Lycan's Affection

Chapter Undeserving

Conaan stood there in silence for a long time, his hands clasped behind him, his eyes rather solemn. He felt a rush of mixed emotions as Eleanor suddenly squatted to the floor, her hands covering her face, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably.

He had done that to her, and while he could have left her, told her to go, shown some mercy, he was just as convinced, that he couldn't.

A woman like Eleanor, a delta like her needed a man by her side. A true wolf. Not an alpha who thought she was easy to give up. He knew that Alpha Alexander did not deserve her.

She lifted her head up, her hair falling in front of her, and she turned to the door, like she was expecting by some string of luck that Aloha Alexander would come back for her. She hadn't expected to be chosen, but it still broke her heart that their love meant nothing more than a peace treaty. Nothing More than to be the first alpha to be protected by the lycan king himself.

"You got left behind. Quite pitiful." His voice was a slow drawl and she lifted her eyes to him. With each inch she took to his face, her gaze hardened even more, till she was almost spitting fire.

"How could you do this when you promised to establish peace?" She asked, her voice low and venomous.

He shrugged, leaning slowly to her height. "I don't want to have to go over this again, Eleanor."

She nodded slowly, and without a prior warning, she grabbed the small knife he always kept in his cloak, the one he had retrieved from the wall he had thrown it into, then brought the sharp blade to her neck.

Conaan struggled to keep calm, but his hand said otherwise as he immediately grabbed her fist, stopping her from touching the skin of her neck.

"Why are you stopping me? You already told him you were going to kill me."

Conaan bit down on his lips as he pulled the knife, bringing it close to his chest, and along with it, her too. She was forcefully leaning close to him, his eyes boring into hers.

"He gave you to me. I get to do what I please."

Her grip on the knife loosened as she started to cry again. He gently removed the knife, then tossed it away from her. For a second, he sat there, watching her leaned close to him, her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted, exposing her tightly clenched teeth. He gave a small sigh, then stood up, away from her.

"It's best you start the dreadful journey of forgetting about him. I barely think he deserves you anyway."

"I don't care what you think! I hate you, you are a monster!"

Conaan laughed a little, nodding slowly. "Am I? I am the monster? Not the alpha who willingly left you behind when I gave him a choice? Ironic."

He turned away slowly before she could say a anything more, then walked out of the large chamber.

"Your highness. what do I do with her?" His closest assistant, Brandon said, with a small bow.

"Escort her to her room and ensure she is treated well."

Brandon nodded, as Conaan left to his chamber.

Eleanor sat on the floor, drawing her knees to herself. It was cold. That was the first problem. Lycans loved the cold. Werewolves could barely keep it in. And the pain was already too much. She couldn't help but wonder if alpha Alexander looked back. If he cared, if he thought of ways to come get her.

"Please come with me, miss." Brandon said suddenly, standing over her.

She raised her head to meet his eyes. "Where?"

"His highness has ordered for you to be taken care of."

She sniffed and slowly stood. "Why does he want to take care of me? He should kill me already! Like he promised! Don't be a coward and just kill me! Kill me, Conaan!"

Conaan closed his eyes, trying hard to block out her yells. But she wouldn't stop and as much as she did, it hurt him.

Conaan stepped out of the room his eyes cold. "Is that really what you want?"

Eleanor stopped talking, and turned to him as he slowly walked to her, waving Brandon away.

"Should I really kill you here and now? Because of a man who can't even protect you? Should I really? That is what you would choose for yourself?"

Eleanor swallowed, tears pooling her eyes. It wasn't a lie. Alpha Alexander could have as well remained adamant. Fought for her even if he would put himself in danger. But he had probably cared more about leaving there unscathed than having her back with him.

"Eleanor? Tell me. Should I?"

The words stopped in her throat and she felt her knees go weak, unable to carry her weight anymore. Conaan was right on time, however, and she fell right into his arms, her eyes closing. She passed out with a small huff mostly due to exhaustion and partly due to pain.

Without another word, Conaan leaned and put his hand under her knees, then carried her bridal style, her head turning to face him. He gave a small sigh, as he slowly made his way to the hallways and to a room he had kept specifically fir her.

It had a large fire to keep warm, and the windows were kept mostly locked. The sheets on the bed were big and fluffy, enough to keep her cozy all night.

Slowly, he leaned forward and gently dropped her on the bed, his eyes lingering for a while on her tear streaked face.

He gave a small sigh as he moved his hand to her cheek, then slowly wiped away the tears that stayed there. For a while, he just sat there, watching her, his eyes dark.

With a small, shaky breath, he stood, adjusting the blankets around her, then slowly went out of the room, closing the door behind him.

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