dish carved into the bottom where there must be a drain. Huh. It must have some kind of artistic value to Salhuteck, but I do not understand what it is supposed to be. But if I ask about it, I may appear ignorant when it comes to art. I would not want that when I am here to trade something on its artistic merits.

“Third, my friend!” I follow Salhuteck’s voice and find him lounging among a group of people, all reclining on colorful cushions. “You honor my house with your presence. Thank you for accepting my invitation.”

I do a vague bow in his direction. “Thank you for inviting me, my friend.” As I lift my head I notice his pet. He has acquired an Urf Oomon. This one looks very much like my Tiny, but it is a male. I can tell this because he is naked and unlike homeworlders, his sex is external. It could be that wearing coverings is an idiosyncrasy unique to Tiny. This male is well-groomed, with his hair cropped short and his dark brown skin shines with some kind of oil. He is collared with a gold band around his throat attached to a leash whose handle rests in Salhuteck’s palm. It seems Salhuteck is worried his pet might run off or be stolen by one of his guests. I also see a translation device clipped into his ear. Huh. Why give a pet a translation device? And why not a permanent implant? Weird. Also, his mouth is gagged. To prevent biting?

“You may place your cart over there.” He waves his claws toward a corner. “Please help yourself to some food and drink.”

“If you do not mind, my friend, I will display it for you to look at while I peruse your buffet. I would like you to have time to consider and then we can talk business at your leisure.”

“As you wish.” He nods and waves his claw to the area in front of him and his pet.

I move the cart into place, setting the brakes, and lowering the deck. I remove the cloth and fold it up, stuffing it under the generator. I do another quick bow and head over to the buffet. No matter how difficult trading with Salhuteck can be, I have to compliment his food. Seared meat seasoned with local herbs, root vegetables simmered in a seasoned broth. Yum. We only have our industrial food replicator on our homeship. The only food programmed on it is fortified Fushweed noodles. It gets old after five spans.

I am spearing meat and vegetables onto a plate when the human starts chirping.”Saal lissen. Stahp et. Look, thesis oomon stoff.”

“Pretty one, I will have to secure your gag with a lock if you continue to act up. Have you not caused enough trouble today?” Salhuteck is stroking his claws through the oomon’s short hair speaking to him cajolingly. He is speaking to the Oomon as if he can be understood. What is going on?

“Saal stahp!” The pet chirps loudly pushing the gag away, “Thas oomon art. Fruhm uh oomon moovee. Whare deed ee ghet oomon stuhff?”

“Calm, sweet one. I will ask him if you behave yourself.” Salhuteck calls to me across the large room. “Third, who created this art? Was it an Earth Human like Shawn here?”

“Yes. It is Earth human art, as you say.” I’m glad to have this species in the translation matrix now. “I can tell you all about the artist. But first I need to know if you are buying these products, or are you asking out of curiosity?” sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I will buy all the products you have etched with this Earth Human art. I will pay our agreed upon price, plus 25% for the rights to reproduce this original art.” He has a very interested, sly look.

“An additional 50% for the art and labor that went into etching it. You may have the nontransferable right to copy it for your use only but the artist also retains rights.” I can tell by the wide toothy smile that spreads across his face that he would have paid much more.

“Deal.” He intones with glee, reaching out his arm for me to clasp in agreement.

“We have a pet human on our ship who decorated her nest and corridor with this art,” I explain.

“PEHT?!” Shawn screeches in his Earth Human speak. It’s a language, that is obvious now.

“Shawn, precious one, you need to wait quietly while I speak with Third.” He shakes his head, “Please forgive Shawn, I have only had him for 7 turns and he is not yet trained.”

“Fuhk yew Saal! Aye’m naht a fekkin Peht! Yew cahngoh fuhkyersef withat boolshet!” Shawn is very upset, his jaw tense, fists balled up at his side. His outburst causes Salhuteck to stand. He towers over Shawn’s small frame and yanking his leash close to intimidate. Speaking lowly to Shawn he makes it difficult to hear. So I only catch a few words, “Hear me……whatever you are…….guests in my home…..courtesy and respect. You will….Tonight…” He pulls the leash low, forcing Shawn to lower himself. “Now sit quietly or you will be removed from this gathering and I will allow Baherst to punish you however he likes.”

Shawn seems chastised. He resumes sitting at Salhuteck’s feet. I see him glance at another guest, a hulking person with deep blue scales who swishes his tail. He grins at the little human displaying much of his sharp, pointy teeth. Shawn’s deep brown complexion colors a subtle pink across his cheeks as he looks down and away. This blue person must be Baherst and it seems he would relish punishing Shawn if he was allowed.

I am lightheaded with the realization that Shawn and Tiny are sentient. I have been condescending to Tiny this whole time. Treating her like an animal as she has been working to communicate with me. I flashback to all the many times she would point to herself and chirp. And how she would point at different pictures or objects and try to make me understand her words. My color changes to a deep blue-purple combination of surprise and embarrassment. I have been forcing her to eat from my claws, submit to me bathing, grooming, and petting her. What must she think of me?

“So you have a female human on your ship?” Salhuteck interrupts my turmoiled thoughts. “I take it you did not realize that Humans are an uncontacted, sentient species. You were keeping one as a pet? Is that not against the laws of Homeworld two?” I open my mouth to answer, but he holds up a clawed hand, “Never mind, you do not have to answer these intrusive questions. Apologies.”

“Apologies are not necessary, friend.” I quickly soothe, “There is a human on our ship who I did not realize was sentient. I noticed that your translation matrix has been updated with their language. Might I download this update to my own matrix? I will fit her with a translator when I return to my ship, but it will not be very effective without her language.”

“Of course, anything to help. I will shuttle up to your ship tomorrow to retrieve the rest of my merchandise. Would you allow me to meet your human then? And Shawn would be most pleased to meet her as well.” His look is expectant, but I want to deny him. I do not want to grant him access to Tiny. But that is not fair, is it? She would be glad to converse with another Earth human.

“Yes, we can do that.” I do not feel good about it though.

As I finish my food, I see many of Salhuteck’s guests wander over to look at the food generator, exclaiming over the art. I hear more than one person make an appointment to visit his warehouse. They wish to buy a piece of “Human art” before it is made available in his store. They are willing to pay extra for the privilege. I ponder whether I have been taken advantage of? Was this a bad trade? Salhuteck might have paid more, but I also was paid more money than I expected. Thinking on it, it occurs to me that Tiny is the one who got a bad deal. She did not agree to sell her artwork, I did not know to ask her. She deserves to keep at least the 50% mark up that her art engendered. She deserves even more compensation. The whole deal would have fallen through if not for her.

After I am done eating, I update my translation matrix and check for any messages from my ship. Unfortunately, there was an unanticipated astral flare. First had to move the ship and I will not be able to board until early morning. I try and make myself comfortable in the shuttle. I will attempt to nap until morning, but my thoughts will not settle. Consumed with worry now that I know Tiny is a sentient person. What will she say to me when I fix her up with a translator? I hope she is not very angry with me. I was told she was a pet, so how was I to know any different?

I cannot return her to Urshteck. I did not want to anyway, but now that I know she is not a pet, he has no right to her. But I do not have any right to her either.

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