Love and War: Part Two (Shadows in the Dark Book 2)

Love and War: Part Two – Chapter 21

We all pile out as soon as Chevy backs into an alley. It’s a few blocks from the old factory about an hour outside of town that hasn’t been in operation in at least fifteen years. The several surrounding buildings make up an old rural town that eventually became nothing as most businesses migrated to more urban parts of the state. All it is now is a ghost town. It’s fallen off the grid of law enforcement. Places like this are mostly used as shelters for drug addicts. Too bad I didn’t find it first.

I open the back and grab one of the two bags, handing it to Chevy. “Everything you need is in the bag. Take the east side. There is an old fire-training tower with easy access to the top. Kill anything that moves. Lux can be your spotter. It’ll keep her safe.”

“I’m not doing that. I can go with Kaston,” she says, running her mouth; a thing I’ve realized women do best, especially her. Irrational thinking. Wanting to have the last say. Not concerned about the safety of anyone else.

I glance at her, pulling out the other bag. “It’s the logical way, but it’s your life. I am not going to argue.”

I extend the other bag toward Kaston. “You’re going, Lux,” he says. “End of discussion. Following orders was the deal for you to come.”


He combs his hands through her hair, tilting her head back, and then he kisses her. Not really the time or place. “Stop fucking arguing. That’s the most important job of any of us. You’re his eyes. You’re my protection. Watch my back, baby. Be my eyes.”

“Okay, fine.” I raise my brow at the soft tone of his voice. Apparently, my methods are more cut and dry. Delta listens just fine without all that serenading shit.

She runs to catch up to Chevy’s retreating form about twenty feet away. Kaston finally grabs the bag from me. “Not a fucking word. Women are a lot like weapons. They all operate about the same, but each one handles a little differently. With practice you find the best fit, the right alignment. She backfires if you force her.”

“Which is why she’s with you and not me. I don’t conform to the weapon; the weapon conforms to me. Take the north. They aren’t expecting us for two days. To them, it’s a waiting game. We take them by surprise, wipe them out, and get my girl. I’ll take the south side. Spare no one. They crossed me. They pay. That’s my only way. How you do it is up to you.”

I grab the final bag and pull it on my back before closing the door. We both walk down the alley until it’s time to split. He goes one way. I go the other. “Kross.”

I stop.

“Why is your bag so much smaller?”

I inhale, familiarizing myself with the scent in the air. “For me, this is personal. I’m harvesting body parts. I don’t need a gun for that.”

No, a knife will serve me just fine, and they come in many different shapes and sizes. They’re about to find out exactly what earned me my reputation.

Bones and blood—what I hunt.

I stand in the shadows, just off the service road away from the security light, watching the back entrance. Two cars ornament the empty lot. The faded wavy metal of the building is speckled with rust spots. I memorize my surroundings. There is only one light on at the farthest window to the right, second floor—likely a camping lantern or something similar.

I lay out the blueprint I dug up online in my head. I’d bet everything I own that’s where she is. One is guarding the door, always. If he walks away another falls into place, but for the last twenty minutes, it’s been just him and no other activity.

Suddenly that crow makes a lot of fucking sense. I read its sign wrong. Their presence always means something. I should have paid attention.

I close my eyes, preparing to kill. I remember the first promise I ever made to myself, before I took a life.

Life is a game.

Evil prevails. Those that spill blood win. Death is a loss.

Respect is to be fought for.

The battle is silencing the mind.

No one can be trusted.

Always look out for self.

Persevere until the job is done.

Souls of the innocent are to be left untouched.

Darkness only takes souls of the wicked.

And the most important part of all . . .

In the rare occurrence that you learn to love, or that someone loves you, protect her at all costs. Slaughter those that stand in the way.

They tried to take her from me; the only girl I’ve ever wanted. The first to love me for me, bloodstained hands and all. The craving comes alive. Adrenaline feeds my racing heart. Rage flows through my veins. First comes love, and then comes war.

I step out into the light and walk toward him when he turns to light a smoke. I draw my skinning knife from my boot, turning it in my hand as I approach. He looks up when my boot hits a piece of loose gravel. “Hey, aren’t you—”

I swing my arm out, gliding the blade of my knife across his trachea, silencing him. I grip his neck, blood pouring down the front, pushing him against the metal building as warm, thick liquid coats the inside of my hand. “Where the fuck is your boss?”

A gargling sound comes from his mouth. He reaches for his gun. I drive my knife into his hand until the tip hits bone. A panicked breath occurs. “Find a way to tell me or I’ll cut you ear to ear. He fucked with the wrong dealer.”

He cuts his eyes to his left, my right. “Second floor with the light? Blink once for yes, twice for no.” He blinks once. “He have my girl?” Another single blink. I retrieve my knife from his hand and shove him to the ground, coming up behind him. The sole of my boot plants at the middle of his back with force, sending him surging forward.

I squat behind him, pulling his shoulder length hair toward me to get the right angle. “Hell hath no fury like a man in love. Should have sat this one out,” I say, before slicing my knife from one jugular to the other, blood spurting with every heartbeat until his body lay lifeless on the ground.

I stand and wipe my knife on my jeans, my arms covered in his blood, before turning toward the closed door. One down, the rest to go. I’m coming for you motherfucker, head and all.

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